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苹果新机支持双卡、史上最贵 一个肾可能都不够

发布时间:2018-09-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

苹果公司于美国当地时间9月12日在乔布斯剧院举办秋季发布会,发布三款新iPhone,型号为iPhone XS/XR/XS Max。苹果手表4代也携健康新功能亮相。此次发布的三款新iPhone亮点不多,最值得关注的就是首次推出双卡双待功能,不过只在iPhone XS Max和iPhone XR两款机型中体现。随着新机的亮相,史上最贵的iPhone也出炉了。

另外,还有网友对于新机型号怎么读的问题展开了讨论。有人说直接按照字母读,还有人说,去年的iPhone X读作iPhone ten,那么今年的机型自然也要遵循之前的规则,Xs 和 Xr 要分别念成 ten s 和 ten r。要想读得“洋气”一点,你还需要了解一下其中的连读现象。

苹果新机支持双卡、史上最贵 一个肾可能都不够1


Philip W. Schiller, Senior Vice-President, Worldwide Marketing of Apple, speaks about the the new Apple iPhone XS and XS Max at an Apple Inc product launch event at the Steve Jobs Theater in Cupertino, California, US, September 12, 2018. [Photo/VCG]


苹果此次发布的三款新iPhone,均采用刘海屏设计,其中iPhone XR和iPhone XS Max成为苹果手机史上首次加入了双卡双待功能的两款机型。

Apple introduced three new iPhones—the Xs, Xs Max, and XR. The Xs is the successor to last year’s iPhone X, and the awkwardly named Xs Max, is a larger version of the Xs. The company also introduced the colorful iPhone XR, which will be a slightly more affordable model.

苹果公司此次发布了三款新iPhone手机,分别是iPhone XS、iPhone Xs Max和iPhoneXR。iPhone Xs在去年推出的iPhone X基础上进行了升级改造。iPhone Xs Max名字有些拗口,是增大版的iPhone X。苹果公司还推出了配色绚丽的iPhone XR,价格也更亲民。

iPhone Xs就像是往年的“S”机型,惊喜相对较少。它的设计几乎与iPhone X一模一样,变化是新增了金色版本、防水等级从IP67提升至IP68。

The Xs looks nearly identical to last year’s X, but includes a range of internal upgrades. It has a 5.8-inch “Super Retina” HD screen. Apple says its battery life is also about a half-hour better than the iPhone X.

iPhone Xs与去年推出的iPhone X外观几乎相同,但多种功能都有提升,搭载5.8英寸超清视网膜屏。苹果公司称其待机时间也比iPhone X长出大约半小时。

iPhone XS Max是苹果史上屏幕最大的iPhone。刘海全面屏的设计让它的整体大小和iPhone 8 Plus差不多,面向追求大屏体验的用户。

The Xs Max is essentially a stretched-out Xs. It features a 6.5-inch display that’s almost as large as the entire iPhone 8 Plus (not just the screen). It’s supposed to have a battery life about 1.5 hours better than the iPhone X.

iPhone Xs Max本质上就是增大版的iPhone Xs,手机屏为6.5英寸,和iPhone 8 Plus整机差不多大(而不仅仅是屏幕大小)。据称其待机时间比iPhone X长出大约1.5小时。

Philip W. Schiller, Senior Vice President, Worldwide Marketing of Apple, speaks about the new Apple iPhone XR at an Apple Inc product launch event at the Steve Jobs Theater in Cupertino, California, US, September 12, 2018. [Photo/Agencies]

Both phones also feature two 12-megapixel cameras with revamped sensors and optical image stabilization, as well as a new 7-megapixel camera on the front that works in tandem with the FaceID sensors (used to unlock the device) for sharp selfies and Animojis.


Both phones use their dual microphones to record video with stereo sound, a first for iPhones. The onboard sensors and processors work in the background to better balance things like colors, sharpness, and stability as photos and video are captured. The software will now also allow users to change the depth of field on the background of a portrait photo after it’s been shot.


配色上,iPhone Xs及iPhone Xs Max有三种可选,银色、深空灰以及全新的金色,提供64G、256G以及512G版本。

Philip W. Schiller, Senior Vice-President, Worldwide Marketing of Apple, speaks about the the new Apple iPhone XS and XS Max at an Apple Inc product launch event at the Steve Jobs Theater in Cupertino, California, US, September 12, 2018. [Photo/Agencies]

The phones have 4 GB of memory, and up to 512 GB of storage onboard, which should be more than enough for even the most voracious shutterbugs and largest music libraries.The phones will start at $999 and $1,099 respectively, and be available for preorder Sept. 14, and in stores Sept. 21.

