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发布时间:2019-08-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编

A dog could be a baby's best friend, according to a study in the medical journal Pediatrics.


Infants living in households with dogs were healthier and had fewer ear infections than those without a dog, the study found. Researchers also found that cats appeared to offer some protection, but the link wasn't as strong.


The study, posted online Monday and based on 397 children who lived in rural and suburban parts of Finland, examined whether contact with dogs and cats during a baby's first year offers any protection from respiratory tract infections, such as colds and resulting common ear infections. 'The children having dogs at home were healthier, they had less ear infections and they needed less antibiotics,' said Eija Bergroth, the study's lead author and a pediatrician affiliated with Kuopio University Hospital in Kuopio, Finland.

这份7月9日上线的研究报告追踪了生活在芬兰乡村和郊区的397名儿童,考查了婴儿一岁以内与猫狗的接触是否能保护其免遭呼吸道感染的侵害,例如感冒和常见的并发耳部感染。报告首席作者、芬兰库奥皮奥大学医院(Kuopio University Hospital)的儿科大夫艾嘉•伯格罗斯(Eija Bergroth)说,养狗家庭的小孩更健康,他们患耳炎的情况较少,需要的抗生素也比较少。

One measure showed children with dogs were reported as being healthy for about 73% of the time, based on weekly questionnaires, compared with about 65% of children with no dog contact at home. While the study tracked just under 400 babies, the researchers said the results were statistically significant because it relied on weekly questionnaires filled out by parents.


Dr. Bergroth explained that children who lived in households where dogs spent 18 or more hours a day outside, showed the most healthy days, fewer fevers and the least use of antibiotics compared with babies with no dog at home. One theory is dogs that spend a lot of time outside likely bring more dirt and bacteria inside the home compared with dogs and cats that spend more time indoors, she said. Researchers believe that exposure to dirt and bacteria builds up babies' immune systems.


Researchers found that 97% of babies-whose mothers were enrolled in the study during pregnancy-had a runny nose at some point during the study, most had a cough and about 40% had an ear infection. Nearly half of the children needed antibiotics.


Earlier studies using smaller samples of children have shown conflicting results on the impact of animal exposure on infections and allergies, though a study funded by the National Institutes of Health showed children exposed to two or more dogs or cats in their first year had lower chances of later developing all kinds of allergies than children exposed to one or no pets.

早前以较少儿童做样本的研究得出过相反的结论,认为接触动物对炎症和过敏有不良影响,不过一项由美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)资助的研究显示,一岁以前接触两只或更多的狗或猫的小孩日后罹患各类过敏症的几率比只接触一只或不接触宠物的小孩要低得多。

Dr. Bergroth's study involved children who were born at Kuopio University Hospital in Finland between September 2002 and May 2005. The children's parents were given weekly questionnaires from the time their babies were nine weeks old until they were 1 year old. The questionnaires asked if the children had been 'hale and hearty' in the past seven days. If the child wasn't healthy parents were asked to document ailments like fever, cough, runny nose, ear infection, diarrhea, urinary tract infection or rash. Families were also asked each week if they had a dog or a cat at home and how much time the animals spent outside.


The study results were tabulated looking at responses on the weekly questionnaires rather than individual children. Researchers analyzed the data in different ways to rule out other factors that could influence infection rates like breastfeeding, low-birth weight, the number of siblings and whether moms smoked during pregnancy.



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