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发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  时间:120分钟 满分:150分





  1.How many songs are there on the CD?

  A. 3. B. 10. C. 15.

  2.What is Mary doing?

  A. Reading on the campus lawn.

  B. Depositing money in the bank.

  C. Applying for financial aid.

  3.What are the speakers talking about?

  A. A curtain. B. A painting.

  C. A plant.

  4.What is the biggest problem companies have when looking for new staff?

  A. There aren't enough experienced people available.

  B. Most people don't have right qualifications.

  C. Training doesn't attract young people.

  5.What is Tina likely to do?

  A. Give up writing in Japanese.

  B. Keep a diary in Japanese.

  C. Write to her classmates in Japanese.




  6.What's the weather this weekend?

  A. More wind.

  B. More rain.

  C. More sunshine.

  7.What can we learn about the picnic table?

  A. It's not cheap.

  B. It's of bad quality.

  C. It's bought last year.


  8.Why does the man call the police station?

  A. He found a stolen car.

  B. He lost his car.

  C. He had a car accident.

  9.What information did the police ask for at last?

  A. The car's number.

  B. The type of car.

  C. The address and name of the man.


  10.How much time do they have for preparing for the presentation?

  A. Over an hour.

  B. About forty minutes.

  C. About half an hour.

  11.What can we learn about the presentation?

  A. It will need more things than expected.

  B. It will take place in a large conference room.

  C. It will be similar to the one that has already been given.

  12.What will the man do?

  A. Send the woman a set of charts.

  B. Prepare the presentation materials.

  C. Copy the original Prayer Group report.


  13.Who is the man?

  A. A ticket collector.

  B. A jeweler.

  C. A policeman.

  14.Where does the conversation probably take place?

  A. On a train. B. On a street.

  C. At an office.

  15.How many cigarette lighters are there in the woman's bag?

  A. 10. B. 15.

  C. 20.

  16.How does the man act to the woman?

  A. Rudely. B. Carelessly.

  C. Politely.


  17.When did the speaker become a vegetarian?

  A. When she was 6 years old.

  B. When she was 7 years old.

  C. When she was 8 years old.

  18.How will the speaker feel if she eats meat now?

  A. She feels ill.

  B. She feels full.

  C. She feels dirty.

  19.What can she only eat sometimes when travelling?

  A. Tofu and broccoli.

  B. Chocolate.

  C. A bowl of rice.

  20.What's her parents' attitude to her as a vegetarian?

  A. Rejective.

  B. Understandable.

  C. Indifferent.


  (Text 1)

  M: Excuse me, could you tell me why this CD only has three songs? There are usually between 10 and 15 songs on a CD, aren't there?

  W: Yes, but look! The songs on this CD are all more than twenty minutes long.

  (Text 2)

  W: Did you see Mary somewhere around?

  M: Yes, she is in the campus bank, applying for the students' loan.

  (Text 3)

  M: Oh, look at that. That's lovely! The colors are really nice. That's a beach scene, isn't it? Let's put this on the wall above the sofa. Could you hold it up for me? Yes, right there in the middle. Oh, that'll be so nice.

  W: Uh, yeah, nice.

  (Text 4)

  M: Jane, what is the biggest problem companies have when looking for new staff these days?

  W: We're still having a few problems finding people with the right qualifications and experience. Those problems will always exist, but one thing we now see and I think is very serious is that school leavers just aren't interested in training—perhaps it's the low salaries.

  (Text 5)

  M: How's your Japanese lesson going, Tina?

  W: OK, grandpa, except for writing. I feel like giving up.

  M: You should practice every day.

  Why don't you keep a diary in Japanese?

  W: But I don't like writing to myself.

  M: How about writing letters to your classmates?

  W: That's a good idea. I'll do that.

  (Text 6)

  W: Lance, did you see the weather report? More rain this weekend.

  M: Oh, not again. I want to do some gardening.

  W: At least the weeds like it!

  M: How about going to the Garden Center on Sunday to look at garden furniture instead?

  W: Actually, I think there's a sale on now.

  Remember that picnic table you bought at their clearance sale a few years ago? It was really cheap.

  M: Yeah, but I've had to repair it a few times already. I'd prefer to get better quality stuff this time around.

  (Text 7)

  W: Police station. Can I help you?

