U.S. President Barack Obama's re-election gives Asian leaders greater certainty that Washington will press ahead with its drive to step up a military and diplomatic pivot toward the region -- a move that requires careful management of its relationship with rising regional power China.
美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)成功连任让亚洲国家领导人更加确定,华盛顿将继续推进其加快将军事和外交重心朝亚洲转移的战略。这一战略需要美国小心处理其与不断崛起的区域大国中国的关系。
But the administration may need to work to bolster ties with Beijing after a bruising political campaign that made China a central issue. Both sides will also contend with new faces at the other side of the table following the expected retirement of senior U.S. and Chinese officials.
The Obama administration has invested much of its diplomatic capital in rebuilding its ties to the region over the last couple of years after a decade focused on the Middle East and Afghanistan. It has angered China by supporting calls among many Southeast Asian nations for a multilateral solution to competing territorial claims to the South China Sea, a potentially resource-rich area that is claimed in its entirety by China.
过去几年奥巴马政府将大量外交资本投入于重建美国同亚洲的联系上来。此前10年美国的外交政策重心则放在中东和阿富汗问题上。由于美国支持多个东南亚国家在南中国海(South China Sea, 中国称南海)领土争端问题上寻求多边解决方案的呼声,这一做法已经惹怒了中国。南中国海可能是一片资源非常丰富的水域,中国声称拥有这片水域的全部主权。
It has also pledged to extend its missile defense systems to guard against potential actions from North Korea, has pressed forward with improved relations with Myanmar and has said it will put 2,500 Marines on Australia's north coast -- all moves that have prompted concern from Beijing.
Chinese officials on Wednesday joined other regional leaders in congratulating Mr. Obama's victory over Republican challenger Mitt Romney. Chinese President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao congratulated Mr. Obama, according China Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei, while Vice President Xi Jinping congratulated U.S. Vice President Joe Biden. Mr. Xi is widely expected to succeed Mr. Hu as chief of the Chinese Communist Party at the end of a weeklong party gathering that begins Thursday, then succeed him as president next year.
周三,中国领导人同本地区其它国家领导人一样对奥巴马战胜共和党总统候选人罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)成功连任表示祝贺。中国外交部发言人洪磊表示,中国国家主席胡锦涛和国务院总理温家宝分别对奥巴马表示祝贺,中国国家副主席习近平则对美国副总统拜登(Joe Biden)表示祝贺。普遍预计周四开幕的中共十八大一周后闭幕时习近平将接替胡锦涛成为中共中央总书记,明年再接替胡锦涛成为中国国家主席。
'China is willing to work together with the U.S. to focus on the future, to continue its efforts to promote the Sino-U.S. partnership to achieve new and greater development, and to better benefit the two peoples and the people of the world,' Mr. Hong said.
Officials in Japan, South Korea, India, Thailand and other nations also offered their congratulations, with an aide to Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono saying he hoped it would lead to stronger ties between the two countries. Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said he viewed Mr. Obama's re-election as an opportunity to improve the U.S.'s relations with the Muslim world. 'My hope is that President Obama will continue in his efforts to foster understanding and respect between the United States and Muslims around the world,' he said.
日本、韩国、印度、泰国和其它国家的领导人也向奥巴马表示祝贺,印尼总统苏西洛(Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono)的一位幕僚说,苏西洛希望奥巴马成功连任能够加深两国间的联系。马来西亚总理纳吉布(Najib Razak)说,他将奥巴马成功连任视作改善美国同穆斯林世界关系的一个机会。纳吉布说,我希望奥巴马总统将继续努力促进美国和世界各地的穆斯林之间的理解和尊重。
Mr. Obama's victory was also greeted warmly by investors, who sent most Asian stock markets modestly higher.
Mr. Obama took a tough rhetorical line with China during the campaign to blunt criticism from Mr. Romney, who vowed to formally accuse China of manipulating its currency to benefit its exporters at the expense of U.S. manufacturers. During a debate last month with Mr. Romney, Mr. Obama said for the first time that his administration's increasing military focus on Asia was a response to China's growing might, contradicting the administration's assurances to Beijing. The administration also has pressed China in trade disputes before the World Trade Organization.
大选期间,奥巴马在中国问题上措辞强硬,试图以此回应罗姆尼的尖锐批评。罗姆尼曾誓言将正式指控中国操纵汇率让中国出口企业受益,但牺牲的却是美国制造企业的利益。上个月在同罗姆尼进行辩论时,奥巴马首次表明,他领导的政府之所以在军事上日益关注亚洲,主要是为了回应中国不断增强的实力。这一说法有违奥巴马政府此前对北京做出的承诺。奥巴马政府同时在世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization)就贸易争端向中国施压。
Still, China experts said Mr. Obama's victory will likely be positive for the relationship. 'Mr. Obama is the lesser of two evils,' said Shi Yinhong, an expert on U.S.-China relations at Renmin University in Beijing.
'The rivalry will remain between the U.S. and China, but Obama offers a much more moderate approach to China,' Mr. Shi added.
Negotiations between the two will increasingly be handled by different players. On the U.S. side, U.S. Treasury Timothy Geithner, who has long experience in China, plans to step down, while U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is also widely expected to resign. 'The Chinese like to feel they have special access,' said Orville Schell, director of the Arthur Ross Center on China-U.S. Relations at the Asia Society in New York. 'That's the danger for Obama with Hillary going.'
