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(江西)2017届高三英语三轮专项冲刺之专题检测卷10 句法 第2讲 定语从句

发布时间:2017-04-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1. (2017·北京模拟) My daughter,  job requires her to do a lot of travelling, is always away from home.

  A. which B. that

  C. whose

  D. where

  2. Children are excited about the approach of Christmas,  may bring great happiness to them.

  A. it B. which

  C. what

  D. that

  3. (2017·兰州模拟) The news spread quickly through the village the war had ended,  made villagers wild with joy.

  A. which; that B. that; what

  C. that; which

  D. where; which

  4.  is known to us all is that the old worker,  life was hard in the past, still works hard in his seventies.

  A. As; whom B. What; whom

  C. It; whose

  D. What; whose

  5. (原创) Is this tourist attraction you paid a visit to several days ago?

  A. that B. which

  C. the one

  D. where

  6. Many thanks to the whole team and to my family,  understanding and support has made my success possible.

  A. which B. that

  C. who

  D. whose

  7. (2017·合肥模拟) The very thing most senior 3 students long for is to study in they call the Tower of Ivory in the near future.

  A. what; where B. which; what

  C. that; where

  D. that; what

  8. (原创)  is reported in the newspaper, 86 persons were killed in the hurricane.

  A. It B. As

  C. Which

  D. What

  9. Three minutes later, more than ten policemen turned up at the spot the accident happened.

  A. which B. what

  C. where

  D. that

  10. (2017·杭州模拟) Encouraged by my science teacher, I set about my studies on developing my product, I hope I will succeed in applying for a patent (专利权) .

  A. with whom B. to whom

  C. through which

  D. for which

  11. It is exactly the area racial conflicts arise now and then.

  A. where B. that

  C. which

  D. why

  12. (2017·贵阳模拟) Last Sunday I climbed to the top of the hill near my home,I could see half of the city.

  A. that

  B. where

  C. which

  D. there

  13. —When did your brother begin to show his interest in medicine?

  —It was a Saturday he noticed his classmate experimenting on a frog in the lab.

  A. that B. what

  C. when

  D. which

  14. The villagers thought highly of the way we treated the beggar.

  A. which B. where

  C. why

  D. that

  15. (2017·福州模拟) More public kindergartens preschool kids can spend their fun-filled childhood will be built this year.

  A. to which B. with whom

  C. in which

  D. from where

  16. (2017·兰州模拟) Living in the eastern part of the city has its problems,shopping is not the least.

  A. with which

  B. of which

  C. for which

  D. which

  17. The doctor the farmer sent his son is well-known in the field.

  A. by whom B. at whom

  C. to whom

  D. for whom

  18. (2017·杭州模拟) —Doris, do you have anything in mind you’d like for breakfast?

  — is okay with me. I’m not particular about food.

  A. that; Anything B. which; Everything

  C. what; Nothing

  D. whether; Something

  19. It will be long she sees Mr. White again at Beijing,  business has just started in Switzerland.

  A. after; who

  B. since; who

  C. when; whose

  D. before; whose

  20. (2017·厦门模拟) “Youth” is regarded by many people as a time in their lifefun, passion, and imagination seem limitless.

  A. that

  B. which

  C. when

  D. where

  21. The school has developed an online systemstudents can choose their own teachers.

  A. which B. that

  C. whom

  D. where

  22. (2017·西安模拟) In the past few years, My Heart Will Go On was a popular song among young people, were often heard singing it at parties.

  A. they B. that

  C. who

  D. which

  23. (2017·宝鸡模拟) Manyread the book have asked me to write another book, which their students can read without difficulty.

  A. which B. that

  C. what

  D. who

  24. (2017·咸阳模拟) The British are not so familiar with different cultures, is often the case in other countries.

  A. that B. who

  C. as

  D. where

  25. (2017·西安模拟) We climbed to the top of Dayan Pagoda at night, believe it or not, we could see a Buddha image in the sky.

  A. from thereB. where

  C. from where

  D. there


  1. 【解析】选C。考查定语从句。句意: 我女儿的工作需要她经常旅游, 她总是远离家。关系代词whose作定语, 修饰job, whose job在定语从句中作主语。

  2. 【解析】选B。考查非限制性定语从句。句意: 孩子们对于圣诞节的来临感到很兴奋, 它可以带给他们快乐。从句子结构分析可以排除it和what; that不能引导非限制性定语从句, 故选用which, 在定语从句中作主语。

  3. 【解析】选C。考查定语从句和名词性从句。句意: 战争结束的消息很快传遍全村, 这使村民们欣喜若狂。第一空that引导同位语从句, 具体说明the news的内容; 第二空which引导非限制性定语从句, 指代前面整句话的内容。

  4. 【解析】选D。考查定语从句和名词性从句。分析句子成分可以看出, 第一空使用what引导主语从句, 第二空使用whose引导一个非限制性定语从句。


   is known to us all, the old worker,  life was hard in the past, still works hard in his seventies.

