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发布时间:2019-09-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编

The Real-Life Hoverboard


The hoverboard—a type of skateboard that levitates like a magic carpet—had been a pipe dream since its fictional debut in 1989’s Back to the Future Part II. Now California-based tech firm Hendo has built the real thing.


Hendo’s hoverboard can float only an inch or so above the ground, and even then only over conductive material like copper or aluminum.


But the technology that powers it could be revolutionary. Using the $450,000-plus it raised on Kickstarter, Hendo founders Jill and Greg Henderson plan to develop magnetic “hovering” tech to stabilize buildings during earthquakes, protect valuable works of art and more. “The hoverboard is the first step to bringing this technology to the world,” says Greg.


The Supersmart Spacecraft


Nobody gets Mars right on the first try. The U.S. didn’t, Russia didn’t, the Europeans didn’t. But on Sept. 24, India did. That’s when the Mangalyaan (Mars craft in Hindi) went into orbit around the Red Planet, a technological feat no other Asian nation has yet achieved. Building the craft cost India just $74 million. At that price, the Mangalyaan is equipped with just five onboard instruments that allow it to do simple tasks like measure Martian methane and surface composition. More important, however, it allows India to flex its interplanetary muscles, which portends great things for the country’s space program—and for science in general.


A Reactor that Could Realize Nuclear Fusion


In October, Lockheed Martin said it had achieved a technological breakthrough that will enable it to make compact fusion reactors small enough to fit on the back of a truck within a decade. The design uses “magnetic mirror confinement” to control the reaction. If Lockheed really can produce a workable fusion reactor, the world of energy may never be the same.


Wireless Electricity


We already have wireless Internet and wireless phones. Why, then, are everyday appliances still shackled to the wall? To be sure, there are a few power-mat chargers for small gadgets like phones. But WiTricity, based in Watertown, Mass., is thinking big. Its technology—involving a plug-in coil that creates a magnetic field, which in turn powers objects as far away as 8 ft. (2.4 m)—has been tested on Toyota electric cars (with charging mats), Intel PCs (with charging pads) and more. Within 10 years, says CEO Alex Gruzen, rooms could be wired so that all appliances—lamps, TVs, stereos—pull power from a central charging base.


3-D-Printed Everything


A machine that can build any object. It sounds like a sci-fi fantasy, but thanks to the rise of 3-D printers—devices that can build objects from digital blueprints, usually by layering plastic or other materials—it is rapidly becoming reality.


That’s a boon for consumers and corporations alike. In the past year alone, middle-school students have 3-D-printed stock cars for physics lessons, scientists have 3-D-printed tissues for human organs, and GE has used 3-D printing to improve the efficiency of its jet engines. “This is one of those technologies that literally touches everything we do,” says Avi Reichental, CEO of 3D Systems, whose 3-D printers produce candy (as shown above) and musical instruments, among other objects.

无论是对消费者还是对企业而言,3D打印机都是一种福利。在过去的一年时间里,中学生用它打印了物理课要用的小汽车,科学家们用它打印了病人所需的器官组织,通用汽车公司用它提升了发动机的效率。3D Systems公司的CEO阿维称:“这是一项能够让我们获得任何东西的技术。”该公司的打印机曾打印出糖果(如图所示)、乐器等物品。

Watches that Redefine Smart

6.苹果Apple Watch

Most smart watches have proved to be anything but: they try to shrink down the experience of using a cell phone, with clunky results. Apple’s Watch, by contrast, wholly reimagines the computer for the wrist, using a novel interface that combines a touchscreen and physical buttons. Besides telling time, the Watch can send messages, give directions, track fitness and make wireless payments. It’s also an attractive piece of fashion, with high-end Edition models that feature 18-karat gold.

许多智能手表都只是将智能手机的屏幕压缩到了手表的大小,触控和操作都很难精准。而苹果公司的这款Apple Watch对智能手表进行了重新思考,采用了触摸屏和物理按钮相结合的全新界面。除了报时,这款手表还可以发信息、导航、追踪管理健康状况以及无线支付。而且它外表高端时尚,采用了18克拉镀金的表壳。

The Smartphone that Puts Privacy First


Nearly half of Americans don’t feel safe sharing private information over a cell-phone call, according to Pew. So how can phone owners conceal their data? Enter the Blackphone, a smartphone designed to put privacy above all else. The device runs a customized Android operating system stripped of features that might make data vulnerable, like calendar sync. But even with a Blackphone, users should be careful about what they type or upload. As Blackphone CEO Toby Weir-Jones explains, “It’s dangerous to assume anything is a magic invisibility cloak.”


