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2016届高考(北师大版)英语一轮复习:第一部分模块复习方略 必修三 7

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  A(全员必做)(时间:45分钟 满分:100分)选词并用其适当形式填空,know,explore,opposite,measure,escape,ban,attract,discount,apologizerom a known fact.

  2.You should apologize for losing your temper with her.

  3.I can see her walking in her room,for mine is opposite to hers.,Bollywood movies have been_banned in Pakistan since the 1965 war between the two countries.s an explorer,and he has a lot of experiences.,a great white shark was_attracted by them.,because they couldn’t escape.nt efforts,they survived at last.完成句子(参加) his adventure on the sea.,they set_sail(启航)on a Monday to search_for(去寻找)whales.(小心,注意)for sharks in_case(以免)they got into trouble.(成功到达)their destination and found the whales.(班长病了),we’d better put the meeting off.联句成篇(选用练习Ⅰ、Ⅱ中的句子,根据语篇中的提示加以改写,完成语篇翻译)我的朋友杰克是一个探险家,他有很多惊险刺激的经历(用which引导的定语从句)。去年他说服了一些人参加他的海上探险。根据他的安排,他们在某一个周一启航去寻找鲸鱼。在路上他警告他的同伴注意鲨鱼,以免陷入麻烦之中。不幸的是,他们吸引了一条大白鲨。因为无法逃脱,他们别无选择只能与鲨鱼搏斗。在他们的共同努力下,最终他们幸存下来。经过一个月的航行,他们到达了目的地并找到了答案 My_friend_Jack_is_an_explorer,and_he_has_a_lot_of_experiences_which_are_exciting_and_dangerous.Last_year_he_persuaded_some_people_to_participate_in_his_adventure_on_the_sea.According_to_his_arrangement,they_set_sail_on_a_Monday_to_search_for_whales.On_the_way,he_warned_his_men_to_watch_out_for_sharks_in_case_they_got_into_trouble.Unfortunately,a_great_white_shark_was_attracted_by_them.They_had_no_choice_but_to_fight_against_it,because_they_couldn’t_escape.With_their_joint_efforts,they_survived_at_last.After_a_month’s_sail,they_made_it_to_their_destination_and_found_the_whales.阅读理解,but Jessica Malcolm,12,hadn’t spent one night of her life without her.“Jessica’s grandmother had a teddy bear shop and gave her Teddy when she was born,”Jessica’s mother,Libby Malcolm,told ,“and she has slept with her every single day since.”Returning from a vacation in London to their home in Sydney,Australia,Jessica lost her treasured stuffed animal somewhere in the airport.“She absolutely balled her eyes out,”said Mom.“If you know Jess,you know that Teddy is a part of her life.”

  The following day,a family friend tweeted the hashtag to find Teddy which struck gold when the actor and prolific(多产的)tweeter Russell Growe retweeted it.,Sarah Harris,also tweeted a picture ,one girl’s heartbreak was transformed into a full­scale bear hunt that connected over 2.5 million people.The tweet reached the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service(ACBPS),and on Thursday morning,they reported,“After a thorough search,officers located Teddy fast,safe and sound,asleep in a customs controlled area of the airport.”They added,“Although she didn’t have a valid passport or any other travel documents,ACBPS officers were quick to establish her identity after a short interview and were confident she could be allowed into the country to be reunited with her family.”They also reassured Jessica that Teddy was having fun on a sleepover with the ACBPS detector puppy.

  Australian television and radio personality Kate Langbroek announced the good news.

  揓ess woke up on Thursday and said she抎 had a nightmare that we wiwould never find Teddy—and then we got the call that she had been found,”said Malcolm.“I never knew Teddy could have had so much of an impact—perfect strangers were wishing us well and helping up—it just restored our faith in humanity.”go,social media helped another stuffed animal find its owner after being lost at King’s Cross Station.The success of these reunions of toys with their beloved human children makes us ponder the life of Paddington Bear(帕丁顿熊),if only he had lived in the age of the Internet.

