Portfolio Manager A was the coy description of Steven Cohen used by the Securities and Exchange Commission as it this week made its allegations in the largest case of insider trading in US history.
美国证交会(SEC)本周对美国历史上最大的一起内幕交易案提出指控,在指控中使用“投资组合经理A作为史蒂文·科恩(Steven Cohen)的代称。
But there is no doubt that the mystery manager is the founder of SAC Capital, the $14bn hedge fund at the heart of the alleged scheme.
但毫无疑问,这位神秘经理就是SAC资本(SAC Capital)的创始人,而这家规模140亿美元的对冲基金公司是被控阴谋案的核心。
Away from his beloved trading desk, the 56-year-old Mr Cohen, balding with eyes that betray decades of early mornings, is a direct but unimposing presence. At the desk, however, he is a snarling and aggressive trader, one revered and feared across Wall Street.
Surrounded by computer screens at the centre of SAC’s 20,000 sq ft Greenwich, Connecticut, trading floor, kept cool (69F) and quiet as per his specific instructions, Mr Cohen runs a fund that at its peak accounted for 3 per cent of all trading on the New York Stock Exchange. SAC Capital has earned more than $12bn in investor profits, paid billions of dollars in commissions to Wall Street and carried Mr Cohen to 106th place on the Forbes rich list.
Throughout his rise, Mr Cohen has remained a guarded man, even by the paranoid standards of the hedge fund world. Employees must sign fearsomely worded non-disclosure agreements. Mr Cohen rarely speaks to the press.
Nevertheless, he received some unwelcome attention this week when the Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested Matthew Martoma, the fifth former SAC employee to face insider trading charges since 2009. SAC avoided $194m of loses and made $83m trading in the stock of Elan and Wyeth, pharmaceutical companies, according to the SEC.
但在本周,他得到了一些并非他想要的关注:联邦调查局(FBI)逮捕了马修·马拓玛(Matthew Martoma),这也是2009年以来第五名面临内幕交易指控的SAC前雇员。SEC称,SAC在制药公司Elan和惠氏(Wyeth)的股票交易中避免了1.94亿美元的损失,并赚得8300万美元的利润。
The regulator’s complaint says that on July 17 2008, Mr Martoma learnt of disappointing results for an Alzheimer’s drug from a doctor overseeing the trials. On the Sunday, he emailed Mr Cohen, asking to catch up. “It’s important, the email read. Mr Cohen replied with his mobile phone number and the two spoke for about 20 minutes.
The next day, Mr Cohen and Mr Martoma instructed a senior trader to begin liquidating the portfolio in a way that would “not alert anyone else, inside or outside of the hedge fund, according to the complaint.
SAC says that it and Mr Cohen have not been accused of wrongdoing and are co-operating with the inquiry.
Lawyers say that Mr Cohen is the ultimate target of the investigation. “The US attorneys could not have been more clear and direct in the way they drafted the complaint, says Brad Simon, a former federal prosecutor.
律师表示,科恩是调查的最终目标。前联邦检察官布拉德·西蒙(Brad Simon)说:“从联邦检察官起草诉状的方式来看,他们的意图极为直接、明显。
SAC has 120 investment teams and 1,000 employees. A steady stream of moneymaking ideas is expected from them. “He’s a tough son of bitch, there is a lot of pressure working for him. But his investment skills are authentic and world class, says one former employee.
Were those “world-class skills honestly deployed? Did the pressure to perform and the aggressive pursuit of information cross a legal line? These questions point to a deeper issue. Overall, the hedge fund industry has struggled in recent years. Many of Mr Cohen’s peers, such as George Soros and Bruce Kovner, have retired; others, such as Tom Steyer, are retiring at the end of the year. Is Mr Cohen part of a dying breed? Is the very idea of a superstar hedge fund manager set to become a thing of the past?
“世界一流的技巧是否用在了正道上?业绩的压力和对信息的极力追求是否越过了法律的边界?这些提问都指向更深层次的问题。总体来看,对冲基金行业近年来处境不佳。科恩的很多同行,如乔治·索罗斯(George Soros)和布鲁斯·科文纳(Bruce Kovner)均已告退;汤姆·斯泰尔(Tom Steyer)等人也将在年底退休。科恩是不是仅存的稀有物种?对冲基金经理巨星的概念是否注定成为明日黄花?
For Mr Cohen, such concerns seem to be academic. He has used his fortune to indulge a taste for modern art, hanging work by Pablo Picasso and Jackson Pollock on the walls of his sprawling Greenwich mansion.
对于科恩来说,这些担忧似乎有些脱离实际。他将自己的财富用于对现代艺术的品鉴,在位于格林尼治的庞大交易中心大楼的墙上,挂上了毕加索(Pablo Picasso)和杰克逊·波洛克(Jackson Pollock)的作品。
Born in Great Neck on New York’s Long Island, he has bought a small stake in the nearly local Mets baseball team. And he is a generous donor on the charity circuit: a supporter of military veterans, children’s hospitals and education.
科恩出生于纽约长岛的格雷特内克,他购买了家乡附近的纽约大都会棒球队(New York Mets)少部分股份。他是慷慨的慈善捐赠者,资助着退伍老兵、儿童医院和教育事业。
But friends and colleagues say that what defines him – his consuming passion that separates him from the crowd – is his need to trade. One former senior manager of SAC said: “If I had one wish for Steve, it’s that he dies at his trading desk.
He is fearless, connected and ruthless. Wall Street’s picture of Mr Cohen is of a man with an instinct for how to take on the roaring beast of the stock market, sensing its movements simply from the sound of the ticker tape machine.
Smart and already an expert poker player, at the University of Pennsylvania he was more interested in gambling his college fees in a brokerage account than in the books.
科恩头脑聪明,是扑克牌专家。在宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)读书时,他就开设了经纪账户拿自己的学费交易,而对书本兴趣寥寥。
Hired by the Wall Street firm Gruntal and Co in 1978 to an arbitrage desk that looked for low-risk profits to be made between different securities, he chafed at the need to minimise risk when so much money was there for the taking.
1978年,他受雇于华尔街公司Gruntal and Co,进入一个套利交易部门,在不同证券之间寻找低风险的盈利机会。他对降低风险的要求不屑一顾,因为赚钱的机会遍地都是。
Allowed to trade freely, he rode the 1980s bull market at Gruntal. In 1992 he left to set up SAC with $25m. Although he charged a then unheard of 50 per cent of profits, his astounding performance soon attracted more investment.
He became a star of the emerging hedge fund world in 1999 when he delivered a 68 per cent return to his investors by backing dotcom stocks, and then did even better the following year by selling them as the bubble burst.
Shortly after that, according to Wall Street legend, he missed the birth of his youngest child in 2002 while stuck to his trading desk. (A person familiar with the firm says that his wife, Alexandra, went to the hospital early and he was on his way there at the time.) Even now, he works 80 to 90-hour weeks, a camera constantly trained on his face to shout commands at underlings.
So at SAC Capital, it is business as usual. Mr Cohen and his staff own about $8bn of its capital, he has promised to pay all legal costs, and returns, while nowhere near those of the past, are still better than most peers.
所以,SAC仍是照常营业。科恩和员工拥有SAC 80亿美元的资本。他承诺支付所有的法律费用和回报。现在的回报率与过去相去甚远,但仍好于大多数同行。
While other hedge funds might fail at the first mention of an insider trading investigation, Portfolio Manager A can carry on trading. He will keep doing so until someone forces him to stop.
The writer is the FT’s US investment correspondent
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