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2017届高考英语一轮复习基础巩固学案:Unit 1《Cultural relics》(重大版必修2)

发布时间:2017-04-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Book 2 Unit 1 Cultural relics .语境填词 1.The ________(本地的) police have found the ________(证据)of the case. 2.She was ________(惊讶的) at the sight of the ________(value) diamond necklace. 3.The ________(接待) room is being ________(装修). 4.The ________(前任的) manager ________(挑选) the present manager to succeed him. 5.I think it’s ________(值得的)to hold an ________(非正式的) talk with them. 6.An ________(explode) happened at the ________(入口) of a hotel. .选词填空 1.She is good at learning languages.She can speak French well in ________________ two years. 2.He ________________ the clock and found out what was wrong with it. 3.The whole family went out ________________ the lost child. 4.In 1942,our country was ____________ with Japan. 5.When you sleep in the open,old newspapers can ____________ a blanket. 6.I think it is you,________________ your sister,that are to blame. .完成句子 1.刚才老师跟他谈话的那个人是杰克的爸爸。 The man,________________ the teacher talked just now,is Jack’s father. 2.我们钦佩他解决问题的那种方法。 We admire ____________ he solved the problem. 3.她被认为是中国最好的女演员之一。 She was ________ one of the best actresses in China. 4.毫无疑问中国队将获得比赛的胜利。 ________________________ the Chinese team will win the game. 5.中国比亚洲任何其他国家都大。 China is ________ than ________________ in Asia. .单项填空 1.Jack’s room always has the dusty smell of an apartment whose windows are ________ opened. A.rarely B.generally C.apparently D.frequently 2.When Schwarzenegger was going to become the No.1 movie star in Hollywood,the reporter was happy and ________. A.amazed B.confused C.disappointed D.scared 3.I like the ________ painting better than the latter. A.front B.ahead C.former D.first 4.You should spend your time on some ________ readings. A.worth B.cost C.worthwhile D.worthy 5.They were walking around the town ________ a place for the party.(2011·江苏扬州中学检测) A.in search of B.search C.searching of D.searched for 6.How long have the two countries ________ war? A.at B.on C.in D.between 7.You should get a little sleepy but ________ that there should be no side effects. A.rather than B.less than C.more than D.other than 8.In the 100­metre race,Li Ming ran ________ any other athlete in his group. A.fastest of B.the fastest of C.faster than D.much faster 9.Since the baby milk powder was found to be polluted,there has been universal doubt ________ other food products are safe to eat. A.whether B.that C.what D.how 10.I don’t like ________ he behaves in public places. A.that B.which C.the way D.the means 1.survive 生存;幸存;生还;比……活(或存在)的时间长 ________ n.幸存者 ________ n.幸存;残存物【归纳拓展】 A survive B A比B活得长 survive sth.幸免于;从……中挺过来 survive on靠……存活下来 He died in 1940 but his wife survived him by another 20 years. 他在1940年逝世,但他的妻子比他多活了20年。【活学活用】 (1)It is important for government authorities to provide better service for the foreign invested companies ____________ the economic crisis. 政府机构向国外投资公司提供更好的服务对其渡过经济危机非常重要。 (2)The strongest ________.(2010·江苏,阅读理解B) 最强大的生存下来。(3)Lucy cut down her daily spending in order to________ the financial storm. A.prevent B.survive C.keep D.quit2.remove 移开,去掉;脱去(衣服等);摘下;去除;解除(职务等) 【归纳拓展】 remove one’s coat脱下大衣 remove sb.from his/her position as...撤消某人的……职位 be removed from被从……中拿走(除掉);将某人免职 As nutrients are removed,soil is less fertile.