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发布时间:2017-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  一、听力 (共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)



  1. What are the two speakers going to buy?

  A. Bread.

  B. Cheese.

  C. Eggs.

  2. How does the woman find the fish?

  A. Just so so.

  B. Bad.

  C. Quite good.

  3. What does the woman mean?

  A. Mark should go on with the game.

  B. Mark should draw pictures on the computer.

  C. Mark should go over his lessons.

  4. Where does the conversation take place?

  A. In the bookstore.

  B. In the library.

  C. In the classroom.

  5. Why doesn’t Jane eat her chocolate cake?

  A. She doesn’t like chocolate.

  B. She has trouble with her bad tooth.

  C. She has no tooth.



  6. Where does the conversation take place?

  A. In the restaurant.

  B. In the shop.

  C. At home.

  7. What could be the reason if the woman does not buy

  the overcoat?

  A. The color.

  B. The size.

  C. The price.


  8. What can the woman be?

  A waitress at a hotel.

  B. The secretary of Mr Black.

  C. The assistant of Professor Green.

  9. How could the man get in touch with Mr Green?

  A. Ask the woman to find the Blackwood Hotel.

  B. Dial 809.

   C. Dial 114 to find the telephone number of the Blackwood Hotel.

  10. Why did the man ask the woman to change a dollar?

    A. To pay for the information.

    B. To make a phone call.

    C. To go to the hotel by bus.


  11. What is the man doing?

   A. He is selling his house.

   B. He is looking for a house.

   C. He is looking for work.

  12. How long has the woman lived in the house?

  A. 12 years. B. 2 years.

  C. 20 years.

  13. Why does the woman want to sell the house?

  A. She wants to move abroad.

  B. She wants to move to the countryside.


  C. She wants to get a lot of money.

  14. How much does the house cost?

  A. $6,850.

  B. $6,815.

  C. $7,850.请听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。

  15. What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

  A. Friends.

  B. Strangers C. Husband and wife.

  16. How did the woman find her stay there?

  A. Boring.

  B. Wonderful.

  C. Adventurous.

  17. What does the man advise the woman to do when she gets home?

  A. Send him an email.

  B. Write a letter to him.

  C. Give him a call.

  请听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。 18. How old was Rose when she left school?

  A. 16.

  B. 17.

  C. 18.

  19. What did Rose learn in the college?

  A. Computer. B. English.

  C. Typing.

  20. How much will the office pay Rose in three months if she gets the job?

  A. $30.

  B. $27.

  C. $20.

  二 、单项’m amazed to hear from my school teacher again ,_____________ ,it is ten years since we met last.

  A. In a word

  B. What’s more

  C. That’s to say

  D. Believe it or not

  22. I don’t want to set down ____

  series of facts in ______ diary as most people do.

  A. a ; a

  B ; the

  C. a ;


  D. ;

  23. When he borrowed the car last time, he broke it and I had to pay to get it


  A. repair

  B. repairing

  C. to repair

  D. repaired

  24. His absence (缺席)________ our great difficulty.

  A. added

  B. added to

  C. added up

  D. added up to

  25.I don’t think ______ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.

  A. this

  B. that

  C. its

  D. it

  26.Everybody has _______ to play _________ our environment.

  A. a part ; to protect

  B. a role


  in protecting

  C. part ; in protecting

  D. a role

  ;to protect

  27.The number of people present(出席的) at the meeting ____ about 1000,a large number of whom ____ experts from abroad.

  A. was ; was

  B. were ;were

  C. was ; were

  D. were ;was

  28._______ I hadn’t eaten anything for 24 hours , I won’t hungry.

  A.As if

  B. In order that

  C. Even though

  D. So that

  29. Many students make great progress in listening ______ the large amount of time devoted to it.

  A.because of

  B.instead of



  30. More and more people would like to live in the countryside

  there is fresher air and lower price of housing.

  A. that

  B. where

  C. which

  D. when

  31. The money collected should be made good use ______ the people in Sichuan Province who suffered a lot in the earthquake.

  A.of helping

  B.to help

  C.to helping

  D.of to help

  32. Seeing their team beat Netherlands 1∶0 during extra-time in 2010 World Cup Final, the whole Spain was unable to keep _______.

  A. quiet

  B. silent

  C. calm

  D. still

  33. Please tell me ____ from.

  A .where do you come

  B. where you come

  C. where you will come

  D. there you come

  34. While ______ the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.

  A. to walk



  C. walk

  D. walking


  She studied eight foreign languages but is _______ in only six of them.