  M: Yes. I'm calling to tell you I found a car near a bridge. I thought it might be a stolen car.

  W: I see. Where exactly did you find it?

  M: Near the No.8 Bridge along the London Road.

  W: Can you recall the number of the car?

  M: Yes, the number was BWF3586.

  W: What kind of car is it?

  M: A mini. It's brown and nearly new.

  W: When did you find the car?

  M: Yesterday, January 5th.

  W: Your name and address, please.

  M: Henry Roberts. I live at 51 Eaton Road.

  W: Well, thank you very much, Mr. Roberts. We'll investigate it.

  (Text 8)

  W: How much time are we going to have to give our presentation?

  M: About forty minutes.

  W: OK. Do we still have those large charts that we used for the Prayer Group presentation?

  M: No, we left them there. But we can make another set.

  W: OK, then, could you take care of that? Since this is almost an identical presentation, we might as well reuse as much material as we can.

  M: Yes, I agree. I'll make another set of charts. And I think I still have a copy of the handouts we used for Prayer. I can just copy those.

  W: Mmm, no, because, as I recall, those have “Prayer Group” printed on them.

  M: Yes, actually, I think, you're right. Well, I'll find the original file, delete that bit, and then print a new set.

  W: Great, that would be a big help.

  (Text 9)

  M: Excuse me, madam.

  W: Yes?

  M: Would you mind letting me take a look at your bag?

  W: Well, I'm afraid I certainly do mind, if it's all the same to you. Now go away. I've got a train to catch. Hey, taxi.

  M: I'm sorry. I'm just trying to do my job but I'm afraid you're making it rather difficult. However, I must insist on seeing what you have in your bag.

  W: And what do you expect to find there? Jewels?

  M: Madam, if there's nothing that doesn't belong to you, you can leave right away and I'll apologize for the inconvenience.

  W: Oh, very well. Here you are.

  M: Thank you... Ten men's watches?

  W: Yes. I get very nervous if I don't know the time.

  M: I see you smoke a lot, too, madam. Fifteen cigarette lighters?

  W: Yes, I'm rather a heavy smoker.

  And... I happen to collect lighters.

  M: I bet you do, madam. Well, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to come along with me.

  W: How dare you! I...

  (Text 10)

  Well, I'm going to talk a little about why I'm a vegetarian. Actually, I became a vegetarian when I was 8 years old. We did a project at school and I found out that animals were actually killed for us to eat and I thought that was rather immoral, so I went home and told my parents that I didn't want to eat meat any more so now I eat everything really except for meat and fish and I don't eat things with animal fat in either. I think I'm really a vegetarian now because it's a habit and if I were to eat meat, I think I would be quite ill. My favorite food is probably tofu although I like broccoli and chocolate as well.

  Sometimes because I like travelling, I go to places and it's really difficult for vegetarians because they don't really have anything for vegetarians to eat, so sometimes I just have a bowl of rice, or an omelet, or something like that. But when I'm at home, I like to cook for myself, and I like to cook nice vegetarian dishes. My parents don't mind me becoming a vegetarian. So I'm really grateful to my parents for being so nice and understanding it.


  1—5.ACBCC 6—10.BBACB 11—15.CBCBB







  In the hills outside Missoula, Montana, wildlife biologists are looking at how climate change affects something very small: the snowshoe hare.

  Life for snowshoe hares is pretty stressful—almost everything in the forest wants to eat them.

  Alex Kumar, a graduate student at the University of Montana, lists the animals that are hungry for hares. “Lynx(山猫),foxes, coyotes(土狼),[...even]red squirrels(松鼠).”

  Kumar and field technician Tucker Seitz spend months searching these woods for hares, often listening for signals from hares they've already put radio collars(项圈) on.

  They catch other hares with wire traps about the size of a breadbox, with some apples as bait(诱饵). Most of the hares they track live less than a year—a hazard(风险) of being what Kumar calls “the cheeseburger of the ecosystem.”

  But snowshoe hares have a special skill:camouflage. They're brown during the summer, but turn white for the snowy winter months.

  “There're times when you're tracking them and you know they're really, really close, and you just can't find them,” he says.

  Hares switch color in the spring and fall in response to light, when the days get longer or shorter. But if the snow comes late, you get a white hare on brown ground.

