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2016届高考英语一轮复习(外研版)考点规范训练:必修5 Module 1 British and American English

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  考点规范练25(必修5 Module 1)


  Dear Sirs,

  I am planning to attend a language course in order to improve my English. I would like to know whether to learn British or American English. Which is better? Must I have a British teacher if I wish to learn British English?

  Yours truly,

  Manuel Gonzales


  The editor’s reply:

  English is a global language with many varieties.American and British English are the two main varieties. Each has many accents:the English of a Bostonian,for example,sounds very different from that of a Texan.

  The major differences between American and British English are essentially differences of accent,inflection(词尾变化),spelling and,above all,vocabulary.Variations in tense usage exist but are not a big problem for learners of English.Some people claim that British English is superior to American English but really it is a matter of one’s own preference and needs as to which variety is learnt.So,“useful” is probably a more appropriate word than “better”.

  If you need to use English only with British people(for example,if you are going to live in the United Kingdom),then it will probably be a good idea to have at least one British teacher on your program.

  However,in a lot of cases,learners of English as a foreign language need to use it to communicate with native speakers from all over the world.Many will need to speak English with other non-native speakers(for example,a Swede with an Italian).In such cases,it doesn’t matter whether your teacher is American or British. 

  In addition,there are excellent teaching books,audio and video cassettes,devoted to either British or American English.Your teacher will be able to choose from these in order to provide you with relevant listening comprehension work and vocabulary input.

  1.It can be inferred from this text that Manuel Gonzales  . 

  A.has attended a language course

  B.is a non-native English speaker

  C.has found a good British teacher

  D.prefers American English to British English

  2.Which of the following differences between American and British English is NOT difficult for learners?

  A.Accent. B.Spelling.

  C.Vocabulary. D.Tense usage.

  3.Which of the following cases is an example of underlined “such cases”?

  A.A Greek and a German talk in English.

  B.A Swede lives in the United Kingdom.

  C.A person learns English as a foreign language.

  D.A learner has access to teaching audio and video cassettes.

  4.The editor thinks that having a British teacher is  . 

  A.quite practical

  B.fairly necessary

  C.not essentially useless

  D.not particularly important


  A new word has suddenly become wildly popular in China—“tuhao”.

  It’s being used to describe  1  from the new building of People’s Daily to expensive  2  weddings full of millionaires,and the new gold-colored iPhone. 

  In Chinese “tu” means  3 ,and “hao” means rich.To say someone is tuhao is to  4  they come from a poor  5  background,and have made it rich quick—but don’t quite have the manners to  6  it. 

  “Tuhao” is  7  an old word—dating back perhaps as  8  as the Southern Dynasty 1,500 years ago—but  9  has always meant something rather different.During the communist revolution,from the 1920s to early 1950s,it was widely used to refer to landholders and the gentry(乡绅) who would often do bad things to those  10  them. 

  This new usage of the term  11  in September after a widely-shared  12  about a rich,but  13  man,who went to a Buddhist monk for advice, 14  to be told how to live a more simple life.The monk replied  15  with the phrase “Tuhao,let’s be friends!” 

  Chinese  16  users are highly creative in their use of language,and are  17  inventing,and reinventing words as a way of getting past censorship(审查) rules.But in this  18 ,its popularity seems to be down to the fact  19  it encapsulates(概括) China’s changing society so well—many people laugh at those with wealth,but are  20  jealous. 


  A.everybody B.everything

  C.everywhere D.everyone

  2.A.ability B.security

  C.celebrity D.safety

  3.A.earth B.sky

  C.space D.ash

  4.A.announce B.cry

  C.remember D.imply

  5.A.peasant B.soldier

  C.scholar D.teacher

  6.A.put up with B.get away with

  C.come up with D.go along with

  7.A.finally B.eventually

  C.actually D.lately

  8.A.long B.far

  C.high D.late

  9.A.it B.he

  C.she D.any

  10.A.above B.beside

  C.beneath D.in

  11.A.took up B.took down

  C.took off D.took in

  12.A.news B.joke

  C.accident D.history

  13.A.unhappy B.happy

  C.unlucky D.lucky

  14.A.expecting B.imagining

  C.counting D.dreaming

  15.A.still B.even

  C.rather D.instead

  16.A.Internet B.TV

  C.telephone D.blog

  17.A.quickly B.slowly

  C.constantly D.unconsciously

  18.A.expedition B.case

  C.exploration D.environment

  19.A.how B.why

  C.that D.when

  20.A.openly B.publicly

  C.closely D.secretly


  To a large degree,the measure of our peace of mind is 1. (determine) by how much we are able to live on the present moment.Regardless of what happened yesterday 2.  last year,and what may happen tomorrow,the present moment is where you are—always! 

