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发布时间:2019-08-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

When investors shop for mutual funds, they often consider the methods the managers use to select stocks. But there's another side to that coin that also merits attention: How do the managers decide which stocks to sell - and when to sell?


A thoughtful, consistent approach to selling shares is just as important to a fund's success as the same qualities in purchasing stocks. After all, errant sell decisions are lost opportunities for returns.


'If you can have some type of structure within your process to make sell decisions or consider sell decisions, that keeps you one up on your competition,' says David Rolfe, chief investment officer at Wedgewood Partners Inc. in St. Louis and lead portfolio manager of the RiverPark/Wedgewood fund.

圣路易斯(St. Louis)Wedgewood Partners Inc.的首席投资长、RiverPark/Wedgewood基金的首席投资组合经理戴维•罗尔夫(David Rolfe)说,"如果你在做出卖出决策或考虑卖出决策的过程中依循某种条理,那么这会让你在竞争中取胜。"

Deciding what to sell is 'one of the most difficult things for any investor,' he says. Sometimes it's a matter of parting with a holding that has served the portfolio well for years but has little potential for additional gains. Other times, the fund manager has to acknowledge that he or she made a mistake in buying that security in the first place.


Many fund managers provide a fair amount of insight into both sides of the investing equation in prospectuses, shareholder reports and other communications. We spoke to a handful of managers to discuss how they make the decision to sell.


In With the New, Out With the Old


Mr. Rolfe and his team at RiverPark/Wedgewood manage a portfolio that forces them to regularly make decisions on which stocks to sell, because by policy the fund holds only 19 to 21 stocks. 'My partners and I know that while we are looking at new ideas we are going to have to sell a position' to make room for any addition, he says. 'That makes us constantly focused on those ideas in a portfolio that aren't working out as well.'


They pull the trigger when a buying opportunity provides a better long-term growth outlook than something that's already in the portfolio.


Two examples of stocks his firm sold in recent months to make space for new positions are Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and UBS AG, victims of what Mr. Rolfe calls a 'very difficult banking and investment environment.'

举例而言,他的公司在最近几个月中为给新股票腾地方而卖出的两只股票是高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group Inc.)和瑞银集团(UBS AG),罗尔夫称它们是"非常困难的银行业与投资环境"的牺牲品。

'We thought they were the least attractive stocks in our current portfolio,' he says. 'We sold them because we found a much better idea.' The two banking stocks were replaced with the shares of a couple of oil firms: National Oilwell Varco Inc. and Schlumberger Ltd.

他说,"我们认为它们是我们当前的投资组合中最不具吸引力的股票。我们卖掉它们,是因为我们找到了好得多的策略。"这两只银行股被两家石油公司的股票取代:国民油井华高(National Oilwell Varco Inc.)和斯伦贝谢公司(Schlumberger Ltd.)。

Acknowledge Your Mistakes


Periodically - and especially when a stock is proving to be disappointing - it's important for fund managers to go back and review the assumptions that were made at the time of purchase.


'The hardest thing for investment professionals to come to grips with is when they have misanalyzed a stock,' says Phil Davidson, chief investment officer for value stocks at American Century Investments in Kansas City, Mo.

密苏里州堪萨斯城(Kansas City)American Century Investments负责股票估值的首席投资长菲尔•戴维森(Phil Davidson)说,"专业投资人士最难应对的是他们错误分析了股票的时候。"

He gives an example of when that happened at his firm. His American Century Mid Cap Value began building a position in Best Buy Co. in the third quarter of 2010, with most of the buying occurring in July of that year. Purchases were primarily in the low to mid $30s. But by the second quarter of last year, the fund began to sour on the stock and started selling, initially in the low $30s. It was out of the stock by the fourth quarter, with the final selling taking place in November, when the stock was in the $26 to $27 range. For the past few months, the stock has been trading in the $17 to $20 range.