(2009·江苏,阅读理解D) 随着营养物质被移除,土壤不再那么肥沃。【活学活用】 (1)Reference books may not ________________________ the library. 参考书不可能从图书馆中被拿走。 (2)He ________________________________. 他摘下帽子和手套。 (3)Bad habits are not easy to be________;it needs your determination.(2011·贵阳市统考) A.moved B.removed C.got rid D.replaced3.worth .值得的;有价值的【归纳拓展】 worth常用作形容词,在句中一般作表语,有时也可用作定语,如:a place worth seeing(值得一看的地方),a dictionary worth $50(一本值50美元的词典)等。 worth用作表语时,不能单独使用,其后通常接动词的­ing形式,而不能接动词不定式。worth后面的动词­ing形式一般用主动形式表示被动意义,而不能直接用被动形式。 (1)That novel is not worth reading. 那部小说不值得一读。 (2)The exhibition is worth a visit. 这展览值得一看。【活学活用】 (1)The teacher must have thought Johnson ________________ it or she wouldn’t have wasted time on him,I suppose.(2007·安徽,23) 我猜老师一定认为约翰逊值得她那样做,否则她就不会在他身上浪费时间。 (2)The problem he put forth at the meeting was________.Which of the following is NOT true? A.worth thinking over B.worthy to consider C.worthy of being thought over D.worthy to be thought over 4.design 设计;图案;构思【归纳拓展】 design sth.for...指定某物作某用途 be designed for/as...被打算用来作…… be designed to do sth.被打算做……;目的是…… by design故意地 Business students designed the paychecks.(2010·全国卷,阅读理解B) 商学院的学生设计了工资支票。【活学活用】 (1)She arrived just as we were leaving,but whether this was by accident or ________________ I’m not sure.她刚好在我们正要离开的时候到达,但我不能肯定这是出于偶然还是有意的。 (2)________ do you think of the________ of the cloth? A.What;types B.How;design C.Who;color D.What;design 5.in search of寻找;寻求【归纳拓展】 search sth./sb.搜查某物/搜身 search for sb./sth.搜寻某人/某物 in one’s search for...寻找…… make a search for寻找…… I went off in search of a garage where I could buy some petrol.我离开去寻找加油站买汽油。【活学活用】 (1)The police ______________________ but found no weapons on him. 警方搜查嫌疑犯,但在他身上找不到武器。 (2)The police as well as the lost child’s parents set out,______________ the nearby forest for the boy. A.searching B.searching for C.in search of D.in search for 6.belong to属于;是……的成员【归纳拓展】 belongings n.所有物,财产 belong to中to为介词,后接名词的普通格,不接所有格;后接代词时用宾格,不用名词性物主代词。 belong to无被动语态,无进行时。 Professor Williams keeps telling his students that the future belongs to the well­educated.(2009·重庆,30) 威廉姆斯教授一直告诫他的学生们说未来是属于受过良好教育的人的。【活学活用】 (1)We ________________ the new club. 我们是这个新俱乐部的成员。 (2)All the workers ________________ the factory must obey the rule. 这个工厂的所有工人必须遵守这个规定。 (3)—________ does the computer belong to? —It belongs to________. A.Whose;mine B.Whose;my C.Who;Tom’s D.Who;me7.take apart拆开,拆卸【归纳拓展】 tell...apart分清;区别,辨别 apart from...除……以外 Take the watch apart and see if you can see what’s wrong with it. 把手表拆开,看看你能不能检查出什么毛病。【活学活用】 (1)________________ being too large,it just doesn’t suit me. 除了太大以外,对我也不合适。 (2)The pop singer Twins are not real twins,but it’s difficult for me to________.(2010·安顺月考) A.tell them from B.tell from them C.tell them apart D.tell apart them 8.think highly of看重,器重;高度评价【归纳拓展】 think highly/well/much of sb./sth.对某人/某物评价很高 think badly/little/ill/lightly of sb./sth.对某人/某物评价很低(印象不好) think poorly of不放在眼里;轻视 think nothing of轻视;认为……无所谓注意:当think highly/well/much of用于被动结构时,副词置于thought之前,即构成be highly/well/much thought of。 We all think very highly/well/much of her. 我们都非常看重她。【活学活用】 (1)He ______________________ walking four miles to work and back every day. 他把每天步行四英里上下班不当回事。 (2)His book won/received ________________ from general readers. 他的书赢得了普通读者的盛赞。 (3)With his work being________ by his boss,he quickly got promoted in the company.