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发布时间:2019-09-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编

The entire town of Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu in Quebec, Canada was rallying behind one of their own residents who had led them to believe she was pregnant with quintuplets. When the pregnancy was eventually revealed as a fake, the community understandably felt betrayed.


As reported by CTV News, the woman (whose identity is being withheld for privacy as she undergoes psychiatric care) had kept the fictitious pregnancy story going for months and was only exposed when her delivery date arrived. Reportedly the woman, 35, told her boyfriend, identified by CTV as Paul, that she was pregnant with twins one month after they met on an online dating site. The number of children kept changing, going to triplets, then quadruplets, and eventually up to quintuplets.


The Toronto Sun reported that when the woman told her friend that she was pregnant, the friend quickly set up a Facebook page so the couple could get assistance from the town.


Geneviève Laflamme, a mother of triplets, told CTV, “I gave her tips on how to handle it, where to get financial support, where to get sponsors for diapers.” Laflamme grew suspicious as the weeks passed and she detected holes in the woman’s story. Then, a week before the due date, the woman told Laflamme that a new ultrasound showed that she was carrying quintuplets. At that point Laflamme stopped believing the woman.

Geneviève Laflamme是位三胞胎的母亲,她告诉CTV,“我给了她一些建议,怎么凑钱,怎么才能获得免费的尿布。”几周后,Laflamme越来越怀疑,她发现这位女士故事中有漏洞。预产期前一周,这位女士告诉Laflamme,她新做的超声波检测显示她怀上的是五胞胎。这一刻,Laflamme彻底不再相信她了。

The hoax was finally brought to light when the couple went to the hospital for the delivery at 34 weeks. Canoe News reported that the Paul, 35, was taken aside by a nurse and shown results of the woman’s blood test that indicated she was not pregnant. "The doctors told me it was a phantom pregnancy," he said crushed, adding that his now ex-girlfriend was being kept under psychiatric observation.


According to the Toronto Sun, the boyfriend said that his girlfriend’s, “…belly swelled, she began lactating and even broke water.” Gynecologist Isabelle Girard felt that symptoms like the ones the woman displayed could have alternate explanations. She said, “A woman could push her belly outwards, stop going to the toilet or just eat more.” Girard thinks what Paul believed was water breaking could have been urinary incontinence. Finally, the doctor felt that the lactation claims were doubtful but said, “That could result from intense nipple stimulation.”Paul was disappointed and tearful but wanted to make sure that he let his supporters know what happened.

据多伦多太阳报的报道,Paul说他女朋友“肚子隆起,开始分泌乳汁,甚至还破羊水了。”妇科专家Isabelle Girard则表示这位女士出现这些症状可能是由于其他原因。她说:“女性只要少上点厕所或者就多吃一点可以自己把肚子撑大。”她指出,Paul所以为的破羊水可能只是尿失禁。乳汁分泌值得怀疑但也可能是乳头受到强烈刺激导致的。Paul失望极了,几乎要哭出来,但还是希望确保那些为他们提供帮助的人知道真相。

CTV spoke to Montreal Jewish General Hospital’s Dr. Haim Abenhaim, an obstetrician and gynecologist, who explained two types of phantom pregnancies. “One is called pseudocyesis, and that’s a condition whereby the person gets some physical manifestations of pregnancy. They can have missed periods, they can have a distension in their abdomen, and they can really have signs of pregnancy and that’s usually on top of maybe a strong desire to be pregnant…The other condition is a completely delusional pregnancy where they feel that they are pregnant, then maybe inside they don’t think they are.”


The Toronto Sun notes that the woman’s family and friends claim that the woman has a history of posing as an expectant mother of twins, a leukemia patient, and allegedly reported suffering from other maladies. The woman’s family is happy that she is finally getting psychiatric care.



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