  解题导语 一位澳大利亚小女孩丢了自己心爱的泰迪熊,结果大家一起努力,通过微博发消息,最终把玩具找回来了。nion of her.

  D [考查细节理解。从文章第一段可知,Jessica每天跟泰迪熊一块儿睡觉,这说明它是小女孩不可割舍的陪伴。]ny people could be interested in the toy.

  D.The toy should be returned safe and sound.

  B [考查推理判断。根据文章倒数第二段的最后一句可知,通过泰迪熊失而复得的经历,Malcolm意识到人性的美好。]with Teddy

  B.Joint Efforts in Hunting Teddy

  C.A Much Treasured Teddy

  D.The Popularity of Teddy with Children

  A [考查主旨大意。结合全文可知,文章强调了因特网在找回Jessica的泰迪熊方面所起的作用,故选A。]B

  Many plants and animals live close together,and they depend on each other. They are usually very different from their partners,and yet all live easier lives because of each other. It is nature’s idea of sharing.

  An example of a partnership is the shark and pilot fish. The pilot fish is a little fish only about nine inches long. He would be helpless if he hung around by himself in the mighty ocean. He makes up for his size with his smartness. He cleverly swims beside the shark. When the shark eats,the pilot fish gets the leftovers. And the pilot fish needn’t worry about his safety.

  The shark also gets benefits from this relationship. The pilot fish cleans food scraps and insects from the shark’s hide.

  Another example of depending on each other is the sea anemone and striped clown fish. The sea anemone looks like a flower and has petals that contain poisonous stinging cells. When small fish swim into the petals,the anemone traps and paralyzes (使麻痹) them. However,the striped clown fish is able to swim into the poisonous petals without being harmed. When he is in danger,he quickly swims into the sea anemone and is unable to be seen by his enemies. To pay for his safety,the clown fish brings food to the

  the ox,antelope,rhinoceroses and African buffalo form such a relationship with the red­billed ox­pecker. They provide daily meals for the bird. In fact the bird eats insects. The various large mammals act as a restaurant with a varied menu for the ox­pecker. What do they get in return from the bird? Free beauty treatments!

  Some plants live together in a beneficial relationship of symbiosis. The fungus (真菌类植物) does not have chlorophyll (叶绿素) that plants need to make food. However,green algae does contain chlorophyll. It is,therefore,able to feed the fungus along with itself. But nothing is free! The fungus repays it by protecting the algae. Since it takes in and stores water,it can provide the algae with a non­ending water supply. 解题导语 本文用四个例子来说明一needs the help of the shark to lead his way.

  C [细节理解题。根据第二段中的“When the shark eats,the pilot fish gets the leftovers. And the pilot fish needn’t worry about his safety.”可知,答案为C。],the striped clown fish ________. [细节理解题。根据第三段中的“To pay for his safety,the clown fish brings food to the anemone. He also guides other fish into the anemone’s deadly trap.”可知,答案为B。] B.Food and energy. [细节理解题。根据最后一段内容可知,真菌类植物生存依靠绿藻的叶绿素。作为回D。] [文章结构题。本文第一段提出文章的主旨,下面四段分别举了四个例子来说明,通篇为总分结构,故答案为A。]阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。n stands out among some of today’s hottest young leading ladies.However,these accomplishments are not just based on her good looks and __1__(impress)talents,but more so due to her inspiring attitude __2__life.ar is best known for her role as Hermione Granger in the“Harry Potter” film series.On Sunday May 25,__3__ graduated from Ivy League Brown University with a bachelor’s degree in English literature.According to ,together with her enrollment at Brown in 2009,Watson __4__(release)many films:“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”,“The Perks of ,“This is the End”,etc.(道德),orderly living and determination in both her personal __5__ professional life,her enthusiasm __6__(questionable) shows her worthy of being a great role model for young women __7__ look for direction in public figures like her.Watson has set the bar high and positively has paved the way for young women __8__(follow)in her footsteps.

  Emma Watson is __9__ distinguished movie star.And her career track and personal life is surely to continue with great __10__(succeed),while influencing her young female audience in a positive way.

