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2016届高考英语一轮复习(外研版)考点规范训练:选修6 Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships—Friendship

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  考点规范练33(选修6 Module 3)


  Do you remember we agreed to circulate our ideas for our school project this year?Well,here is our suggestion and we in our school hope you will join us to develop it.

  The idea came to us in the autumn of 2004.We were sitting in our class when our head teacher made an announcement.“There’ll be a new boy starting school tomorrow.He comes from the circus and he’ll be with us for a while.”Immediately there was whispering around the classroom.I heard remarks like“Those are dirty people”;“They eat raw meat” and “Watch out for your bags”.The teacher must have heard them because she stopped the talking and said in a very serious voice,“Jake is our guest for as long as he stays here.Make sure you treat him well.I don’t want to hear any complaints about your behaviour to him.”

  I was curious because it was the first time I had met someone from a circus.Fortunately for me,the next morning,after being introduced to the class he sat in the only spare seat next to me.Of course I didn’t want to be nosy(好管闲事的)but I couldn’t help looking at him sideways as I began my mathematics task.I noticed Jake was smaller than me and had dirty finger nails.His shirt was clean but had been repaired in many places and his trousers were helped up by a wide,leather belt.As he seemed to have no handkerchief and was sniffing loudly,I passed him one of mine.Immediately the boys began to whisper “What did you do that for?Leave him be!”I concentrated on my work.From my left a slight movement showed that Jake must have heard the remarks,too.He seemed to be having great difficulty with his work and was struggling to hold his pen correctly.He looked around as if for help.I looked around too.The teacher was busy so I leaned over and offered to explain the problems to him.As he listened,his mouth split into a smile.His eyes lit up as if a light had been turned on and he returned to the exercises with enthusiasm.He finished them quickly and proudly presented them to the teacher.“Well done,Jake,”she approved.Jake smiled and was soon busy sorting out information and adding more of his own.

  I thought about how Jake’s life would be.I remembered seeing the campsite and thinking how poor the facilities(设施)were.So I decided to help.As it was my turn to suggest a project for our grade,I put forward this idea.Our head teacher accepted it and so we began to prepare our plans to improve the campsite.Hope you will join us.

  1.Why did the students dislike Jake even before they saw him?

  A.They must have heard bad stories about people in a circus.

  B.They always judged a person by what he looked like.

  C.The teacher hadn’t introduced Jake to them beforehand.

  D.A newcomer was not welcome at that time.

  2.What’s the author’s attitude towards Jake?

  A.He copied the other boys’ behaviour.

  B.He was distant about what Jake’s life was like.

  C.He couldn’t ignore what other people said about Jake.

  D.He had sympathy for the poor and disadvantaged.

  3.The author mentions how Jake did maths to show that  . 

  A.the teacher was helpful and friendly

  B.the maths problem was too hard for him

  C.Jake was courageous and determined

  D.the author was better at maths

  4.What’s the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

  A.To argue people should be treated fairly.

  B.To ask the reader to join in their project.

  C.To call on more people to help Jake.

  D.To show what is in need for a circus.


  When I was 17 years old,I left my comfortable home in a wealthy Midwestern suburb to live as a foreign exchange student in a lower-middle-class neighborhood in a foreign country.I  1  in an apartment with no elevators,no dishwashers and one washer for 300  2 .The tile (瓷砖) floors were always  3  and the rainy winter days there seemed endless.I  4  to wash my clothes by hand in the bathtub and 5 water was so costly,I trained myself to  6  my waist-length hair in less than five minutes. 

  At that time there were no cell phones and the Internet didn’t exist so for six months I had no  7 at all with my family or friends in the US.I had no relatives there so I  8  to face the fact that my  9  to adapt and create a life for myself was one hundred percent  10  me.At age seventeen my need for friends was 11 and not knowing a soul was,needless to say,a bit stressful. 

  To  12  to my stress,I didn’t speak the  13  and had no familiarity with the monetary system nor the transportation system.One more  14  that created stress was my  15  family.Of all the families in the city I lived,I was  16  with the ones who spoke the least (or worst) English. 

