(2)The news shocked the public,leading to great concern about students’ safety at school. (3)He always takes the lead in response to the government’s call. 答案 (1)我就是不理解到底是什么导致那么多的青少年痴迷于玩网 络游戏。 (2)这个消息使人们感到震惊,引起了对学校里学生安全的极大关注。 (3)他总是带头响应政府的号召。
高分靓句 例句:近年来人类放出了更多的温室气体,这当然就导致了更多极端天气 的出现。 Humans are sending out more greenhouse gases in recent years,which,of course,will lead to more extreme weather. 仿写:现代科学已经给出了明确的证据,吸烟会导致很多疾病。 答案 Modern science has given clear evidence that smoking can lead to
many diseases. 3 support The research was supported by the government.这项研究得到了政府的支 持。 (教材原句P33) 考点释义 Eventually,however,I won the support of my family,and I sent in all the pa- perwork needed for application.(2017 广东 阅读理解 C) 不过我终于赢得了家人的支持,我把申请所需的所有的文件都寄了出 去。 I cannot support my wife and children on such a small salary. 我靠自己这点微薄的工资无法养活我的妻子和孩子。 活学巧用 单句填空: (1)The main method of prevention of cold is by hand washing with some evidence (support)the effectiveness of hand washing. (2)I (support)him in time,otherwise he would have fallen off the bike. (3)Managing money has long been a headache for students mostly (support)by their family. 答案 (1)supporting 句意:预防感冒的主要方法就是洗手,有一些证据 支持了洗手的有效性。 (2)supported 句意:我及时地扶住了他,否则的话他就从自行车上掉下来 了。 (3)supported 句意:对那些主要是靠家庭供应的学生来说,如何使用好自 己的钱一直是一件令人头疼的事。 4 quantity A yield refers to quantity of food.产量指的是粮食的数量。 (教材原句P3 3) 考点释义 发散思维 I can’t understand why some graduates wouldn’t go to the western part where large quantities of jobs are available. 我无法理解为什么一些大学毕业生不愿意去有着大量工作机会的西 部。 Your work has improved in both quality and quantity this term. 这学期你的作业在质量和数量上都有提高。 活学巧用 单句填空: (1)As a result of the earthquake,a large quantity of earth (have) blocked several rivers here.
(2)Large quantities of information as well as some timely help (offer) since the organization was built. 答案 (1)has 句意:由于地震,大量的泥土阻塞了这儿好几条河流。 (2)have been offered 句意:自从该组织成立以来,已经为我们提供了大 量的信息和一些及时的帮助。 高分靓句 例句:他有许多的事情要去做,但是他还是设法按照要求完成了工作。 There were large quantities of things for him to do,but he managed to finish the work as required. 仿写:由于越来越多的森林正在遭受破坏,每天都有大量的肥沃的土壤被 冲走。 答案 With more and more forests being destroyed,huge quantities of
good earth are being washed away each day. 5 escape The Chinese discovered that the gas escaping from the tube could lift it into the air.中国人发现从管子里释放出来的气体可以让它升到空中。 (教材 原句P39) 考点释义 Some stars stay calm by surrounding themselves with trusted friends and family or by escaping to remote places away from big cities.(2017 北京 阅 读理解C) 有些明星为了保持冷静而让自己信任的朋友和家人在自己身边,或者逃 到远离大城市的地方。 That particular day,my brother and I sat through both movies twice,trying to escape the heat.(2017 山东 阅读理解 B) 在那个特殊的日子,我弟弟和我一直坐着把两部电影都看了两遍,试图摆 脱(外面的)热浪。 活学巧用 完成句子: (1)When I wanted to express my thanks to him,words .I just held his hands firmly and choked. 在我想向他表达我的谢意时,一句话也想不起来了。只是紧紧地抓着他 的手哽咽了。 (2)Only with the greatest of luck did she manage to the rising flood waters. 她成功地从上升的洪水中逃离,真是万幸。
(3)The murderer ran away,trying to escape by the police,but in vain. 凶手开始逃跑,试图逃脱警方的抓捕,但是没有成功。 (4)Regardless of danger,the zoo keeper got closer to the strong animal with nothing to protect himself and had a at last. 不顾危险,动物园园主什么保护自己的东西也没拿就靠近了那头强壮的 动物,终于他侥幸逃脱了。 答案 (1)escaped me (2)escape from (3)being caught (4)narrow escape
6 straight The tubes were attached to a long stick which helped keep the rocket mov- ing in a straight direction.这些管子被绑在一根长棍上,这根木棍可以使火 箭沿直线方向飞行。 (教材原句P39) 考点释义 adj.