  A. As; whom

  B. What; whom

  C. It; whose

  D. As; whose

  【解析】选D。考查定语从句。分析句子成分可以看出, 第一空使用as引导非限制性定语从句, 第二空使用whose引导一个非限制性定语从句。

  5. 【解析】选C。考查定语从句。把题干改为陈述语序则为This tourist attraction is you paid a visit to several days ago. 主句缺少表语, 故使用the one, 其后省略了that。

  6. 【解析】选D。考查定语从句。whose引导非限制性定语从句, whose understanding and support在定语从句中作主语。

  7. 【解析】选D。考查定语从句和名词性从句。先行词被the very修饰一般使用that引导定语从句; 第二空what引导一个宾语从句。

  8. 【解析】选B。考查定语从句。当非限制性定语从句的谓语是be +过去分词时, 多使用as引导定语从句, 表示整个主句的内容, which所引导的非限制性定语从句一般放在主句之后, 故排除C。

  9. 【解析】选C。考查定语从句。分析句子成分可知, 此处spot应为先行词, 使用where引导定语从句, where在从句中作状语, 表示地点。


  ①当先行词为case, condition, situation, position, point, stage, circumstance, play, job, work, scene, spot, activity, process等名词时, 若在从句中充当状语成分, 可用where引导; 若作主语、宾语等成分, 可用that/which引导定语从句。

  ②occasion, point, stage等名词表示时间节点的时候, 其后的定语从句可用when引导, 在从句中作时间状语。

  10. 【解析】选D。考查“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句。句意: 受我的理科老师鼓励, 我开始着手开发产品的研究, 因为我希望我会成功申请专利。根据句意, 此处使用介词for, 表示原因。

  11. 【解析】选A。考查定语从句。句意: 就是在这个地区不时地发生种族冲突。先行词为the area, where引导定语从句, 在从句中作地点状语。

  12. 【解析】选B。考查定语从句。句意: 上周日我爬上了我家附近的那座山的山顶, 在那里我能够看到半个城市。where引导定语从句, 在从句中作地点状语。

  13. 【解析】选C。考查定语从句。结合句意并分析句子结构可知, 此处使用when引导一个定语从句, when在从句中作状语。

  14. 【解析】选D。考查定语从句。way作先行词且关系词在从句中作状语时, 从句常用in which/that引导, 并且常可以省略, 故此题选D。

  15. 【解析】选C。考查定语从句。句意: 今年更多的公办幼儿园将会建造, 在这里学龄前儿童能度过他们充满乐趣的童年。此处in which=where, 引导一个定语从句。

  16. 【解析】选B。考查定语从句。句意: 住在这个城市的东边有一些麻烦, 其中购物就很是麻烦。根据句意, 此处表示“在……之中”, 故选B项。

  17. 【解析】选C。考查定语从句。根据搭配send. . . to. . . 可知, 此处使用介词to, 故选C。

  18. 【解析】选A。考查定语从句和不定代词。由于先行词是anything, 所以第一空使用that; 根据句意“我不挑食”, 所以任何食物都可以。

  19. 【解析】选D。考查复合句。从题干的所用句型和时态可知前部分是句型It will be long before加从句; 逗号之后是一个非限制性定语从句, whose business在定语从句中作主语, 所以选D项。

  20. 【解析】选C。考查定语从句。此处为一个分隔 (分离) 式定语从句, 先行词为time, 使用when引导定语从句, 在从句中作时间状语。

  21. 【解析】选D。考查定语从句。句意: 那所学校研发了一个网上系统, 学生在其中可以选择自己的老师。此处where引导一个定语从句, where在从句中作地点状语。

  22. 【解析】选D。考查定语从句的引导词。句意: 过去那几年, 《我心永恒》在年轻人中是一首非常受欢迎的歌曲, 在聚会时经常听到这首歌的演唱。先行词是song, 在后面的非限制性定语从句中作主语, 因此引导词用which, 故选D。

  23. 【解析】选D。考查定语从句。句意: 许多读过这本书的人让我再写一本书, 一本他们的学生能顺利的读下去的书。定语从句的先行词是many, 指人, 则引导词为who, 故选D。

  24. 【解析】选C。考查定语从句。句意: 英国人不熟悉不同的文化, 其他国家也是这种情况。as is often the case意为“情况常常如此”, as指代前面提到的情况, 在此句中引导非限制性定语从句, as引导非限制性定语从句时也可以位于句首。

  25. 【解析】选C。考查定语从句。句意: 夜晚我们爬上了大雁塔顶部, 信不信由你, 从大雁塔顶部我们能够看到空中的佛像。from where指的是from the top of Dayan Pagoda。


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