活学巧用 完成句子: (1)Don’t .But,given a second chance,you are supposed to pass. 不要气馁,再获得一次机会的话你就应该能通过了。 (2) thought,he almost ran into the car in front of him. 他陷入了沉思之中,差一点撞上前面的车。 (3)The driver was when word came that he was for- bidden to drive for speeding. 当这位司机听到因为超速而被禁驾时,他不知所措了。 答案 (1)lose heart (2)Lost in (3)at a loss 高分靓句 例句:在发生火灾的时候很多人都会不知所措。 Many people are at a loss as to what to do when there is a fire. 仿写:在这样一个简单的问题面前,我们不应该困惑。 答案 We should not be at a loss in the face of such a simple question. 3 note Read the notes about the composer Tan Dun and make sentences similar to those in activity 2.阅读关于作曲家Tan Dun的记录,写出与第二题相似的 句子。 (教材原句P24) 考点释义 The authors of the study noted that there were limitations to their conclu- sions.(2017 湖北 阅读理解E) 该项研究的作者注意到他们得出的结论有局限。 The policeman noted down every word he said. 警察把他说的每一句话都记了下来。
活学巧用 完成句子: (1)I am looking for paper on which to the name of the book I am recommending to my mother. 我在找张纸,要在上面记下我想给妈妈推荐的那本书的名字。 (2)My father suggests that I if necessary while listen- ing to the teachers in class. 我爸爸建议我:在课堂上听老师讲课时,如果必要的话要记笔记。 (3)Please of what I said and if you have different opin- ions, afterwards. 请记下我说的话,如果有不同意见随后可以互相交换。 答案 (1)note down (2)(should)take some notes (3)make a note;compare notes 4 influence If a band is influenced by another band,do they like them or not?如果一个 乐队受到另一个乐队的影响,他们是喜欢还是不喜欢呢?(教材原句P26) 考点释义 It is people’s attitude towards progress that causes the type of influence that technology has on society.(2017 江西 阅读理解 D) 是人们对待进步的态度导致了科技对社会的影响的类型。 Claude’s work had a major influence on generations of musicians.克劳德 的作品对几代音乐家都产生过重要影响。 活学巧用 英译汉: (1)As the visiting prime minister puts it,China’s influence on the world will continue to strengthen as its economy grows. (2)We’re having a meeting in half an hour.The decision to be made at the meeting will influence the future of our company. (3)The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors,most of which are beyond our control. 答案 (1)正如来访的首相说的那样,随着中国经济的增长中国对世界 的影响还会继续加强。 (2)半小时后我们要开一个会,在会上即将作出的决定会影响到我们公司 的未来。 (3)植物的生长速度受很多因素的影响,其中大多数因素我们无法控制。 5 record Before they visited India,they had recorded seven albums.在访问印度前,他 们已经录制了七张专辑。(教材原句P27) 考点释义 White’s second reason for making the trip was to break the world record and become the fastest person to cycle around the world.(2017 上海 阅读理解 A) 怀特进行这次旅行的第二个原因就是打破世界纪录,成为世界上骑车环 球旅行最快的人。 I didn’t realize my mother loved me so such until I received her gift for my 18th birthday,a diary recording the process of my growth. 直到在我18岁生日收到妈妈给我的礼物时我才意识到妈妈有多么爱我, 那是一本记录我成长的日记。 活学巧用 完成句子: (1)Ye Shiwen,a 16-year-old swimmer, ,winning the praise from the whole world.
