While the anti-Tokyo protests in major Chinese cities have ended, Japanese brands in the country are continuing to suffer, as auto sales plunge and travel between the two countries slows sharply.
Both Mazda Motor Corp. and Mitsubishi Motors Corp. reported sharp declines in Chinese sales last month. Mitsubishi said Friday that its September sales in China plummeted to 2,340 vehicles, down 62.9% from September 2011, and 33% lower than 3,495 vehicles in August. Mazda sold 13,258 vehicles, off 35% from a year earlier and 20% below the 16,539 in August.
Reuters位于天津的一家丰田汽车工厂,照片摄于今年早些时候。马自达(Mazda Motor Corp.Mazda Motor Corp)和三菱汽车(Mitsubishi Motors Corp.)均报告上个月在华销售大幅下滑。三菱上周五说,9月份在华销量暴降至2,340辆,较2011年9月下滑了62.9%,较8月份的3,495辆下滑了33%。马自达销售了13,258辆汽车,同比下滑35%,较8月份16,539辆的销量环比下滑20%。
Japan Airlines said Friday it had passenger cancellations for 19,500 seats on Japan-China routes for the September-to-November period, and the carrier - which just held the world's largest IPO after Facebook - is set to temporarily scale back flight frequencies on three routes linking Japan and China.
日本航空(Japan Airlines)上周五说,9月至11月期间,中日航线有19,500个预定座位被乘客取消,该航空公司将暂时减少中日之间三条航线的航班。该公司刚刚进行了规模仅次于Facebook的世界第二大首次公开募股(IPO)。
All Nippon Airways Co. had 43,000 seat cancellations on Japan-China routes as of Oct. 1, and is switching to smaller jets for some Japan-Beijing flights from Oct. 16 to 31 because of plunging demand.
截至10月1日,全日空(All Nippon Airways Co.)的中日航线有43,000个预定座位被取消。由于需求大幅下滑,从10月16日至31日,该公司将把日本至北京的部分航班改用较小的客机。
The sometimes-violent protests against Japanese factories and showrooms in China were sparked by Tokyo's decision last month to purchase a set of disputed East China Sea islands, which Japan administers but are claimed by China. Japanese auto makers suspended marketing and closed plants. Numerous bilateral cultural events also were canceled.
上个月,东京方面决定购买东中国海(East China Sea,中国称东海)的一组中日争议岛屿,由此引发了中国国内针对日本公司和商店的抗议活动,一些抗议活动中甚至出现暴力。争议岛屿目前由日本管辖,但中国声称对其拥有主权。日本汽车生产商暂停了营销活动,并关闭了工厂。很多中日双边文化活动也被取消。
'No one anticipated that China would react the way it reacted, including the demonstrations. Given the boycotts, everyone is now seeing the risk [of doing business in China] more acutely,' said Shigeo Sugawara, senior investment officer at Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Asset Management. 'This is becoming more than a mere political problem. You can no longer ignore economic effects of the issue.'
资产管理公司Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Asset Management高级投资主管Shigeo Sugawara说,谁都没有料到中国会做出如此的反应,包括示威活动。鉴于中国抵制日货的行动,每个人如今都更深刻地看到在中国做生意的风险。这开始超出政治问题的范畴,人们不能再继续忽视此事带来的经济影响。
A number of Japanese auto makers are expected to report a sharp decline in Chinese sales for September.
Toyota Motor Corp. said Friday that it plans to resume production at its factories in China next week, but at lower levels than before the unrest due to the drop in sales last month.
丰田汽车(Toyota Motor Corp.)上周五说,计划下周恢复在华工厂的生产,但由于上个月汽车销量下滑,恢复生产后开工率将低于中日岛屿争端升温之前的水平。
Japanese media reported Friday that Toyota's sales in September were half of August's levels, when it sold 75,300 cars in China. But Japan's top auto maker wouldn't disclose its official figures.
丰田驻东京发言人科比特(Dion Corbett)说:我们的销售肯定受到了影响,但在周二数据出炉之前,我们不能披露任何具体情况。
'There has definitely been an effect on our sales, but we can't give any specifics until our figures come out on Tuesday,' said Dion Corbett, a Tokyo-based spokesman.
In anticipation of weaker demand, most Japanese auto makers temporarily closed their plants on Sept. 18 when the demonstrations peaked. Toyota shut its two main vehicle-assembly factories again from Sept. 26 through Oct. 7, the end of an extended Chinese holiday period.
Nissan Motor Co. suspended output of passenger cars in China on Sept. 27. A senior executive at Japan's No. 2 car maker said Friday that his company expects to post weaker Chinese sales in September, but declined to provide figures and said its plants would reopen Monday. 'There's no doubt that China remains an important market in the long term,' Executive Vice President Takao Katagiri told reporters in Yokohama.
9月27日,日产汽车(Nissan Motor Co.)暂停了在华乘用车的生产。这家日本第二大汽车厂商的一位高层管理人士上周五说,该公司预计将公布9月份在华汽车销售下滑,但拒绝提供具体数据,并且说该公司在华工厂周一将恢复生产。日产执行副总裁Takao Katagiri在横滨对记者说,毫无疑问,长远来看中国仍是一个重要的市场。
Last month, some Toyota dealerships in Beijing warned customers not to park their cars in unsecured areas and urged them to affix patriotic slogans to their vehicles to avoid drawing the attention of demonstrators.
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