他举了个发生在他公司的例子。2010年第三季度,American Century Mid Cap Value基金开始买入百思买(Best Buy Co.)的股票,多数买入发生在当年7月。买价主要为30美元至40美元之间的中低位。但到了去年第二季度,该基金开始看跌该股票并开始卖出,初始卖价是30美元出头。到了第四季度,该基金对该股票清仓,最后一次卖出发生在11月,当时该股票的价格为26美元至27美元。在过去几个月,该股票的交易价格为17美元至20美元。

'The company had good free cash flow in a very dynamic retail world. But we underestimated the changes in the competitive landscape and how much the company would be hurt by that,' Mr. Davidson says. Best Buy's big-box stores were seen as the category killer for a while, pushing out competitors such as Circuit City Stores Inc. But Best Buy more recently has lost business to online retailers that can offer more selection and often lower prices.

戴维森说,"这家公司在瞬息万变的零售业中有良好的自由现金流。但我们低估了竞争环境的变化以及这家公司因此受到的伤害。"百思买的仓储式商店一度被视为品类杀手,它挤出了Circuit City Stores Inc.等竞争对手。但最近百思买的生意被能提供更多选择、通常还能提供更低价格的网络零售商抢走。

It may seem obvious to sell a stock that isn't meeting expectations, but the decision is more complicated than that, Mr. Davidson says, 'because we never know for sure whether it's permanent.'


Think About What's Fair


In looking at stocks to buy, many investment pros estimate a fair value for the shares, based on factors including the company's earnings, the rate of revenue growth and the multiples of earnings at which the shares of companies in a particular industry are trading. Fund managers generally aim to buy at a discount to fair value, and many have selling rules linked to that fair value, which is a figure that may change over time.


For Andy Jung, co-portfolio manager for Aston/Montag & Caldwell Mid Cap Growth in Atlanta, a position becomes a candidate for trimming when the stock reaches 100% of his firm's estimate of its fair value. 'Then at 120% of our price target we have to take action in terms of reducing or in many cases eliminating the position outright,' he says. 'The upside potential at that point is not as significant as the downside potential should the fundamentals falter.'

对亚特兰大Aston/Montag & Caldwell Mid Cap Growth基金的联席投资组合经理安迪•容(Andy Jung)而言,当股票达到他的公司对其公允价值估计的100%时,这只股票就成为了被剔除的候选股。他说,"当它达到我们的价格目标的120%时,我们就必须采取行动减少头寸,在许多情况下还要剔除头寸。如果基本面衰退的话,此时上涨可能不如下跌可能那么大。"

Sometimes the selling starts before the 120% threshold, as it did this year for Aston/Montag & Caldwell's holdings of Fluor Corp.

有时,卖出行为在120%的临界值之前就开始了,正如Aston/Montag & Caldwell今年对持有的福陆公司(Fluor Corp.)股票所做的那样。

'The stock had a nice run from mid-December at $47 to February at almost $65,' Mr. Jung notes. 'Our very first purchase of the stock [was] in the summer of 2007, and we had a number of entry points. We exited the entire position on the assumption that at $65 it was fully valued and because we were concerned it didn't have the momentum given economic concerns.'


A Minimum Return


When buying shares, Clint Harris, a senior client portfolio manager for the Invesco Diversified Dividend fund in Houston, looks for stocks that he thinks can deliver at least a 35% total return over two years and that have upside potential that is at least three times their downside potential. When a stock he's holding realizes this upside potential, it becomes a sell candidate.

休斯敦的Invesco Diversified Dividend基金的高级客户投资组合经理克林特•哈里斯(Clint Harris)购买股票时,会寻找他认为能在两年中提供至少35%的总收益率、且上涨可能至少是下跌可能三倍的股票。当他持有的股票实现了该上涨潜力时,它就变成了卖出候选股。

Take, for example, DuPont Co., a stock the fund held since 2006 but sold in February.

杜邦公司(DuPont Co.)就是一个例子,该基金从2006年起就持有该股票,但在2月份将其卖出。

Mr. Harris and his team saw red flags when Wall Street analysts issued estimates of DuPont's earnings that were higher than the Invesco team's. 'That tells me the potential upside for the stock is a bit limited,' he says, because the company's earnings could disappoint investors who are guided by the Wall Street estimates.


And that meant the stock no longer offered the upside the fund looks for. DuPont had more than met the fund's criteria since the time of purchase, he says, but 'now it is time to move on elsewhere.'



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