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发布时间:2013-01-23  编辑:查字典英语网小编

When you ask a fund manager in Asia where to find the standout investment opportunity, there is one answer you never expect: Japan.


But for John Saunders, who runs the Asian end of MGPA, an $11bn property-focused private equity firm, the land of the rising sun presents golden opportunities – and, perversely, it is the country’s shrinking economy that is the reason.

但对于麦格理环球房地产投资顾问(MGPA)亚洲业务的主管约翰·桑德尔斯(John Saunders)而言,这个日出之国提供了绝好的机会,反常的是,其原因在于该国日益收缩的经济。MGPA是一家专注于房地产领域的私募股权投资(PE)公司,资产管理规模为110亿美元。

“Japanese yields are phenomenally high, he says. “People have got so used to falling rents, so they have been driving yields higher. The whole market is priced very, very cheaply, it needs a catalyst to spark a change in perceptions. I think that will come with a bit of recovery in Tokyo – but only in Tokyo.


Capitalisation rates – which are more or less interchangeable with yields – for Tokyo office investments are as high as 8 or 9 per cent, he says. Financing costs from Japan’s highly liquid banks are also extremely cheap and unlikely to rise any time soon.


Just four hours flight from Tokyo, Hong Kong is a world away in property terms. Investors, analysts and others are fretting about the potential for a dangerous bubble. Hot money from the US central bank’s quantitative easing programme looks like flowing increasingly towards the local commercial sector at a time when supply is incredibly tight and yields are already at record lows of about 3 per cent for office space.


Mr Saunders’ own modest office in the city suggests a man focused on finding value. Small and plainly decorated, it is on the lower floors at the back of a slick eight-year-old steel and glass tower in central Hong Kong. His vista is dominated by the nearby windows of older residential blocks. Higher up on the other side of Three Pacific Place, he would have grand views out to Victoria Harbour – but with a rental bill to match.

桑德尔斯自己在香港的办公室不算很大,这表明他重视价值发现。这间办公室所处楼层较低,面积很小,装修朴素,位于香港中部一栋已建成8年、外形时尚的钢与玻璃结构的大厦的后面。视野之内是附近年代较老的住宅楼的窗户。如果是在太古广场3座( Three Pacific Place)另一侧的高层,他就可以饱览维多利亚港,但租金也非同一般。

“In Hong Kong, I’m a seller right now, he says. “In fact, I’ve got nothing left. Partly it is because people are paying sub-4 per cent yields and partly it is because I don’t see where the rental growth can come from.


“Ben Bernanke [the governor of the Federal Reserve] is going to stop it falling apart, but QE is not going to help growth.


He notes that office rents are near record levels of HK$150 ($19) per square foot per month, where they have been for some time. CBRE, the global property agency, recently named Hong Kong the most expensive city for office rents in the world. The full annual cost of occupying a Hong Kong office, which includes taxes and services charges, has fallen by 17.2 per cent to US$249 per sq ft a year. But even after this it is still 11 per cent more expensive than the West End of London, which ranks second at $220, and 33 per cent ahead of Tokyo at $186.


Mr Saunders points at the contrast with Singapore, the financial centre for south-east Asia, where rents have come down from peaks of S$20 ($16) per sq ft per month to S$10-S$12, leaving room for a rebound.


In Singapore, MGPA’s main Asia fund, which looks to generate an internal rate of return of 18-20 per cent, is finishing off the second of two towers in the Marina Bay office development, which is full of gleaming new blocks. Citigroup is the flagship tenant in the first tower, and the top half of the second is pre-let as a Westin hotel.

MGPA在亚洲的主要基金在新加坡滨海湾(Marina Bay)开发了两幢楼,目前第二幢楼即将完工,这里满是光彩熠熠的新建写字楼。该基金计划实现18%至20%的内部回报率。花旗集团(Citigroup)是第一栋楼的旗舰租户,第二栋楼的上半部分由威斯汀酒店(Westin)预租。

This fund, MGPA’s second Asian opportunity vehicle, began life in 2007 with commitments of almost $4bn, much larger than the firm’s first Asia fund, which had a little under $1bn.


Mr Saunders says MGPA took a bit of a break in investing the fund after the collapse of Lehman Brothers and asked investors for an extension to its expected lifecycle.

桑德尔斯表示,在雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)破产后,MGPA暂停了该基金的投资,并请求投资者将投资期限延长至预期周期。

Aside from the Marina Bay development in Singapore, it has a handful of other large properties, including a 50 per cent stake in a new shopping mall in Chengdu, Sichuan province, which is a growing hub for electronics manufacturing among other things.


Indeed, China is another, somewhat more expected, standout investment opportunity in Asia, he says, in spite of the huge levels of investment that have gone into the country in the past few years.


“China can be very good, he says, “but it takes forever to find a deal that you can get comfortable with.


Now he has just $250m more to invest, but is happy to have that.


“The specialist property investors like us are much less active at the moment, there is very little capital being raised, he says. “We are lucky to have the last of the opportunity fund and the start of the new Spezialfonds, he says, alluding to the firm’s latest vehicle.


This MGPA Asien Spezialfonds is a much lower risk, income-focused fund created under German law specifically for institutional investors in German-speaking countries. It has raised €85m so far against a target of about €500m in equity and aims to pay out an annual distribution yield of about 5 per cent.

MGPA Asien Spezialfonds基金的风险要低得多,专注于收益,依据德国法律设立,专门面向德语国家的机构投资者。迄今,该基金已募资8500万欧元,目标是募资约5亿欧元,并计划支付约5%的年度分配收益率。

The rationale behind the fund was that Mr Saunders’ Asia team was seeing a lot of good real estate investments but without enough of a return to make them suitable for the opportunity fund. These are primarily income opportunities where there will be little refurbishment needed and certainly no development risk, mainly in countries like Japan.


MGPA announced a first close on the Spezialfonds in September, although talks with investors on a second close early next year are ongoing.


“When you think certain markets are quite cheap, you just want to get going and get investing, he says.



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