  答案 1.impressive 2.towards/to 3.she 4.(has)released 5.and 6.unquestionably 7.who 8.to follow 9.a 10.success(自主选做)(时间:45分钟 满分:100分)完形填空her room before bed.Every now and then I hear her __1__ at a funny line.Sometimes she calls out to ask __2__ she can read us something.It’s __3__ and she should be asleep by now,but we say yes.!”she reads us the __4__.“Isn’t that wonderful?”__5__.It is wonderful.I can’t help feeling a little __6__,too.,we’d read to her nightly before she went to sleep.We did so even as she __7__ reading on her own.As a result,we were often __8__ by what was going on in her books,__9__ we’d miss chapters as she sped ahead.No matter.Bedtime was __10__ reading aloud as a family,and we __11__ it.,she’s ready to step away from that __12__.It’s tough for my husband and me to __13__ the tradition,even as we delight in the to­be­read pile growing next to her bed.__14__.She’s aware that reading isn’t everyone’s favorite thing,and that some find it harder to get into a __15__ than she does.It was frustrating for her once too,though she doesn’t remember that __16__,she keeps a blog of her __17__,and is beginning to talk to others about what she loves to read.She’s outgrown our __18__ rituals because she’s falling in love with books on her own.I __19__ this makes me happiest of all.,but my 9­year­old daughter has taken it to a new level.What a __20__ from one bedtime reading tradition towards another!解题导语 过去睡觉前夫妻俩常常与孩子一块儿看书,但现在孩子有了独自看书的习惯。夫妻俩虽不愿放弃传统,但也很高兴看到孩子的变化。B.jump [根据空格后的关键词“funny”可知,空格处应用laugh。] [有时女儿大声问她是否可以为我们读些什么。if“是否”,引导宾语从句。] [根据空格后的“she should be asleep by now”可知,空格处应用late。]A.exercise

  B.passage [根据选项可知与书中的内容相关的词是passage“段落”。] [根据下一句“It is wonderful”可知,夫妻俩同意了女儿的观点。agree意为“同意”。]D [下文谈及在睡觉前夫妻俩不再像以前那样与孩子一块儿看书了,所以有点伤感。故选D项。] [根据上一句“Not that long age,we’d read to her nightly before she went to sleep”可知,以前是夫妻俩和女儿一起看书,现在女儿睡前开始自己看书了。begin意为“开始”。excited

  B.disturbed [根据空后的“we’d miss chapters as she sped ahead”可知,夫妻俩感到困惑。confused意为“迷惑的,糊涂的”。] [根据空格前后的句子可知,上下句有因果关系,所以用because引导原因状语从句。]10.A.with

  B.beyond [文中讲睡前是一家人聚在一起看书的时间。for在此处表目的。] [treasure意为“珍视,珍惜”。我们很珍惜聚在一起看书的日子。]y

  D.regretfully [entirely意为“完全地,完整地”。睡觉前在一起阅读近十年后,女儿完全准备自己看书了。] [give up意为“放弃”。“我”和丈夫很难放弃一块儿看书的传统。] [文章围绕“睡前看书”这一话题展开,所以空格处用books。] [根据该句中的“She’s aware that reading isn’t everyone’s favorite thing,and that some find it harder”,尤其是关键词“reading”可知空格处用story。]either

  D.before [根据空前的“It was frustrating for her once too”中的关键词“once”可知,此处用“now”与其形成对比。] [根据空格后的“what she loves to read”可知,女儿的博客与阅读相关。reading意为“阅读”

  B.old [old rituals指以前睡前看书的习惯。女儿不再像以前那样与我们一块儿看书,因为她喜欢自己看书了。] [admit意为“承认”。“我”承认女儿的变化也是让“我”最高兴的。]C.pity

