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江西省宜春中学2016-2017学年高一上学期期中考试 英语试题 Word版含答案

发布时间:2017-05-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编






  第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。

  1. Where did the conversation probably take place?

  A. At a hotel.

  B. At school.

  C. In the office.

  2. What nationality is Mr. Jacobs?

  A. Austrian.

  B. Canadian.

  C. Australian.

  3. What do we learn from this conversation?

  A. The bus has broken down and will not arrive.

  B. The bus was in a terrible accident.

  C. The bus will probably arrive at 9:15.

  4. What's the relationship between Dennis and the man?

  A. Workmates.

  B. Classmates.

  C. Strangers.

  5. How much did the dress cost?

  A. $30.

  B. $60.

  C. $90.



  6. What did they do before the conversation?

  A. Slept.

  B. Had a drink.

  C. Saw a film.

  7. What do they want most now?

  A. A drink.

  B. A piece of cake. C. Sleep.


  8. What does the woman want to do?

  A. She wants to place an order for five tables.

  B. She wants to have her supper with the man.

  C. She wants to reserve a table.

  9. When will the lunch service stop?

  A. At two.

  B. At three.

  C. At four.


  10. How is the man this evening?

  A. Quiet.

  B. Quite happy

  C. Quite tired.

  11. Why doesn't the man like his present job?

  A. Because his boss is unkind.

  B. Because he has to work at night.

  C. Because he feels lonely.

  12. Why does the man intend to work in a hotel?

  A. Because there are all kinds of people to communicate with.

  B. Because most hotels are beautiful.

  C. Both A and B.


  13. Where does this conversation take place?

  A. In a rest room.

  B. At a weather station.

  C. On the road.

  14. What was the woman trying to do?

  A. Ask the man to stop and have a rest.

  B. Persuade the man to return home.

  C. Teach the man some knowledge about the weather.

  15. Why did the woman have so much knowledge about the weather?

  A. Because she worked in a weather station.

  B. Because she learned a lot from her geography teacher.

  C. Because she learned it from her early experience on a farm.

  16. What were the man and the woman doing?

  A. Discussing the weather forecast.

  B. Riding bikes in the countryside.

  C. Having a picnic in the country.


  17. What does the passage mainly talk about?

  A. The importance of newspapers.

  B. Different types of reports.

  C. News reports.

  18. Why are newspapers popular?

  A. Because they are cheap and easy to get.

  B. Because they tell interesting stories.

  C. Because they provide all sorts of news,

  19. What should you do if you want to get the summary of a news report quickly?

  A. Read the first paragraph.

  B. Read from the second paragraph.

  C. Read the whole repot.

  20. What will the news reporter do to interest more people?

  A. Produce amusing news.

  B. Use photos to go with the news.

  C. Write very short news reports.




  21. If we sit near

  front of the bus, we'll have

  better view.

  A. / ; the

  B. / ; a

  C. the ; a

  D. the ; the

  22. This is the first time that I

  at the meeting.

  A. had spoken

  B. have spoken

  C. am

  D. was

  23. 桟an you

  all the money that I should pay now ?

  梀ery sorerry, Madam. Wait a minute, please.

  A. add up

  B. add to

  C. add up to

  D. add

  24. 桵ary looks sad. What

  her ?

  桽he failed in the maths exam.

  A. happened to

  B. happened

  C. was happened

  D. were happened

  25. It was

  she was injy ured in the accident

  she didn't come to the party yesterday.

  A. as ; which

  B. because ; that

  C. since ; why

  D. for ; how

  26. Our teacher requested that we

  English hard.

  A. studied

  B. would study

  C. study

  D. to study

  27. From her

  , I guess she must come from the west of America.

  A. sound

  B. voice

  C. accent

  D. noise

  28. The child asked his mother

  go out to play.

  A. that he could

  B. if he could

  C. if could he

  D. that could he

  29. ?Have you

  some new id eas ?

  ?Yeah. I 'll tell you later.

  A. come about

  B. come into

  C. come up with

  D. come out with

  30. Don't take that kind of attitude

  your work, or you'll lose it, young man.

  A. of

  B. about

  C. against

  D. towards

  31. One minute she burst into

  , and the next she burst out

  .we just couldn't catch her mood at any moment.

