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"脱欧"击败"特朗普主义" 当选柯林斯词典年度词汇

发布时间:2017-05-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编

英国柯林斯词典 It is a world where the most intimate feelings and desires can be portrayed with a single emoticon.


And it seems the fleeting nature of social media and texting is having an impact on the English language as the words we most frequently use are getting shorter.


Helen Newstead, the head of language content at Collins, said its 2016 "words of the year" list has been strongly influenced by the younger generation and not only includes current words like Brexit but also short phrases from social media and a four-letter acronym; Jomo.

柯林斯的语境部负责人海伦•纽斯戴德声称,2016年柯林斯“年度词汇”榜单深受年轻一代的影响,它不仅包括像“英国退欧”这种最新词汇,也囊括来自社交媒体的短语,甚至还有一个四个字母的缩略语——JOMO Jomo stands for the joy of missing out and is used when one decides to pass up on a party invitation without any fear of missing the event.


It is thought to be the first time an acronym has been included on the Collins list, which has been issued since 2017 and celebrates terms that have enjoyed a significant rise in usage.


The term joins “throw shade”, a verb which describes when someone publicly shows contempt, and mic drop, the act of pretending to drop a microphone after speaking.

“Throw shade”指某人公开表示自己的蔑视;而“丢麦克风”则用于指演讲后假装丢掉麦克风的动作。

The latter, which experts said was being used around 14 times more than last year, has been made particularly popular on Twitter and Facebook with celebrities, politicians and members of the Royal family, including Prince Harry and Barack Obama, miming the gesture in viral videos and GIFs.

据专家统计,“丢麦克风”的使用次数与去年相比增加了14倍。该词在推特和脸书上格外受到名人、政治家和皇室成员的欢迎,其中包括哈里王子及贝拉克•奥巴马等人。该动作在病毒视频 Other popular terms identified by Collins include dude food, junk food considered particularly appealing to men, sharenting, the habitual use of social media to share images or news about children, and uberisation, a business model where services are offered directly to a customer, for example via a mobile phone.

同样上榜的其他热词包括:“纯爷们美食”,指格外吸引男性食客的简单味美的快餐;“晒娃成癖”,指在社交媒体上分享孩子的照片和新鲜事的习惯;“优步化”指将服务直接提供给顾客 2016 | Collins Words of the Year


Brexit (noun):

英国脱欧 The withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union


Dude food (noun):

纯爷们美食 Junk food such as hot dogs or burgers, which are considered particularly appealing to men


Hygge (noun):

随性的舒适 A concept, originating in Denmark, of creating cosy and convivial atmospheres that promote well-being


Jomo (noun acronym, joy of missing out):

错过的乐趣 Pleasure gained from enjoying ones current activities without worrying that other people are having more fun


Mic drop (noun):

丢麦克风 A theatrical gesture in which a person drops (or imitates the action of dropping) a hand-held microphone to the ground as the finale to a speech or performance

指某人把一个手持麦克风丢到 Sharenting (noun):

晒娃成癖 The habitual use of social media to share news and images of one's children


Snowflake generation (noun):

雪花一代 The young adults of the 2010s, who are viewed as being less resilient and more prone to taking offence than previous generations


Throw shade (verb):

公开蔑视 To make a public show of contempt for someone or something, often in a subtle or non-verbal manner


Trumpism (noun): 特朗普主义 (1) the policies advocated by the US politician Donald Trump, especially those involving a rejection of the current political establishment and the vigorous pursuit of American national interests (2) a controversial or outrageous statement attributed to Donald Trump

指 Uberization (noun):

优步化 The adoption of a business model in which services are offered on demand through direct contact between a customer and supplier, usually via mobile technology.

指一种通过顾客和服务者直接联系 The list also carries on last year's theme and reflects that many now strive to live sensible lives, which focus on well-being.


The use of hygge, the concept of creating a cosy and convivial atmosphere, has almost doubled since last year, experts said.

有专家称,“随性的舒适”一词 Ms Newstead put the changing nature of language down to social media where space is often restricted and messages are sent in haste.


An analysis of the previous "words of the year" lists by The Telegraph shows the average length of a one-word term has decreased from 9.3 letters per word to 7.3 in the last four years.


"Most of this year's words are used by or related to the generation born towards the end of the last century their contribution to the constant evolution of the English language should not be overlooked", she said.


Ms Newstead said words that end up on the final cut are often ones that encapsulate a social trend.


This year, the experts decided the word of the year was Brexit after it saw an unprecedented upsurge of more than 3,400 percent.

今年,在目睹“英国脱欧”一词的使用率经历前所未有的飙升 Previous winning words have included binge-watch, photobomb and geek.



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