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发布时间:2019-08-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编

AIRLINES are wonderful generators of profit-for everyone except themselves. Even in good times their margins are as thin as a boarding pass, and in recent years they have more often lost money (see chart). Averaged over the past four decades, the net profit margin of the world's airlines, taken together, has been a measly 0.1%. By contrast, other bits of the travel business that depend on the airlines-such as aircraft-makers, travel agents, airports, caterers and maintenance firms-have done very nicely.


Some of the tastiest margins in the travel business are enjoyed by the "global distribution systems" (GDSs), a fancy name for computerised-reservations services. These were originally created by several of the largest airlines to distribute their flights through travel agencies but have since become independent firms. Most flights booked through a physical or online travel agent go through a GDS, which charges the airline a fee of about $12 per round trip, passing a few dollars of that to the travel agent. According to Take Travel Forward, an airlines' lobby group, the world's carriers pay $7 billion in GDS fees a year-more than double their expected net profits this year of $3 billion.

旅游生意里最丰厚的利润被"全球分销系统"(简称GDS)所独享。全球分销系统是电脑预定服务,它原本由几家大型航空公司组建以通过旅行社来销售班机票务,但现已成为独立的公司。大多数的航班是由实体或网上旅行社通过全球分销系统所预定,一次往返行程要收取航空公司12美元的费用,其中要分几美元给旅行社。据航空公司的游说团体"Take Travel Forward"表示,全球的航空公司每年要付70亿美元给GDS, 这是他们期待今年达到30亿美元纯利润的一倍多。

The airlines' chronic unprofitability is partly the result of a wave of competition-especially from new low-cost carriers-unleashed by the steady deregulation of aviation since the 1970s. But it is also due to two moves by the airlines, from the 1990s onwards, that in retrospect were strategic errors. One was to stop paying direct commissions to travel agents. The other was to set the reservation systems free to become (as the airlines see it) profit-gobbling monsters that devour their parents.


At the dawn of the internet age, airlines assumed that the middlemen who came between them and their passengers were headed for extinction. Travellers would eventually buy tickets either from the airlines' own websites or from price-comparison engines which hooked up directly to the airlines' computers over the web. So why pay commissions to agents? And why continue to own reservation systems, especially since regulators had stopped them from fiddling with travel agents' GDS screens to place their own flights at the top? So Lufthansa, Air France and Iberia sold most of their shares in Amadeus (the largest GDS); American Airlines sold Sabre; British Airways and KLM sold out of Galileo; and so on.


However, the loss of direct commission from airlines made travel agents more beholden to the GDSs, which not only slip them a share of fees but also provide their back-office computing. Many online travel agencies have come to resemble physical ones, signing up with a GDS which provides a reservations system and other computing power while handing them a commission (ultimately paid by the airlines) on every booking. Despite airlines' efforts to make travellers bypass agents and come to their own websites, less than half of flights are booked this way.


Some airlines have thrown in the towel and let a GDS take over the running of all their in-house systems for handling passengers-in some cases, even their websites. Bookings on BA.com, for example, are handled by Amadeus. Some low-cost carriers, such as easyJet, which had at first refused to use GDSs have relented. This is because they want to reach high-value business flyers, who often make bookings through corporate travel agents—which, in turn, use a GDS to compile their itineraries.


Although there are some big emerging travel markets, such as Brazil and India, where the GDSs' grip is weaker, in others they have been successful in signing up new agents and airlines. China's government is nurturing a state-owned version, TravelSky. The middlemen the airlines wanted to do away with remain comfortably entrenched.


In recent years the main hope for restoring airline profitability has been ancillaries: all those extra charges for meals, checked bags, less-cramped seats and the like. The trouble is, carriers grumble, the GDSs' computer systems have struggled to cope with them, which makes it hard to flog such extras to passengers who book through agents. Like other airline chiefs, Qatar Airways' boss, Akbar Al Baker, complains of GDSs' slowness in updating their systems to cope with all these options, but he admits that they cannot do without the GDSs because they provide such a big share of their reservations.

近年来,航空公司一直视附加服务为盈利的最大希望:在餐点、托运行李、宽敞的座位上收取额外的费用等。航空公司抱怨道,问题是,全球分销系统的电脑系统却不能满足这些选择,这就使得想在通过旅行社订票的旅客身上收取额外的费用难上加难。和其他航空公司的老板一样,卡塔尔航空公司的老板贝克尔(Akbar Al Baker)先生抱怨全球分销系统更新缓慢,不能处理这些选项,但他也承认,他们离不了全球分销系统,因为它为公司提供的订单所占份额很大。

American Airlines, Air Canada and a few other carriers have tried to do so, by setting up a "direct connect" service, by which travel agents (physical or online) can bypass the GDSs and hook up to the airline's internal system to book both the basic flight and extras. To get any traction with this, the carriers are having to revert to paying agents commission-though less than they pay the GDSs. So far agents have mostly stuck with the GDSs: rebuilding their IT systems to make direct connections to airlines is expensive, and their contracts with GDSs may make it costly too.