  “And they really think that they're camouflaged,” Kumar says. “They act like we can't see them.”

  Kumar calls this “mismatching”, and it's becoming more of a concern with climate change.

  “If the hares are consistently molting(脱毛) at the same time, year after year, and the snowfall comes later and melts earlier, there's going to be more and more times when hares are mismatched,” he says.

  Scott Mills of North Carolina State University leads the research. He says they're finding that mismatched hares die at higher rates. That's a concern for the threatened Canada lynx, which mainly eats these hares.

  “It's a very clear connection to a single climate change stressor,”Mills says.

  Hares might be able to adapt over time. Some snowshoe hares in Washington State don't turn white at all. Mills is trying to figure out whether hares and other wildlife can adapt as fast as the climate is changing.

  “But how fast is too fast?” he asks.

  21.Alex Kumar and his classmates catch snowshoe hares in order to find out ________.

  A.the hares' natural enemies

  B.how the ecosystem in the woods works

  C.why the hares change fur colors regularly

  D.the influence of climate change on the hares' lives

  22.The word “camouflage”(Paragraph 6) is closest in meaning to ________.





  23.According to the passage, snowshoe hares can now be easily discovered by their enemies because they ________.

  A.change their fur color to white too late

  B.find it more and more difficult to molt at the same time each year

  C.can no longer adapt to the change of light in spring and fall

  D.haven't adapted to climate change

  24.Which best describes Mills' tone in the passage?






  21.D 细节理解题。由第一段的“wildlife biologists are looking at how climate change affects something very small: the snowshoe hare.”可知正确答案为D。

  22.C 词义猜测题。第六段中紧跟着camouflage 的那句话“They're brown during the summer, but turn white for the snowy winter months”,以及接下来的那一段起到了解释说明的作用,说明雪鞋兔会根据季节来变色,不容易被找到。C是“躲藏”,B是“逃脱”,A是“战斗”,D是“惊吓”,故选C。

  23.D 细节理解题。由倒数第三、四、五段可知,雪鞋兔目前面对的最大的生存危机是它们变色的时间与季节变化不同步,说明它们还未能适应气候变化。

  24.D 作者态度题。倒数第三段中Mills 描述了现状,并倒数第四段提出了担忧“He says they're finding that mismatched hares...which mainly eats these hares.”再结合最后一段他的疑问可以推出他的语气是“担心的”,故选D。


  Arriving in Sydney on his own from India, my husband, Rashid, stayed in a hotel for a short time while looking for a house for me and our children.

  During the first week of his stay, he went out one day to do some shopping. He came back in the late afternoon to discover that his suitcase was gone. He was extremely worried as the suitcase had all his important papers, including his passport.

  He reported the case to the police and then sat there,lost and lonely in a strange city, thinking of the terrible troubles of getting all the paperwork organised again from a distant country while trying to settle down in a new one.

  Late in the evening, the phone rang. It was a stranger. He was trying to pronounce my husband's name and was asking him a lot of questions. Then he said they had found a pile of papers in their trash can(垃圾桶)that had been left out on the footpath.

  My husband rushed to their home to find a kind family holding all his papers and documents. Their young daughter had gone to the trash can and found a pile of unfamiliar papers. Her parents had carefully sorted them out, although they had found mainly foreign addresses on most of the documents. At last they had seen a halfwritten letter in the pile in which my husband had given his new telephone number to a friend.

  That family not only restored the important documents to us that day but also restored our faith and trust in people. We still remember their kindness and often send a warm wish their way.

  25. What did Rashid plan to do after his arrival in Sydney?

  A. Go shopping.

  B. Find a house.

  C. Join his family.

  D. Take a vacation.

  26. The girl's parents got Rashid's phone number from______.

  A. a friend of his family

  B. a Sydney policeman

  C. a letter in his papers

  D. a stranger in Sydney

  27. What does the underlined word “restored” in the last paragraph mean?

  A. Showed.

  B. Sent out.

  C. Delivered.

  D. Gave back.

  28. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

  A. From India to Australia.

  B. Living in a New Country.

  C. Turning Trash to Treasure.

  D. In Search of New Friends.



  25.B 细节理解题。从第一段中的“...looking for a house for me and our children.”可知,Rashid 到了悉尼之后,计划为家人寻找一座房子。