  B. frequent





  After the quake hit northeast Japan on March 11, many moving stories that I saw with my own eyes happened around me.

  I had to walk home since all the


  had stopped after the earthquake. On my way home I


  an old lady at a bakery shop who was giving out free bread, which made my heart

  38 . A man was holding a sign that said, “Please use our

  39 .” He was


  his house for people to go to the restroom.

  My friend wanted to


  others. He stood in the cold with a sign “If you’re okay with a motorcycle, I will


  you to your house.” And then I saw him take one gentleman home, all the way to a faraway place!

  Then next day I drove to


  my car with gas. There is a lack (缺乏) of


  now and many gasoline stations are either closed or have very


  lines. I got

  46 , since I was behind 15 cars. Finally, when it was my

  47 , the man smiled and said, “ 48

  this situation, we are only giving $30 worth gas per person. Is that alright?” “ 49 . I’m just glad that we are all able to

  50 ,” I said. His smile gave me so much comfort(安慰).

  I saw a man at the evacuation (疏散) center


  when people brought food to him. It was the first time in three days that food was brought to their center. However, after he wiped the tears, his next


  surprised me. 揑 am very


  that we are provide)d with food. But people in the city next to us haven’t


  any food at all. Please go to that center as well.” And when hearing that, I realized there is a bright future on the other side of this

  55___ .

  36. A. rescue

  B. life

  C. traffic

  D. business

  37. A. missed

  B. caught

  C. noticed

  D. heard

  38. A. kind

  B. soft

  C. broken

  D. warm

  39. A. toilet

  B. hotel

  C. hospital

  D. house

  40. A. selling

  B. opening

  C. repairing

  D. building

  41. A. encourage(鼓励)

  B. change

  C. save

  D. help

  42. A. drive

  B. follow

  C. lead

  D. send

  43. A. start

  B. fill

  C. check

  D. wash

  44. A. information

  B. gas

  C. food

  D. salt

  45. A. direct

  B. fine

  C. long

  D. thin

  46. A. worried

  B. lucky

  C. sad

  D. angry

  47. A. time

  B. turn

  C. duty

  D. decision

  48. A. Except for

  B. Together with

  C. Because of

  D. Instead of

  49. A. Not at all

  B. Of course

  C. No way

  D. Never mind

  50. A. share

  B. offer

  C. learn

  D. choose

  51. A. singing

  B. eating

  C. smiling

  D. crying

  52. A. words

  B. roles

  C. ways

  D. promises

  53. A. sure

  B. grateful

  C. surprised

  D. proud

  54. A. bought

  B. wasted

  C. prepared

  D. received

  55. A. disaster

  B. chance

  C. center

  D. city

  四、阅读理解,根据短文内容选择最佳答案In the past,when people had problems,they went to their families of friends to get advice.Today,it is possible to get advice from radio shows,TV programs and telephone hot line,too, A hot line is a telephone line that offer's a direct way of getting in touch with advisers.Most hot lines are completely anonymous-------callers

  do not have to say their names or telephone numbers.Most hot lines are usually free,too.Callers do not have to pay for the advice or the phone calls even if the calls are long distance.At some hot lines,the advisers are long distance.At some hot lines ,the advisers are volunteers(志愿者).Other hot lines pay their work, Usually the adviser's are professionals(专职人员).With years of education and experience,but sometimes,the advisers have only taken a short class before starting to work on the hot line.All the advisers listen to people and help them solve their problems.

  56.What do you know about a hot line?

  A.It's a telephone line that is hot

  B.It's a telephone line through which people get advice

  C.It’s a telephone line whose number no one knows

  D.It's a telephone line through which callers take a short class

  57.When people call the hot line advisers,they


  A.often give their names and telephone numbers

  B.generally have to pay for the long distance calls

  C.usually pay nothing for most of the calls and advice

  D.always try to get in touch with the volunteer advisers

  58.The advisers working at hot lines


  A.are not all paid

  B.are all volunteers

  C.are all well educated and experienced

  D.have all been trained for a short time

  59.How do the hot line advisers work?

