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发布时间:2017-04-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  STOCKHOLM, Oct.11 (Xinhua) -- Chinese writer Mo Yan has won the 2017 Nobel Prize in Literature, announced Peter Englund, Permanent Secretary of the Swedish Academy in Stockholm on Thursday.

  The Nobel Prize in Literature 2017 is awarded to Chinese writer Mo Yan "who with hallucinatory realism merges folk tales, history and the contemporary," said Englund at a press conference.

  Mo Yan, a pseudonym for Guan Moye, was born in 1955 and grew up in Gaomi in Shandong province in eastern China.His parents were farmers.

  As a 12-year-old during the Cultural Revolution he left school to work, first in agriculture, later in a factory.In 1976 he joined the People's Liberation Army and during this time began to study literature and write.His first short story was published in a literary journal in 1981.

  "In his writing, Mo Yan draws on his youthful experiences and on settings in the province of his birth.This is apparent in his novel Hong gaoliang jiazu (1987, in English Red Sorghum 1993)," said the academy in a statement of Mo's biography.

  The book consists of five stories that unfold and interweave in Gaomi in several turbulent decades in the 20th century, with depictions of bandit culture, the Japanese occupation and the harsh conditions endured by poor farm workers, according to the biography.Red Sorghum was successfully filmed in 1987, directed by famous Chinese director Zhang Yimou.

  Through a mixture of fantasy and reality, historical and social perspectives, Mo Yan has created a world reminiscent in its complexity of those in the writings of William Faulkner and Gabriel Garcia Marquez, at the same time finding a departure point in old Chinese literature and in oral tradition, the academy commented in the biographical statement.

  In addition to his novels, Mo Yan has published many short stories and essays on various topics.In spite of his social criticism, he is seen in his homeland as one of the foremost contemporary authors, the statement added.

  Dozens of his works have been translated into English, French and Japanese and many other languages.

  Last year's literature prize went to Swedish poet Tomas Transtromer.

  Alfred Nobel, a Swedish industrialist who invented dynamite, established the Nobel Prizes in his will in 1895.The first awards were handed out six years later.

  文章大意:本文叙述了中国作家莫言摘取2017年诺贝尔文学奖,他出生于农民家庭,他在军队里时开始从事写作,写作的主要的素材就是来自他的农村的生活,他最出名的代表作就是《红高粱》。26.Where can you possibly read tins article?

  A.In a magazine

  B.At the front of a novel

  C.In a Business brochure

  D.on the newspaper【答案】D

  【解析】文章出处题。根据STOCKHOLM, Oct.11 (Xinhua) -- Chinese writer Mo Yan has won the 2017 Nobel Prize in Literature, announced…

  27.Which of the following Is closest in meaning to the underlined word "pseudonym" in paragraph 3?

  A.eldest son

  B.government leader

  C.pen name


  【解析】词义猜测题。根据for Guan MoyeMo Yan是他的笔名,故选C。

  28.Mo Yan started to earn his life


  A.in 1967

  B.in 1976

  C.in 1981

  D.in 1987【答案】A

  【解析】细节理解题。根据Mo Yan, a pseudonym for Guan Moye, was born in 1955As a 12-year-old during the Cultural Revolution he left school to work莫言出生于1955年,12岁开始工作,可推知是1976年开始挣钱,故选A。

  29.Which of the following statements is true?

  A.Mo Yan started to write stories when he turned 20.

  B.The stories in "Red Sorghum" describes both country and city life.

  C.Mo Yan's works are widely read at home and abroad.

  D.Besides writing novels, Mo Yan produced a film.【答案】C

  【解析】细节理解题。根据he is seen in his homeland as one of the foremost contemporary authors, the statement added.Dozens of his works have been translated into English, French and Japanese and many other languages.30.The Nobel Prize was set up


  A.by a Swede

  B.by the Swedish Academy is Stockholm

  C.in the 18th century

  D.to award greast literary figures【答案】A

  【解析】细节理解题。根据Alfred Nobel, a Swedish industrialist who invented dynamite, established the Nobel Prizes in his will in 1895.


  The day began with clear sunlight and blue skies.It soon turned into years of war, economic breakdown and political division. Ten years after the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon(五角大楼)on September 11,2001, America has come out of the smoke a very different country.Nearly 3,000 people died on September 11.

  Suddenly America had to wake up to the fact that not everyone loves the USS A.Members of al-Qaeda, the militant group that earned out the attacks, were angry about US support for the Israelis

  against Palestinians in the Middle East, about US troops in Saudi Arabia, and about sanctions (制裁)

  against Iraq.

  "September 11 and the years that followed were a shock to our national consciousness," said Nicholas Bums, American ambassador to NATO (北约) at the time.The terrorists struck not only the buildings, but also Americans- faith in their power.The fear that America had lost control of events as widespread.

  In the name of fighting terrorism, the US launched wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.More than 6,000 Americans have died.Tens of thousands of ordinary people in those countries have also lost their lives.