  26.C 细节理解题。从倒数第二段最后一句可知,女孩的父母是从文件的一封信中找到了 Rashid 的电话号码。

  27.D 词义猜测题。从最后一段最后一句“We still remember their kindness...”可知,那一家人把 Rashid 的文件还给了他。由此推出画线词 restored 意为“归还”,故选D项。

  28.C 主旨大意题。标题要与文章的内容相关,既要有高度的概括性,同时又能吸引读者的注意力。Turning Trash to Treasure 既能体现出本文出现的 trash,也能体现出所捡到的文件的重要性。该标题中的 treasure 与 trash 相呼应,既概括出了故事的内容又能够引起读者的兴趣。



  “The really big concern over the last decade,” according to Dr. David Whitehead, “is the relative loss of opportunities for children to engage in child­led play.” That's true. One of the exhausting aspects of modern parenting is that everything, even doing nothing, has to be purposeful. Now that “parenting” has become a verb—a state of doing, rather than simply being—it can fed unnatural to leave your children to their own devices. Yet it creates spaces in which good things can happen. The psychology lecturer is responding to a survey showing that 80 percent of parents of small children feel under pressure to fill their days with “structured” activities. This, says Dr. Whitehead, is a mistake. Leaving your children to play on their own or with their peers enables them to develop “self­regulation abilities”, which in turn leads to better academic achievement.

  One afternoon last autumn, sitting on a bench doing no parenting at all, I suddenly felt I was getting the hang of it.

  That afternoon, my sister and I took our children to the park. We had lots to talk about, so we sat down on a bench and drove the children away. After briefly complaining, the cousins wandered off and started jumping into puddles(水洼).

  They jumped and jumped, and then one of them kicked some muddy water at the others. My sister and I, deep in conversation, didn't notice this. So my nephew became more adventurous. He scooped up a handful of mud and threw it on my son's head. My son caught his breath happily wiped the mud out of his eyes, and threw one back. My nephew, who has a talent for naming things, puffed out his tiny chest and roared:“Let's play Muddikins!”

  The rules of Muddikins are simple. You run around throwing mud at each other until everyone is so thickly coated that you can no longer be sure which child is whose. Nothing is learnt from it; nobody is improved. It is pure fun, of the sort that can only happen when parents drop the reins(缰绳). They_did_it. “Whoa, that's so cool,” said one. “I wish my mum was like you.”

  29.What is stressed in Paragraph 1?

  A.Child­led play matters in the development of children.

  B.Parents' concern over their children is unnecessary.

  C.Children's activities should be well organized.

  D.Parenting is everything in a family.

  30.What does the author think of the behavior of the children in the puddles?





  31.By saying “They did it” in the last paragraph, the author means that ________.

  A.The reins were dropped

  B.She failed to distinguish her child

  C.The children learned from the Muddikins

  D.She confirmed Dr. David Whitehead's theory

  32.The text is mainly about the relationship between ______.

  A.parents and children

  B.individual and group

  C.play and acquisition

  D.theory and practice


  29.A 段落大意题。从第一段第一句The really big concern over the last decade...is the relative loss of opportunities for children to engage in child­led play.可知A项正确。

  30.D 推理判断题。从第二段sitting on a bench doing...I suddenly felt I was getting the hang of it 可知作者认为是“有价值的”,即worthwhile。

  31.B 句意理解题。从最后一段第二句You run around throwing mud at each other until everyone is so thickly coated that you can no longer be sure which child is whose. 可知B项正确。

  32.C 主旨大意题。通读全文可知作者主要讲述了玩与获得之间的关系。


  The way people in the US travel to and from work has changed a lot in the last fifty years.

  Before the Second World War, most people lived in the town or the city where they worked.

  Almost everyone either walked to work or used a good inexpensive transportation system. Many of these systems were electrified and ran on tracks, so they used very little energy.

  After 1945, the US government built many new roads and highways. People moved farther and farther from the cities where they worked because they could drive their cars on these new roads from their suburban homes to work in the city. Some of the big car makers also bought the electrified transportation systems and destroyed them. As people stopped using public transportation, cities spent less money fixing old buses and trains or buying new ones. Public transportation got worse and worse.