  A.They do what the callers tell me to do

  B.They listen to the callers and take their advice

  C.They give the callers advice

  D.They go to the callers to help them

  60.The writer of the article seems to think that


  A.with hot lines people won't get advice from their families or friends

  B.hot lines are of great help to callers

  C.people had better pay for the advice and phone calls

  D.the hot line advisers will settle all the callers problems


  Christmas Eve was tomorrow. I hoped one of the packages that held a camera had already been placed under the Christmas tree. It was the only thing I wanted. I had been dropping hints to my parents. I love taking photos. My bedroom walls are covered with photos I had taken with my mom’s old camera. I’m always trying to capture (捕捉) those perfect moments in which you can hear the laughter or touch the beautiful scene, but my camera has always seemed to fall short.

  I knew Mom had put a few presents under the tree this morning, so I went on a hunt in my mom’s room. I opened the door and found my Christmas present was lying unwrapped on the floor — a big pink cat. I felt so disappointed.

  Mom seemed to notice that, and she tried to cheer me up. “Stacy, I got your present today. I am so excited to surprise you!” “I can’t wait,” I said.

  The next day I couldn’t wait any longer. I needed to tell her.

  “Mom, may I talk to you for a second?”

  “Sure, dear. What do you need to talk about?” she asked.

  And so it came — how upset I was that I was getting a cat.

  “Stacy, that cat is for your sister Julia!” she said with a smile.

  “Then what am I getting?” I asked.

  She just smiled. “You’ll have to wait and see.”

  Next morning, I happily got into the living room and sat next to the tree. I pulled out the box with my name on it and opened the wrapping paper to find ...

  My camera! “Thank you!” I said to both Dad and Mom.

  61. The underlined phrase “dropping hints” in Paragraph 1 means _____.

  A. talking often

  B. suggesting indirectly

  C. sending presents

  D. taking pictures

  62. Why did Stacy feel disappointed at first?

  A. Her mother couldn’t understand her at all.

  B. Her mother didn’t buy her any Christmas gift.

  C. She mistook her sister’s Christmas gift for hers.

  D. She didn’t find her present in her mom’s room.

  63. We can learn from the passage that _____.

  A. her mother bought Stacy a camera after discovering her disappointment

  B. her mother knew what gift Stacy wanted for Christmas

  C. Stacy thought it’s OK to have an old camera

  D. Stacy finally got her gift on Christmas Eve

  64. What is the last paragraph mainly about?

  A. The family happiness captured by the camera.

  B. The nice Christmas that Stacy spent.

  C. The beautiful pictures that Stacy took.

  D. The true love that Stacy got from her parents.

  65. What would be the best title for the passage?

  A. A Christmas gift as wished

  B. Love is more important than gifts

  C. A wonderful Christmas

  D. Love can not be bought


  An African proverb says that a single hand cannot tie a bundle. Everyone needs companions to help them sail through the rough seas of life. Even the strongest and richest person still needs friends. Our money and strength would have no value if we had no friends to share with us. The best friendship is a give-and-take relationship. We need the support of our family, friends and the community. In turn we also give support to the society, our friends and our family.

  The word “friend” has many meanings. It could be the bus driver who takes you to and from work every day. It could be a parent, a colleague, a wife or husband, a brother or sister, or even the unknown person who helped you just once when you could not find your way. Real friends share not only our happiness but our sorrows as well. This may explain why we have the expression “a friend in need is a friend indeed”.

  Friendship is like the sunshine that keeps us warm. It is like the refreshing raindrops on the fields that give the farmers hope of a good planting season. Without friends our life would be like a desert where our only friend would be loneliness and sadness. The most fortunate person is the one who has friends from all levels in the society. A driver might find friends not only among his colleagues but among farmers, bankers, traders, students, politicians or teachers. We should never forget our old friends when we make new ones. We should treasure each of our friends whether poor or rich, beautiful or not. Each friend is unique in his or her own way. And all together, they enrich life and make it very colourful.

  66. What is the main topic of the passage?

  A. How to sail through the sea of life.

  B. Friends and friendship.

  C. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

  D. Never forget old friends when making new ones.

  67. What is the correct understanding of friends according to the writer?

  A. Friends who share our happiness are not real friends.

  B. Friends will take us through rough seas.

  C. Friends never expect anything from others.

  D. Friends can be different people around us.

  68. An unknown person can be a friend as well when


  A. he helps you with what you need

  B. he is told how to find his way

  C. he becomes one of your family

  D. he is a driver taking you from and to work

  69. The underlined word “unique” in the last paragraph most probably means “


  A. rich     

  B. poor        

  C. special     

  D. valuable

  70. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

  A. We need to help our friends because it is our duty to support others.

  B. Best friends need to share only their sorrows and discomforts.

  C. We make friends with farmers because they’re like the sunshine to keep us warm.

  D. We should forget the old friends when making new ones.


  No matter where you travel in Asia, you’ll find yourself faced with a new culture. You can start your Asian exploration by visiting some of these attractive (有吸引力的)cities first.