  Without question,many of us spend too much of our lives 3. (worry) about variety of things around us.We allow past problems and future concerns to dominate(支配) our present moments,so much so that we end 4.  anxious,frustrated,depressed,and hopeless.On the other hand,we also postpone our sense of satisfaction,our stated priorities(优先处理的事),and our 5. (happy),often convincing ourselves that “someday” will be much better 6.  today.Unfortunately,the same brain 7.  tells us to look toward the future will only repeat itself so that “someday” never 8. (actual) arrives.John Lennone once said,“Life is what is happening while we are busy making other plans.”When we are busy making “other plans”,our children are busy growing up,9.  people we love are moving away and dying,our bodies are getting out of shape,and our dreams 10. (slip) away.In short,we miss out on life. 


  People like malls for many reasons.They feel safe because malls have secure guards.Parking is usual free,and the weather in inside is always fine.The first outdoor mall in the United States was built in 1965 in Edina,Minnesota.People love doing all their shopping in one place and soon more malls were built all over country.Now,malls are like towns centers where people come to do much things.They shopping,of course.They also eat in food houses that have food from all over the world.Some people even get their daily exercise with doing the new sport of mall walking.


  Ⅰ.【语篇导读】 本文是一篇应用文,主要讲述了美式英语和英式英语的有关问题。

  1.B 细节理解题。根据Manuel Gonzales的提问及他的住址Paris可知,英语并不是他的母语。

  2.D 细节理解题。根据编辑回信第二段中的“Variations in tense usage exist but are not a big problem for learners of English.”可知答案。

  3.A 推理判断题。本段提到了两种状况,分别是英语非母语者经常会与来自全世界各地的英语母语者沟通及两个英语非母语者沟通。在这两种状况下,英语老师来自英国或是美国就没什么关系。

  4.D 推理判断题。根据编辑回信第四段的“it doesn’t matter whether your teacher is American or British”可知,编辑认为请一位英国的英语老师没有那么重要。

  .【语篇导读】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了“tuhao”一词的来源。“土豪”原指在旧社会乡里横行霸道的地主和乡绅,后被网友广泛地用来指那些有钱的人。

  1.B 从空后的“from the new building of People’s Daily... and the new gold-colored iPhone”可知,此处指的是物,故用everything。

  2.C 根据语境并结合后面的“full of millionaires”可知,此处指豪华的“名人”婚礼。

  3.A 根据常识可知,汉语中“土”的本意是“土地”,因此选A项。

  4.D 说某人是土豪即暗示他们有贫农背景。imply“暗示”,符合语境。

  5.A 根据上下文并结合常识可知,与土地打交道的是农民,因此用peasant“农民”。

  6.D 根据but的转折语气同时结合文中对土豪的介绍可知,此处指土豪的行为举止与其富有程度不匹配,因此选D项。

  7.C 根据语境可知,此处指土豪一词实际上并不是新词,所以用actually“事实上,实际上”。

  8.B “as far as+时间点”表示“远至……”,符合语境。

  9.A 用it代指上文提到的“tuhao”。

  10.C 这些地主阶级和乡绅欺压比他们社会地位低的百姓,所以用beneath,表示“在……以下”。

  11.C 本段是对“土豪”一词再次走红的介绍,这里用take off表示“(观念等)突然流行”,符合语境。

  12.B 由本段后面的内容可推断,故事内容不合逻辑,带有调侃,故这是流传的“笑话”。选B项。

  13.A 此处but表示“转折”,故用unhappy,表示这个富人虽有钱但并不开心。

  14.A 富人想过更简单的生活,“期望”从修行的僧侣那儿得到答案。故选A项。

  15.D 由后文可知,禅师回答的不是这个富人所期望的,因此用instead“反而”。

  16.A 此处指中国网民在语言使用上极富创造性,他们常常对语言进行创造和再创造,以此来规避审查。应选A项。

  17.C 结合语境并根据“inventing”可知,应用constantly“始终,一直”,表示动作一直都在进行。

  18.B 此处指就土豪这个例子来说。case“实例”,符合语境。

  19.C fact后跟同位语从句,解释说明fact的具体内容,故用that引导。

  20.D 此处“but”表示转折,故选D项。很多人嘲讽富人,但暗地里却在妒忌。

  .1.determined 2.or 3.worrying 4.up 5.happiness 6.than 7.that 8.actually 9.the 10.are slipping

  .People like malls for many reasons.They feel safe because malls have

  guards.Parking is

  free,and the weather


  inside is always fine.The first

  mall in the United States was built in 1965 in Edina,Minnesota.People

  doing all their shopping in one place and soon more malls were built all overcountry.Now,malls are like

  centers where people come to do

  things.They ,of course.They also eat in food houses that have food from all over the world.Some people even get their daily exercise

  doing the new sport of mall walking.


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