  In the late 1960s, people found out that the increase in the use of cars led to many problems. There were always too many cars for the highway system, and terrible traffic problems developed. People were spending hours in traffic jams getting to and from work every day. In addition, the air in many cities became dirty because of pollution from millions of cars, and many people died in traffic accidents. As people began to get worried about how the use of cars was hurting the environment, cities began to spend more money on public transportation again, so fewer people would have to drive cars.

  When gas became very expensive in the mid­1970s, the number of people taking public transportation began to increase. It's terribly expensive to build new public transportation systems, so it's very difficult to make big changes in the way people travel. However, an increase in the use of public transportation has begun.

  33.Why did some car companies buy and destroy public transportation systems?

  A. The systems were slower than care.

  B. The systems were too old to be fixed.

  C. They were trying to build better ones.

  D. They wanted to sell more of their products.

  34.Why did cities begin to spend more money on public transportation in the late 1960s?

  A. To change people's way of traveling.

  B. To improve the living conditions.

  C. To build a new transportation system.

  D. To control the increasing number of cars.

  35.It can be inferred from the passage that the author seems to favor ________.

  A. gas cars

  B. buses and trains

  C. bicycles

  D. electric cars


  33.D 细节理解题。从第二段第三句 Some of the big car makers also bought the electrified transportation systems and destroyed them. 可知D项正确。

  34.A 细节理解题。从第三段最后一句 As people began to get worried about how the use of cars was hurting the environment, cities began to spend more money on public transportation again, so fewer people would have to drive cars. 可知。

  35.B 推理判断题。从第一段最后两句可知B项正确。



  Everyone has feelings of anxiety, nervousness, tension and stress from time to time. Here are a few ways to help us manage them.

  __36__ We all think we know how to relax. But calming down in front of the TV or computer isn't true relaxation. Depending on what you're watching or doing, it could even make you more nervous. The same is true for alcohol, drugs or tobacco. They may seem to relieve anxiety or stress, but it's a false state of relaxation that's only temporary. What the body really needs is a relaxation technique—like deep breathing, tai chi or yoga—that has a physical effect on the mind.

  Get enough sleep, nutrition and exercise. Get the right amount of sleep for your need—not too much or too little. Eat well—choose fruit, vegetables, low­fat proteins and whole grains for long­term energy instead of the short bursts that come from too much sugar or caffeine. __37__ In that way, your brain and body can operate at their best.

  Connect with others. __38__ Doing things with those we feel close to deepens our bonds, which allows us to feel happier and less upset about things. If you feel worried or nervous about something, talking about it with someone who listens and cares can help you feel more understood and better able to deal with it. You'll be reminded that everyone has these feelings sometimes. You're not alone.

  __39__ Heading out for a walk in the park or a hike in the woods can help anyone feel peaceful. Choose somewhere you feel safe so that you can relax and enjoy your surroundings. Walking or hiking can offer additional benefit or exercise. Invite a friend or two—or a family member—along and enjoy feeling connected to people as well.

  Think positively. A great way to keep our minds off the worry track is to focus our thoughts on things that are good, beautiful and positive. __40__

  A. Spend time with your friends or family.

  B. Express yourself to others.

  C. Connect with nature.

  D. Keep away from stress and anxiety.

  E. Allow yourself to dream and wish for the best.

  F. Exercise to send oxygen to every cell in the body.

  G. Choose a correct way to relax.



  36.G 根据下一句We all think we know how to relax. 可知选G项。

  37.F 根据下一句In that way, your brain and body can operate at their best. 可知选F项。

  38.A 根据上一句Connect with others. 可知选A项。

  39.C 根据下一句Heading out for a walk in the park or a hike in the woods can help anyone feel peaceful. 可知选C项。

  40.E 根据上一句A great way to keep our minds off the worry track is to focus our thoughts on things that are good, beautiful and positive. 可知选E项。




  Music to My Ears

  Robby was 10 for his first piano lesson in my class. Much as he tried, he __41__ even the basic rhythm. However, he dutifully reviewed the pieces that I required.

  Over the months he tried and tried while I __42__ and encouraged him. At the end of each lesson he'd always say,“My mom's going to hear me play some day.” __43__ it seemed hopeless.