  Beijing, China

  Beijing is the second largest city in China and serves as the capital. The city is so old, in fact, that almost every building has some sort of cultural or historic features — no matter how small. Getting around the city you’ll find yourself faced with amazing temples (寺庙), the largest palaces (宫殿) in the world, and many works of art that leave you breathless.

  Siem Reap, Cambodia (柬埔寨)

  Siem Reap is the capital city of Siem Reap Province in northwestern Cambodia. Siem Reap has a lot of French and Chinese-style architectur. In the city, there are traditional dance performances, silk farms, fishing villages and a bird sanctuary (保护区) near the Tonle Sap Lake. Siem Reap today, being a popular tourist attraction, has a large number of hotels and restaurants.

  Kathmandu, Nepal (尼泊尔)

  Situated(位于) in the heart of the Himalayans, Kathmandu, the largest city and capital of Nepal, is considered to be one of the most outstanding cities in the world today. The shopping districts are world famous and the hotels in Kathmandu are among the most comfortable in the world.

  Kyoto, Japan

  The city of Kyoto served as the capital of Japan from 794 to 1868. No longer the capital, it is known for being the seventh largest city in Japan. Kyoto was destroyed throughout history by fires and war. But now the city is home to more than 1.4 million people, and it presents a modern face to the rest of the world.

  Every city throughout Asia has a story of its own. It’s up to you to explore them all and find out exactly what each one has to offer. Enjoy!

  71. If you want to visit the biggest place where ancient emperors lived in the world, you can go to _____.

  A. Beijing

  B. Siem Reap

  C. Kathmandu

  D. Kyoto

  72. In Siem Reap you can see the following EXCEPT _____.

  A. Chinese-style buildings

  B. excellent art works

  C. traditional dances

  D. a protected bird area

  73. Which city’s development was greatly influenced by war?

  A. Beijing.

  B. Siem Reap.

  C. Kathmandu.

  D. Kyoto.

  74. We can learn from the passage that _____.

  A. the cities are all capital cities now

  B. Beijing is the largest city in China

  C. one can’t find a good hotel in Kathmandu

  D. all the cities have their own stories

  75. The writer’s purpose in writing the passage is _____.

  A. to introduce several attractive cities in Asia

  B. to compare some tourist cities in Asia

  C. to tell readers not to visit European cities

  D. to write an advertisement about a travel company

  第二卷 (共45分):

  一、单词拼写 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

  1. It was very stupid of you to i_______ your mother’s advice.

  2. He r________ quickly after his operation ,which made his wife feel happy.

  3. The girl felt u_______ because she didn’t do well in the exam.

  4. When he walked out of the station, I r_________ him immediately.

  5. After years of travel, we decided to s_______ here.

  6. Don’t push me for an answer to your _______(请求)

  Don’t stay indoors reading all day, you should go ______(室外)because it is good for your eyes.

  He was too drunk to walk _______( 径直地)

  9. Her husband has gone abroad on business, she is quite ________ (牵挂 ) about him.

  I ________ (不同意) with what you said just now.

  (1) … For example, one evening when it was so warm , I stayed awake on __11__ until half past eleven in __12___ to have a good look at the moon by myself .But as the moon gave far too much light ,I didn’t dare open a window .Another time five months ago, I __13___ to be upstairs at __14__ when the window was open. I didn’t go __15__ until the window had to be shut.

  (2) So why has English changed __16__ time? Actually all languages change and develop when cultures meet and ___17___ with each other. At first the English ___18__ in England between about AD 450 and 1500 was very different from the English spoken today. It was __19___ more on German than the English we speak at __20___.









  I have just accepted a letter from my brother, Tim .He is in Australia. He has been there for six month.Tim is an engineer. He is working as a big firm and he has already visited a great number of difference places in Australia .He has just been bought an Australia car and has gone to Alice Springs, a small town in centre of Australia .She will soon visit Darwin .From there, he will fly to Perth .My brother had never been abroad before, but he is finding this trip very excited.



  21. _____ _______ yesterday afternoon _______ Tom met his old friend.


  2 .This is the first time that I ______ ______ this movie.


  3. I _______ ________ he is a doctor.


  4. He has _____ ______ a great deal in his life.


  5. I have grown _____ _____ _______

  everything to do with nature.



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