一周资讯热词榜,一网打尽trending news。
1. 企业降杠杆
corporate deleveraging
Corporate deleveraging has been listed as one of the five major tasks of supply-side structural reform.
财政部(the Ministry of Finance)、国家税务总局(the State Administration of Taxation)日前联合下发《关于落实降低企业杠杆率税收支持政策的通知》,就助力企业降低杠杆率(reduce corporate leverage)问题,明确提出八项税收支持政策(preferential tax policies),为国企改革(reform of State-owned enterprises)和供给侧改革提供政策支持(policy support)。
根据《通知》,企业在实施破产(go through bankruptcy)、并购(mergers and acquisitions)和清算(liquidation)等多项交易活动时均可享受税收优惠政策。这类政策包括递延纳税(defer tax payments)和非货币性资产可分期缴纳税款(tax payments in installments for non-monetary assets)。《通知》指出,相关部门不会就不动产和土地使用权转让(transfers of land-use rights)行为征收增值税(value-added tax)。《通知》称,地方政府要认真落实好各项税收政策(implement the tax policies),降低企业成本,为企业降杠杆创造良好环境(create a favorable environment for corporate deleveraging)。
近年来,我国企业杠杆率高企,债务规模增长过快,企业债务负担不断加重。据国际清算银行(the Bank of International Settlements)估计,中国企业债务已达18万亿美元(China has $18 trillion in corporate debt),大约相当于GDP的169%(be equivalent to about 169% of its GDP)。
僵尸企业 zombie enterprise
负债企业 debt-laden enterprise
产能过剩 overcapacity
去库存 cut stocks, destocking
兼并重组 merger and reorganization
补短板 improve weak links
有效供给 effective supply
2. 深港通
Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect
The Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect, the second link between the mainland and Hong Kong bourses, was launched on Monday.
5日上午,香港特区行政长官梁振英与香港交易所主席周松岗在港交所共同为当日首笔交易鸣锣开市,标志着深港通正式启动(mark the official launch of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect),深港两地证券市场(stock/securities market)成功实现联通。梁振英表示,深港通开通标志着香港和深圳两地资本市场互联互通进入新阶段(the interconnection between capital markets in Hong Kong and Shenzhen has entered a new stage),在深化内地金融业双向开放(two-way openness)以及人民币国际化(yuan internationalization, internationalization of the renminbi)等均有意义。
根据深交所公布的港股通名单,港股通股票共417只,包括恒生综合大型股(large-cap stock)100只、恒生综合中型股(mid-cap stock)193只、恒生综合小型股(small-cap stock)95只、不在上述指数成份股(constituent stock)内的A+H股29只,约占香港联交所上市股票(listed stocks)市值的87%,日均成交额的91%。香港联交所公布的深股通股票共881只,包括深市主板267只、中小板(SME board)411只、创业板(ChiNext board)203只,约占深市A股总市值的71%,日均成交额的66%。
深港通北向每日额度(daily northbound limit)130亿元人民币,南向每日额度105亿元人民币。截至8日的前四个交易日(trading day)内,深港通的资金流动呈现明显的"南冷北热"的情况。统计显示,通过深股通北上的资金主要青睐具有较高增长潜力的消费和科技类股(consumer and technology stocks),而通过深市港股通南下的资金则主要布局一些新纳入投资范围的优质AH折价股(stock trading at a discount)和香港中小盘股(mid- and small-capitalization stocks)。有分析师指出,从长期来看,随着境外资金配置人民币资产(yuan-denominated assets)的需求提升,资金流向可能由南转北。
沪港通 Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect
跨境资金流动 cross-border capital flow
绩优股 blue chip
成长股 growth stock
交易所交易基金 Exchange Traded Fund, ETF
期货 futures
3. 智能投顾
China will become the world's largest robo-adviser market thanks to its growing middle class and the popularity of the mobile Internet, according to a report released by CreditEase Corp and Bloomberg LP.
智能投顾(robo-adviser)是一种在线财富管理服务(online wealth management service),能在不需要人类理财规划师(human financial planner)的情况下提供自动的、基于算法的投资组合建议(provide automated, algorithm-based portfolio advice)。和很多投资理财产品(wealth investment products)一样,智能投顾的概念最先出现在美国。
宜信财富董事总经理、报告主要作者(main author of the report)王福星称,随着城镇化快速发展(fast-paced urbanization)和人们受教育程度的普遍提高(universal higher education),中国的"新中产阶层(new middle class)"正快速壮大,这是中国在不久的将来成为最大智能投顾市场的关键因素(key factor)。与传统"中产阶层"的定义不同,新中产是互联网浸润的一代(be familiar with the internet),他们能够娴熟地使用各种高科技产品来延伸自己的能力(improve their capabilities through different high-tech products)。他们大多来自国内一、二线城市,受过良好的教育(be well educated),有一定的理财认知,更有可能接受"资产配置(asset allocation)"理念。报告称,未来五至十年,中国的中产阶层人数将达3亿至5亿。
网络虚拟资产 online virtual asset
实体财产 entity asset
无形资产 intangible asset
利率 interest rate
互联网金融 internet finance
在线理财 online wealth management
4. 七环
the 7th Ring Road
A 1,000-km expressway linking Beijing and nearby cities in Hebei province was completed on Tuesday. As Beijing already has six ring-roads within the city, the public has been calling the new expressway "the 7th Ring Road".