  D.chance [shift意为“变换,改变”。指女儿睡前一家人一块儿看书的传统到独自看书的习惯的改变。]阅读理解 and again. You can save time and money by learning it from the right person,right at the beginning!,and available to conduct swimming lessons at your preferred timing and location. With more than 250 Certified Swimming Instructors registered with us,we promise to deliver quality swimming lessons and (招收) ,000My son was_a_water_phobic but he recently won the swimming competition held by his school! Three years ago,my family and I were invited to a house warming party. My son,who didn’t know how to swim,accidentally fell into the swimming pool while he was playing with the other kids around the pool side area. He looked at me and shouted for help continuously,scared to death.I felt so helpless as I wasn’t able to swim,either. I decided to sign my son as well as myself up for private swimming lesson through Happy Fish Swim School. The instructor was patient and friendly and helped my son overcome his phobic of water. Now,my entire family is able to swim and we still head to the pool every week!” From Mrs Cheng (Bedeck,Singapore). ructor

  Our swimming lessons are conducted by professional swimming instructors certified by Singapore Sport Council (SSC) and Singapore Swimming Teachers’ Association (SSTA). They are fully trained in CPR and Life­Saving skills to ensure the safety of all students (that means you).ructors and ending up being no good! You may choose your preferred timing and location for your swimming lesson.

  Learn how to swim in spite of your busy schedule.

  We organize group swimming lessons at almost all public swimming pools. Meet new friends and learn new skills at the same time! We also provide private swimming lessons at your convenience. You can be assured of 100% attention from your personal swimming instructor throughout your lesson. We will travel to your designed location at your preferred timing to conduct swimming lessons just for you.

  Hurry! Join us for the fun in the water today!

  解题导语 本文为一则广告。文章主要介绍了Singapore Swimming Lessons的师资、特色及优势等,希望更多的人参加他们的游泳课。means “________”. [细节理解题。根据文章第四段倒数第二句“The instructor was patient and friendly and helped my son overcome his phobic of water.”中的“overcome”可知,phobic应为“恐惧”之意,因此was a water phobic应为“对水很恐惧”之意。故答案选C。]od care of their children.

  C.To warn people to be careful when learning to swim.

  D.To show the importance of making good preparations.

  A [推理判断题。根据文章第四段内容及本篇文章的写作目的可知,作者之所以展示Mrs Cheng的来信,主要是为了说明孩子学习游泳的必要性,来让更多的人参加他们开办的游泳课。故答案选A。]hat is stressed in the paragraph “Our Swimming Instructor”? [推理判断题。根据文章Our Swimming Instructor部分和内容可知,本部分主要是为了说明他们所选的老师都很有资历,能确保学B。]________. [推理判断题。根据文章第二段第二句及Why should You Learn Swimming with Happy Fish?部分中的第一段的前两句可推知,更换课程和老师会让学习者花费更多的钱且浪费时间。故答案选D。]任务型阅读,it certainly doesn’t mean that we let them rule our lives forever.One day or the other,you’ll have to stand up and say to the problems,I don’t want you in my life.__1__ Problems with friends,parents,girlfriends,husbands,and children—the list goes on.Apart from these,the inner conflicts within ourselves work,too.These keep adding to our problems.Problems come in different shapes,colors and feelings. be understood only by us and that no talking is going to help.__2__Talking helps you move on and let go.

  Write your problems.__3__ When you write down your problems,you are setting free all the tension from your system.You can try throwing away the paper on which you wrote your problems.By doing this,imagine yourself throwing away the problems from your life.,don’t lose faith and hope.Even if you lose all your money,family...you should still have faith.__4__,there’re another one million people whose problems are huger than yours.__5__ Your problems might just seem big and worse,but in reality they can be removed.,however big or small,always has a way out.,you’re setting free the negative energies that have been gathering within you.e have a pressing,critical,urgent,and life­threatening problem,how do we try to solve it?:When they can deal with them,why can’t I?,we’ve been fighting troubles ever since we were born.em and achieve the goal by making a direct attack.

  F.Having a personal diary can also be of huge help if you don’t want a real person to talk with.

  G.With faith and hope,you can rebuild everything that you lose.答案 15 DAFGC


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