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体坛英语资讯:Augusto inspires Beijing Guoan to win over Guangzhou R&F

发布时间:2019-07-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编

BEIJING, June 22 -- Renato Augusto's last-minute wonder goal helped Beijing Guoan come from behind to defeat Guangzhou R&F 3-2 in an entertaining Chinese Super League clash at Workers' Stadium this evening.

Fresh from a 2-1 home win against Shanghai Shenhua last Friday, Guoan set out their stall to attack and took the lead just six minutes into the game, after good work down the right-hand side by full-back Wang Gang left striker Wang Ziming with a simple finish.

Undaunted, Guangzhou looked to get back into the game and only some last-ditch Guoan defending prevented midfielder Zhang Gong from slotting home. From the resulting corner, Guangzhou did manage to put the ball in the net, though the goal was ruled out for offside.

The away side continued to grow in confidence, and striker Eran Zahavi appeared incredulous as the referee waved away his appeals for a penalty after he had tumbled in the box. From the resulting breakaway, Guoan almost scored at the other end through Wang Gang, but his effort from a tight angle was hacked away.

Had Wang's strike gone in, it may have given the game a confusing complexion, as the referee then elected to use VAR to overturn his original decision and award Guangzhou a penalty after all, which Zahavi converted to level matters on 20 minutes.

Guoan came close to restoring their lead a few minutes later when midfield dynamo Renato Augusto barged his way through the Guangzhou defense, but goalkeeper Cheng Yuelei was equal to his low shot, and from the resulting corner Jonathan Viera headed narrowly over.

Both sides continued to create chances in an enthralling half, but it was the away side who took the lead on 35 minutes through another Zahavi penalty, awarded after Wang Gang had tripped Lu Lin.

Roared on by the Workers Stadium faithful, Guoan continued to push forward in search of an equalizer, but though Viera drew a fingertip save from Cheng, and another dangerous cross from Wang Gang was narrowly turned away, it remained 2-1 at the break.

Into the second half, Guoan continued to focus their play down the right, and one of their regular forays forward produced a corner from which Yu Dabao scored with a stooping header to make it 2-2 as the game ticked past the hour mark.

Despite playing such high-intensity football in the searing Beijing summer heat, both sides continued to search for a winner, and chances were carved out at both ends. Renato Augusto's powerful shot was beaten away by Cheng, and Lu Lin should have done better when he shot tamely at Guoan keeper Zou Dehai.

As the minutes ticked by, tempers started to fray, and after a smattering of yellow cards, Zahavi was shown a VAR-assisted red card for a bad tackle on Viera, much to the chagrin of the Guangzhou bench.

Now a man to the good, Guoan looked to press home their numerical advantage, but after Chi Zhongguo's effort was deflected onto the bar, and a Viera effort was palmed away by Cheng, it appeared that the CSL leaders would have to settle for their first draw of the season.

Renato Augusto clearly hadn't read that particular script, however, and the Brazilian sent the home fans into raptures in dying seconds with a 25-yard screamer into the top corner that gave Cheng no chance, ensuring Guoan of their 13th win in 14 CSL games so far in 2019.

"It was a difficult game," said a visibly relieved Guoan coach Roger Schmidt afterwards. "I have a lot of respect for Guangzhou R&F. There was not much difference between the two teams today, and there are no easy games in the CSL."

Guangzhou manager Dragan Stojkovic praised his players' application despite their defeat. "I was very proud of the players despite the result. Sometimes in football the result doesn't follow the performance. We showed we were not afraid of Beijing Guoan, who will probably be champions this year."

The Serbian wouldn't be drawn on Zahavi's red card, however, saying: "I've been in Chinese football four years, so I wasn't born yesterday. I've learned that it's better not to talk too much."

Guoan's 13th win of the season puts them eight points clear at the top on 39 points, while Guangzhou stay ninth with 15 points.


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