The Cooler that Powers Your Party

8.派对用冰箱Coolest Cooler

For more than 60 years, coolers have done a fine job putting party refreshments on ice. But that wasn’t good enough for Ryan Grepper. “We wanted the cooler to be a place where people gather—to have all the things that make a space somewhere you’d want to hang out,” says the former medical sales rep.


The result is the world’s smartest all-purpose party starter. It stores food and drinks, sure. But it also touts a blender (“for vodkaritas,” Grepper offers), an LED lid light (“to see if you’re reaching for beer or Clamato juice”), a USB charger (“so nobody’s phone dies”), a Bluetooth speaker (for tunes) and big wheels designed to navigate many terrains (beach, parking lot). “I just want to make the coolest cooler out there,” says Grepper. Hence the name: Coolest Cooler.

有这样想法的结果就是世界上最精致小巧、装备齐全的派对专用冰箱诞生了。它当然可以冷藏食物和饮料。但是除此之外,它还有搅拌机(可以做鸡尾酒神马的)、LED照明灯(使你在拿啤酒或果汁时看得更清楚)、USB充电器(这样就没人会忍受手机没电之苦了)、蓝牙音箱(当然是为了派对上的音乐)以及适合在沙滩、停车场等移动的全地形轮子。“我只是想发明一个世界上最酷的冰箱。”瑞恩说,所以它的名字叫“Coolest Cooler”。

The Car that Makes Electric Enticing


For the most part, electric cars have been slow, sexless and stolid to drive—or stunningly expensive. But the I3 from BMW is different. In addition to getting 70 to 110 miles (113 to 177 km) on a single three-hour charge, its novel design allows drivers to use a single ­pedal to both accelerate and brake (press down to go, ease up to stop), which results in more energy-efficient driving.


The Chip that Stops Your Slouching

10.“抬头挺胸”提示器Lumo Lift

You can probably guess why so many people have posture that causes back pain: “We simply forget” to stop slouching, says Monisha Perkash, whose company, Lumo BodyTech, created the ultimate reminder. Once users clip the Lumo Lift, a chiplike gadget about the size of a thumb, onto their shirt, it analyzes neck and spinal positions and vibrates when they’re less than ideal. Although the system isn’t perfect—it can buzz when you lean for necessary reasons, like taking a phone call—it has exceeded internal sales goals.

为什么有些不良姿势会导致背痛可是人们还是会那么做呢?很可能是因为我们“忘了抬头挺胸”,不知不觉就驼背了。Lumo BodyTech 技术工作室对此给出了解决方案,其坐姿矫正产品Lumo Lift是一款提示器,夹子形状、拇指大小,用的时候夹子衣服上,它能在脊柱、脖子做出不良姿势时发出提示。虽然这款产品也有瑕疵,比如在你必须要做某些不良姿势时也会发出提示音,但它的销量已经超出了内部销售目标。

The Tablet that Replaces Laptops

11.微软Microsoft Surface Pro 3

Microsoft’s latest “hybrid” bundles the power of a laptop into a svelte 12-in. tablet and can run desktop apps like Word, Excel and PowerPoint. That, as well as a slim, detachable keyboard cover and a built-in stand that makes the Surface usable on a desk, makes it more suitable than other tablets for professionals like doctors and businesspeople. No wonder organizations such as Coca-Cola and Seattle’s Children’s Hospital have adopted it in droves.

微软最新的“混血产品”Surface Pro 3是一款拥有12英寸屏幕的平板电脑,但却拥有笔记本电脑的强大功能,可以运行word、excel等办公软件。除了纤薄小巧,还拥有可拆分的键盘防尘罩、内置可立于桌面的支架,这都使得这款平板比其他平板更适合医生、商人等专业人士。所以可口可乐公司以及西雅图儿童医院等纷纷成为Surface Pro 3的用户也就不足为奇了。

The Ring that Alerts You in Style

12. Ringly智能戒指

Like many professional women, Christina Mercando keeps her smartphone in her purse, which meant she was constantly digging it out to check for important notifications. But what if she could get that info from something she was already wearing, much as pants-wearing men can feel a phone buzz in their pocket? That’s the thinking behind Ringly, a line of rings that can be programmed to glow when wearers get an email from their boss, a text from their Uber driver or any number of other can’t-miss communications.


