Pfc. Bradley Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison for leaking classified U.S. government information to WikiLeaks, the culmination of a trial that posed tough questions about government secrecy and national security.
美国陆军一等兵曼宁(Bradley Manning)因向维基解密(WikiLeaks)泄露美国政府机密信息被判入狱35年。此案曾引发有关政府机密和国家安全的棘手问题。
Wearing his Army dress uniform, Pfc. Manning stood impassively as the presiding judge, Col. Denise Lind, delivered a sentence that means the former intelligence analyst will likely spend at least eight more years behind bars before he could be freed.
主审法官林德上校(Col. Denise Lind)宣布判决结果时,曼宁身穿军装,面无表情的站在那里。这一判决意味着这名前情报分析员可能会在监狱中再呆上至少八年才可能被释放。
The trial raised awkward questions over whether leakers like Pfc. Manning provide a public service by revealing secrets or whether such efforts are outweighed by the potential damage to national security. That debate has accelerated in recent months amid the release by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden of secret documents detailing America's expansive surveillance programs.
此案曾引发一些尴尬问题,诸如曼宁这样的泄密者揭露秘密是否对公众有益,或是这样的行动是否抵不过对国家安全造成的损害。这场争论最近几个月有所加剧,因为美国国家安全局(National Security Agency)承包商前雇员斯诺登(Edward Snowden)泄露了一些机密文件,其中详细说明了美国的广泛监控项目。
The punishment for Pfc. Manning, who downloaded some 700,000 classified military and diplomatic documents that he sent to WikiLeaks, came as a shock to his attorneys and antisecrecy advocates, who said it would have a chilling effect on whistleblowers looking to expose government wrongdoing.
'The Manning prosecution has vividly demonstrated that, under our current legal system, there is little difference between the way we treat those who engage in espionage and those who disclose information to the press with the intent of informing public debate,' said Mary-Rose Papandrea, a professor at Boston College Law School.
波士顿大学法学院(Boston College Law School)教授帕潘德雷亚(Mary-Rose Papandrea)说,曼宁受到检控清楚地显示出,在我们当前的法律制度下,对于那些从事间谍行为的人和那些出于引导公众辩论的目的向媒体披露信息的人,我们给予的对待几乎没有分别。
Pfc. Manning's sentence was the longest meted out in recent history for a would-be whistleblower charged with espionage for sharing classified information in an effort to change U.S. national-security policies. But the scope of Pfc. Manning's leak was unprecedented.
Over seven months in 2010, based on documents and data provided by Pfc. Manning, WikiLeaks released 250,000 diplomatic cables, nearly 400,000 military reports and video of a 2007 U.S. airstrike in Baghdad that killed two Reuters employees. The releases led to concerns that U.S. soldiers, diplomats and American allies could be jeopardized by the release of sensitive information about U.S. national security strategy.
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