  I only knew his mother from a __44__ as she waited in her aged car to pick him up. Then one day Robby stopped coming, I was secretly __45__ that he stopped because of his lack of ability.

  Weeks later I informed the students, including Robby,of the coming recital (独奏会). To my __46__, Robby asked me if he could be included. I told him he really did not qualify because he had __47__ out. He said his mom had been sick and unable to take him to lessons but he was still __48__.

  “I've just got to play!”he __49__. Something inside me let me allow him to.

  Then came the recital night. The gym was __50__ with parents. I put Robby up __51__, thinking that I could save his poor performance through my curtain closer (谢幕).

  The recital went off smoothly. Then Robby came up on stage. His clothes were wrinkled and his hair was __52__. “Why didn't his mother at least make him comb his hair for this special night?” I thought.

  Robby pulled out the piano bench and began. I was not __53__ for what I heard next. His fingers were __54__ on the keys. Never had I heard Mozart played so well by people of his age. After he ended, everyone was __55__ their feet in wild applause.

  In __56__ I ran up on stage and put my arms around Robby. “I've never heard you play like that, Robby! How did you __57__ it?”

  Robby explained,“Well, Miss Hondorf... remember I told you my mom was sick?... __58__ she had cancer and passed away yesterday. She was born deaf, so tonight she could hear me play in heaven. I wanted to make it special.”

  There wasn't a __59__ eye in the house. That night I felt he was the teacher and I was the pupil, for it was he who taught me the meaning of perseverance and __60__.