16岁的游泳选手叶诗文创造了一项新的世界纪录,赢得了全世界的赞 扬。 (2) of the mistakes you made—it’ll help you avoid making the same ones later. 把你犯的错误记录下来,这会让你避免以后再犯同样的错误。 (3) there had been a lot of earthquakes in this area. 据记载该地区以前发生过很多次地震。 答案 (1)set a new world record (2)Keep a record (3)It was recorded
that 6 go deaf As he grew older,he began to go deaf.随着年龄的增长,他开始变聋了。(教 材原句P23) 发散思维 go用作系动词时,后跟形容词作表语,一般表示由好变坏,由正常情况变为 特殊情况。 (1) (2) As we grow older,it’s not the things we did that we often regret,but the things we didn’t do. 随着年龄的增长,我们并不会经常对自己做过的事感到遗憾,而是对我们 没有做过的事感到遗憾。 活学巧用 用go,turn,become,grow的适当形式填空: (1)Her face pale when she heard the bad news. (2)It was more and more difficult to live on his salary. (3) deserts into forests is the key to preventing sandstorms in the spring in some cities. (4)As the days go by,the small trees are tall and strong. 答案 (1)went 句意:听到这个坏消息时她的脸一下子就苍白了。 (2)becoming 句意:仅靠工资他的生活变得越来越困难了。
(3)Turning 句意:把沙漠变为森林是一些城市在春天防止沙尘暴的关 键。 (4)growing 句意:随着日子一天天过去,这些小树长的又高又壮了。 7 by the time By the time he was 14,Mozart had composed many pieces for...到他14岁时, 莫扎特已经为……创作出了很多音乐作品。(教材原句P23) 考点释义 Hurry up,Harry.Or by the time you pack your belongings,the flight will have left! 快点吧,哈里。否则等你把东西收拾好后,飞机早就离开了! But by the end of the day those who were less fit had fallen behind. 但是到这天结束的时候,那些感到不适的学生都落在了后面。 活学巧用 用括号中动词的正确形式填空: (1)Tom is planning to buy a car.By next month,he (save)enough for a used one. (2)It was raining hard,but by the time the class was over,the rain (stop). (3)I (complete)all of the readings by the end of this term if my plan goes well. (4)By the time Jack returned home from England,his son (graduate)from college. 答案 (1)will have saved 句意:汤姆计划买一辆车。到下个月他就会 攒够买辆二手车的钱了。 (2)had stopped 句意:外面雨下得很大,但是到下课时雨已经停了。 (3)will have completed 句意:如果我的计划进行顺利的话,到该学期末我 就能完成所有的阅读任务了。 (4)had graduated 句意:等到杰克从英国回到家时他儿子已经从大学毕业了。 高分靓句 例句:等她到家的时候,她的爸妈早就为她准备好一些美味的食物了。 By the time she gets home,her parents will have prepared some delicious food for her. 仿写:到明年高中毕业的时候,她的英语就学了9年了。 答案 She will have learned English for nine years by the time she gradu ates from high school next year.
时间状语从句和过去完成时 1.—Your flight was quite late last night. —Yes,it was midnight our plane finally got to Jinan. 2.What an unforgettable experience! I’ll write down it is still fresh in my memory. 3.Peter was so excited he received an invitation from his friend to vis- it Chongqing. 4.—Where’s that report?
—I brought it to you you were in Mr.Black’s office yesterday. 5.The couple finally bought the house they wanted,for they (save)enough money. 6.—Peter,where did you guys go for the summer vacation? —We (be)busy with our work for months,so we went to the beach to relax ourselves. 7.It took me a long time before I was able to fully appreciate what they (do)for me. 8.She stared at the painting,wondering where she (see)it. 单元语法答案 1.when 句意:——昨天晚上你的航班晚点了很多。——是啊,我到济南 的时候已经是半夜了。 2.while 句意:多么令人难忘的一次经历啊!趁着记忆犹新,我要把它记 下来。 3.when 句意:当他收到朋友的邀请去重庆玩的时候,彼得感到很激动。 4.when 句意:——那份报告在哪儿?——昨天你在布莱克先生办公室的 时候我拿给你了。 5.had saved 句意:这对夫妻终于买了那套他们想要的房子,因为他们已 经攒够了钱。 6.had been 句意:——彼得,你们这些家伙到哪儿度暑假了?——我们忙 工作忙了好几个月,所以我们去了海边放松了一下。 7.had done 句意:我用了很长的时间才完全领会他们为我所做的一切。 8.had seen 句意:她看着这幅画,在想曾在哪儿见过它。
单元课前检测 语言点用法过关 栏目索引
单元课前检测 语言点用法过关 栏目索引 课标卷外研版 英语 Module 3 Music Ⅰ.重点单词 1. n.观众;听众 2. n.音乐家 n.音乐;乐曲 adj.音乐的 3. n.宫廷;法院;球场 4. n.作曲家 vt.创作;构成 n.作文 单元课前检测 5. n.天才;天赋 6. n.专辑;唱片;相册 7. adj.复杂的 8. n.乐队指挥;售票员;导体 vt.实施;执行 9. vt.& n.影响;感染;控制力 adj.有影响力的;有权势的 10. n.主管;主任;导演 vt.指导;指挥 n.方向 11. n.天分;天赋;才华 adj.有才能的;有天赋的 12. vt.记录;记载;录音 13. n.讲师;演讲者 n.演讲;讲座 14. adj.悦耳易记的 vt.抓住;赶上
Ⅱ.重点短语 1. 把……变成…… 2. 有史以来 3. 也;同……一样 4. 没门;不行 5. 变聋 6. 如果是这样的话 7. 作为……而出名 8. 因……而出名 9. 在20世纪60年代晚期 10. 和/与……不同 Ⅲ.重点句型 1. there for 30 years,Haydn moved to London, he was very successful. 在那儿工作了30年后,海顿搬到了伦敦,在那儿他非常成功。 2.However, Haydn encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.