The Pillbox that Gets Personal


“I grew up in a family that owned and operated a pharmacy,” says T.J. Parker, who knows firsthand how confusing it can be for people to track which meds to take when, especially if they fill multiple prescriptions. That’s why the e-pharmacy he runs now, PillPack, doesn’t traffic in bottles. Instead, every two weeks, patients are sent a dispenser, which has their medication—all of it—sorted into a ticker tape of tearable packets, organized by date and time.


Bananas that Prevent Blindness


In sub-Saharan Africa, up to 30% of kids under age 5 are at risk of going blind—among other conditions—for one simple reason: they don’t get enough eye-nurturing vitamin A. But what if the bananas that make up a lot of their diet could be re-engineered to deliver it? That’s the idea that struck Australian biogeneticist James Dale when he visited Uganda in the early 2000s. With backing from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Dale and his team began developing a vitamin-A-enriched “superbanana”; human trials start soon in the U.S. “These bananas could potentially solve” a major health problem, Dale says.


The Wheel that Gives Bikers a Boost


We know that biking is good for us and good for the environment. But getting around on a bicycle can seem daunting, especially in a large city with a hilly terrain. To lessen that burden, Cambridge, Mass.–based Superpedestrian has developed the Copenhagen Wheel, a standard-size wheel—it can be attached to the back of most bicycles—that boasts a rechargeable, battery-powered motor. Depending on rider preferences, entered through a smartphone app, the motor can kick in power throughout the ride or just on hills.

众所周知,骑自行车既能锻炼身体,又能保护环境。但是骑着自行车四处走有时候也需要勇气,尤其是在山多的城市里。为了减轻这方面的负担,剑桥大学研究人员研发出了Copenhagen Wheel,它是一款尺寸标准、可反复充电、可独立安装于任何一辆自行车后轮并使其成为“电动自行车”的轮子。根据骑车人的不同喜好,通过智能手机的应用,轮子还能够自动调节动力。

The Seamless Sign-Language Translator


For the millions of deaf people who cannot speak, everyday communication often requires costly human translators and tedious note writing. Enter the Uni, a tablet and attachment that leverages motion-sensing cameras and voice recognition to translate American Sign Language into spoken words—and spoken words into text—in real time. “The need for this is so great,” writes Ryan Hait-Campbell, CEO of San Francisco–based MotionSavvy, who is deaf.


The Selfie Stick


If 2013 was the year in which selfie became a buzzword, then 2017 was the year selfies became a cultural phenomenon. Look no further than a recent Pew report, which found that at least a quarter of Americans have shared a selfie on a social-networking site (including Ellen Degeneres, Kim Kardashian and President Obama).


Sensing a new market, several companies have launched devices designed to streamline the selfie-taking experience. The selfie stick (produced by multiple brands), which enables users to position their smartphone beyond arms’ reach to get better photo angles, “adds genuine value,”says Van Baker, a mobile tech analyst at the research firm Gartner. “I’ve seen a lot of people using it.”


The Filter that Fights Ebola


What makes the Ebola virus so frightening is its speed. In a matter of days, it can pump out enough copies of itself to overtake the immune system. But the Hemopurifier, a specially designed cartridge that attaches to a dialysis machine, can tip the balance back in the body’s favor: its lectin filter attracts Ebola viruses and sucks them from the blood as it flows through. It’s been used only once, on a patient in Germany, but it did the trick—effectively curing his Ebola infection. In the future, doctors hope similar tech could be used on viruses like hepatitis.


The AC that Lowers Your Energy Bills


Americans spend more than $11 billion each year to blast their homes with air-conditioning, releasing 100 million tons of carbon dioxide into the air. Experts say a sizable portion of that is waste. IT consultant Garthen Leslie realized as much while driving to work last summer in Washington, past rows of empty-looking houses with humming window units that could not be turned on or off remotely. There had to be a better way. “So I sent an idea to Quirky,” he says, referring to the GE-backed site that turns people’s concepts into creations. Four months later, they had a prototype.


The Aros air conditioner, which has sold nearly 50,000 units since its May 2017 release. For one thing, it’s elegant, with a sleek white exterior that’s almost Apple-esque. It’s smart too. Thanks to a companion mobile app, Aros can track owners’ movements via GPS and turn itself on and off depending on their proximity to home. It also tells people exactly how much money they’re spending to cool their residences.