  A. crying ; laughter B. tears ; laughing

  C. laughing ; tears

  D. tears ; crying

  32. ?I 'd like to thank you for cooking us a meal.



  A. With pleasure

  B. It doesng't matter

  C. It's my pleasure D. By all means

  33. The woman

  is taking a baby in her arms

  Tom's mother.

  A. which ; is

  B. whom ; is

  C. who ; is

  D. that ; are

  34. The building used to be splendid but now it is


  A. in ruins

  B. in the ruin

  C. with the ruin

  D. by ruin


  houses will be built here next year.

  A. A great deal of

  B. A large amount of C.A large number of D. The number of



  Sheila Nilbert had been going to her new school for only a week, and she felt like a





  talks to me, "Sheila said," It's as though (好像)I'm not


  there. "

  "You'll figure out (想出)something," her father said.



  about Gloria, the girl who sat


  to her in class. Gloria had said


  to Sheila the first day, but


  that she hadn't talked to Sheila



  "She's not


  friendly," Sheila said to her father. "And what about you?"

  Mr. Nilbert asked, "Are you




  week Sheila thought about her father's question. Had she been friendly?

  That Monday Sheila went to school with a


  .The first


  was to greet Gloria with a big


  and a hello. Sheila tried it and when Gloria smiled back, Sheila


  the second step.



  you like to eat lunch with me today?" Sheila whispered just before class



  "Sure," Gloria whispered


  ." You know, I want to talk to you last week, but you


  as though you would


  be left alone. I didn't know what to do. I'm glad you asked me. "

  36. A. school girl

  B. stranger

  C. headmaster

  D. visitor

  37. A. Everybody

  B. Somebody

  C. No one

  D. Anyone

  38. A. careful

  B. even

  C. always

  D. waiting

  39. A. thought

  B. talked

  C. concerned

  D. left

  40. A. watching

  B. first

  C. true

  D. next

  41. A. hello

  B. no

  C. so

  D. aside

  42. A. since

  B. before

  C. less

  D. after

  43. A. no more

  B. over

  C. again

  D. before

  44. A. a bit

  B. much

  C. a little

  D. more

  45. A. serious

  B. sure

  C. friendly

  D. happy

  46. A. By

  B. All

  C. In

  D. Through

  47. A. friend

  B. question

  C. plan

  D. smile

  48. A. step

  B. class

  C. girl

  D. way

  49. A. excuse

  B. eye

  C. smile

  D. gift

  50. A. explained

  B. put

  C. walked

  D. took

  51. A. did

  B. would

  C. are

  D. may

  52. A. begin

  B. goes

  C. began

  D. going

  53. A. back

  B. again

  C. loudly

  D. sound

  54. A. thought

  B. tried

  C. worked

  D. acted

  55. A. almost

  B. rather

  C. soon

  D. actually





  Jess really felt very happy. When he arrived at his seat in the classroom that morning, he found an invitation on his desk. It was from several of his classmates asking him to join them on a camping trip (野营).This was the first time he was asked to join in an out-of-school activity(活动). Why were they asking him now? Nobody seemed to like him. In fact, he had been so lonely that he drowned 淹没) his feeling with food. As a result, he had put on a lot of weight (体重) ,and this gave the kids something more to make fun of him.

  Gindy, who was standing near Jess when he read the invitation, went out quickly to tell the others that the trick (诡计) had worked. Everyone was pleased that Jess thought that was true. But there was no camping trip. The whole thing was made up.

  At first, Cindy thought it was fun. But later, when Jess told her that he was going to buy a sleeping bag with his savings, Cindy had second thoughts. She knew that Jess's family had little money, and she hated to see him spend his savings on something he would never use. Cindy also hated to tell Jess the truth. Her close friends would be angry with her. What could she do now?