(2011·保定质检) A.thought highly B.high thought of C.well thought of D.badly thought of9.Frederick William ,the King of Prussia,could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history.  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 句式提取:情态动词+have done 情态动词+have done表对过去情况的推测与估计: (1)could have done sth.本来能做……(过去本来能做而未做) (2)should have done sth.本来该做……(过去本来该做而未做) (3)must+have done sth.一定……(对过去发生的事情的肯定推测) (4)needn’t have done sth.本来不必做……(过去不必做却做了) (5)might/may have done sth.可能做了……(过去可能做了某事,可能性小) But for their help,we could not have finished the program in time.(2009·安徽,34) 要是没有他们的帮助,我们不可能及时完成了那个计划。【活学活用】 (1)Anybody ________________________ it,but nobody did it. 任何人都可以完成这项工作,但就是没人去做。 (2)You ________________________ your homework yesterday.你昨天就该做完作业了。 (3)We________ last night,but we went to appreciate the flowerbeds and streetlights in Tian’anmen Square instead. A.might study B.could study C.should have studied D.must have studied [写作句型公式]1.主语+be+worth+doing The book is very expensive,but it is worth buying. 这本书很贵,但值得买。 2.主语+need/want/require doing (=to be done) The machine does not work now,and it needs repairing (=it needs to be repaired).这台机器坏了,需要修理一下。 3.主语+look/sound/feel/taste/smell/prove+表语 The steel feels cold. 这块钢摸起来很凉。 His plan proved (to be) practical. 他的计划证明是切合实际的。[日常交际用语]11.as good as your word:to keep your promise信守诺言 He said he would come on time,and he was as good as his word. 他说他会按时到的,而且他说到做到。 12.I’m with you on that:used to show agreement with sb. on some point我同意你的观点 “I’m with you on that.I feel exactly the same,”said the professor. 教授说,“我和你的观点一致,我的感觉恰恰如此。”课前准备区 .1.local;evidence 2.amazed;valuable 3.reception;decorated 4.former;selected 5.worthwhile;informal 6.explosion;entrance .1.less than 2.took apart 3.in search of 4.at war 5.serve as 6.rather than .1.to whom 2.the way 3.considered 4.There is no doubt that 5.larger;any other country .1.A [rarely很少,罕见,符合句意。] 2.A [句意为:当施瓦辛格成为好莱坞头号名星时,记者既高兴又惊讶。] 3.C [former意为“前面的”,与latter“后面的”对应。] 4.C [worthwhile可以作定语,意为“有价值的”,其他选项均不可作定语。] 5.A [in search of意为“寻找”,而search for为动词短语,此处应为介词短语作状语,故选A项。] 6.A [at war意为“在交战中”。] 7.D [other than意为“除了……之外”,符合句意。] 8.C [在比较级句型中,比较级+than+any other+单数名词,是固定表达,意为“……比任何其他的都……”。] 9.A [doubt用于肯定句时,后面的宾语从句用whether引导。] 10.C [way在此处意为“方式”;means意为“方法”。] 课堂活动区 1.survivor;survival 活学活用 (1)to survive (2)survive (3)B [句意为:为了渡过经济危机,Lucy削减每天的开支。survive sth.从……中挺过来,符合句意。] 2.活学活用 (1)be removed from (2)removed his hat and gloves (3)B [由句意“坏习惯不容易被改掉”可知,remove去掉;清除。] 3.活学活用 (1)was worth (2)B 4.活学活用 (1)by design (2)D [What do you think of...为固定句型,意为“认为……怎样”,此处用types讲不通。故选D项。] 5.活学活用 (1)searched the suspect (2)A [search a place for sb./sth.为固定搭配,意思是“为寻找某人或某物而搜一个地方”;in search of sb./sth.指“寻找某人或某物”;search (...) for...短语中,search后接被搜的地点或人,for后面接的是要找的人或物。] 6.活学活用 (1)belong to (2)belonging to (3)D [belong to后接代词时应用宾格。故只能选D项。] 7.活学活用 (1)Apart from (2)C [tell sb./sth.apart固定搭配,意为“分清;辨别”。] 8.活学活用 (1)thinks nothing of (2)high praise (3)C [句意为:因他的工作被老板评价很高,他很快在公司得到了提升。think well of...的被动语态为be well thought of。] 9.普鲁士国王腓特烈·威廉一世绝不可能想到,他送给俄罗斯人民的厚礼会有这样一段令人惊讶的历史。活学活用 (1)could have done (2)should have finished (3)C [考查虚拟语气。依据题干中的last night可知,A、B两项错误,此处不是表猜测;而must have done sth.表示“一定做过某事”,不符合句意;should have done sth.表示“本应该做某事而没做”。].单项填空(建议用时8′) 1.On no account________do anything that benefits ourselves but harms the interests of the state. A.we should B.should we C.we are to D.are to we 2.The biggest whale is ________ blue whale,which grows to be about 29 meters long—the height of ________ 9­story building.