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2016届高考英语一轮复习(外研版)考点规范训练:选修7 Modules 1-3Basketball,Highlights of My Senior Year Literature

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  考点规范练37(选修7 Modules 1-3)


  Last year Danny moved from Kentucky to our school.I was his painting teacher.Danny’s dad was a truck driver,and he seldom went home;his mom was busy with her work.Born into a poor family,his parents didn’t provide him with a well-off living condition.

  Last month our school had a program that provided gloves for poor children.I put Danny’s name on the list of the program.He was so happy when he received the gloves.He wore them almost everywhere and carefully put them in his desk when he came into the classroom.One day,after school,I was tidying the desks and suddenly a glove fell out of Danny’s desk.I opened his desk and found the other glove.The next day,when I asked him,he explained that the gloves were easily lost at home,so he didn’t took them home.

  Danny studied hard.His best subject was painting.I knew he didn’t have supplies for the painting class.So every time when he needed paper,I would give him.He was really a good artist,and I showed his several works to other students to improve his sense of worth.

  When the time for the Christmas gift exchange came,Danny was shy in the corner,so I was pretty sure he couldn’t bring anything to me.The day of the Christmas party was always exciting.Danny asked me if he could have a piece of red paper.I gave it to him gladly.Later when I went back to my desk,I found a folded piece of red paper.I opened it up and read it.The note said,“To my favorite teacher Mr Miller.You have always been here for me,and I really enjoy it.I can’t afford to get you anything,so I am giving you everything I have.Merry Christmas.Love,Danny.”I was too happy to say anything.

  1.Why did Danny put the gloves in his desk?

  A.He didn’t like the color of them.

  B.He forgot to place them at home.

  C.He was afraid of losing them.

  D.He was too shy to wear them.

  2.According to the text,the writer  . 

  A.took Danny as his best friend

  B.provided paper and money for Danny

  C.encouraged Danny to be a good artist

  D.made Danny be confident in himself

  3.According to the text,the writer thought  . 

  A.Danny couldn’t send him anything as a gift

  B.Danny would be too shy to make a present

  C.Danny didn’t know to exchange gifts with other students

  D.Danny would make a card gift from the whole class

  4.The gift of Danny proves that  . 

  A.money means everything for us

  B.a small gift may be a sign of deep love

  C.a gift is more important than words

  D.a gift card is less valuable than money


  My mother is a geneticist,and from her I learned that despite our differences in size,shape and color,we humans are 99.9 percent the same.It is in our  1  to see differences:skin,hair and eye color,height,language.But also in our nature,way down in the DNA that  2  us human,we are almost the  3 . 

  I believe there is more that unites us than  4  us. 

  My mother came to the US from India.She is  5  enough that she got her service  6  in a diner in 1960s Dallas.My father is a white boy from Indiana whose  7  came from Germany in the mid-1800s. 

  It seems  8  to admit now,but I never  9  that my parents were different colors.One day,I watched my parents walk  10  the street of our church together.They were  11  in the service that day,and as they walked,I saw their hands  12  together in unison(一致地).I noticed for the first time how dark my mother was,and how white my father was.I knew them as my parents  13  I realized their skin color.I’m sorry to say that now when I see a mixed-race  14  walking down the street,I see the “mixed race” first and the “couple” second. 

  When my parents married in 1966,there were  15  places in this country that had laws  16  mixed marriage. 17 ,my white grandfather, 18  father had been a typical racist,was not against their marriage. 

  Some of us are men,some are women.Some are young,some old.Some of us are short and others  19 .Some right-handed,some left-handed.We have lots of differences;we are all  20 .But deep down inside us,down in our DNA,we are 99.9 percent the same.And I believe we need to remember that. 

  1.A.feature B.character

  C.nature D.quality

  2.A.gets B.lets

  C.has D.makes

  3.A.same B.different

  C.familiar D.similar

  4.A.differs B.divides

  C.parts D.splits

  5.A.yellow B.white

  C.dark D.brown

  6.A.turned out B.turned down

  C.turned over D.turned back

  7.A.ancestors B.parents

  C.family D.origin

  8.A.silly B.wise

  C.stupid D.foolish

  9.A.noticed B.looked

  C.watched D.observed

  10.A.in B.up

  C.out D.down

  11.A.entering B.running

  C.attending D.participating

  12.A.rocking B.shaking

  C.swinging D.waving

  13.A.unless B.after

  C.before D.until

  14.A.marriage B.couple

  C.double D.twins

  15.A.always B.also

  C.almost D.still

  16.A.allowing B.preventing

  C.encouraging D.banning

  17.A.Therefore B.However

  C.But D.Otherwise

  18.A.which B.whose

  C.that D.what

  19.A.long B.high

  C.tall D.kind

  20.A.similar B.familiar

  C.unique D.same


  Have you ever asked yourself why children go to school?You will 1.(probable)say that they go to learn languages,arithmetic,history,science and some other knowledge.That is quite true;but why do they learn these things?