The Prison Room that Helps Inmates Relax


For 23 hours a day, the 200 inmates in solitary confinement at Oregon’s largest prison see nothing but a tiny, white-walled cell—an experience some research suggests can heighten mental illness and make prisoners prone to suicide attempts and violence. Last year, officials began letting some of them spend their free hour in a first-of-its-kind “blue room,” an exercise space where a projector plays video of open deserts, streaming waterfalls and other outdoor scenes. That imagery, says creator Nalini Nadkarni, who studies how nature affects behavior, is designed to calm prisoners, “much in the way we walk through a park” to relax. Inmates have responded so well that guards now use blue-room time as a way to pre-empt bad behavior.

在俄勒冈州最大的监狱里,200多名单人牢房里的犯人一天中有23个小时面对只有狭小的白墙,据调查称,这种体验使很多犯人患上心理疾病,并且有暴力或自杀倾向。去年,官方开始尝试在自由时间向犯人们开放叫做“blue room”的放松用牢房,在这里可以边做运动边欣赏投影仪中播放的沙漠、瀑布等风景影像。设计者娜里尼称,研究表明这些自然风景画面能够影响人的行为,因此可以帮助犯人们平静自己,“就像我们在公园里散步那样放松”。这种牢房在犯人们中的反响很不错,一些监狱已经使用该种牢房作为预防恶劣行为的一种方法了。

The Tablet Toy that Gets Physical


Like many kids, Pramod Sharma’s daughter loves the iPad. But “when her face is glued to the screen, six inches away, all day long—I wasn’t too happy,” he says. So the ex-Google engineer and his former colleague, Jérôme Scholler, devised a way to bring virtual play back into the real world. Osmo’s “reflective AI” attachment enables the iPad camera to interpret physical objects—allowing kids to mimic an onscreen pattern with colored tiles, for example, and get rewarded for doing it correctly. “Many kids can play at once,” says Sharma, “so it becomes more interactive and imaginative.”


The Coaching Basketball


This basketball comes embedded with nine sensors and a Bluetooth chip that sends performance data to a mobile app—allowing players to measure, say, the arc of their jumpshot. If something’s off during game play, the voice of a coach (via the app) can even implore you to “go faster” or “snap your wrist.” “We get excited when we see someone improve,” says Michael Crowley, whose company, InfoMotion Sports Technologies Inc., makes the 94Fifty Smart Sensor. And apparently, that’s happening a lot: Crowley says InfoMotion has sold close to 100,000 balls.

该款篮球内嵌有9个传感器和一个蓝牙芯片,可以向手机应用中传送训练数据,使球员可以评估跳跃时的状态。在比赛的时候它还能结合应用通过告诉球员“跑快点”“抖手腕”等对其进行指导。“当我们看到有人因此技术得到提高时,感到非常兴奋。”制造这款94Fifty 智能篮球的InfoMotion体育科技公司的总裁迈克尔说。目前为止,该款篮球已经卖出了将近10万个了。

Wrappers You Can Eat


“Edible wrapper” sounds like an oxymoron—unless you’re WikiFoods founder David Edwards, who has devised a way to encase yogurt, cheese, ice cream and more in shells strong enough to hold their shape (in water, heat and cold) until you take your first bite. The secret lies in science: Each shell is made of particles of dried fruit or other natural substances that are tiny enough to be electrically attracted to one another; they are combined with calcium and sugar to strengthen the form.


Screens that Showcase Digital Art


“There are so many artists” making beautiful works on and for computers, says digital artist Jake Levine, referencing the burgeoning Tumblr community (among others). But putting that art on physical walls has been nearly impossible. Levine’s Electric Objects, the sleek, 22-by-13-in. flatscreens are wired specifically to display art.


Action Figures that Empower Girls


Studies have shown that girls’ career ambitions can be heavily influenced by their playthings. But when moms Dawn Nadeau and Julie Kerwin started searching for female action figures that were athletic and empowering—as opposed to dolls like Barbie, most of which cannot even bend their limbs—they were dismayed to find … none. So they designed and commissioned a firm to build their IAmElemental series of action figures. Each figure embodies a different “element” of heroism, like persistence or honesty. “The idea that girls could save the world—that’s a very powerful fantasy,” says Nadeau.



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