  56. Which is the best title for this story?

  A. Jess And His School

  B. Jess And His Friends

  C. An Invitation For Jess

  D. Jess And His Classmates

  57. The underlined sentence "he drowned his feeling with food" in paragraph 1 means


  A. he ate a lot to make himself feel less lonely

  B. he asked for a lot of food from his classmates

  C. he brought his food to his classmates

  D. he had a lot of food to put on weight

  58. What would happen if Cindy told Jess the truth?

  A. Jess would go on the camping trip himself.

  B. Everyone would be angry with Cindy.

  C. Cindy might have trouble with her friends.

  D. Jess would be thankful to his classmates.

  59. If Jess really bought a sleeping bag,


  A. everyone else would also buy one

  B. it would be the best in the class

  C. Cindy would pay for it

  D. he would have it for no use

  60. From the story we can guess


  A. everybody would go camping except Jess

  B. Jess had few friends in the class

  C. Cindy was Jess's best friend in the class

  D. Jess joined in many out-of-school activities


  A few years ago, I moved into a new house in Los Angeles. Soon after, a family moved in next door. It wasn't the best of times for me. I had just got divorced(离婚)from my second wife, and I wasn't working. I'd come home each day and sit by myself in the backyard. One night, I heard someone from the yard next door," Tom! How are you, Tom?"

  I couldn't see anybody through the trees, but I answered," I'm good. "

  "Good !" said the voice.

  "What's your name? " I asked.

  "Erie. "Then I heard someone say, " Eric , don't bother him. "

  "Okay !" Eric said. "Talk to you tomorrow ! "

  Months later, on Halloween, we finally met face to face. Eric came to the door dressed like a rap star. We became friends. We'd hang out in our yards, and Erie, who was almost 17 at the time and looked like a 13-year-old,would tell me his ideas and dreams. Eric's dad, Alec Gores, is a billionaire(亿万富翁) , the head of Gores Technology Group.

  One day, Alec called me and said," I know you are an actor. My son's an actor, too, and he's very good. I want you to write a movie for him. He wants to do something like True Lies. He likes you in that movie. " That's the movie I made in 1994. His father has given Eric the great gift of confidence. He believes he can do anything he wants. He also offered to fund the movie. And that's how The Kid & I, which opens in November, began.

  Well, I really have to say that opportunity(机会)lies anywhere.

  61. What do we learn about the writer when he had just moved into his new house in Los Angeles?

  A. He often came back very late.

  B. He was working in the city at that time.

  C. He and his second wife had just gotten divorced.

  D. He often talked with others in the backyard.

  62. The writer of this passage is a(n)


  A. teacher

  B. actor

  C. singer

  D. doctor

  63. What do we learn about Erie from the passage?

  A. He lives alone with his father.

  B. He has a very rich father.

  C. He often feels very lonely.

  D. He is a rap star.

  64. The last but one paragraph(倒数第二段) mainly tells us


  A. how The Kid & I began

  B. the roles in The Kid & I

  C. how the writer met Eric's father

  D. what The Kid & I is about

  65.How old was Eric at that time ?

  A. Almost 17

  B. 13 years old

  C. Born in 1994

  D. We don’t know


  The fox and the cockerel

  A fox was looking for food round a farm one day when he saw a cockerel(小公鸡)standing on a grassy mound(土墩).

  "I've never seen such a beautiful bird as you are, "said the fox, "except your father, of course. I used to know him well. What a voice he had! I don't think that I can hear a good voice like that again. "

  The cockerel brushed his feathers. "People say I have quite a good voice," he said , "Perhaps you would like to hear it and see if it is as good as my father's. ""Yes, please," said the fox, turning away to lick his lips(舔嘴唇). The cockerel stretched(伸展)himself to his full height, closed his eyes and began to sing at the top of his voice. At once the fox caught him by the neck and ran off with him into the fields.

  "Stop, thief!" shouted some farmers who were working there. "Give us back that cockerel. " The men began to run after the fox. "If I were you," said the cockerel, turning his head round to talk to the fox," I would tell them to mind their own business. Tell them that I belong to you and they will stop running after you. "

  The fox opened his mouth to call out and the cockerel flew as fast as possible to the top of the tallest tree nearby.

  "Why couldn't I keep my mouth shut?" the fox asked himself angrily.