  We send our children to school to prepare them for the time 2.they will be big and will have to work by 3.(they).Nearly everything they study at school has some 4.(practice)use in their life.But is that 5.only reason why they go to school?

  There is more in education than just 6.(learn) facts.We go to school to learn how to learn,so that when we have left school we can continue to learn.A man 7.really knows how to learn will always be successful,because when he has to do something new,he will not only be able to do it well himself,he will also be able to teach others how to do it in the best way.The uneducated person,on the other hand,is either 8.(able) to do something new,or just 9.(do) it badly.The purpose of schools,therefore,is not to teach languages,arithmetic,history,science,etc.,10.to teach pupils the way to learn.


  Yesterday morning,I was surprising to hear that my best friend Allee has been hit by a car and was in hospital.The other day when he was going to cross a street,he was such careful that he didn’t go until he saw the traffic light to turn green.But hardly had he got to the middle of the street while he saw a car suddenly appear on his right-hand side and come directly towards them.It was too late for Allee to escape.He was hit by the car or was thrown a few meters away.He was sent to the nearest hospital immediately and had operation.When I went to see him,he was out of dangers but still looked pale.I sincere hope he will recover and return to normal as soon as possible.




  1.C 推理判断题。根据第二段的“...he explained that the gloves were easily lost at home...”可知,他害怕这幅手套丢了。

  2.D 细节理解题。从第三段的“...I showed his several works to other students to improve his sense of worth...”可知,老师这样做是为了提高Danny的自信。

  3.A 细节理解题。根据第四段的“...Danny was shy in the corner,so I was pretty sure he couldn’t bring anything to me.”可知,老师认为Danny可能没有钱来交到班上去给老师买礼物。

  4.B 推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容可知,Danny虽然很穷,但他为老师准备了礼物,表达了对老师的爱,即礼轻情意重的含义。

  .1.C feature意为“特征;特点”;character意为“性格;品质”;nature意为“本性;本质”;quality意为“质量;品质”。根据句意及下句But also in our nature的提示可知应选C项。

  2.D make意为“使……成为……”,此处表示“使我们成为人类”。

  3.A 根据But also in our nature判断应选same与上文构成转折,并且最后一段倒数第二句也是提示。

  4.B 根据前面的unite推断应选其反义词divide,表示“分开”。differ意为“使不同”;part意为“分手”;split意为“分裂”。

  5.C 根据下文可知是因为我妈妈的皮肤太黑以至于达拉斯的餐厅拒绝为她服务。下段中间I noticed for the first time how dark my mother was给予了提示。

  6.B turn out意为“结果是;生产”;turn down意为“拒绝”;turn over意为“翻阅;移交”;turn back意为“往回走;阻挡”。B项符合文意。

  7.A 从came from Germany in the mid-1800s判断,我父亲的“祖先”在19世纪中叶从德国移民到美国。

  8.A silly意为“傻的;幼稚的”;wise意为“聪明的”;stupid意为“笨的”;foolish意为“愚蠢的”。根据句意判断应选A项,表示当时“我”从来没有注意到我父母不同的肤色,这很傻,很幼稚。

  9.A notice意为“注意到”。watch和observe意为“观察”,不合句意。

  10.D walk down the street意为“沿街散步”,down相当于along。

  11.D participate in意为“参加”。enter为及物动词,后面不加介词。

  12.C swing意为“摇动;摇摆”,此处表示我看到他们的手拉在一起摇摆。shake意为“颤抖”;wave意为“挥动”。

  13.C 根据上下文判断应选before表示“在……之前”。

  14.B 根据句意上下文判断应选couple。句意:当我看到一对不同肤色的夫妇逛街的时候。

  15.D still意为“仍然有”。这个国家当时仍然有地方禁止不同肤色的人通婚。

  16.D 根据文意及下句可知应选banning,表示“(法律)禁止”。

  17.B 根据下文was not against可知此处与上文是转折关系,故选however表示转折。

  18.B 根据句子结构看出此处应选whose引导定语从句,并在从句中作定语,表示我祖父的父亲曾经是一位激进的种族主义者。

  19.C 此处应选tall与前面的short对应。

  20.C similar意为“相似的”;familiar意为“熟悉的”;unique意为“独特的”;same意为“同样的”。句意:我们有许许多多的差异,我们都是独一无二的。

  .1.probably 2.when/at which 3.themselves 4.practical 5.the 6.learning 7.who 8.unable 9.does 10.but

  .Yesterday morning,I was

  to hear that my best friend Allee

  been hit by a car and was in hospital.The other day when he was going to cross a street,he was

  careful that he didn’t go until he saw the traffic light to

  turn green.But hardly had he got to the middle of the street

  he saw a car suddenly appear on his right-hand side and come directly towards .It was too late for Allee to escape.He was hit by the car

  was thrown a few meters away.He was sent to the nearest hospital immediately and had operation.When I went to see him,he was out of

  but still looked pale.I

  hope he will recover and return to normal as soon as possible.


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