双方的谈判将越来越多地交给新面孔。在美国这边,拥有长期对华经验的财政部长盖特纳(Timothy Geithner)计划辞任,同时人们普遍预计国务卿克林顿(Hillary Clinton)也会离职。纽约亚洲协会(Asia Society)罗斯美中关系中心(Arthur Ross Center on China-U.S. Relations)主任夏伟(Orville Schell)说,中国人喜欢自己享有特殊渠道的感觉,这是希拉里走后奥巴马将面临的危险。
The resignations have sparked concerns among some U.S. allies as well. 'Mrs. Clinton has taken a hard-line stance against China in some ways and maintained a decisive attitude,' said Akihisa Nagashima, Japan's deputy defense minister, who has served as a bridge between Washington and the ruling Democratic Party of Japan. 'If the next state secretary is someone who prefers a softer approach to China, Japan could face a rough time, despite our bilateral security agreement.'
他们的辞职同样也引起一些美国盟友的担心。曾在华盛顿和日本民主党之间起到桥梁作用的日本防卫副大臣长岛昭久(Akihisa Nagashima)说,克林顿在某些方面对中国采取了强硬立场,并维持了一种果决的态度;尽管日美之间有双边安保条约,但如果下一任国务卿倾向于对中国采取更软弱的立场,那么日本就有可能面临一段艰难时期。
On the China side, Wang Qishan─China's point person on a number of strategic and economic issues─is widely expected to get a promotion to the Politburo Standing Committee, China's top ruling body, during China's leadership change. Dai Bingguo, China's state councilor and a top foreign policy figure, is expected to retire.
Still, Barclays Capital analyst Huang Yiping said deepened economic ties will give the new personnel on both sides little reason to rock the boat. 'If you have new leaders in charge of economic affairs, they'll have to spend time getting to know each other,' Mr. Huang said. But 'we are in for a period of mutual accommodation; no one wants to damage the economic relationship.'
但巴克莱资本(Barclays Capital)分析师黄益平说,由于中美经济关系的深化,双方新人都没有理由惹是生非。他说,如果让新的领导人掌管经济事务,他们得花时间去了解对方;但我们即将迎来一段相互适应的时期,没人希望损及经济关系。
Mr. Obama's victory was greeted with relief by some in South Korea, who worried that Mr. Romney could inflame the situation with North Korea by taking a tougher rhetorical stance than South Korean officials.
'How to deal with North Korea has always been a crucial part of the South Korean-U.S. relationship, and Mr. Obama should be easier than Mr. Romney for Seoul's new government to get along with,' said Kim Hyun-wook, a professor at Seoul's state-run Korea National Diplomatic Academy.
韩国国立外交院(Korea National Diplomatic Academy)教授Kim Hyun-wook说,怎样跟朝鲜打交道一直是韩美关系的关键部分,对于韩国新政府来说,奥巴马应该比罗姆尼更好相处。
On another front, the Obama administration is sure to continue to push for the creation of Trans-Pacific Partnership, a U.S.-Pacific nation trade pact that pointedly excludes China. Talks could slow while the U.S. looks for a replacement for U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk, who plans to step down. But Japanese officials hope Obama administration can discuss the treaty with less worry about reaction from Congress and Mr. Obama's union supporters.
在另一条战线上,奥巴马政府肯定会继续推进泛太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协议(Trans-Pacific Partnership,简称: TPP)的形成。这是美国与太平洋国家之间的一份贸易协定,特别把中国排除在外。美国贸易代表柯克(Ron Kirk)打算辞职,在美国寻找替代人选之际,协定的谈判进度可能会慢下来。但日本官员希望奥巴马政府在讨论协议的时候不要太担心国会和奥巴马工会支持者的反应。
'The TPP piece of the puzzle is critical for us,' said Sheila Smith, Washington-based senior fellow for Japan studies at the Council on Foreign Relations. 'We can't just talk about the micro issues of our military relationship. We have to have a vibrant economic relationship.'
外交关系协会(Council on Foreign Relations)驻华盛顿日本学高级研究员史密斯(Sheila Smith)说,TPP这个难题对我们而言是至关重要的,我们不能只谈军事关系的微观问题,我们还得建立充满活力的经济关系。
The administration has another potential area for improvement in India, say some businesspeople there who worry it could be hostile toward outsourcing of technology jobs given concerns over U.S. job growth. Mr. Obama's victory is 'not the best news for India or the IT outsourcing industry,' said Phaneesh Murthy, the chief executive of iGate Corp., a U.S.-listed IT company that has most of its offices in India. He added that the local technology industry will be closely watching if the 'election rhetoric' continues into 2013.
印度一些商人说,奥巴马政府在印度也有一个可以改进的领域。这些商人担心,考虑到奥巴马政府对于美国就业增长的关切,它对科技工作的外包可能会采取敌视态度。美国上市公司iGate Corp的大部分办事机构都在印度,其首席执行长穆尔蒂(Phaneesh Murthy)说,对于印度或IT外包业来说,奥巴马获胜不是最好的消息。他还说,印度的科技产业将密切关注“选举言论会不会一直持续到2013年。
The U.S. in the past few years has tightened its visa policies and increased the fees on visas used by software companies to send their employees to the U.S. to work on projects.
Meanwhile, Mr. Obama's win was welcomed with undisguised enthusiasm in a country where Washington was, until recently, viewed as an enemy: Myanmar. Zaw Htay, an official in the office of Myanmar's President Thein Sein, used his Facebook FB -3.31%page to offer his support. 'Congratulations !!!' Mr. Zaw Htay wrote. 'Now, he can move forward.'
与此同时,在一个曾将华盛顿视为敌人的国家,奥巴马的获胜受到了不遗余力的欢迎。缅甸总统吴登盛(Thein Sein)办公室的官员Zaw Htay通过他的Facebook页面表示了支持。Zaw Htay写道,祝贺!!!现在奥巴马可以前进了。
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