起自北京市密云区、终至河北省涿州市的密涿高速公路(Miyun-Zhuozhou Expressway)的建成,标志着"北京大外环"(the Great Beijing Outer Ring Road)正式合环。"北京大外环"俗称"七环"(the 7th Ring Road),是京津冀交通一体化方案(Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei transportation integration plan)的一部分,目的是通过高铁(high-speed rail)和高速公路(expressway, highway)加强北京和邻省之间的联系。
密涿高速的建成能使北京东南部现有的过境交通(transit traffic),尤其是货运过境交通(transit traffic of cargo trucks),逐渐转移至北京外围地区(periphery of Beijing),对于缓解交通拥堵(ease traffic congestion)有重要意义。此外,密涿高速公路还是一条"机场路"。新机场建成后,这条高速将成为沟通北京两座机场间最便捷的道路(become the most convenient way to get between the two airports in Beijing)。
环路高速公路 ring-road expressway
路网 road network
过境车辆 transit vehicle
国道 national road
5. 裸贷
nude loan
In the recent "nude loan" scandal, hundreds of photos of naked women used as collateral for loans issued via some online lending platforms were posted online.
"裸贷(nude loan)"指一些年轻女性通过网络借贷平台(online lending platform)借款时,被要求提供裸体照片当作贷款抵押(provide naked photos as collateral for loans)。这些女性大多数社会经验不足(lack social experience),经济能力较弱,愿意接受高息贷款(high-interest loan),很容易成为放高利贷者(loan shark)的目标。一旦未能按时偿还贷款(fail to repay the loans in time),放贷者就会威胁将照片公之于众或发给其家人(threaten to publish the pictures or send them to their families)。
"裸贷"丑闻("nude loan" scandal)引发社会广泛关注。专家称,我国对快速增长的P2P市场(fast-growing peer-to-peer marketplace)的监管仍然不足。目前国内从事P2P业务的平台有近2600个,专家建议这些网络借贷平台完善信用评估(credit assessment)、金融咨询(financial consulting)和冲突解决方案(conflict resolution)等服务。
放高利贷 operate usurious business
勒索 blackmail
截图照片 screenshot photograph
冻结账户 frozen accounts
校园贷 campus loan
地下钱庄 underground bank
6. 弹劾案
impeachment motion
South Korea's National Assembly voted on and passed the impeachment motion against President Park Geun-hye on Friday afternoon over her alleged involvement in an influence-peddling scandal. The passage suspended all the president's authority as the head of state.
"亲信干政"丑闻(influence-peddling scandal)10月24日曝光后,朴槿惠采取了改组内阁(reshuffle the cabinet)、任命独立检察官(independent prosecutor)、接受国政调查等一系列挽救措施,并曾分别于10月25日、11月4日和11月29日三次向国民致歉(make apology)。但韩国许多民众的愤怒并没有因此消退。从10月29日起,数万人连续6周举行周末集会(stage a rally for six straight weekends),要求朴槿惠下台(step down)。
本月3日,韩国在野三党共同民主党、国民之党和正义党以及无党籍的171名议员联合发起总统弹劾案(impeachment motion)。8日,朴槿惠弹劾案在国会(the National Assembly)上正式被列入全体会议议题。9日,国会就弹劾案进行投票表决,并以234票赞成的结果通过。
弹劾案通过后,朴槿惠即刻遭到停职(be suspended),宪法法院(the Constitutional Court)将对弹劾案结果进行审理,审理期最长达6个月。明年6月之前,法院将作出最后裁决(the final ruling)。若法院认定弹劾理由成立,60天之内将进行总统选举(presidential election),届时韩国将首次实施夏季大选。此前韩国只发生过一次在任总统(incumbent president)被弹劾的事:2004年3月,韩国时任总统卢武铉遭两大在野党弹劾,理由是卢武铉阵营在2002年底总统竞选期间收取非法政治献金(illegal political contributions)。但之后宪法法院判决弹劾不成立,卢武铉复职。
赞成票 aye
否决(权) veto
支持率 approval rate
政府停摆 government shutdown
干预国家事务 meddle in state affairs
紧急逮捕 emergency detention
闺蜜 close confidante
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