Some take it seriously. Some bid it farewell just after the clock strikes twelve. Some call it a Second Chance to Dream with Eyes Open. New Year Resolution — no one can deny having made some.
People change with time, so do their aspirations. Seriously taken, Happy New Year Resolution is an opportunity to gauge our goals. For the adventurous souls, it is the opportunity to tickle a funny bone or to try something bold.
Here are ten amazing New Year Resolution 2016 ideas. Some are simple, some are exotic – but each is unique in its own way – there is surely a one that would appeal to you!
1. Fit in Fitness – Secure a future with fewer trips to the doctor – exercise. Select a regime you can stick to. A group activity may add the element of fun to the routine. Lose some flab. But don’t set any strict target, for then the chances are you may get de-motivated and quit.
1. 保持健康。为了以后少去看医生,运动吧,选一个你能坚持下去的养生方法。结伴实行计划会让过程变得有趣起来。然后甩掉赘肉吧。不过不要定严格的目标,因为那样很可能打消你的积极性,然后你就放弃了。
2. Adopt a Pet – The devotion, love and loyalty of a pet can never be matched. Feel the bliss by giving one a home.
2. 领养一只宠物。宠物的心里只有你,它对你的爱与忠诚是无与伦比的。领养一只宠物,给它一个家,它会让你感到幸福的。
3. Pep up your habitat – Beautifying where you live is the easiest way to beautify your life with a feel good factor.
3. 装点一下你的住处。把你住的地方弄得漂亮一点,你的心情也会变好,这是让生活变美最简单的方法了。
4. Step up or Step Down Social Media Activity – If you have been out of touch with your pals and peers, social media would help you get back to the grove. But if your virtual life is affecting your personal life, it is time you remedied that.
4. 增加或减少社交媒体的使用。如果你有一段时间没有跟朋友们、同龄人联系了,那么社交媒体能够帮助你回到朋友圈子里。不过如果你的线上生活已经影响到你的个人生活了,那就是时候想办法补救了。
5. From Vocation to Profession – When your hobby becomes your profession it not only brings in money but also makes working a fun experience.
5. 把喜爱的工作变成职业。当你的爱好变成了你的职业时,它不仅会给你带来金钱,还会把工作变成一件趣事。
6. Learn Language – Language skills are always an added plus.
6. 学外语。外语技能向来可以提升个人价值。
7. Be sincere about punctuality and commitments – This is a resolution, if followed, would help you succeed in life and be respected too.
7. 做一个守时、负责的人。如果你有这样做的决心,你在生活中会更容易取得成功,同时也会受到尊敬。
8. Overcome a fear or mental block – This will make you feel liberated – it will free your mind of shackles.
8. 克服一种恐惧,或者解开一个心结。这会让你感到解放,解开你内心的枷锁。
9. Fun With Family – Bonding with the family will add a treasure trove of memories for you to cherish all your life.
9. 和家人开心地玩。亲情会给你留下珍贵的回忆,这些回忆你会珍藏一辈子的。
10. Snooze away to Slumber-Land – Catch up on the sleep you lost and see a beautiful glow back on you – bid farewell to those dark circles for good!
10. 没事就躺在床上休息。好好补眠,你就会重新容光焕发。为了健康着想,再也不要当夜猫子了!
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