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发布时间:2019-09-11  编辑:查字典英语网小编

7 Reasons Not to Go Back to Your Ex不找前男友的7个理由

Sometimes it's a great challenge to realize that there's no way back to your ex-boyfriend. But, after a few cocktails and a sad romantic movie, you may start analyzing and imagine different scripts. So, try not to give way to your imagination and follow these rules to forget your ex.有时候,告诉自己绝不回到前任身边可能并不容易。但是独自借酒浇愁、观看伤感的爱情片之后,你可能开始分析和想像剧情发展的另一种可能。所以尽量不要向你的假想投降,参照以下建议忘记你的前男友。

1. He was a womanizer1. 他是个花花公子It's one of the most significant reasons to leave him alone. You should know that being a womanizer is a constant life habit. He says he loves you, and then he gets impressed on another girl and sometimes cannot even realize that he is cheating on you. After all, a cheating guy will certainly become a cheating husband.这是离开他最重要的原因之一,你应该知道花花公子的行为方式可不是一天两天能改的。他说他爱你,然后又被另一个女生迷住,有时甚至背叛了你还没有意识到。总之,一个背叛你的男友将来也能可能会是一个背叛你的丈夫。

2. Casual thing2. 轻松的事When getting older and getting used to each other, sometimes it's very unusual and difficult to make changes. It seems easier to follow true schemes than to start an active search for an adequate man. Don't be afraid of sitting in bars again and hoping to start a new relationship. Remember, new dates provide you a great variety of chances. The main thing is to resist your desires to return to the source of your headaches. Maybe your next date will crush all the memories about your ex-boyfriend.随着我们年龄的增长和对对方的渐渐熟悉,有时改变可能是一件不寻常并且困难的事。似乎循着原来的轨迹慢慢向前,会比重新主动出击、寻找自己的白马王子简单得多。不要对又一次坐在酒吧里等待新的恋情心生畏惧。记住,新的约会会给你带来无数的机会。最重要的是,打消你要回到那个让你头疼的人身边的念头。也许你下一个约会对象会完胜你与前男友的回忆。

3. You cannot reach common goals3. 你们没有共同目标Every person has some goals in life and most couples have some mutual goals as well. It's better when you are able to reach your goals together. Unfortunately, something went wrong, so you couldn't be with him anymore. You are to take into account all the rules. Try not to get confused. Consider all pros and cons of your past relationship. Remember, everything happens and changes for better.人人都有自己的人生目标,许多情侣通常还会有几个共同的目标。如果你们能够一起达成目标,那么一切都会比现在好。但很不幸,事与愿违,你不能再和他在一起了。那么你真的该想想。不要迷惘,冷静下来客观地想一想,想想这段已成往事的恋情所有的的好和坏。记住,每一件事的发生和改变都是为了一个更好的未来。4. An egotist who misses you4. 一个错过你的自大狂If you dated such a hero, you might know that there's no way back to your ex. Being charmed, you fall in love with him, then he wines and dines you and pays addresses. Such young men always try to get their own life in order before starting a serious relationship with a lady. They give preferences to their job and career first, and then to a committed relationship with you.


5. Constant break-up drama

5. 连续发生的分手悲剧

Some couples have quite blurred understandings concerning a healthy relationship. They perceive a long-term relationship as a permanent drama. Do you prefer drama? Every break-up makes you experience oppressive emotions, and that is far not a passion at all. Such actions kill feelings like a cancer. Getting back is preferable only if you are fond of thrills and tensed relationship.


6. Loneliness

6. 孤独

When you are lonely, you are more likely to think of him. Sometimes you want to call up to your ex-boyfriend, but it's not the way out. Such ideas and feelings can be quickly passing. Think over your break up again and these desires will fade away in a moment.


7. Family disapproval

7. 家庭发对

It often happens that the whole world is against you, especially when it comes about love. Someone finds it romantic while others treat such relations as a challenging thing. Sure, you can ignore your family's position, but then you are doomed to spend your time only at two people parties.


Try to reflect properly on the reason of your break up before taking a decision. Be aware of passing temptation and emotions, puzzling your mind all the time. Move forward, by all means!



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