The appointment of Mark Carney as governor of the Bank of England is a historic event. It is extraordinary – and admirable – that a country should choose to give its most important official position to a foreigner such as Mr Carney, even if Canadians are not very foreign and the governor-designate, with his English wife and connections, less so than most of his compatriots. Yet it is also both a surprise and a gamble. It is a surprise because Mr Carney, a widely respected governor of the Bank of Canada, did not – so far as I know – apply for the job. It is a gamble because a foreign national will be assuming a job that is inescapably political and, in the current difficult economic and financial circumstances of the UK, even more political than usual.
任命马克·卡尼(Mark Carney)为英国央行(BoE)行长,是一个历史性事件。即便加拿大人也是大英女王的子民,而且这位新任行长娶了位英国太太,在英国有很多亲朋好友,比大部分加拿大人与英国更亲近,但一个国家选择这样一位外国人担任其最重要的官方职位,仍是非同寻常和令人钦佩的。不过,这个任命依然令人意外,也是一场赌博。它之所以令人意外,是因为(据我所知)这位广受尊敬的加拿大央行(Bank of Canada)行长没有主动申请成为英国央行行长。它之所以是一场赌博,是因为一名外国公民将出任一个不可避免地带有政治性的职位,而且考虑到英国当前艰难的经济和金融形势,该职位的政治性更甚往常。
George Osborne, the chancellor of the exchequer, deserves credit not only for choosing an exceptional person but for persuading him to take the job. Unquestionably, Mr Carney is a man of quality, with a broad background in economics, finance and central banking. In person, he is both brilliant and forceful. On one celebrated occasion, he engaged in a fierce row with Jamie Dimon, the redoubtable boss of JPMorgan – and held his ground.
英国财政大臣乔治·奥斯本(George Osborne)值得赞扬之处不仅在于他选择了一名杰出的人才,而且还在于他说服卡尼接受了该职位。毫无疑问,卡尼非常优秀,而且拥有在经济、财政和央行部门任职的丰富经验。他聪明,而且足够强势。有一件著名的事情就是,他曾与令人生畏的摩根大通(JPMorgan)老板杰米·戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)发生了一场激烈的争吵,并坚持了自己的立尝没有退让。
Mr Carney has undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in economics from Harvard and Oxford. He worked for 13 years at Goldman Sachs. He has been governor of the Bank of Canada since 2008 and chairman of the Financial Stability Board since 2011, when Mario Draghi, another Goldman alumnus, left to become president of the European Central Bank. He has, not least, gained credit for the relatively robust performance of the Canadian economy during his period at its central bank. How far he is responsible for this happy outcome is unclear, as such things so often are.
卡尼先后在哈佛大学(Harvard)和牛津大学(Oxford)取得了经济学学士和硕士学位。他在高盛(Goldman Sachs)工作了13年。卡尼自2008年起一直担任加拿大央行行长。2011年,另一位前高盛高管马里奥·德拉吉(Mario Draghi)卸任金融稳定委员会(FSB)主席、出任欧洲央行(ECB)行长之后,卡尼接任FSB主席。卡尼之所以声望很高,很大程度上是因为在他担任加拿大央行行长期间,加拿大经济表现相对强劲。这种令人欢喜的表现在多大程度上应归功于卡尼,这不好说,这种事一般都说不清楚。
Nevertheless, Mr Carney faces three huge challenges in his new job.
His first is political. The idea that the job of running the Bank of England is essentially technocratic is plainly wrong. In an economy using pure fiat (or state-made) money, the central bank makes discretionary decisions with huge consequences for income distribution, financial health, economic performance and fiscal solvency.
No neat technocratic solutions exist. This is vastly more obvious today, after the financial crisis, which demolished the erroneous notion that stabilising inflation was a sufficient condition for stabilising the economy. The BoE’s decisions are deeply political. They are political in themselves. They become still more political when the governor is enjoined to comment on fiscal policy or to intervene in the financial system. An outsider will have some advantages in making these difficult decisions. He will be more independent. But will he also be viewed as legitimate?
Mr Carney’s second challenge will be organisational. He will inherit a world in flux – not just at the BoE itself, but also in the British, European and global regulatory architecture and financial systems. Under the new regime, the BoE has consolidated responsibility for monetary policy, financial policy and banking supervision. The range of these new responsibilities is daunting, the need to integrate decision-making within the BoE itself is challenging; the obligations both to co-ordinate policies with the government and to explain them to the public are pressing and onerous.
A huge problem, in my view, is the difficulty of co-ordinating policy inside the BoE. It is simply untrue that financial stability and monetary policy can be treated separately, particularly in times like today’s. Policies that address the stability of the financial system, such as raising capital requirements or constraining lending, have powerful and direct consequences for monetary policy and vice versa. Under the envisaged plans, however, only a few permanent officials sit on all committees. This will give them extraordinary influence over the process and leave the outsiders who sit on only one of these bodies at a huge disadvantage. This is a mistake.
Beyond that, the investigations of the BoE’s performance during the crisis have revealed serious failings. Examination of performance before the crisis might reveal still more important failings. As an experienced outsider, Mr Carney is in a relatively good position to act as the needed new broom. He must do so. But as he does, he must pay attention to making the BoE less centralised without thereby making it less able to respond quickly to events.
Mr Carney’s third and biggest challenge is intellectual. Unlike Canada, the UK has fallen into a dire economic condition. Despite exceptional monetary ease, the economy is stagnant. Coalition fiscal policy is controversial. The sources of future growth are obscure, while the challenges of needed economic rebalancing are daunting. Over the next governor’s term, the BoE must chart a voyage back to something close to normality, in co-operation with the government. It must avoid both permanent stagnation and high inflation. Yet these are still largely uncharted waters for economics and monetary-policy makers. Mr Carney’s biggest task of all, then, is to guide the central bank and the economy towards the least intolerable destination. Good luck.
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