  But deaths are only part of the story.The world was shocked by photographs of Americans torturing (折磨) Iraqis in Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad.David Goldstein, a reporter with The Kansas City Star, questioned American behavior: "Has torturing so-called terrorists saved American lives or made the values we advocate around the world weaker? …" Is that what we've become?"

  However, a brief moment of national unity did occur straight after 9/11."Americans were coming together in an unusually powerful way ...in the ashes.We live in a bittersweet memory of that collective tragedy and collective possibility," said filmmaker Ken Burns.

  September 11 was that kind of common moment.When it was over, the Harth still turned in its usual way and the stars in the sky shone as before.But the universe had shifted somehow.

  Though the world felt the consequence of September 11, more is to come.Ten years on, it still might be too soon to tell.

  31.What is "al-Qaeda" in Paragraph 2?

  A.It is the name of the leader of a militant group.

  B.It is the name of a city in tie Middle East.

  C.It is the name of an armed organization.

  D.It is the name of a terrorist that carried out the 9/11 attacks.


  【解析】细节理解题。根据它的同位语可知the militant group

  32.Which statement is NOT true?

  A.The US government gives supports to Israel but not to Palestine or Iraq.B.There are American troops stationed in Satidi Arabia.

  C.The 9/11 event brought die US people into unity for some time.

  D.More than 6000 Americans have died since the 9/11 attacks.【答案】D

  【解析】细节理解题。根据Nearly 3,000 people died on September 11.

  33.What is robably the author's attitude towards America's military actions abroad?

  A.It is necessary to sweep out all the terrorists around the world.

  B.It is not very reasonable to launch wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  C.It is quite right to apply military forces upon other nations.

  D.The days of an eye for an eye should never be gone.【答案】B

  【解析】推理判断题。根据But deaths are only part of the story.The world was shocked by photographs of Americans torturing (折磨) Iraqis in Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad


  34.What can be inferred from the passage?

  A.Some Americans are skeptical about America's armed behavior overseas.

  B.Tens of thousands of common people were killed in the wars besides American soldiers.

  C.The 9/11 attacks damaged Americans' faith in their military and economical power.

  D.More attacks will happen to the US ten years later.【答案】A

  【解析】推理判断题。根据Though the world felt the consequence of September 11, more is to come.Ten years on, it still might be too soon to tell.35.What is the best title for this passage?

  A.Result of Military Operations

  B.America's Victory over Terrorists

  C.Shadows of 9/11

  D.Never Say Yes【答案】C

  【解析】标题归纳题。根据Ten years after the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon(五角大楼)on September 11,2001, America has come out of the smoke a very different country.9/11带来的阴影,故选C。

  【2017安徽省屯溪一中月考卷】 A

  With only fish and birds for company, Eric Erden has been rowing across the Pacific Ocean to Australia in his 23-foot-long boat since he left California on July 10, 2009.

  This is the first part of Eric’s trip around the world using only his own energy. He will row, bike, and walk without help from any motors at all. His plan includes climbing the tallest mountain on each of the six continents he visits, to honor the memory of a fellow climber.

  He says he is doing this to show kids that they can achieve any goal, but he also hopes to have some great adventures along the way.

  Storms and huge waves regularly force him in the wrong direction and even threaten to overturn his boat. “Sometimes I really feel scared,” says a somewhat embarrassed Eric. “But that’s part of the journey. I knew this wouldn’t be easy when I started.”

  Protein bars give him energy, and he boils water to heat freeze-dried meals on a one-burner stove. A sun-powered machine removes salt from ocean water so he can drink it, but when that fails he sometimes tries to collect rainwater in a bucket.

  He’s not bothered by any of the hardships. Eric sees the world as a laboratory where there is much to learn. And when his trip around the world takes him across land, he enjoys meeting people — especially children. He has already visited several schools and shared his story.

  56.Why is Eric making this trip?

  A. To learn to overcome various hardships.

  B. To encourage children to reach for their goal.

  C. To do experiments all over the world.

  D. To honor the memory of a fellow climber.

  .What does Eric plan to do on each of the six continents he will visit?

  A. Visit schools to share his story.

  B. Study the culture of the local people.

  C. Cycle from one end to the other.

  D. Climb the tallest mountain.

  .How does Eric mainly get drinking water?

  A. He boils the seawater on a stove.

  B. He has brought fresh water with him.

  C. He collects rain water in a bucket.

  D. He uses a special machine to make seawater fresh.

  .Which of the following words best describes Eric’s character?

  A. Fearless B. Intelligent.

  C. Determined.

  D. Lonely.

  【参考答案】56—59 B D D C


  Anger is good for you as long as you control it properly,according to new psychology research.A new study from Carnegie Mellon University shows anger may help people reduce the negative impacts of stress and help you become healthier.

  “Here getting emotional is not bad for you if you look at the case of anger,”said Jennifer Lerner of Carnegie Mellon.“The more people display anger,the lower their stress responses.’’

  Lerner studied 92 UCLA students by asking them to count back from 6,200.They must say out loud every thirteenth number.Researchers disturbed them by asking them to count faster or ask them other questions.If they made any mistakes,they had to restart from the very beginning.Many students felt depressed about making so many mistakes or got angry because the researchers were interrupting them.