这两款新机内存为4GB,存储容量可高达512GB,足够摄影爱好者和音乐爱好者使用。iPhone Xs和iPhone Xs Max起售价分别为999美元(约合6835元人民币)和1099美元(约合7520元人民币),从9月14日起接受预定,21日起正式发售。

iPhone XS Max的512GB版,在中国市场定价12799元,这也是史上最贵的iPhone。



外界期待许久的双卡双待终于来了。iPhone XS和iPhone XS Max通过eSIM方式实现双卡双待。所谓eSIM卡是把即嵌入式SIM卡,eSIM卡区别于独立可移除的传统SIM卡,是将SIM卡直接嵌入设备芯片中。eSIM卡主要优势在于可解决恶劣环境下物联网应用场景问题,而且用户更换运营商直接把新号码写入eSIM卡中即可。

在全球大部分地区,iPhone XS 系列都是通过支持采用实体 SIM 卡 + eSIM 卡的形式实现双卡双待;而在中国大陆,则会提供支持两张实体 SIM 卡的特殊版本,即一个卡槽正反双面插入两张实体SIM卡。特别提醒:体积较小的国行 iPhone XS 仅仅支持单 SIM 卡,而国行 iPhone XS Max 和iPhone XR则支持双 SIM 卡。

这是iPhone首次实现双卡双待(Dual SIM Dual Standby)。目前中国市面上大多数安卓手机都具备双卡双待功能,双卡双待在中国市场是一个比较广泛的需求,苹果此举被认为第一次为中国改变硬件。

Philip W. Schiller, Senior Vice-President, Worldwide Marketing of Apple, speaks about the the new Apple iPhone XS and XS Max at an Apple Inc product launch event at the Steve Jobs Theater in Cupertino, California, US, September 12, 2018. [Photo/VCG]

iPhone XR真的是廉价版吗?

压轴登场的是iPhone XR,拥有6种颜色机身可选,机身防水级别为IP67。它采用了6.1英寸的“液晶视网膜”屏幕,目测下巴尺寸与iPhone XS差不多,不过分辨率要更低、为1792x828像素。

Apple also introduced the iPhone XR, essentially a concession that iPhones have been getting very big and very expensive. The XR is a (slightly) more budget-friendly model. It’ll start at $749. The device is also meant to attract consumers looking for a little vibrancy: The XR will be available in white, black, blue, yellow, coral pink, and red, making it the most colorful iPhone since the iPhone 5c.

苹果公司还推出了新款手机iPhone XR,基本证实了苹果手机越来越大、越卖越贵的趋势。iPhone XR价格略低,起售价为749美元(约合5124元人民币)。这款机型的目标客户是更有活力的群体,机身外壳有白色、黑色、蓝色、黄色、珊瑚色和红色六种颜色,使其成为iPhone 5c手机之后颜色最多的机型。

The XR works similarly to the iPhone X—it has no home button, and Siri and Apple Pay are activated from a side button—but unlike its larger brothers’ sharp OLED screens, the XR features a 6.1-inch LCD screen that’s lower resolution and less bright. It also only has one 12-megapixel camera on the back, but uses software to attempt to recreate the portrait-mode photos the iPhone X can produce. On the front, the XR has the same sensors as the iPhone X, so it still has FaceID unlock.

iPhone XR的性能与iPhone X类似,没有主页键,语言助理Siri和苹果支付功能需要按下机身侧方按键激活,但与其“大哥”的高清OLED手机屏不同的是,iPhone XR搭载了6.1英寸LCD手机屏,分辨率和亮度更低,且只有一个1200万像素后置摄像头。但这款新机尝试使用软件来打造iPhone X可以实现的人像模式拍照效果。从正面看,iPhone XR的传感器与iPhone X相同,因此也有FaceID解锁功能。

Apple says the XR would have about 1.5 hours more battery life than an iPhone 8 Plus. It will be available for pre-order from Oct. 19, and in stores Oct. 26.

苹果公司表示,iPhone XR的待机时间比iPhone 8 Plus长出约1.5小时。iPhone XR将于10月19日起接受预定,26日起正式发售。

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, speaks about the iPhone XS and XS Max at an Apple Inc product launch event at the Steve Jobs Theater in Cupertino, California, US, September 12, 2018. [Photo/Agencies]


Some had suspected Apple was getting ready to release a circular-faced watch, but for now the company isn’t fixing what isn’t broken. The new Series 4 watch looks quite similar to the previous generations; it has the same basic shape, albeit with a thinner body and slightly more sloped sides. It will also accept the same wristbands as older models.


The Series 4 features a larger screen—about 30% larger than previous models—that comes close to the edge of the watch face. It also has a 50% louder speaker, and a better microphone; taking calls from your wrist should be easier than ever, if that’s a thing you like doing.



The Series 4 is the first wearable of its kind to be able to capture electrocardiograms. Coupled with a group of new electrodes on the back of the watch, placing a finger over the crown for 30 seconds gives what is supposed to be an accurate mapping of your heart’s functioning. Apple says it has received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration and support from the American Heart Association to sell this device in the US, and plans to work with authorities in other countries to get it approved overseas.


The new watch can also determine if wearers have an unusually low heart rate or irregular heartbeat, and can even determine if you’ve fallen over and alert emergency services accordingly. The wearable is quickly becoming an essential device for those concerned with their health and safety.


Apple said the new watch has roughly the same battery life as the last model, about 18 hours, and is just as water-resistant. The Series 4 will start at $499 for the cellular version, and $399 for the wifi-only version.



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