话 题: 文 学 与 艺 术
【词汇积累】 【佳句背诵】
ground n.
以……为背景 The reason is that it takes less time to understand the
whole story in the film.原因是在电影中花更少的时间就能理解整个故事情节。
it is easier to follow.
is better than to see the film based on it.他认为读原著比看由原著改编的电影更好。【写作模板】 介绍一本书 written by Yale professor Amy Chua,was published in
2010.In the book,the author,a Chinese American,deals with the story of educating her two
daughters in the Chinese traditional way.The book has aroused general concern and a heated
about which is better between the American way of education and the Chinese
one.However,the opinions in the book,which was translated into Chinese and began to appear
in China at the beginning of this year, was left out in the cold by most Chinese
mothers.According to the latest news, Tiger Mother’s 17yearold daughter has been admitted
to Yale University and Harvard University.
Ⅰ.单词拼写 根据词义写出英文单词。____________ vt. 虐待;辱骂;滥用____________ adj.
铤而走险的拼命的绝望的;非常需要渴望____________ adj.
慷慨的大方的;宽厚的仁慈的____________ adj.
虚荣的自负的;徒劳的无结果的____________ adj.
弯曲的;驼背的;不诚实的天赋爱好____________ vt.& vi.& n.
(使)改过自新改造;改革改良____________ n.救援营救____________ n.
名誉名声____________ n.
债务欠款____________ n.
纪念碑纪念馆纪念塑像;古迹____________ vt.
热爱喜爱爱慕____________ vi.
突然出现;跳蹦____________ n.
特征特点典型的独特的特有的____________ n.
小说家____________ n.
罪犯犯罪的犯法的;刑法的刑事的____________ n.
紧张气氛;紧张烦躁;矛盾对立____________ adj.
暴力的粗暴的;猛烈的强烈的____________ vt.& vi.
(使)融化(使)熔化;(使)缓和(使)软化____________ vt.& vi.
(使)重逢再相聚;(使____________ vt.& vi.
打算计划想要 答案:1.abuse 2.desperate 3.generous 4.vain 5.bent 7.rescue 8.reputation 9.debt 10.monument 11.adore 12.spring 13.characteristic 14.novelist 15.criminal 16.tension 17.violent 18.melt 20.intend单词拓展 写出下列单词及其派生词。____________ n.
诗歌____________ n.
诗____________ n.
诗人____________ n.
小说家____________ n.
小说____________ n.
紧张烦躁;紧张气氛;矛盾对立____________ adj.
紧张的____________ n.
画家____________ v.
画____________ n.
绘画____________ vi.& vt.
反抗抵制____________ adj.
抵抗的反抗的____________ n.
抵抗反抗____________ vt.
热爱喜爱爱慕____________ adj.
可爱的答案:1.poetry;poem;poet 2.novelist;novel 3.tension;tense 4.painter;paint;painting 5.resist;resistant;resistance 6.adore;adorable
属于答案:1.in print 2.have nothing to do with 3.come out 4.at a time 5.bent on (doing)sth. 6.live up to 7.on the run 8.have a talent for 9.come to one’s rescue 11.be intended to be/do sth. 12.compare...to... 13.as long as 14.touch on 15.in tune 16.consist of 17.belong to
语境填词The (1)____________(小说家) wrote lots of fictions and (2____________(诗歌).In his works(3)____________(暴力)(4)____________(慷慨的) and civil(5)____________(绝望的) for the future and persuade people to (6)____________(自新) bravely.His works encouraged and educated more and more people to behave themselves.He was good at writing (7)____________(肥皂剧)答案:(1)novelist (2)poetry (3)violence (4)generous(5)desperate (6)reform (7)soap operas
1.those用作替代词替代前面的复数名词t from those of modern works.
[仿写] 他的想法和他朋友的想法没什么两样。____________________ of his friends.
2.would rather do...than do...“宁愿做……而不愿……”Joe is a kind and simple man who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip.
[仿写] 他宁愿做慢点儿也不愿出错。____________________ slowly than make mistakes.
3.it无实在意义指代后面的when从句it when Joe comes to visit him in London.
[仿写] 他讨厌她在他朋友面He ____________________she behaved badly in front of his friends.
4.can’t...too...“无论怎样……都不过分”can’t read too many books.
[仿写] 这本书值得大加赞扬。____________________the book too much.
答案:1.different from those 2.would rather do it 3.disliked it when 4.can’t praise
What is classic literature? Classics are the antiques of the literary world.They are novels,plays and poems 1.____________ were written a long time ago and were 2.____________ well written that people still read them nowadays.They are examples of great writing and wisdom,and 3.____________ those written centuries ago can still be found in bookshops and libraries today.