...but closer examination showed that he was eating apple jam straight from the bottle with his hands.(2017 陕西 阅读理解B) ……但是更仔细的观察表明他用手直接从瓶子里拿苹果酱吃。 After receiving her bachelor’s degree in 1942,Thomas headed straight for Washington D.C.in search of a newspaper job.1942年拿到硕士学位后,托 马斯直接去华盛顿找了一份报业方面的工作。 活学巧用 英译汉: (1)I have always been honest and straightforward,and it doesn’t matter who it is I’m talking to. (2)Go straight forward to the third crossroad by which stands the post office you’re looking for. 答案 (1)我一直是一个诚实坦率的人,而且我正在和谁说话都不要 紧。 (2)一直走到第三个十字路口,旁边就是你要找的邮局。 7 clear When the smoke cleared Wan Hu and his chair had disappeared.当烟雾散去 时万虎和他的椅子不见了。 (教材原句P39) 考点释义 adj. v.
形象记忆 Mrs Smith finds it hard to clear up the mess,as her children are always in the way whenever she tries to. 史密斯太太发现清理这片狼藉很难,因为每当她要做的时候孩子们总是 妨碍她。 We have made it clear that we are strongly against smoking in the office. 我们已经明确表明,坚决反对在办公室吸烟。 活学巧用 完成句子: (1)It really seemed ages before the police came on the scene and the damaged car.
真的好像过了很久警察才赶到事故现场并清理走毁坏的车。 (2)He didn’t make when and where the meeting would be held. 他没有说清楚会议将在什么时间什么地点举行。
(3)Should it tomorrow,the tourists would climb to the top of the mountain to wait for the sun to rise. 如果明天天气晴朗的话,游客们就可以爬到山顶上等着看日出了。 (4)I found the letter when I was the drawer. 我在清理抽屉时找到了这封信。 答案 (1)cleared away (2)it clear (3)clear up (4)clearing out 8 come to power He left Germany when Hitler came to power and went to work in the US.希 特勒上台时他离开德国,到美国工作了。 (教材原句P37) 考点释义 发散思维 There is no power like the power of confidence,and there is no student as competitive as a student who trusts his own abilities. 没有一种力量能比得上自信的力量,同样没有一个学生能和相信自己能 力的学生一样有竞争力。 She interviewed six women who have reached positions of great power and influence. 她采访了6名身居高位并且颇具影响力的女士。 活学巧用 完成句子: (1)The voters have once again shown their support for the party (执政). (2)I wish it was (我能)to change the decision. (3)It was (做不到)for the court to make such a deci- sion. (4)The (停电)made it difficult for us to complete the task on time. 答案 (1)in power 句意:投票者再一次表明他们支持执政党。 (2)within my power 句意:但愿我能改变这个决定。 (3)beyond its power 句意:法庭没有权力作出这样的决定。 (4)power failure 句意:停电使得我们很难按时完成任务了。 9 keep+宾语+宾补 The tubes were attached to a long stick which helped keep the rocket mov- ing in a straight direction.这些管子被绑到一根长木棍上,这根木棍能使火 箭沿直线方向飞行。(教材原句P39) 考点释义 We should keep our classroom clean and tidy. 我们应该保持教室干净、整洁。 You’d better keep the child away from the fire. 你最好让孩子离火远一点。 活学巧用 单句填空: (1)How can you keep him (work)without a break even for a minute? (2)Please remain seated and keep your seat belts (fasten). (3)Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself (remind)of his own dreams. (4)A good listener takes part in the conversation,offering ideas and raising questions to keep the talk (flow). 答案 (1)working 句意:你怎么能让他一直工作,甚至连一分钟都不能 休息呢? (2)fastened 句意:请大家坐好并系好安全带。 (3)reminded 句意:迈克尔把姚明的一张照片挂在床头,来提醒自己记住 自己的梦想。 (4)flowing 句意:一个好的听众要参与到交谈中去,提出自己的想法和问题,让谈话顺畅进展。
被动语态;by+doing结构 1.—How was the journey? —Tiring! All the seats in the train (occupy).I stood all the way. 2.At present Internet addiction (consider)a mental disorder rather than just a bad habit in many countries. 3.It is said that the old pot (bury)under the earth for about 1,000 years by the time it was discovered. 4.Yuan Longping changed agriculture in China (通过发现了) a new type of rice. 5.Researchers learn things (通过做实验)experiments. 6.They produced a better engine (通过改变)the design. 单元语法答案 1.were occupied 句意:——这趟旅途怎么样啊? ——太累了!火车上的 座位都被人占了,我站了一路。 2.is considered 句意:现在很多国家认为网络上瘾是一种心理疾病而不 仅仅是一种恶习。 3.had been buried 句意:据说这个旧坛子在被发现之前已经在地下埋了 大约一千年了。 4.by discovering 句意:袁隆平发现了一种新型水稻,从而改变了中国的 农业。 5.by doing/conducting/carrying out 句意:科研人员通过做实验来学会东 西。 6.by changing 句意:他们通过改变设计而生产出了更先进的发动机。
单元课前检测 语言点用法过关 栏目索引
