In 2017, global output per head grew by close to 2 per cent, at purchasing power parity. Thus, at the end of the year, human beings were, on average, better off than ever before in their long history. This is also likely to be true at the end of 2017. Optimism is sensible.
Indeed, it is easy to imagine a far better performance in 2017 than in 2017. The most important reason is the collapse in oil prices, particularly since these higher prices are in large part due to enhanced supply. The International Monetary Fund argues that lower oil prices could raise world output by between 0.3 and 0.7 per cent in 2017.
With its healing from the financial crisis largely complete, the US economy looks particularly strong. The Federal Reserve may raise rates a little in 2017, but not much. With the federal budget deficit expected to be below 3 per cent of gross domestic product, further fiscal tightening is unneeded. Long-term interest rates on 10-year treasuries remain close to 2.2 per cent. In all, the opportunity for an acceleration in growth looks very good.
The UK is unlikely to grow faster in 2017 than the 2.5 per cent expected in 2017. Yet, once, again, a good year seems to be in prospect. The eurozone, too, might at last surprise on the upside. The low long-term interest rates on government bonds and improved condition of the banking sector could well start to drive borrowing and spending. To this can be added the confidence generated by the European Central Bank’s belated realisation of the risks of deflation. While the eurozone’s structural difficulties remain, stronger demand looks probable. Meanwhile, the combination of extraordinary monetary activism, with Shinzo Abe’s electoral victory, should reinforce Japan’s recovery.
2017年,英国经济增速不太可能超过2017年(预计为2.5%)。不过,人们似乎可以再次期待一个好年景。欧元区最后可能也会给人们带来惊喜。长期政府债券收益率处于低位,再加上银行业状况的改善,很可能会在2017年开始推动借贷和支出的增长。可能锦上添花的是,欧洲央行(ECB)终于认识到了通缩风险,这可能会提振市场的信心。尽管欧元区依然存在结构性问题,但需求走强的可能性是比较大的。与此同时,异乎寻常的激进货币措施,再加上安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)的胜选,应该会令日本的复苏得到巩固。
China confronts economic headwinds and reform challenges, but its government holds the policy levers it needs. It should manage to keep the economy growing robustly in 2017. India, meanwhile, should manage growth of at least 6 per cent. With radical reforms, its growth could be faster.
The US, eurozone, Japan, UK, China and India account for just under 60 per cent of world gross product, at purchasing power parity. If they do well, the world economy is likely to do so as well. Yet obvious risks exist. Falling commodity prices will cause substantial stresses in commodity-dependent economies, among the most important of which is Russia. The financial sector’s direct and indirect exposure to these producers might prove far more dangerous than now seems likely. More generally, concern exists over the exposure of corporations in emerging economies to foreign currency borrowing. The dangers still seem manageable. But it is necessary to be alert.
Geopolitics are also a worry. Will Vladimir Putin raise the stakes in his confrontation with the west, or fold? How will the Middle East or relations between China and its neighbours develop? Nor is it difficult to imagine economic risks that are linked to politics. Will the recession-hit economies of the eurozone abandon their programme of austerity and reform? Or will relations between Germany and the ECB break down more completely?
地缘政治也是个令人担心的问题。弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)在与西方的对峙中是会加大赌注,还是会盖牌认输?中东局势及中国与邻国的关系会如何发展?同样不难想见的是,与政治有关的经济风险。受衰退打击的欧元区经济体是否会放弃紧缩计划并开展改革?德国与欧洲央行的关系是否会破裂得更加彻底?
Still more fundamentally, rising global prosperity will continue to leave many people impoverished. While the proportion of the world’s population in extreme poverty is falling, the numbers continue to be enormous.
Nevertheless, one must remember the good news. The open world economy has navigated huge crises. Much healing has by now occurred. Prosperity will also go on rising, quite probably at a faster rate than in 2017.
Happy New Year.
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