4.____________ a lot of classics were written so long ago,the language used in them 5.____________ quite different from the language used today.6.____________ makes it difficult for some people to read 7.____________,so the classics are left to gather dust on shelves.Many people do not read them,because they think they are old and boring and have 8.____________ to do with life today.
答案:1.that 2.so 3.even 4.Because 5.is 6.This 7.them 8.nothing
abuse 虐待;辱骂;滥用(教材P)Pip’s sister often abuses him,but Joe is a kind and simple man who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip. 皮普的姐姐经常辱骂他但乔却是一个淳朴善良的人他宁愿死也不愿意看到皮普受到任何伤害。
(1)abuse a privilege 滥用特权滥用权力辜负了某人的信任(2)alcohol abuse
酗酒嗜毒虐待儿童(3)abuser n.
滥用者 (2017·高考福建卷·阅读理解)It dealt with issues such as drug abuse它处理像滥用药物、暴力和失业这样的问题。不要辜负他们对你的信任。(2017·高考江西卷·阅读理解)The land is a living thing.It will hit back at you if you abuse it.土地是有生命的东西。如果滥用土地它会反过来使你受害。 vain 虚荣的;自负的;徒劳的;无结果的(教材P)Money and education,however,change him,and before long he becomes vain and ashamed of his background. 但是金钱和教育改变了他不久他变得虚荣为自己的身世而感到羞耻。
(1)in vain 枉费心机;白费力气无法做……t is vain to do sth..
做某事是徒劳的。(2)vainly adv.
徒劳地;白费力地 vain as women.
男人有时和女人一样虚荣。(2017·高考江苏卷·书面表达)In Picture 1up a banner on a lonely tree surrounded by stumps,but in_vain...在图画1中一个男子在试图想把一条横幅挂到一棵被树桩包围的独树上但是这是徒劳的……【活用】——完成句子(1)我们试图使他改变主意结果是白费心机。____________.(2)抵抗是没用的。____________.答案:(1)but in vain (2to resist
resist 反抗抵制;抵挡(教材P)Fagin and his group of criminals find him and drag him back into the life of crime,pressuring him with the threat of violence if he resists. 费金和他的犯罪团伙发现了他又把他拉回到了犯罪的生活中向他施加压力威胁他如果他反抗就会对他实行暴力。
(1)can’t resist sth.经不住某事(物)的诱惑ing...
抵制住做……(2)resistant adj.
对……有抵抗力的抵制的对……有抵抗力(3)resistance n.
反对抵制抗拒 o has tried to resist eating cookies or smoking a cigarette while under stress—at those moments,only the pleasure associated with such activities comes to mind.这种现象对任何一个在有压力时试图抵制住吃甜食或抽烟的诱惑的人来说都可能是不足为奇的——在那种时候他们脑子里只有和那些活动相关的快乐。summit in Cannes in 2017,many states agreed to resist trade protectionism.在2017年戛纳20国集团金融峰会上许多国家表示抵抗贸易保护政策。农民需要一些能抵抗疾病的植物。温馨提示 resist常与否定词连用后面常接名词、代词、动名词但不能接动词不定式。【活用】——单项填空1)I didn’t mean________ anything,but those food looked so delicious that I couldn’t resist________ one.
A.to eat;trying B.to eat;to try;tryingD.eating;to try解析:选A。mean to do sth.打算做某事;couldn’t resist doing sth.忍不住做某事。(2)—Kate,you went shopping again.Don’t you know we’ve overspent this month?
—I know.But I just can’t________the temptation of nice clothes.
C.insistD.resist解析:选D。考查动词搭配。resist the temptation of sth.意为“抵抗住某物的诱惑”。 rescue .救援营救(教材P) My favourite character in ‘The Attic’ is Stuart,who comes to her rescue and adds some comedy to this otherwise dark tale.
(1)rescue sb.from...从……把某人营救出来(2)come to one’s rescue
救援某人设法营救进行营救(3)rescuer n.
救援人员被营救者 (2017·高考新课标全国卷Ⅰ·阅读理解)Many scholars are making efforts to rescue disappearing languages.许多学者正在努力拯救那些正在消亡的语言。他们从失火的大楼里救出了三个孩子。rescue.
他们来营救他。 intend &vi.打算计划想要(教材P)The poem was published in 1794 and,like many of Burns’s poems,it was intended to be a song. 这首诗发表于1794年如同彭斯的许多诗歌一样这首诗原是为歌咏而作。
(1)intend to do 打算做……打算让某人做……=had intended to do
原本打算做……(实际未做成)(2)be intended for...
为……设计的是作为……而设计的是为做……而设计的(3)intended adj.
计划的为……打算的ntention n.