  41.A. lacked

  B. had

  C. showed D. got

  42.A. listened

  B. learned

  C. checked

  D. played

  43.A. And

  B. But

  C. So

  D. Or

  44.A. conversation B. performance

  C. distance

  D. picture

  45.A. guilty

  B. sad

  C. anxious D. glad

  46.A. relief B. surprise

  C. pleasure

  D. satisfaction

  47.A. stepped

  B. worn

  C. run D. dropped

  48.A. acting

  B. performing

  C. practicing D. recording

  49.A. insisted

  B. suggested

  C. complained D. threatened

  50.A. lined B. packed

  C. piled

  D. covered

  51.A. least

  B. most

  C. first D. last

  52.A. messy B. cool

  C. neat D. dull

  53.A. eager B. concerned

  C. prepared

  D. grateful

  54.A. hesitating B. dancing

  C. touching

  D. crawling

  55.A. over

  B. under

  C. in D. on

  56.A. chaos B. tears

  C. silence

  D. return

  57.A. find

  B. feel

  C. make

  D. like

  58.A. Gradually B. Suddenly

  C. Frequently

  D. Actually

  59.A. dry B. curious

  C. bright

  D. wet

  60.A. regret B. talent

  C. love D. courage



  41.A 根据这里的让步状语从句判断应选A项,表示“缺少”。尽管他很努力,但还是连基本的音乐节奏都没掌握。

  42.A 由第一段的“piano lesson”可知,他在试着弹钢琴,因此此时“我”应该是在一边听(listened)他弹奏一边鼓励他。

  43.B 尽管他很努力,但是似乎他还是没有希望有朝一日能弹给他妈妈听。此处表示转折,故用 But。

  44.C “我”是从远处见过他的母亲。他的母亲在车上等他,因此选C项。from a distance 表示“从远处”。

  45.D 自己的学生因为实在没有能力就不学了,遇到这样的情况,老师通常会觉得高兴(glad)。

  46.B 罗比弹奏得不好,而且有些时日没来上课了,可是这次的独奏他却要求参加,这使“我”感到惊讶(surprise)。

  47.D 他有些时日不来上课了,因此选D项。drop out 表示“退学,辍学”。

  48.C 罗比说他妈妈病了,但他在家的时候一直在练习(practicing)。

  49.A 他坚持要求参加演出。这里用 insisted 表示“坚决要求”。

  50.B 体育馆里挤满了家长。pack 表示“塞满,挤满”。

  51.D 根据该空后面的“thinking that I could save his...curtain closer (谢幕)”可知,应选 last。

  52.A 下文说“这样一个特别的夜晚,他妈妈为什么不帮他梳梳头呢?”,由此判断罗比的头发蓬乱,因此选A项。

  53.C 下文说“我从来没听过他这个年龄的孩子有谁把莫扎特的乐曲演奏得这么美妙”,由此推断选C项。面对此情此景,作者没有一点心理准备。

  54.B 这里用 dancing 描述罗比弹钢琴时的情景。他的手指在琴键上跳舞。

  55.D 所有人都站起来了,为罗比鼓掌。on one's feet 表示“站立”。

  56.B “我”含着泪水跑上舞台。in chaos“一片混乱”,in silence“沉默地”,in return“作为回报”,都不符合语境。

  57.C 这里用 make it 表示“成功地做了某事”。

  58.D 罗比在解释事情的原委,故选D项。表示“实际上”,用来作为过渡,告诉老师实情。

  59.A 听到罗比的这番话,听众都哭了,因此选A项,表示没有谁的眼眶是干的(dry)。

  60.C 罗比对母亲的爱使他一直坚持练习弹钢琴,因此选C项。

  第Ⅱ卷 (共50分)




  Lynn: I really want to find a good job. Do you have any advice?

  Kate: Oh, lots of advice! First, be sure to dress __61__ (proper) for the interview. If it's for a teaching job, as I did 20 years ago, then you might want to consider __62__ (wear) nice pants and a dress shirt. Besides, you won't like to wear clothes that are too formal and elegant for the interview nowadays.

  Lynn: I see. Anything else would you suggest I __63__ (pay) attention to?

  Kate: Well, second, be sure to do some research on the company for __64__ you are being interviewed. This will help you know if you have the needed skills or experience to work for that company. You can also ask the __65__ (interview), usually their personnel manager, about three intelligent questions about their business. That will show you are interested in their company.

  Lynn: That's good advice! Any last thoughts?

  Kate: Yes, finally, be prepared to tell them why you would be the __66__ (good) choice for the position. You don't have to talk too much __67__ what you have studied for four years in university, but you can tell them __68__ a confident and direct way why you can help their company. Following the above tips, you will find a satisfying job sooner __69__ later.

  Lynn: Thank you very much. I have got to buy some new clothes and then finish my __70__ (apply).


  61.properly 修饰实义动词用副词。

  62.wearing consider 意为“考虑”时,其后跟动名词作宾语。

  63.pay suggest 意为“建议”时,其后从句用虚拟语气 (should) do。

  64.what what 引导宾语从句,在从句中作宾语。

  65.interviewer the interviewer 面试者。

  66.best 根据上下文可知用形容词的最高级。

  67.about talk about sth.谈论某事。

  68.in in a confident and direct way 以自信,直接的方式。

  69.or sooner or later 迟早。

  70.application 名词作宾语。









  A recent survey show that most students often communicate with our parents. But there are still some think it embarrassing to share their ideas with them. Actually everyone should attach importance to family communication. It can be strengthen the bond of the whole family or bridge the gap between children and parents. Besides, share your personal problems and emotions will greatly help reduce the pressure on you and build up your confidence. As for my family, we had a special dinner together every Saturday evening, over that everyone takes turns to share one problem. Then others try to suggest solutions. In this way the whole family can enjoy every single bit of life. I think my family will stick out the tradition forever.


  A recent survey

  that most students often communicate with

  parents. But there are still some

  it embarrassing to share their ideas with them. Actually everyone should attach importance to family communication. It can

  strengthen the bond of the whole family

  bridge the gap between children and parents. Besides,

  your personal problems and emotions will greatly help reduce the pressure on you and build up your confidence. As for my family, we

  a special dinner together every Saturday evening, over

  everyone takes turns to share one problem. Then

  others try to suggest solutions. In this way the whole family can enjoy every single bit of life. I think my family will stick

  the tradition forever.











  Dear Editor,


  Yours respectfully,

  Li Hua



  On World Reading Day, we went to the local library to serve as volunteers. I'd like to tell you something about the bad behaviors of some readers.

  First, some readers don't put the books where they were after reading. Also other people talk loudly or even make phone calls in the library, which greatly disturbs other readers. There are also people who eat and drink while reading, leaving rubbish on the table though there are dustbins nearby. What's worse, notes are found in some books, making it hard for others to read. Some pages are gone, probably torn away by readers who find them useful. I hope all the people coming to the library behave themselves while enjoying reading, creating a better reading environment for all the book lovers.




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