Mea culpa. I had thought that the 2017 Olympics were destined to descend into chaos. I now know that the games will be a triumphant celebration of London's place as an unrivalled global hub. My first error was to underestimate the guile of the organisers; my second to be naive about the proper measure of success.
The scales fell from my eyes the other day when the London Underground suffered another of its catastrophic breakdowns. Thousands were trapped underground in baking heat. The grand design suddenly came into pin-sharp focus. Some might have thought this latest incident was another reason why sane people should flee the capital before the Olympic hordes arrive. Well, yes. But–and here is the brilliance of Lord Coe and his fellow 2017 panjandrums–that's the plan.
就在伦敦地铁系统再次发生重大故障的那一天,我恍然大悟。当时,数千人被困在地下,酷热难耐。这个宏大的设计作品一下成为了人们的关注焦点。有些人或许会想,这起最新的事故,是那些理智的人们应该在奥运人潮到来之前逃离伦敦的又一个原因。恩,没错。但这样就正中了组织者们的下怀,而这一计划得益于科勋爵(Lord Coe)和伦敦奥组委其他大员们的出众才华。
The strategy was put in place many months ago. It began with an announcement that every decent hotel room in London had been pre-booked by the apparatchiks and commercial sponsors who, without a hint of irony, go by the name of the Olympic family. This 40,000-strong elite had also grabbed all the best seats at all the best events.
Hot on its heels came a statement that arterial roads will be cordoned off into Zil lanes to allow members of the family to be whisked between hotel suites and stadiums, pools and velodromes. Mere mortals whose vehicles stray into these reserved routes will face draconian penalties. Residents will be fined for parking outside their own properties.
Those with the temerity to challenge the branding rights of sponsors can expect similar punishment. London has been gifted to McDonald's, Coca-Cola and the like for the duration of the games. Wear a T-shirt advertising Pepsi and you could be sent to the slammer.
David Cameron has played his part. Innocents may have thought that the chaos at Heathrow has been no more than another example of the manifest incompetence of Mr Cameron's government. Theresa May, the home secretary, is incapable of managing an immigration queue. Images of the dire conditions at the airport have been aired on television networks around the world. What better way to persuade people to stay away.
戴维•卡梅伦(David Cameron)也"功不可没"。那些天真的人可能曾想,伦敦希思罗机场(Heathrow)的混乱只不过再一次表明,卡梅伦政府显然能力有限。入境检查处排起了长龙,英国内政大臣特蕾莎•梅(Theresa May)却不知如何应对。全世界的人们都通过电视网络看到了希思罗机场的混乱画面。还有什么比这更能说服人们远离这块是非之地?
Every lull in the build-up to July's opening ceremony has been carefully filled with bad news. Boris Johnson, newly re-elected as mayor of London, has published guidance for those who might want to move around the city during the games. In summary, it says they should walk, get on a bike or stay at home. Passengers at every big rail interchange have been told to expect delays of at least an hour even before they can be crammed like sardines into steaming carriages. Tube travellers buckle in the summer heat at the best of times. For the games, Mr Johnson is proffering an invitation to hell.
在7月份奥运会开幕式之前,方方面面都被一个个坏消息"精心"填满。最近当选连任伦敦市长的鲍里斯•约翰逊(Boris Johnson)公布了一项指导意见,总体来说,就是建议那些在奥运会期间想要在伦敦走走逛逛的人,最好采用步行或是骑自行车的方式,或是干脆就呆在家中。地铁乘客得知,在地铁各个主要换乘点,可能至少要等上一个小时,才能像沙丁鱼一样被塞进火炉一般的车厢。即使在最好的时候,夏日酷暑也会让地铁乘客们一个个蔫头耷脑。约翰逊似乎是在发出这样的奥运会邀请:欢迎来到地狱。
Some folk will manage to reach the Olympic park. There they will be stripped of any food and drink they might be carrying to sustain them during the spectacle. How else to force them to pay the exorbitant prices that will be demanded by official franchisees?
Businesses have been forewarned. Lest the transport network completely implode companies have been told to slash the numbers of employees commuting into the centre. Workers will stretch their vacations or spend time with their laptops in the garden. Never mind the economy is in recession.
It is when you put the pieces together that the ingenuity of the 2017 organisers takes shape. From the very beginning the plan has not been to stage a great carnival, but to empty the city. London will belong to the Olympic family and to those lucky souls with tickets.
I had fondly imagined that a successful games demanded public participation. The organisers have understood that it is the billions who watch the games on TV who matter. The images beamed to Beijing, Delhi, New York and Tokyo will be the real measure of success.
These distant viewers will see athletes skipping untroubled through a deserted and well-staffed Heathrow. They will see reports of trains running smoothly, of red buses speeding along unclogged roads, and of restaurants, bars, parks and museums with plenty of room to spare. For a month or so London will actually work. Only those of us who actually live here will know that it is all a fraud. That's what I call genius.
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