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发布时间:2017-04-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  专题二 定语从句

  Ⅰ.用which/ as填空

  1.Ted came for the weekend wearing only some shorts and a T­shirt,________ is a stupid thing to do in such weather.

  2.When I looked into their eyes,I found they didn't care,________ told me it would be useless.But when I looked into yours,I saw kindness.

  3.Jim passed the driving test,________ surprised everybody in the office.

  4.________ is often the case,we have worked out the production plan.

  5.________ is mentioned above,paper is first made in China.

  6.Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others,________,of course,made the others envy him.

  7.________ is reported in the newspapers,talks between the two countries are making progress.

  8.The result of the experiment was very good,________ we hadn't expected.

  答案 1.which 2.which 3.which 4.As 5.As6.which 7.As 8.which/as


  1.With hundreds of attractions,Beijing is a city________ makes a lasting impression on its visitors.

  2.Naturally a smile in________ the eyes participate is extremely communicative.

  3.It's said to be a case of murder________ the children were used by adults.

  4.Eleven people got killed in the accident,of ________ the identities haven't been available.

  5.After visiting Harbin,most of the foreign friends said they would never forget the time________ they had spent.

  6.Suddenly I heard a man shouting at a driver,________ car was blocking the street.

  7.Have you ever dreamed of staging a concert,at ________ thousands of people are applauding and appreciating your music?

  8.He met Rachel at her college graduation ceremony in 2008,________ he was later to marry.

  9.Spelling Bee is a contest________ competitors,usually children,are asked to spell as many words as possible.

  10.Children who are not active or________ diet is high in fat will gain weight quickly.

  11.Jennifer is always absent from school,________ I suppose is why she is blamed now and then.

  12.________ is often the case with human beings,many animals sleep a lot when young,but sleep much less when they get older.

  13.They told me they had just arrived at the last destination________ you went to last year.

  14.As a single mother of three children,she has very little time ________she can spare to develop her own interest.

  15.She suggests another approach,one,I think,________ suits us better.

  16.Jim's mother doesn't push too hard on him, ________ really benefits a lot from her relaxed attitude.

  17.She brought with her three friends,none of ________ I had ever met before.

  答案 1.which /that 2.which 3.where 4.whom5.that 6.whose 7.which 8.whom 9.where 10.whose11.which 12.As 13.that 14.that 15.that 16.who 17.whom



  M: Hello,I have just seen your advertisement __1__ you rent your house.You haven't rented it out yet,have you?

  W: No,I haven't.Come in and have a look.

  M: Thank you.

  W: It's just a simple room __2__ my son used to live.Now he is grown and long gone,and my husband __3__ I loved deeply died last year,I thought maybe I'd take in a roomer __4__ can share the rooms with me.

  M: A nice,quiet house.That's what I'm looking for.

  W: This way,Sir.

  M: Oh,this is a very pleasant room __5__ is suit able for me.How much is the rent?

  W: Fifty dollars a week.I won't charge you anything for electricity,gas and heat.Oh,yes,you can use the kitchen and refrigerator too,__6__ are rather big for me.

  M: Well,I like this place very much.But,__7__ is known to you,my government doesn't give me much money.So you know what I mean.

  W: Oh,yes.You seem like a very nice young man.What about


  M: That's good,Mrs.Price.

  答案 1.that 2.where/in which 3.whom 4.who 5.that/which 6.which 7.As


  Do you know the man __1__ wrote this book?He was Jason,one of the engineers __2__ came from Russia in the 1950s.He worked in the same factory __3__ my father once worked.When he came to China,the first thing __4__ he did was to visit the factory __5__ did research on trolleybuses and found out the reason __6__ China was so backward in it.Then he spent every minute __7__ he could spare to help China develop transportation.__8__ is mentioned above,Jason was a foreigner __9__ made great contributions to our country and was a kind man __10__ we should say thanks.

  答案 1.who 2.who 3.where 4.that 5.which/that 6.why 7.that 8.As 9.who/that 10.to whom


  In our school,there are various kinds of activities,1.________________(我们非常喜欢它们).Playing football and reading stories are my favorites 2.________________(它们对我有许多好处).Besides building my body and enriching my knowledge,they also free me from the heavy work or study.

  From my point of view,if there is an activity 3.________________(是你感兴趣并适合你),you should participate in it,4.________________(它不仅能使你的学校生活丰富多彩,还能提高你的交际能力).

  答案 1.which we enjoy very much 2.which do me lots of good 3.which interests and suits you 4.which will not only enrich your school life,but also improve your ability to communicate with others


  1.—How do you like the book?

  —It's quite different from the one ________(我上周读的那本).

  2.—Do you have anything to say for yourselves?

  —Yes,there is one point________ (我们必须坚持).

  3.—Where did you have the discussion with Professor Snow?

  —It was in the classroom________(我们昨天上生物课).

  4.Soon children in the camp had many new friends,______ (他们分享食物),stories,and projects.

  5.________ (正如报告所显示的那样),teenager problems are often connected with family life education.

  6.The road construction is based on the agreement,______ (它的一个目标)

  is to ensure its completion on time.

  7.Meizhou Island is such a beautiful place of interest ________ (每一个人都喜欢参观的).

  8.________(我们众所周知),our government has spared no efforts to control food prices.

  9.Gone are the days________ (我们一起度过的) in the mountainous village.

  10.With the development of agriculture,the people______ (在他们的村庄)

  I taught are now living a happy life.

  答案 1.that/which I read last week 2.that/which we must insist on 3.where we had a biology lesson yesterday4.with whom they shared food 5.As is shown in the report6.one of whose purposes 7.as every one likes to visit 8.As is known to us 9.when we spent together 10.in whose village


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