  Lerner used a hidden video camera and recorded all their facial expressions during the test.The researchers describe their reactions as fear,anger and disgust.

  Other researchers recorded the students’ blood pressure,pulse and production of a high—stress hormone(荷尔蒙)called cortis01.People whose faces showed more fear during the experiment had higher blood pressure and higher levels of the hormone.Both can have lasting effects such as diabetes(糖尿病),heart disease,depression and extra weight gain.

  When people feel fear,negative impacts increase, but when they get angry,those negatives go down,according to the study.

  “Having that sense of anger leads people to actually feel some power in what otherwise is a maddening situation,”Lerner said.

  Lerner previously studied Americans’ emotional response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks two months after the incident.She found people who reacted with anger were more optimistic.These people are healthier compared with those who were frightened during the event.So in maddening situations,anger is not a bad thing to have.It’s a healthier response than fear.

  36.Which statement will Jennifer Lerner agree with?

  A.It’s better to be angry than to be frightened in maddening situations.

  B.Different reactions reflect different outlooks on life.

  C.Don’t control your anger and it makes you powerful.

  D.Pessimistic people are generally healthier than optimistic people.【答案】A

  【解析】细节理解题。根据She found people who reacted with anger were more optimistic.These people are healthier compared with those who were frightened during the event.

  37.What does the underlined word “both” in the fifth paragraph refer to according to the passage?

  A.Fear and anger.

  B.Blood pressure and pulse.

  C.Blood pressure and cortisone.

  D.Higher blood pressure and higher levels of the hormone.【答案】D

  【解析】细节理解题。根据People whose faces showed more fear during the experiment had higher blood pressure and higher levels of the hormone荷尔蒙

  38.The researchers made the experimented students angry by _________.

  A.recording their performance secretly

  B.asking them to count to 6,200 again and again

  C.disturbing them and making them start ail over again

  D.criticizing them when they made mistakes【答案】C

  【解析】细节理解题。根据Many students felt depressed about making so many mistakes or got angry because the researchers were interrupting them.39.In what ways can anger be beneficial to people?

  A.By showing their optimistic side.

  B.By reducing their stress.

  C.By reducing high blood pressure.

  D.By taking the place of fear.【答案】B

  【解析】细节理解题。根据A new study from Carnegie Mellon University shows anger may help people reduce the negative impacts of stress and help you become healthier.

  40 What is this passage Mainly about?

  A.The findings of new psychology research.

  B.What you can do with anger in certain cases.

  C.Different effects produced by anger and fear.

  D.Healthier responses in maddening situations.【答案】A

  【解析】主旨大意题。根据A new study from Carnegie Mellon University shows anger…


  While some scientists overlook the existence of a sixth sense for danger, a new research from Washington University in St. Louis has identified a brain area that clearly acts as an early warning system and helps us adjust our behavior to avoid dangerous situations.

  "Our brains are better at picking up not obvious warning signs than we previously thought," said Joshua Brown, PhD, a research associate in psychology in the Feb. 18 issue of the journal Science.

  The findings offer exact scientific evidence for a new way to form a concept of the complex control processes taking place in and around the ACC, a brain area located near the top of the frontal lobes(耳垂) and

  along the walls that divide the left and right hemispheres(大脑半球).

  "In the past, we found activity in the ACC when people had to make a difficult decision, or after they make a mistake," Brown said. "But now we find that this brain area can actually learn to recognize when you might make a mistake, even before a difficult decision has to be made. So the ACC appears to act as an early warning system—— it learns to warn us in advance when our behavior might lead to a negative outcome, so that we can be more careful and avoid making a mistake."

  By providing a clearer picture of the cognitive mechanisms(认知结构) by which we self monitor and control our behavior, the study is an important step in efforts to develop more effective treatments for mental illnesses. It also provides a new way of understanding inappropriate behaviors that often accompany mental illnesses.

  "Our results suggest how injury of the ACC mechanisms can lead to breakdowns in the early warning system, so that the brain fails to stop or control inappropriate behavior ahead of time," said Brown. "On the other hand, in those persons with mental disorder, the ACC might warn of an upcoming problem even when no problem is in the existence."

  Known to be an important part of the brain's control system, the ACC is believed to help adjust between cold, hard, fact-based reasoning and emotional responses, such as love, fear or expectation.

  68. According to the passage, the ACC____________.

  A. refers to the sixth sense for danger

  B. deals with obvious warning situations

  C. connects the left and right hemispheres

  D. sends warning messages in advance

  69. The new research is beneficial because it ________ .

  A. provides a new way of avoiding mistakes

  B. adjusts emotional responses in time of danger

  C. helps find better treatments for mental illnesses

  D. assists people in predicting and avoiding danger

  70. The new research helps us understand _________.

  A. why we are likely to make mistakes when the ACC is badly injured

  B. why people with mental illnesses usually have so many strange behaviors

  C. how the ACC works when something dangerous happens

  D. how our brain warns us of failure in advance



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