  Living abroad and developing  17 in a foreign language required persistence(毅力) and determination.I made many mistakes along the  18 .Now I’ve transformed my 19  memories into my medals of honor.They’re the treasured stories that offer wisdom,provide me with insights into friends and family and provide me with the  20  that I can beat future challenges. 

  1.A.moved B.lived

  C.turned D.took

  2.A.places B.names

  C.children D.families

  3.A.warm B.empty

  C.tidy D.cold

  4.A.tried B.asked

  C.learned D.forced

  5.A.although B.since

  C.unless D.once

  6.A.wash B.comb

  C.arrange D.adopt

  7.A.connection B.quarrel

  C.letter D.chance

  8.A.turned B.needed

  C.pretended D.stopped

  9.A.imagination B.ability

  C.question D.career

  10.A.up to B.close to

  C.apart from D.across from

  11.A.impossible B.hopeless

  C.beneficial D.strong

  12.A.adapt B.apply

  C.add D.reduce

  13.A.truth B.language

  C.fact D.word

  14.A.scene B.shortage

  C.fault D.challenge

  15.A.peace B.love

  C.host D.guest

  16.A.occupied B.housed

  C.compared D.chosen

  17.A.fluency B.trouble

  C.habit D.fame

  18.A.trip B.way

  C.top D.experience

  19.A.harmful B.beautiful

  C.hopeful D.stressful

  20.A.advantage B.confidence

  C.promise D.future


  Welcome to the California Governor School.

  Since it is your first day at school,I am going to give you a brief 1. (introduce) to our students’ safety instructions. 

  First,an announcement,for the safety of you and others,all of you must attend the safety training program 2. (offer) by the school safety office this afternoon.At the end of the program,you 3. (require) to complete a safety sheet prepared by the school. 

  Second,you must not leave the campus during the weekdays.No parties 4.  a teacher is present.Trips to the beach,bank,or post office,are not permitted. 

  Third,you must get familiar with the safety equipment,such as fire escapes and fire engines;never block access 5.  any emergency equipment or exit.Some of the doors are designed with safety locks,in 6.  the machine will not operate if any of the openings is not 7. (proper) closed. 

  Fourth,never work in the laboratory without your teacher.Remember 8. (tie) back loose hair,otherwise,it may catch fire,or fall into chemical liquids.Also,9. (brush) hair from your face with a gloved hand can pass 10. (harm) chemicals to your face or eyes. 


  When we were in primary school,we were required to read English every morning.Now we are college students,and keep reading English every morning is still very much important.For one thing,it is well-known that our memory in the morning is better than any other period of the day.Otherwise,reading English in the morning is definitely good for us to remember what we had learned.In addition,keeping reading English every morning is a good way to practice your oral English,correct our pronunciations and foster our sense of language.For another,reading English in the morning is a good start for a new day.If we read English in the morning,we have high enthusiasm to do other things.In short, it is still important to read English every morning as though we are in universities,especially for those who are English major.



  1.A 推理判断题。根据第二段的内容可知,当同学们知道这个新生来自马戏团的时候,就议论说这些人脏、吃生肉、爱偷窃。由此可推知,同学们不喜欢这个新来的同学可能是因为他们听过关于马戏团的人的一些不好的事。

  2.D 推理判断题。从第三段中作者的叙述,作者主动给杰克手帕并帮他做作业,可看出作者富有同情心。D项正确。

  3.C 推理判断题。根据第三段中杰克在作者的帮助下完成了作业,并骄傲地展示给老师看后又继续忙着学习可知C项正确,他有勇气和毅力把功课学好。

  4.B 写作意图题。根据第一段中的“我们希望你能参加我们的活动”以及文章的最后一句“希望你能加入我们”可知,应选B项。


  1.B 考查动词。根据文章第一句可知,此处是说作者离开舒适的家去了国外,住在一所条件很差的公寓里,故选B项。

  2.D 考查名词。公寓里没有电梯,也没有洗碗机,由此可知条件很差,故此处表示300家住户共用一台洗衣机。

  3.D 考查形容词。此处描述艰苦的条件,由于是瓷砖地板且阴雨连绵,故推测地板总是冷的,因而填cold。

  4.C 考查动词。因于条件恶劣,所以作者学会了用手洗衣服。try“试图”;ask“请求”;force“促使,强迫”;故选C项。

  5.B 考查连词。由主从句之间的关系看,水贵是作者洗头发时速度很快的原因,因此用since符合文意。although “虽然”;unless“除非”;once“曾经,一次”;故选B项。