美国航空、加拿大航空和其它一些航空公司已经尝试通过设立"直接连接"的服务,通过旅行社(实体店或网店)绕过全球分销系统,和该航空公司的内部系统相连,可以预定都基本航班和附加服务。为此,航空公司要重新支付佣金给旅行社—虽然这笔钱比付给GDS 的数额要少。但目前为止,代理商深陷全球分销系统之中:要重建他们的IT系统,和航空公司直接连接耗价巨大,但他们与全球分销系统所定的合同也价值不菲。

The search is on


Hoping to solve these problems, the airlines' international association, IATA, is working on a grandly titled "new distribution capability". One of its main elements will be a common technical standard for direct-connect services. The GDSs could make use of such services, so as to sell the airlines' full range of extras as well as just flights. But perhaps of more interest to the airlines is that it would become easier for travel agents to build computer systems that deal directly with airlines. It would also become easier for search engines to scour the web for flights, assemble a list of options for travellers, then let them click through to the website of their chosen airline to complete the booking—again without a GDS's involvement.

为了解决这些问题,航空公司国际组织:国际航空运输协会, 正致力于一个名为"新分销能力"的宏大项目。它的主旨之一是为直接联系服务建立一个共同技术标准。全球分销系统也可以利用这些服务,从而为航空公司销售各类附加服务,或者仅仅只是提供订票服务。但,也许航空公司更感兴趣的是,它使得旅行社建立电脑系统和航空公司相连变得容易了许多。同时,也使得搜索引擎可以更加容易地搜索网页上的航班信息,形成列表提供给旅客,旅客们可以通过在网站上点击经它们筛选过的航班完成预定—在这过程中,没有GDS的参与。

Such a service is already offered by Google (which has bought ITA, an airline-software firm, and Frommer's, a guidebook publisher, as part of its push into the travel business). The airlines hope that common technical standards will also encourage the creation of lots of innovative new travel-search firms. Adam Wood, an analyst at Morgan Stanley, is sceptical: it would be hugely expensive for any new entrant to replicate the existing GDSs' heavy spending on technology: the need for such investment makes flight distribution a business that naturally tends towards an oligopoly, he reckons.


IATA hopes to have its new technical standards agreed by the end of the year-though as a rule, getting airlines to agree on such things is tricky. Then there would be the problem of implementation; the industry, like every other, has seen ambitious IT projects fail disastrously. Suppose that IATA does persuade hundreds of airlines to agree on the new technical standards, and successfully build computer systems that run on them. Even then, admits Gary Doernhoefer, an IATA official, the GDSs' grip on the industry may not change much without regulatory action to unpick their cosy agreements with travel agents.

国际航空运输协会希望今年底可以通过新的技术标准。尽管这是条规则,但想获得航空公司的同意却有些棘手。随后还要面临着实施这条规则的问题:航空行业和其他行业一样,都曾经历过大型IT项目惨败的结局。假设国际航空运输协会说服了数百家航空公司同意新的技术标准,并成功地建立了运行的电脑系统。即使这样,如若不消除航空公司和旅行社之间联系紧密的协议, 全球分销系统对整个行业的控制可能也不会发生太大的变化,国际航空运输协会官员加里承认道。

Regulators are indeed looking into the issue. An investigation into the GDSs by America's Department of Justice is quietly ticking over, and the European Commission is reviewing its code of conduct for them. Meanwhile, two of America's big carriers have taken GDSs to court over the tactics they use to maintain their hold over travel agents. American Airlines' case against Sabre is due to begin in a Texas state court in October. AA has also filed suits in federal courts against Sabre and Travelport (which owns Galileo and Worldspan and part-owns Orbitz, an online travel agency), as has US Airways against Sabre.


The GDSs, meanwhile, are lobbying America's Department of Transportation to force airlines to include "core" extras (such as bag fees and check-in charges) in the fares they quote to the GDSs, to make for fairer comparisons with carriers that offer all-inclusive fares. Cory Garner, a senior executive at AA, says that in principle his airline is more than happy to provide such information, but its main worry is that the lobbying will prompt the government to lay down overly prescriptive rules on how it is provided. IATA and other airline associations fear a worse outcome: that they may be banned from offering any exclusive fares or promotions to agents which book directly rather than through a GDS. The department is expected to announce any rule changes in November.

与此同时,GDS游说美国运输部强制航空公司在给 GDS的费用中加上"核心"费用(如行李费和检查费),这可以更加公平地对比航空公司之间的完全报价。美国航空高级管理人员科里•加纳表示:原则上,他所在的航空公司很乐意提供这样的信息,但仍有疑虑,游说组织将促使政府下达过于规定性的条约:规定怎么提供这些方式。国际航空运输协会和航空公司担心更坏的结果:旅客直接订票而不是通过GDS来订票,它们可能会被禁止向代理结构提供任何额外的费用或者增额。运输部预计在11月份宣布变化的条规。

Both sides can claim to be the consumer's champion. The airlines argue that the cost of the middlemen adds to the price of tickets (though the superficial evidence suggests that it is airline shareholders who suffer). They say they want to reform the distribution system to offer flyers a wider choice and a more individually tailored service. The GDSs argue that they provide travellers, through their agents, with impartial comparisons of all available flights, allowing them to get the best value.


Svend Leirvaag, an executive at Amadeus, argues that it's a pity the airlines fixate so much on GDS fees, which at around 2% of their revenues are much less than the money the industry could save by fighting such things as ever-increasing travel taxes and the unfair subsidies that prop up some state-owned carriers. The airlines are lobbying for these things too, but they would still like to cut the cost of the middlemen.



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