然而,是海顿鼓励贝多芬移居维也纳的。 3.Before they visited India,they seven albums.在访问印度前, 他们已经录制了七张专辑。 1.Scully has a (talented)for creating atmosphere for her students that allows them to communicate freely with each other. 2.Several musicians say they consider it the greatest musical (com- pose)ever written. 3.Several factors are likely to (influential)this decision. 4.The band plans to release two new (album)next year. 5.In 1892 it was (record)that the weather became so cold that the riv- er froze over. 6.One candidate in particular (impress)us with his knowledge. 7.He is famous for (mix)Chinese musical tradition with western forms and instruments. 8.I wish my son to become a famous (music)when he grows up. 9.He is the very (lecture)that impressed us greatly at the conference yesterday. 10.Once (lose)in the forest,you ought to remain where you are wait- ing for help. 基础知识题组答案 Ⅰ.重点单词 1.audience 2.musician;music;musical 3.court 4.composer;compose; composition 5.genius 6.album 7.complex 8.conductor;conduct 9.in- fluence;influential 10.director;direct;direction 11.talent;talented 12.record 13.lecturer;lecture 14.catchy;catch Ⅱ.重点短语 1.change/turn into 2.of all time 3.as well as 4.no way 5.go deaf 6.if so 7.be known as 8.be known for 9.in the late 1960s 10.be different from Ⅲ.重点句型 1.Having worked;where 2.it was;who 3.had recorded 单句填空题组答案 1.talent 句意:Scully有能为学生们创造氛围的才华,在这种氛围中学生 们可以自由地相互交流。 2.composition 句意:好几位音乐家都认为这是有史以来创作出来的最 好的音乐作品。 3.influence 句意:好几种因素可能会影响这个决定。 4.albums 句意:这个乐队计划明年推出两张新专辑。 5.recorded 句意:据记录,1892年的天气太寒冷以至于河流全都冻结了。 6.impressed 句意:一个参赛选手凭他的知识给我们留下了特别的印 象。 7.mixing 句意:他以将中国音乐传统和西方的演奏形式和乐器相结合 而著称。 8.musician 句意:我希望我儿子长大后成为一名著名的音乐家。 9.lecturer 句意:他正是那个在昨天的会议上给我们留下深刻印象的讲 演者。 10.lost 句意:一旦在森林中迷了路,你应该待在原地等候救援。 语言点用法过关 1 mean Which word means someone who writes music?哪一个单词的意思是“写 音乐的人”?(教材原句P21) 考点释义 Exercise is not meant to hurt.Indeed,pain is your body telling you some- thing’s wrong,and continuing to exercise could lead to serious injury.(2017 重庆 阅读理解 B) 锻炼的初衷不是为了受伤。的确,疼痛是你的身体在告诉你,你身体的某 个部位出问题了,继续锻炼的话可能会导致严重伤害。 This signal means your message has been received. 这个信号表示你的信息已被收到。 活学巧用 完成句子: (1)Sorry,I didn’t a taxi but I had to as I was late. 对不起,我本来不打算乘出租车的,但是由于我晚了,我不得不这样做。 (2)By the age of two,Heidi could count to 40,draw pictures of people,and read books seven-year-olds. 到两岁的时候,Heidi就能够数到40,画人物图画和读那些为7岁孩子而写 的书。 (3)You your car in front of the main entrance.你不应该把你的车停 在正门前面。 答案 (1)mean to take (2)meant for the (3)are not meant to park 2 lose lose vt. 丢失,错过,找不到,沉迷于,专心致志于(教材原句P22) 考点释义 发散思维 People who equal happiness with wealth and success are at a loss to make correct choices.(2017 天津 阅读理解D) 那些把幸福和财富以及成功等同起来的人不知道该怎么做出正确的选 择。 Make sure you don’t lose each other in the crowd. 你们务必注意别在人群中走散了。
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