  6.A 考查动词。根据上一句中water可知,此处应表示洗头发,故填wash。

  7.A 考查名词。由于没有手机和因特网,所以作者根本无法和家人朋友取得联系,故填connection。quarrel“争吵”;letter“信件,字母”;chance“机会”。

  8.B 考查动词。作者身边没有亲戚,所以作者需要自己勇敢地面对现实。turn “转向”;pretend“假装”;stop“停止”;故选B项。

  9.B 考查名词。此处指适应和创造新的生活能力完全要靠作者自己。imagination“想象力”;question“问题”;career “职业”,故选B项。

  10.A 考查介词。由上文“I had no relatives there...”可以推测,作者一切要靠自己,故选A项。be up to sb.是固定短语,意思是“由某人决定;取决于某人”。close to“接近”;apart from“远离,除……之外”;across from“在……对面”。

  11.D 考查形容词。由常识可知,17岁的青少年正是需要朋友的时候,因此说作者对朋友的需求很强烈。impossible “不可能的”;hopeless“绝望的”;beneficial“有益的”。

  12.C 考查动词。前两段介绍的都是作者在国外遇到的烦恼,本段介绍了更多的烦恼,因此应选add。add to是固定短语,意为“增加”。adapt to“使适应于……”;apply to “应用于……”;reduce to“减少到,使处于……”。

  13.B 考查名词。根据该空前的动词speak以及本段最后一句可知,作者存在“语言”方面的障碍。

  14.D 考查名词。根据该空后的“...that created stress...”可知,此处指作者遇到的另一个挑战,故填challenge。scene“情景,场面”;shortage“缺少,不足”;fault“错误”。

  15.C 考查名词。由于作者是一名交换生,下一句又提到这个家庭里的成员和作者住在一起,可见此处指作者的寄宿家庭,因而填host,host family“寄宿家庭”。

  16.B 考查动词。由本句前面的“Of all the families in the city I lived...”此处的语境是“让……居住,给……提供住处”,故填housed。occupy“占据,占领”;compare“比较”;choose“选择”。

  17.A 考查名词。根据该空后面的“in a foreign language”可知,此处表示改善语言技能,指在说这门外语时说得流利,故选fluency。

  18.B 考查名词。作者适应国外的生活方式是一个长期的过程,在这个过程中,犯错是在所难免的。along the way指“在这个过程中”。

  19.D 考查形容词。根据第二段末句中的stressful以及第三段中的“stress”可知,作者在国外的经历是充满压力的,故选D项。

  20.B 考查名词。根据本句中的“provide me with insights”和“beat future challenges”可知,此处表示这些经历会提供给作者战胜未来挑战的信心,故填confidence。advantage“优势”;promise“承诺”;future“未来”。

  .1.introduction 2.offered 3.will be required 4.unless 5.to

  6.which 7.properly 8.to tie 9.brushing 10.harmful

  .When we were in primary school,we were required to read English every morning.Now we are college students,and keep reading English every morning is still very much

  important.For one thing,it is well-known that our memory in the morning is better than any other period of the day.Otherwise,reading English in the morning is definitely good for us to remember what we had learned.In addition,keeping reading English every morning is a good way to practice your oral English,correct our pronunciations and foster our sense of language.For another,reading English in the morning is a good start for a new day.If we read English in the morning,we have high enthusiasm to do other things.In short, it is still important to read English every morning as though we are in universities,especially for those who are English major.


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