What impresses students on the world's most expensive executive MBA programme? Is it Wharton San Francisco's lavish new campus in a landmark building, or the latest interactive technologies in each classroom? The concierge-style service they receive from school staff, the free iPads, the all-inclusive accommodation at the Meridian Hotel or the chauffeur service that drives them the half-mile there?
"It's going to be a great place for watching the America's Cup this fall," says student Peter Eberle, pointing to the panoramic view of 'Frisco Bay and Bay Bridge.
学员彼得•埃伯利(Peter Eberle)指着眼前一览无余的旧金山湾(Frisco Bay)和海湾大桥(Bay Bridge)说:"在这地方看今年秋天的美洲杯帆船赛(America's Cup)肯定棒极了。"
He is joking (mostly), but the view is as breathtaking as the price tag. Yet executives like Mr Eberle are queueing up to pay $175,678 to enrol at the school. It is as if the recession never happened. Wharton San Francisco has even increased its fees by 1 per cent for the class that began last month. It may be 3,000 miles from home in Philadelphia at the University of Pennsylvania but, after 10 years in California, the Wharton brand has been successful enough at ingesting west coast entrepreneurship and high-tech energy to enable its San Francisco satellite to steer a course through the storm.
这位学员多半在开玩笑,但那景色确实令人叹为观止,正如那个课程的价格。不过,像埃伯利这样的高管还是愿意排着队交175678美元的学费来注册这个课程。就好像衰退根本没发生过一样。沃顿商学院旧金山校区甚至将上月开课的课程学费调高了1%。位于加州的沃顿商学院旧金山校区距离位于费城宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)的主校区可能有3000英里,但凭借沃顿的品牌、10年的经营和高科技教学手段,该校区在西海岸的企业家教育十分成功,足以让它安然度过风暴。
"People still don't think San Francisco when they think Wharton," admits Bernadette Birt, executive director of the programme. "But many students come here with ideas already brewing in their heads and ready to step out as entrepreneurs."
"如今大家仍然不能把旧金山和沃顿商学院联系起来。"该项目执行主任贝尔纳黛特•伯特(Bernadette Birt)坦承,"但我们的许多学员在入校之时就已怀有创业的想法,打算在毕业之时成为企业家。"
Still, the waters could yet get a little choppy as competition on the west coast increases. The lampposts in San Francisco's financial district that do not carry advertisements for Wharton, carry ones for Babson College, the business school that specialises in entrepreneurship and which launched a fast-track MBA in the city in 2010. Across the bay, UC Berkeley will launch its MBA for executives in 2013, after Berkeley's Haas School of Business and Columbia Business School agreed to wind up the joint EMBA they have run since 2002.
不过,随着西海岸竞争的加剧,局势可能变得更加变幻莫测。旧金山金融区的路灯柱上贴的不是沃顿商学院的广告,就是巴布森商学院(Babson College)的广告。巴布森的专长是培养企业家,它从2010年开始在旧金山开设了一个速成MBA课程。在旧金山湾对岸,加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)哈斯商学院(Haas School of Business)与哥伦比亚商学院(Columbia Business School)同意结束自2002年起合办的EMBA项目之后,前者将从2013年开始开设EMBA课程。
Wharton San Francisco is positioning itself as the intensive, fully-immersive, all-expenses-paid model at the top end of the market – hence the decision to trade its downtown hub for even classier accommodation. At the beginning of the year, the school moved to the sixth floor of a Romanesque revival building once used by Hills Brothers – inventors of vacuum-packing – to roast and pack coffee on the city's Embarcadero (waterfront).
沃顿商学院旧金山分院定位于高端市场,采取密集型和沉浸式教学,所有费用包含在学费里。因此该校决定从闹市区搬到更高档的地段。今年年初,该校搬到了旧金山Embarcadero(滨水区)一栋翻新过的罗马式大楼的6层。真空包装的发明者希尔斯兄弟(Hills Brothers)曾经在那栋大楼里烘焙和包装咖啡。
The annual intake on this two-year EMBA is about 95 students – so what do they get for their money?
The campus – which is used exclusively for the EMBA programme and a handful of executive courses – is flooded with natural light and sustainable woods, walls hung with paintings from local artists. Breakout rooms and mother-and-baby rooms are furnished like airport executive lounges. There are two teaching rooms, each with capacity for 75 students, plus a lecture theatre for 160.
Each has the latest audio-visual equipment and cameras for web-conferencing speakers from the east coast and Wall Street. In smaller seminar rooms, students can Skype their east coast counterparts or team members working overseas. And the restaurant serves food prepared by local artisans.
While proud of the campus, Ms Birt stresses that this is not the reason students pay big money As in Philadelphia, EMBA students receive more than 700 hours of contact time. "They are getting more for their money – other programmes offer 400 hours and their fees are not much less than ours."
As the global economy recovers it is not too far-fetched to imagine EMBA fees breaking the $200,000 mark soon. But is there a danger that top-end schools might price themselves out of the market?
"The market is dictating the price," says Dave Wilson, chief executive of the Graduate Management Admission Council.
管理学研究生招生理事会(Graduate Management Admission Council,简称GMAC)首席执行官戴夫•威尔逊(Dave Wilson)表示:"市场决定学费。
"As long as candidates fill seats, the price is not a barrier in the eyes of either the students or the schools. The market is in equilibrium as supply is meeting demand.
"The real question is how stable is this equilibrium. Will supply continue to meet demand or will the increasing price drive down demand for the seats?
"But at the moment, the ability to increase the price of a graduate management degree is a testament to the value proposition of the degree."
But John Fernandes, chief executive of accrediting body AACSB believes that there would be resistance from students and their employers to paying $200,000 for an executive programme.
认证机构美国管理商学院联合会(AACSB)首席执行官约翰•费尔南德斯(John Fernandes)认为,如果EMBA学费要20万美元,学员和他们的老板可能会犹豫。
"An EMBA is considered as an investment in the company and the individual and organisations would have to consider very carefully whether they would be willing to pay that amount for an executive MBA programme," he says.
Wharton San Francisco has no faculty of its own. The EMBA programmes are sequenced so that faculty can teach one weekend in Philadelphia, then fly to San Francisco the next. The choice of options differs a little, but the core curriculum on both programmes is identical.
"We don't want our students to feel the east coast is getting something different," says Ms Birt. If anything, San Francisco students get the better deal from faculty, she adds. "The level of engagement here is different, because faculty don't have family distractions while here. They stay at the same hotel and take the same meals and so it makes for much greater connection with students." Wharton San Francisco attracts people working in high-tech, such as Google, Facebook, LinkedIn and Cisco, as well as executives from the hotels, entertainment and healthcare sectors, attorneys, engineers and people working in product development, R&D and marketing.
The 30 electives chosen by students tend to lean towards the entrepreneurial, adds Ms Birt, who can now count Mozilla and Gap as neighbours.
It is a significant challenge to start a business while holding down a job, juggling family commitments and completing an EMBA.
However the biggest pressure comes from students themselves. Only a third of EMBA students at Wharton San Francisco have more than 50 per cent of their fees paid for by their employers. Many pay the entire cost from their own pockets.
"This is a big investment in their lives and careers," says Ms Birt. "They demand a transformational experience."
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