(2011·莱芜月考) A.the;the B.a;a C.a;the D.the;a 3.To________ the long bitter winter,Soppy had tried many ways to get himself arrested by the police,but all in vain.(2011·聊城模拟) A.remain B.survive C.bear D.endure 4.—I’m thinking of the test tomorrow.I’m afraid I can’t pass this time. —________! I’m sure you’ll make it. A.Go ahead B.Good luck C.No problem D.Cheer up 5.The department store will________ forty employees after the holiday rush. A.hire B.fire C.remove D.both B and C 6.—What do you think of his talk on Information Technology? —Oh,excellent.It’s worth________. A.listening to B.being listened to C.listening D.to be listened to7.This road is not in a good state;you know,it wasn’t ________ for such heavy traffic 10 years ago. A.made B.designed C.built D.wanted 8.The police ________ the prisoner to see if he had a gun.(2011·日照统考) A.searched for B.searched C.was in search of D.was in their search of 9.To all the people here________ the honour for the other day. A.belong B.belongs C.belongs to D.is belonged 10.I don’t think such a young child will be able to________ the two Italian visitors apart. A.say B.speak C.read D.tell 11.Yang Liwei is regarded as our national hero,who is________. A.thinking high of B.thought high of C.highly thought of D.thinking highly of 12.Some women________a good salary in a job instead of staying at home,but they decided not to work for the sake of the family. A.must make B.should have made C.would make D.could have made 13.We are expected to arrive at the village before dark.I don’t doubt ________ we can make it by then. A.whether B.that C.when D.where14.Has she ever asked for the reason________ may explain his coming late?(2010·青岛一中模拟) A.why B.for which C.that D.for that 15.About two hundred people are working in his company now,most of________ were once out of work. A.which B.who C.that D.whom .完形填空(建议用时17′)Recently,I began seeking my dream of becoming a motivational(激励人的) speaker.After a four­year relationship with Fortune 100 Company __16__ as a sales trainer and ending as a regional(区域的) sales manager,I left the company at the __17__ of my career.Many people were __18__ that I would leave after earning a six­figure __19__.And they asked why I would risk everything for a __20__. I made a decision to start my __21__ company after attending a regional sales meeting.The vice­president of our company delivered a __22__ that changed my life.He asked us,“If a god would __23__ you three wishes,what would they be?”After giving us a __24__ to write down the three wishes,he then asked us,“__25__ do you need a god?”I would never forget the power I __26__ at that moment.I realized that everything I had achieved in the past had __27__ me for this moment.I was __28__ and didn’t need a god’s help to become a motivational speaker.A motivational speaker was __29__. Having made that decision,I was immediately __30__.One week after I gave notice for engagements(签约),I __31__ my cellphone.Worse still,half a year passed and I didn’t get any engagements __32__.But I held fast to my dream.The wonder __33__ began to happen.About seven months later,I was able to book quite a few __34__ engagements with new customers.I discovered the incredible (难以置信的) __35__ of dreams. 