As “American Idol”Season 13 winds down, the last of the disappointed candidates heads home. (Bye-bye oft-abused Jessica Meuse and too-quiet Alex Preston, you were lucky to survive so long.) The 10-month gauntlet that started in Salt Lake City has been an arduous, sometimes superficial, review process filled with mixed messages and false hopes. In other words, it’s resembled a real-life job search.
随着第13季美国偶像的落幕,失望而归的候选人们也踏上了回家的路。(是时候和你们说再见了,Jessica Meuse和Alex Preston,你们能撑到今天很走运。)这盐湖城开始的为期10个月的较量非常艰辛,有时候肤浅的评论充斥着各种信息和不切实际的希望。换而言之,和现实生活中找工作有类似之处。
But take heart, dog! If in the words of “Idol” icon Randy Jackson, you’re “in it to win it!” you can overcome these five Idolesque pitfalls to emerge as the NEXT…
别灰心,朋友!如果能做到“偶像”Randy Jackson说的“加入它去赢得它”,你就能克服以下五种偶像式的陷阱。
The Best Advice Is the Worst, Unless It Isn’t
"AI" contestants must continually navigate between admonitions to “make the song your own,” and “Don’t mess with great arrangements.” Jennifer Lopez dissed front-runner Jena Irene’s melody change on Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance.” Yet after hearing Irene’s distinctive take on Elvis’ “I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You,” Lopez walked up and kissed the contestant. What to do with such, er, consistent feedback? “Stay in your lane,” as EVERY “Idol” judge has counseled. Or make the song your own!
美国偶像参赛者们必须不停地游走于各种建议之间,有的建议“把歌曲变成自己独有的”有的建议“不要破坏原本很棒的歌曲安排。”Jennifer Lopez批评参赛优胜者Jena Irene对Lady Gaga歌曲“Bad Romance ”曲调的更改。但当她再次听到Jennifer标新立异翻唱猫王歌曲“I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You”之后,上台亲吻Jennifer表示高度赞扬。这样“一致的”评价让参赛者如何是好?“保持歌曲自己风格”这是每个“偶像”评委所建议的。要不然就把歌曲变成自创的。
Jobseekers understand this cycle of confusion and contradiction. “Get creative with your resume,” some experts will tell you, even as many job application portals are keyword-based. Script your answers to potential questions ahead of time – except when job interviewers decide to test how you perform on the fly. Read enough advice, and every strategy is both a best practice and the fast track back to your sofa. Worst yet, what works with one interviewer may not impress another.
How you get around it? Do your homework. Learn about the company, its core business and its hiring process. Sites like Glassdoor can help. The better informed you are, the better prepared for questions you’ll be, and the more comfortable you’ll be answering.
You Can’t Just Think You’re Great
In 2013, an estimated 8,000 contestants showed up at the Detroit auditions alone. They all thought they had a shot at the crown. You know what those 8,000 had a better shot at? Being forgotten. Just two Detroit contestants made it to the top 13, and one of them already has been eliminated (sorry, Malaya).
Job applicants aren’t much different. You’re totally awesome. Look how awesome you are! Your resume is peppered with superlatives. You’d be a star for whoever hires you. That’s what most people think, anyway. But that’s also not really the case. A 2013 study by The Career Advisory Board reported that 72 percent of all jobseekers are convinced they know how to present themselves to potential employers, but the same study says “just 15 percent of hiring managers say nearly all or most jobseekers” have what they’re looking for.
求职者也差不多。你很棒。看看你有多么优秀!你的简历中使用的都是最高级。你简直就是雇主的掌上明珠。不管如何,这就是大多人的想法。但是这却不是那么一回事。2013年研究调查机构The Career Advisory Board报告指出72%求职者确信自己知道如何在潜在雇佣者面前展示自己,但是研究结论还显示雇佣者认为只有15%的求职者满足他们的条件。
How you get around it? Get over yourself and on top of your actuals. Show the interviewer how you can help the company, citing specific examples from your work history. Lean on your resume and experience, not your total awesomeness. Oh, and drop the empty adjectives from your resume. State your accomplishments and results plainly, and let the work, like a powerful song lyric, speak for itself.