单元课前检测 语言点用法过关 栏目索引 课标卷外研版 英语 Module 4 Great Scientists Ⅰ.重点单词 1. adj.原来的;最初的 n.起源;开端;出身 2. vt.出版;发表 3. n.重大进展;突破 4. vt.支持;支援;供养 5. n.数量;量
6. n.质量;素质
单元课前检测 7. n.受害者;牺牲品
8. n.事业;生涯 9. adj.简洁的 adv.简洁地;短暂地 10. adj.物理的;身体的 adj.精神的;脑力的 11. n.毕业生 n.毕业
12. vi.逃跑;逃避 13. n.箭;箭头 14. n.火箭 15. adj.绝妙的;才华横溢的 16. v.出口;输出 v.进口;输入 Ⅱ.重点短语 1. 培养;抚养 2. 引进;赚得 3. 由于……的结果 4. 谋生 5. 掌权;上台 6. 代替;而不是 7. 因……而出名 8. 实施;执行;完成 9. 做某事的关键 Ⅲ.重点句型
1. Yuan Longping’s discoveries Chinese rice pro- duction 47.5 percent in the 1990’s. 由于袁隆平的发现,中国的水稻产量在20世纪90年代增长了47.5%。 2.Stephen Hawking is one of the most famous scientists in the world his scientific discoveries and his physi- cal disability. 霍金是当今世界上最著名的科学家之一,这一部分是由于他的科学发现, 一部分是由于他的身体残疾。 3.The tubes were attached to a long stick which helped keep the rocket in a straight direction. 这些管子被绑到一根长棍上,这根棍子能使火箭沿直线方向飞行。
1.It’s hard to imagine an Olympic opening ceremony without fireworks (explode)in the night sky. 2.I think you should go back to your (origin)plan,which is much more practical than the present one. 3.I found the owner,rented it,and (clear)a corner to camp in. 4.The Chinese (agriculture)tax wasn’t completely abolished until 20 06,which reduced the farmers’ burden greatly. 5.Much to our grief,the (victim)injured or killed in the terrible earthquake have reached as many as 10,000. 6.The house in which I grew up has been taken down and (replace)by an office building. 7.It is said that the novel Rowling had devoted so many years to got (publish)last week. 8.He was very worried because the little money he makes can hardly (supporter)a family as large as his. 9.It’s no wonder more and more retired people are (escape)from the crowded city. 10.With the announcement,the principal made it clear when and where the (graduate)party would be held. 基础知识题组答案 Ⅰ.重点单词 1.original;origin 2.publish 3.breakthrough 4.support 5.quantity 6.quality 7.victim 8.career 9.brief;briefly 10.physical;mental 11.graduate;graduation 12.escape 13.arrow 14.rocket 15.brilliant 16.export;import Ⅱ.重点短语 1.bring up 2.bring in 3.as a result of 4.earn one’s living/make a living 5.come to power 6.instead of 7.be known/famous for8.carry out 9.the key to doing sth. Ⅲ.重点句型 1.As a result of;rose by 2.partly because of;partly because of 3.moving 单句填空题组答案 1.exploding 句意:很难想象在奥运会开幕式的夜空中没有烟花爆炸。 2.original 句意:我认为你应该回到你最初的计划上去,那个要比现在这 个更实际。 3.cleared 句意:我找到房主租下房子,然后清理一个角落以安顿下来。 4.agricultural 句意:直到2006年中国才完全废除了农业税,这大大减轻 了农民的负担。 5.victims 句意:非常令我们伤心的是,在这次大地震中受伤或死亡的受 害者已有一万人。 6.replaced 句意:那座我曾经在里面长大的房子已经被拆掉了,取而代之 的是一座新办公楼。 7.published 句意:据说罗琳专心写了好几年的那部小说在上周出版 了。 8.support 句意:他非常担心,因为他挣的这点钱几乎不够养活这么大一 家人的。 9.escaping 句意:越来越多退休的人正在逃离拥挤的城市,这不足为奇。 10.graduation 句意:随着通知的下达,校长明确了毕业晚会举办的时间和地点。 语言点用法过关 1 react the study of the structure of substances and how they react with each other对 物质结构及物质之间如何相互作用的研究 (教材原句P31) 考点释义 对……作出回应/反应
形象记忆 How a person reacts to criticism often means the difference between success and failure. 一个人对于批评作出什么回应经常会意味着他是会取得成功还是失 败。 The US Apple decided to expand its business in China in response to an in- creasing demand for digital product. 美国苹果公司决定拓展在中国的市场,这是对人们对数码产品不断增长 的需求的反应。 活学巧用 单句填空: (1)What was Jeff’s (react)to the news that he was chosen to be
chairman of the student union? (2)It shows us how iron (react)with air and with water. 答案 (1)reaction 句意:杰夫听到自己被选为学生会主席的消息后有 什么反应呢? (2)reacts 句意:它向我们展示了铁是如何与空气、水起反应的。 2 leading In the rice-growing world,the Chinese scientist,Yuan Longping,is a leading figure.在种植水稻的领域里,中国科学家袁隆平是一个主要人物。 (教材 原句P32) 考点释义 leading adj.领导的,主要的,重要的 He leads a very simple life.他过着很简朴的生活。 So far she has been in the lead.到目前为止她一直领先。 He plays a leading role in the matter. 他在这件事中起重要作用。 活学巧用 英译汉: (1)I just don’t understand what it is that leads so many teenagers to be- come addicted to playing computer games.
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