16.A.acting B.beginningC.considering D.working 17.A.crossroad B.edge C.length D.height 18.A.disappointed B.moved C.surprised D.worried 19.A.income B.wealth C.position D.respect 20.A.dream B.person C.promise D.speaker 21.A.good B.big C.new D.own 22.A.message B.passage C.speech D.letter 23.A.answer B.offer C.share D.tell 24.A.hand B.paper C.moment D.second 25.A.Why B.Where C.When D.How 26.A.felt B.gave C.made D.sent 27.A.comforted B.prepared C.changed D.driven 28.A.happy B.proud C.ready D.well 29.A.made B.formed C.brought D.born 30.A.tested B.checked C.punished D.shocked 31.A.bought B.sold C.lost D.found 32.A.at last B.at allC.at most D.at least 33.A.almost B.really C.hardly D.gradually 34.A.speaking B.training C.selling D.writing 35.A.force B.help C.effect D.power .阅读理解(建议用时7′) A new research has uncovered that culture is a determining factor when people interpret facial emotions (情感).The study reveals that in cultures where emotional control is the standard,such as Japan,the focus is placed on the eyes to interpret emotions.Whereas in cultures where emotion is openly expressed,such as the United States,the focus is on the mouth to interpret emotions. “These findings go against the popular theory that the facial expressions of basic emotions can be universally recognized,” said University of Alberta researcher Dr.Takahiko Masuda.”A person’s culture plays a very strong role in determining how he will read emotions and needs to be considered when interpreting the facial expressions.” These cultural differences are even noticeable in computer emoticons(情感符号),which are used to convey a writer’s emotions by email and text message.The Japanese emotions for happiness and sadness vary in terms of how the eyes are drawn ,while the American emotions vary with the direction of the mouth.In the United States the emoticons∶)and∶­) show a happy face,whereas the emoticons(and∶­(show a sad face.However,the Japanese tend to use the symbol (‘­‘) to indicate a happy face,and (;­;) to indicate a sad face. “We think it is quite interesting and appropriate that culture tends to mask its emotions.The Japanese would focus on a person’s eyes when detecting his or her emotions,as eyes tend to be quite subtle(微妙的),”said Masuda.“In the United States,where an open emotion is quite common,it makes sense to focus on the mouth,which is the most expressive feature on a person’s face.” 36.The text mainly tells us that ________. A.cultural differences are expressed in emotions B.culture is a key to interpreting facial emotions C.different emoticons are preferred in different cultures D.people from different cultures express emotions differently 37.Which emoticon is used by Americans to show a happy face? A.(;­;) B.­) C.­( D.( 38.If a Japanese wants to detect whether a smile is true or false,he will probably ________. A.read the whole face B.focus on the mouth C.look into the eyes D.judge by the voice 39.People used to believe that ________. A.some facial expressions of emotions were too complex to be recognized B.people in the world interpreted basic emotions in different ways C.people could only recognize the facial expressions of basic emotions D.people all over the world understood basic emotions in the same way 40.The computer emoticons used by Americans show that________. A.they express their feelings openly B.they tend to control their emotions C.they are good at conveying their emotions D.they use simpler emotions to show their feelings.