  "That was a lucky escape , "thought the cockerel. "I'll keep my eyes open in future. "

  66. The fox told the cockerel to sing in order to


  A. enjoy the cockerel' s good voice

  B. catch the cockerel for food

  C. see if he could sing as well as his father

  D. make fun of the cockerel

  67. The cockerel asked the fox to say to the farmers because the cockerel


  A. was angry with the farmers who were shouting at them

  B. wanted to help the fox run into the fields as soon as possible

  C. would like to run away when the fox opened its mouth

  D. wanted the farmers to mind their own business

  68. When the fox said "I don't think that I can hear a good voice like that again", the cockerel


  A. became angry with the fox

  B. wanted to show off himself

  C. didn't pay any attention to it

  D. wasn't satisfied with the fox

  69. The underlined phrase "mind their own business" in paragraph 4 most probably means


  A. don't care about things of others

  B. care about things of others

  C. don't worry about things of others

  D. try their best to help others

  70.After the escape, the cockerel would

  in future .

  A. close its eyes

  B. keep its eyes open

  C. sing as much as possible

  D. never sing any more


  Jules Verne was born in 1828. He was neither an inventor nor a scientist, but he read many books about science and wrote some exciting stories about the things which he thought that scientists and inventors would one day be able to do. Years later many of the things he wrote about really happened. At that time, his stories seemed like fairy tales.

  His most famous book is Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (A "league" is an old word which means about three miles). In those days submarines (a submarine means an underwater boat) had not been invented, but he wrote about an underwater ship very much like a modern submarine. The men of the submarine in this book had many strange journeys and found many strange things.

  The people in Verne's books often did surprising and sometimes impossible things, but they always seemed to be real people. In Around the World in Eighty Days, Mr Foggy planned to travel around the world in eighty days. This may seem easy for you today, but in those days there were neither planes nor cars. Mr Foggy travelled in many different ways, even on an elephant at one time! If you want to know whether Mr Foggy succeeded, you should read the book.

  71. Jules Verne was


  A. a scientist

  B. an inventor

  C. a sailor

  D.a writer

  72. Verne wrote about the things which seemed strange at that time, but

  of them came true in later years.

  A. all

  B. none

  C. many

  D. a few

  73. All the characters in Verne's books


  A. seemed real

  B. were surprising

  C. were impossible

  D. were strange

  74. His best known book is


  A. Around the World in Eighty Days

  B. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

  C. Mr Foggy

  D. not mentioned in the passage

  75.Which statement is True according to the passage ?

  A. Jules Verne died in 1828.

  B. In those days, there was a real submarine so Verne wrote about it in his book.

  C. In Around the World in Eighty Days, Mr Foggy planned to travel around the world in eighty months.

  D. At that time, there were no plans or cars.



  第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

  [1] Of course computers are great, and have changed some people's lives for the better. However, they can cause problems too. Many people who use computers a lot can get physical(身体的) problems. They find that their eyesight gets worse, for example, if they look at the screen for too long. There can be injuries in computer users' hands and arms from making the same movements thousands of times, as people do with keyboards and a mouse. People who have computers are also spending more time sitting down, and less time exercising, so many of them are becoming overweight.

  [2] Other problems are psychological(心理的). One example is stress(压力). Computers, the Internet and email have made many people's lives much faster. This can be very exciting, but it also means that people feel under a lot of pressure(压力) to do everything more quickly, which is stressful.


  more and more young people. Many people have become addicted(成瘾的) to using the Internet and chat rooms. They can spend hours and hours in chat rooms and surfing the net, sometimes until very late at night. This means they can't work or study properly and can have problems keeping friends.

  [4] Some studies in the United States have suggested that young children and teenagers who spend many hours at computers can get lonely and even depressed.

  [5] "Computers can be a really positive part of children's lives. But parents and teachers need to help them learn to use computers in responsible and creative ways," says teacher Jane Shields. "And children need to learn when it is time to log off(登出) and do something different."

  76. What is the main idea of the text? (no more than 5 words)

  77. List three physical problems caused by too much computer use. (no more than 9 words)

  78. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words. (no more than 6 words)

  more and more young people.

  79. How do young children and teenagers feel if they use computers too much? (no more than 4 words)

  80. What does the word "them" (Line 2, Paragraph 5) probably refer to? (1 word)








  Dear Peter,

  I'm writing to tell you something about our trip to the West Hill today.


  Li Mei










  Dear Peter,

  I'm writing to tell you something about our trip to the West Hill today.


  Li Mei


  76. Problems caused by computers.

  77. worse eyesight; injuries in hands and arms; becoming overweight

  78. Addiction is also a problem with / among

  79. Lonely and even depressed.

  80. Children.


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