Scientific Meaning 康乃馨的学名
Carnation's scientific name is dianthus caryophyllys. Dianthus is the Latin word meaning "flower of love" or "flower of the gods". 康乃馨的学名叫香石竹,石竹在拉丁语的意思是“爱之花”或者“花之神”
Common Meaning 康乃馨的通俗花语: The most common meanings assigned to the carnation are fascination, distinction and love. 康乃馨通常象征魅力、特别和爱。
Color Meaning 康乃馨不同的颜色代表不同的花语:
Just like many other flowers, the meaning of carnation changes with the color of the flower. 和其它花一样,康乃馨不同的花色代表着不同的花语。
Light red carnations express admiration 淡红色的康乃馨象征赞赏
Dark red carnations communicate a deeper feeling of love and affection. 深红色的康乃馨传达很浓的爱和情感。
White carnations, on the other hand, are given to express purity and luck. 白色康乃馨代表纯洁和幸运。
Pink carnations are a sign of gratitude. 粉色康乃馨表达感激。
Mother's Day 康乃馨与母亲节 During the 19th century, carnations, especially pink ones, became the traditional flower of Mother's Day symbolizing mother's undying love. In addition, you can wear a red carnation to honor your mother if she is alive and a white carnation if she has passed away. 在19世纪,康宁耐心,尤其是粉色的康乃馨成为母亲节的象征。另外你可以戴一朵红色的康乃馨表示你母亲健在,或者戴一朵白色的康乃馨代表母亲已过世。(小编猜测:避免大家说带我向你母亲问候,才发现对方的母亲已过世的尴尬?)
National Flower 国花 Carnation is also Spain's national flower, and it is widely grown in the Aragon region of Spain. 康乃馨是西班牙的国花,在西班牙地区的亚拉贡地区广泛种植。
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