打算计划意图目的 (2017·高考辽宁卷·完形填空)You didn’t intend to be late.But that’s not the point.你并不想迟到的但那不是关键所在。(2017·高考江西卷·阅读理解)When international aid is given(确保)that the aid reaches the people for whom it is intended.当国际援助被提供时必须采取措施确保援助能到达专供使用的人们身上。我打算让他立刻着手做这事。【活用】——用intend的相关词语完成句子(1)________________here,so he (2)________________some researches there but she intended that he (3)________________the task himself.
越来越多的人打算在这儿投资因此他打算让她去那里做些调查但是她主张他应亲自做这项工作。答案:(1)intend to invest (2)intended her to carry out/do (3)(should)do be bent on(doing)sth. 一心想要决心要(做)某事(通常指坏事)(教材P)Pip is bent on becoming a gentleman and winning Estella’s love.
bend one’s knees 屈膝服从某人的意愿俯身伏案工作专心致志地从事 (2017·高考江苏卷·阅读理解)The consequence(气泡)accumulate in a jointbent body—thus the name.如果气泡积聚在关节内结果会很刺痛而身体弯曲——故而得名。 be earnestly bent on it,did as she was desired.
安妮见她的朋友情真意切地坚持便只好从命。你应该专心致志地学习。【活用】——单项填空(1)________training his daughter in English,he put an ad like this in the paper,“________—an English teacher for a tenyearold girl.”
A.Bent on;WantedB.Bent on;Wanting;WantedD.Bend on;Wanting解析:选A。bent on...“一心想要……”招聘启事”。(2)(2017·江苏淮安调研)Tom is________ learning English.To learn it well解析:选C。be bent on...“决心做……”。 live up to 符合;达到预期标准;不负(盛名);履行(教材P)However,if you liked the book,you should probably not be too eager to see the film,as it is not likely to live up to your great expectations.
live on以……为主食;靠(钱、食物等)为生;继续存在实现梦想/幻想等经历……后仍然活着忍受容忍;与……生活在一起 live on fish and chips.
整整一个星期The hotel didn’t live_up_to its great reputation.
这家旅馆的服务与它的盛名不相符。【活用】——用live的相关短语填空(1)He had barely enough money to ____________.(2)She has ____________ two world wars.
(3)Most of us don’t like the new regulations,but we have to ____________ them.
(4)What surprised me was that car salesman____________ all the promises he made.
答案:(1)live on (2)lived through (3)live with(4)lived up to
Ⅰ.品句填词____________(信封) and anxiously read the letter.____________(慷慨的) of him to treat us to such a big dinner.3.I am fond of appreciating the ____________(改编本) of the plays written by Shakespeare.____________(民事的) case so there was no question of him being sent to prison.__________(暴力的) online games____________(改革)of the present educational system____________ (营救)the people there.____________ (名誉)of the government. the developing world are __________(非常需要) to hire more MBAs to improve their traditional approach to management.____________(债务) if you keep on spending money that way.答案:1.envelope 2.generous 3.adaptation 4.civil 6.reform 7.rescue 8.reputation 9.desperate 10.debt选词填空;bent on;spring;abuse;desperate;rescue;be set in;threat;be intended for;touch onduced new measures to help protect domestic workers from being ________________ by their employers.
2.He cut________________ at the rope in an attempt to free his foot.
3.Hold on!The ________________workers are coming.She is the bestselling author of ten novels ________________London.
5.But there is one more subject that I would like to ________________ briefly.
6.He seems ________________ becoming an engineer.
7.Small children don’t like books that ________________adults.
8.She could hardly ________________ laughing on those occasions.
9.A suspicion ________________ up in his mind.
10.While danger________________,we must all be on guard.
答案:1.abused 2.desperately 3.rescue 4.set in 6.bent on 7.are intended for 8.resist 10.threatens 单项填空________.Our basketball team is sure to win the final this year.B.in vain解析:选B。句意:我们的努力不会白费的。我们篮球队肯定能赢得今年的决赛。by accident“偶然”;in vain“徒劳白费”;on purpose“故意”;at length“最终;详细地”。根据句意答案应为B项。________ being admitted to Harvard though she is not good at studying.
A.focused onB.looked forward to
C.based onD.bent on
解析:选D。be bent on doing sth....“一心要做某事”。look forward to在本题中不该用被动语态。________ thank you too much for all your help to my son while we were away from home.
解析:选B。can’t...too...为固定搭配意为“无论怎样……都不过分”。________ in the middle of our school is the new building ________ to be our new laboratory.
A.Stand;intendsB.Stand;intended;intended D.Standing;intending解析:选C。本句是一个倒装结构。Standing in the middle of our school 为分词短语其放在句首引起句子倒装;intended to be our new laboratory为过去分词作后置定语修饰the new building。________a moment and I will come to your ________.;rescueB.Hold on;rescue;helpD.Carry on;help解析:选B。go on“继续”;hold on“抓住不放;坚持”;move on“继续前进”;carry on“继续进行”。come to one’s rescue“救援某人帮助某人”。________ her promise,she would have made it to Yale University.