When Looking Good is Better Than Being Good
On “Idol,” simply singing isn’t enough, and it may not even matter so much if you look like a superstar. Just ask Season 4’s Constantine Maroulis (he of the rock-god charisma), Season 5’s Ace Young (the movie star looks) or Season 13’s Sam Woolf (so boyishly cute), whose looks more than lungs got them well into the top 10. The same is true in job interviews. Your off-point answers are the interview equivalent of that pitchy “Idol” wannabe, but good news! Only 7 percent of hiring bosses place much emphasis on what you say, while 55 percent say the biggest impact is on what you’re wearing and how you carry yourself. That’s superficial, depressing and completely true.
在“偶像”节目中,如果看起来不具备明星气质的话,仅仅靠唱歌是不够的。看看几个例子,第四季中Constantine Maroulis(拥有摇滚巨星气质),第五季的Ace Young(具有电影明星相)或者第13季的Sam Woolf(小鲜肉),他们进入前十名其中外表起到了比歌声更重要的作用。你面试中的小瑕疵就好比“偶像”节目里唱跑调的歌手,不过好消息是,只有7%的老板会在意你的回答,有55%的老板说影响最大的是你的穿着和如何表达自己。这听起来虽然肤浅,令人沮丧,但却是现实。
How you get around it? Ask about attire before the interview, and dress one notch above that standard, but don’t sacrifice comfort. If you feel stiff or uncomfortable, you’ll come across that way. You should look and feel good before walking out the door.
All About the Judges (or Interviewers)
“Idol” has always been as much about the judges (sometimes more so) as the singers. See: Simon Cowell’s empty abuse to perpetuate a shtick; Jennifer Lopez’s lip-synced self-promotional mid-show performances; Harry Connick, Jr., feeding Lopez a giant gummy bear; instead of reviewing a performance. Judges use the show to push their own interests and ego, distracting from the matter at hand at the cost of legitimate critique. Like a desperate “Idol” contestant awaiting judgment, jobseekers may find themselves nervously twittering as hiring managers yammer on about their work, rather than the work you’re looking to do.
“偶像”节目主要关注评委(有时被关注更多)和歌手。比如:Simon Cowell的一些搞笑无稽之谈;Jennier Lopez在节目中的假唱来展现自己;Harry Connick,Jr.,给Lopez喂巨大的gummy bear软糖;而不是评价一个节目。评委通过节目展现自己的兴趣所在和魅力而忽视了手头要评论的节目。好比一个急于获得评委评分的“偶像”候选人,工作面试者可能会发现自己紧张地做着汇报而面试官却在抱怨自己的工作而不是介绍你要寻求的工作。
How you get around it? If you can’t get a word in edgewise, interrupt by not saying anything at all. Just lean in. Your body language should help get your point across. If the interviewer does decide to take a breath, take the opening with a graceful interjection, and point back to an aspect of your resume that aligns with the job description. Guide them to respond to what you’re saying, rather than what they’re saying.
The Jennifer Hudson Effect
Jennifer Hudson效应
Sometimes, being the best candidate simply doesn’t matter; they might not hire you anyway. This is the Jennifer Hudson Effect. In “Idol” Season 3, America gave Hudson the heave-ho on the “top 7” show. The folks who finished ahead of her included winner Fantasia Barrino and a bunch of other people you’ve forgotten. The loss hurt Hudson’s career so badly, she’s done nothing of note except earn an Academy Award, a Grammy and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. In the corporate world, hiring managers make mistakes all the time. As a result, you could be Hudsoned. But! You could also be Hudsoned, and experience all the success in the world somewhere else.
有时候,就算是一位最佳候选人也没什么用,评委也不一定会选择你。这就是Jennifer Hudson效应。在“偶像”节目第三集中,Hudson在“顶尖7人”节目中被淘汰。在她之前的包括获胜者Fantasia Barrino和许多你已经忘记的选手。Hudson的损失惨重,她除了获得奥斯卡金像奖,格莱美和好莱坞星光大道位置以外没有做出引人注目的成就。在公司圈里,雇用经理总是会犯各种错误。结果就是你和Hudson下场一样。不过你可以和Hudson一样,获得其他领域的成功。
How you get around it? Don’t let someone’s “no” discourage you. Keep putting yourself out there. That rejection might end up being the best thing that ever happened to you.
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