单项填空1.B [考查倒装的有关知识。由于on no account“决不”放于句首,句子应倒装,故A、C两项不对,D项中的to如放到we后也对。] 2.D [第一空用the+n.表示类别;第二空用a表示泛指。] 3.B [survive sth.从……中挺过来。] 4.D [一方担心不能通过考试,另一方去安慰。] 5.D 6.A 7.B [be designed for sth.为固定短语,意为“是为……设计的”。] 8.B [search sb.搜某人的身。]9.B [这是一个完全倒装句,还原成正常语序就是:“The honour for the other day belongs to all the people here.”。] 10.D [tell...apart分清。] 11.C [think highly of sb.的被动形式为sb.be highly thought of,故选C项。] 12.D [could have done sth.意为“本来能够做……(但实际没做)”,是虚拟语气的一种用法。] 13.B 14.C [that在定语从句中作主语,why为关系副词,不可作主语。] 15.D [which不能指人;who与that不能跟在介词后面。] 得分策略 [经典例题] Only when the fire was under control________ to return to their homes. A.the residents would be permitted B.had the residents been permitted C.would the residents be permitted D.the residents had been permitted 错因分析 考生易误选B项。分析句子结构可知,本题是对倒装结构的考查。根据语法知识可知,“only+状语”位于句首时,其后的句子要用倒装结构,故选项A和D可以首先被排除。在时间状语从句中,当从句用一般过去时态时,主句要用过去将来时态,故C项为正确答案。 [得分笔记] (1)当“only+状语”位于句首时,其后的句子要用倒装结构。该结构中的状语通常由副词、介词短语或状语从句充当。该语法点是高考英语中的常见考点。 (2)当否定词或否定性短语位于句首时,其后的句子应采用部分倒装结构。常用的否定词和否定性短语有:not,little,few,never,rarely,seldom,hardly,scarcely,barely,by no means,in no way等。.完形填空16.B [根据ending可判断与其对应的词应为beginning。] 17.D [从上文的销售经理以及下文的a six­figure (income)“6位数的收入”可判断作者正处在事业的高峰期。height意为“处于(成功等的)巅峰”。] 18.C [作者的工作收入达到了6位数却要辞职,很显然会使人们感到“惊讶”。] 19.A 20.A [文章首句中的my dream of有暗示。] 21.D [在参加了一个区域销售会议后,“我”决定开办“自己的”公司。] 22.C [根据下文的内容可判断这里应指“发表演说”,即deliver a speech。] 23.B [offer“提供”,其后接双宾语。] 24.C [给“我们”一会儿时间写下三个愿望。a moment“一会儿”为约数。] 25.A 26.A 27.B [prepare使……做好准备。] 28.C [根据后文的didn’t need a god’s help可知,作者已经做好了准备,不需要上帝的帮助。] 29.D [一个励志演说家诞生了。] 30.A [做出决定后,“我”很快受到了考验。] 31.C [根据下文的worse still并结合选项可判断此处为“丢了手机”。] 32.B [not...at all一点也不。] 33.B [really的确,确实。] 34.A [一个motivational speaker的工作应该是speaking。] 35.D [“我”发现了源于梦想的难以置信的力量。] 得分策略完形填空题型的解题技巧(一) 1.读懂句子意思,选择正确答案这是此题型设置最简单的一种,它相当于一道单项选择题,不需要通读上下文,而只需读懂设空处所在的句子便能判断出正确答案。 [经典例题] ...“You are 40_(wrong).This is not the worst boy at all,__41__ the smartest one who hasn’t yet found an outlet(释放的途径) for his enthusiasm.” 41.A.butB.so C.and D.or 答案解析 A 本句是“not...but...”结构,表示“不是……而是……”。解这道题时考生不需要联系上下文内容仅根据这句话的意思就可以选出正确答案。 2.利用语法关联,选出最佳选项熟悉引导词(关系词)的用法,解题时要善于分析句子结构。 [经典例题] In one of the darkest times __37__ his strong­minded grandfather was nearly 38_(penniless),he loaded his family into the car and 39_(took) them to see family members in Canada with a 40_(belief),“There are more important things in life than money.” 37.A.when B.whileC.how D.why 答案解析 A 分析句子结构可知,the darkest times后接一个定语从句,引导词在从句中作状语,表示时间,故用when。 3.明确语境,辨清词语差异 4.突破句子的限制,捕捉篇章信息.阅读理解36.B [主旨大意题。文章第一段的首句是主题句,揭示了文化是诠释面部表情的决定性因素。只有B项表达的意思和文意相符。] 37.B [细节理解题。根据对第三段的分析可知,美国人的文化是开放的,由该段中的“In the United States the emoticons...”可知,B项是美国人表示高兴的表情。] 38.C [细节理解题。最后一段中的“The Japanese would focus,...”表明日本人是通过注视别人的眼睛来观察别人的情感的,所以C项的意思和文意相符。] 39.D [推理判断题。文章第二段中的“These findings go against...”说明新的研究结果违背了这一流行说法,即人们基本的面部表情几乎是相同的。] 40.A [细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“In the United States,where...”可知,美国人表达感情的方式是比较开放的。] 得分策略在阅读理解中遇到推理判断题,如何进行推理和判断?(一) 在解答推理判断类问题时,一定要注意确定推理判断所依据的内容,应清楚所要解答的问题是针对某个细节进行推断的,还是针对主题思想、作者的意图进行推断的。针对细节的推断可运用scanning方法,迅速在材料中确定推断所依据的内容的位置或范围,然后再进行推理判断;针对主题思想作推断时,则要综观全文。 1.隐含意义推理判断题这类题题干中常含有infer,suggest,imply,conclude,intend,purpose,be likely to等标志性词语。解决这类问题时要理解文章潜在的含义和作者所给的提示。同时,要对文章的含义和作者的暗示作出合理的猜测和推断。此类试题干扰项的设置特点:或是文章中无关紧要或推出的片面结论;或是与文章内容完全相反的结论;或是不合常理或不合逻辑的结论等。


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