Taliban insurgents on Sunday launched a coordinated assault on a key coalition base in eastern Afghanistan, detonating a series of car bombs in an apparent attempt to break through the perimeter of the heavily fortified installation and killing at least five Afghans.
The attack, which began shortly before 6 a.m. local time, started when insurgents set off three suicide car bombs outside the perimeter of Forward Operating Base Fenty, a facility adjacent to the Jalalabad airfield, according to a coalition news release. Insurgent attackers then tried to penetrate the base, but were repelled by Afghan and coalition troops, the coalition said.
北约联军的一份资讯稿显示,袭击于当地时间早上近6点开始。武装分子在阿富汗芬蒂(Fenty)的一个转送操作基地(Forward Operating Base, FOB)外引爆了三枚自杀式汽车炸弹,袭击随即开始。这个基地靠近贾拉拉巴德机常北约联军说,武装分子随后试图攻入基地,但被阿富汗和联军部队击退。
'They didn't get inside,' said U.S. Army Lt. Col. Paul Haverstick, a spokesman for the coalition's Regional Command-East. 'It was more shock and awe than anything successful.'
北约联军东部地区指挥官发言人、美军陆军中校哈佛斯蒂克(Paul Haverstick)说,武装分子没有闯入基地。此事令我们震惊,但武装分子没有成功。
German Army Lt. Col. Hagen Messer, another coalition spokesman, said helicopters as well as ground troops helped fight off the assault. While there were no U.S. fatalities, he said that coalition service members were wounded in the attack. He declined to discuss numbers as a matter of policy.
北约联军另一位发言人、德国陆军中校哈根·梅塞尔(Hagen Messer)说,直升机和地面部队帮助击退了武装分子的袭击。虽然美军没有伤亡,但他说北约联军士兵在袭击中受伤。他拒绝透露伤亡人数,称这是部队规定。
Abdul Jalil Shamaal, a top provincial police commander in Jalalabad, said a total of nine attackers, including the suicide bombers, were killed in the incident. Two civilians and three contract security guards at the airfield gate were killed and another civilian was injured, he added. The Afghan Interior Ministry didn't immediately provide full confirmation of casualties.
贾拉拉巴德所在楠格哈尔省的最高警方负责人阿卜杜勒·贾利勒·沙冒儿(Abdul Jalil Shamaal)说,一共有九名武装分子在袭击中丧生,其中包括自杀式炸弹袭击者。他还说有两名平民和三名保安人员在机场门口被打死,另有一名平民受伤。阿富汗内政部没有立即确认所有伤亡情况。
The Taliban have launched several coordinated attacks on the main U.S. bases in Afghanistan this year, with most of these assaults causing few if any coalition casualties. In September, however, a group of Taliban attackers in U.S. uniforms staged an audacious raid on Camp Bastion, a massive coalition base in Helmand province. That attack led to the destruction of six Marine Corps fighter jets, the largest loss of U.S. combat aircraft in a single day since the Vietnam War, and killed the Marine colonel commanding the Harrier jet squadron.
今年以来塔利班已经发动了多起针对美军驻阿富汗主要基地的协同进攻,大多数进攻几乎没有造成北约联军士兵伤亡。今年9月,一群身着美军制服的塔利班袭击者在赫尔曼德省一个北约联军大型基地Camp Bastion策划了一起大胆的袭击。这次袭击导致美国海军陆战队损失六架战机,这是自越南战争以来美军在一天之内损失战机数量最多的一次。美国海军陆战队负责指挥鹞式战机中队的上校在袭击中丧生。
Jalalabad, the capital of eastern Nangarhar province, has also seen an uptick in insurgent violence and criminal activity in recent months. In April, insurgents launched coordinated attacks on FOB Fenty and nearby FOB Finley-Shields, the headquarters for a coalition Provincial Reconstruction Team.
近几个月来,作为东部省份楠格哈尔省首府的贾拉拉巴德也出现了武装暴力和犯罪活动抬头的迹象。今年4月,武装分子对芬蒂及其附近的芬利-希尔兹(Finley-Shields)的转送操作基地发动协同袭击。芬利-希尔兹转送操作基地是北约联军一个帮助阿富汗省级政府进行战后重建的队伍Provincial Reconstruction Team的总部所在地。
Afghan and coalition troops repulsed the attackers in both cases, but insurgents at the time managed to get inside FOB Finley-Shields, sparking a lengthy gunfight and a massive fire that destroyed several buildings.
Initial reports suggest that Sunday's attack in Jalalabad was well orchestrated. A provincial police representative said the fighting had ended by midmorning, but said that there were as many as eight large explosions close to the main gate of the base.
In a statement posted online, a Taliban spokesman said the assault started after a 'martyrdom seeker' named Siddiquallah detonated an explosives-packed sports-utility vehicle near one of the gates of the base. The statement said a second group of six insurgents wearing U.S. uniforms then entered the base in a vehicle.
All six of the fighters were 'rewarded with martyrdom,' the statement added. The Taliban also claimed to have destroyed coalition aircraft.
The Taliban frequently make inflated claims about casualties inflicted in their attacks, and often post videos online to boost propaganda for their operations.
Separately, the coalition announced Sunday that a coalition service member was killed in a different insurgent attack in southern Afghanistan. It didn't provide further details.
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