A.looked up toB.lived up to
C.kept up withD.come up with
解析:选B。 该句是典型的虚拟语气引导的非真实条件句的倒装句描述的事与过去事实是相反的。句意:如果她当年履行了自己的诺言她就会进入耶鲁大学了。look up to“抬头看尊重”;keep up with“跟上追上”;come up with“追赶上;想出;提出”。只有live up to“履行实行”符合题意。________ at an increasing rate.
A.bring upB.build up
C.spring upD.strike up
解析:选C。句意:正如旧的帝国崩溃新的国家建立起来那样新的官方语言开始迅速涌现。根据句意及其结构空格处应填入表示“涌现”之意的动词短语。spring up“涌现”。bring up“养育”;build up“逐步建立”;strike up“(开始)谈话、相识等”。
(教材P)Because a lot of classics were written so long ago,their language characteristics are quite different from those of modern works.
(1)those代表前句所说的language characteristics用作替代that用作替代词主要用于替代“the+单数名词(可数或不可数)”表特指。(2)同一个人或物两个不同的时间进行对比时应该用人称代词。如:在我看来世纪的生活要比过去的生活容易得多。ul than she was one year ago.莉莉比一年前漂亮多了。(3)两个不同的人、物、地点、天气等进行对比时用that。如:北京的天气比湖南冷。 s those of blue light.红色光线的波长约为蓝色光线波长的两倍。that (=the one)I bought yesterday.这本词典比我昨天买的更有用。苏格兰的人口是康沃尔人口的八倍。温馨提示 those 用于替代上文的复数名词相当于the ones。one指代同类单数可数名词。it指代上文提到过的同一事物。 (教材P)Pip’s sister often abuses him,but Joe is a kind and simple man who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip.
句中“would rather die than see”结构为:would rather do...than do...宁愿做……而不愿做……。常用于以下句型中:(1)would rather (not) do sth.
宁愿(不)做某事(2)would do sth.rather than do sth.
宁愿做某事也不愿做另一件事(3)would rather have done
宁愿做过而实际上未做(4)would rather+宾语从句(虚拟语气)与现在或将来事实相反:would rather(that)sb.did sth.;与过去的事实相反:would rather(that)sb.had done sth. would rather try and fail than give up the plan.
他们宁愿尝试后不成功也不愿放弃这个计划。我本想留张字条在她书桌上的(事实上没留)。would rather (that)you went to Beijing tomorrow.
我宁愿你明天去北I would_rather_you_hadn’t_known it.
我宁愿你不知道这件事。 (教材P)A student can’t read too many books.
can not/can’t 与toonever,impossible,over搭配表示“无论怎样……都不过分”。 to get there too soon.
Ⅰ.完成句子____________________(宁愿步行去那里而不愿) take a bus.____________emphasize the importance of____________________(再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过).rom Britain’s private schools are ____________________(比那些更聪明) from public schools? ____________________(如果她能来帮忙).____________________(可能有空) this afternoon.答案:1.would rather walk there than;protecting our eyes too much句型转换 a waste of time.
→I like watching TV news in my spare time____________________ playing cards.I think that’s a waste of time.
2.I didn’t understand that sentence until I read it many times.
→____________________I read the sentence many times that I understood it.
3.I didn’t agree with them,so I didn’t say anything at the meeting.
→I ________ with them,so I ____________________ at the meeting.
4.All the students are unwilling to take part in that lecture,because it is said to be boring.
→____________________ are willing to take part in that lecture,because it is said to be boring.
5.The more careful,the better when you do your homework.
→You ____________________ careful when you do your homework.
答案:1.instead of 2.It was not until 3.disagreed;said nothing 4.None of the students 5.can’t be too单项填空________ pay too much attention to your reading skill,as it is so important.
A.cannot B.shouldn’tustn’tD.needn’t解析:选A。cannot...too...是英语中一个十分有用的表达意为“不可能太……无论怎样……也不算过分越……越……”。________ here.
解析:选D。本题考查否定词加比较级表达最高级意为“没有人比他教的更好了”。________?解析:选C。考查否定转移的句型的反意疑问句因句中有时间状语last night。故选C。
[写作素材]我读过大量的书但只有一本给我留下了深刻印象。它就是著名小说家Ostrovsky(奥斯特洛夫斯基)创作的The Making Of Steel(《钢铁是怎样炼成的》)。小说的主角叫Pauer(保尔)出身于贫苦家他投身革命。尽管困难重重但他勇敢面对。因此他最终渡过难关成就了辉煌的人生。提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。[连句成篇](将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文。)________________________________________________________________
One possible version:applied himself to the revolution.Although there were many difficulties,he was so brave to face them.So he finally lived through all these hard times and had a glorious lifetime.
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