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发布时间:2017-04-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  American students' concern for freedom lies in two patterns of behavior that Chinese students often notice: an unwillingness to make social commitments and vague and changing definitions in acquaintanceships, friendships and dating relationships.

  American students tend to make social commitments only at the last minute. Many Americans want to have the freedom to do what they want,when they want, in order to maximize their chance of having "fun". Chinese students sometimes feel frustrated by this. They feel personally insulted because they interpret it as a sign that the Americans are not truly interested in them. However, this behavior is often a sign of valuing personal freedom, rather than a reflection of their feelings about other people.

  The Americans' vague and changing definitions about acquaintances and friendships also puzzle Chinese students. American students use the term "friend" very loosely. They might have one or more friends whom they call "friends with benefits". This fluidity (不稳定性) in relationship definitions can be very puzzling to someone from a culture that values clearly defined relationships between people.

  American college students have "parties" to socialize. The typical American party consists of people talking in small groups or pairs while drinking alcoholic beverages and perhaps snacking on some dry food or " chips and dip" . Loud music may be playing. Department receptions and parties often feature beer or wine.

  Many of the people at these parties may be strangers to each other. When invited to a party, Americans are relatively unlikely to ask, "Who will be there?" They are accustomed to meeting strangers and starting conversations with them. The parties usually do not include games or large-group interactions. So individuals must take the initiative to introduce themselves to strangers and talk with them.

  Many Chinese students find these parties boring or stressful. Chinese tend to be more accustomed to dinners as a way to get together with friends or acquaintances. Few, if any strangers, will be at a dinner. The atmosphere may be quieter and conversations deeper than at a typical American student party.

  55. Why do American students make social commitments only at the last minute?

  A. Because they fear to be frustrated by irresponsible promises.

  B. Because they are cautious about making friends.

  C. Because they are always busy attending parties.

  D. Because they want to make the most of every possible chance to have fun.

  56. A Chinese student will feel upset with an American student because he thinks _____.

  A. the American student should make an earlier commitment

  B. the American student is not really interested in him

  C. the American student doesn't consider his feelings

  D. the American student wants to squeeze fun out of their sufferings

  57. Why are Americans unlikely to ask who will attend the party when invited?

  A. Because they are used to meeting new people at the party.

  B. Because they regard it as a chance to make more friends.

  C. Because they care more about the food and drink served at the party.

  D. Because they tend to get together with friends.

  58. How will Chinese students feel when they attend a party where there are many strangers?

  A. Many of them will feel stressed.

  B. They will see it as a chance to meet new friends.

  C. They will feel free to talk with strangers.

  D. They will make the most of their chance of having fun.


  【长难句解读】 Many Americans want to have the freedom to do what they want, when they want, in order to maximize their chance of having "fun". 分析:本句使用了what引导的宾语从句和when引导的状语从句。 译文:许多美国人想拥有做什么,什么时候做的自由,以便使他们获得"快乐"的机会最大化。

  55. D【命题意图】考查推理判断。

  【解题思路】第二段说,美国学生到最后时刻才会承诺什么,很多美国人想拥有做什么、什么时候做的自由,以便使他们获得"快乐" 的机会最大化,因此选D。

  56. B【命题意图】考查细节理解。


  57. A【命题意图】考查细节理解。


  58. A【命题意图】考查细节理解,


  Life and work are filled with problems to be solved, or as we say these days, challenges to be overcome. There are a number of approaches to help us with problem-solving in business and in other walks of life. Using one or more of these techniques can help us do so efficiently. But some problem-solving techniques are complex and require a lot of learning before we can use them well. Here is one of the simplest approaches, a five-stage process that often leads to success.

  The first stage is to define the problem in detail. Part of the definition ought to be the reason the problem arose in the first place. Once we are satisfied that the problem is well defined we are ready to look for a solution.

  The second stage is the search for alternative courses of action that will solve the problem. Here we try to find multiple potential solutions to the problem. This step may involve doing some researches or asking others what they think. Look for analogies or how similar problems have been solved in the past. The important thing is to come up with alternative solutions—at least two or three.

  The third stage is to study each alternative solution and to identify the relative advantages and disadvantages of each course of action. One alternative might be quicker but cost more than the other solutions. Another might be less expensive but require a lot more time and energy. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative is critical to choosing the best solution.

  The fourth stage of this process is to select and carry out the best solution. Criteria (标准) for choosing may include a rough cost-benefit analysis or simply your comfort level after carefully considering your alternatives.

  The fifth and final stage is monitoring the outcome of your chosen solution. Did it work? Did you achieve success? If yes, that is great! If not, it’s back to the first stage.

  1. Which of the following is the best title for the text?

  A. How to Solve Problems Efficiently

  B. What to Do With Your Problems

  C. Five Steps for Your Problems

  D. Problems Filling Work and Life

  2. If the problem-solving technique is very complicated,  .

  A. you should use it for your problem

  B. you’d better consult with experts

  C. you should make a study about it first

  D. you must give it up at the beginning

  3. The underlined word “analogies” in the text means .

  A. resemblancesB. defencesC. differencesD. changes

  4. The main idea of the third stage is .

  A. to use an alternative solution efficiently

  B. to find a cheaper problem-solving technique

  C. to weigh the pros and cons

  D. to choose the quickest solution

  5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?

  A. You should note the outcome of your chosen solution.

  B. You may put the method into use at last.

  C. The less expensive solution is the first choice.

  D. The reason for the problem is the key.



  One cold winter day, I found myself downtown, my head hanging. I’d just got to know the promotion I was hoping for had gone to another person. A year’s worth of hard work had come to nothing.

  Worse than all that, I was meeting my wife, and I would have to look into those hopeful, ever supportive eyes and watch the light go out of them as I told her how I had failed to reach yet another goal.

  My wife stood there, moving from one foot to the other to stay warm. I immediately noticed her coat, years out of style and beginning to grow threadbare (磨薄的) at the edges, and her shoes that were not made for such harsh weather. I knew that the dreams she had had in her heart when we first married had not disappeared, but they had been reduced to more modest hopes.

  I stood there holding her against the cold as I explained what had happened, and she took it all in with grace and love that would not allow a trace of blame aimed at me. She didn’t have to. I felt enough of it for both of us. As we walked toward the bus stop, I couldn’t contain it any longer.

  “Why does it have to be like this?” I said out loud. “Why do we have to be stuck renting a tiny house in a poor neighborhood? Why does my family have to live on beans and rice and bread? Why do we have to wear the same clothes we bought years ago? Why am I down to my last five dollars every payday?”

  I was ready to give up when I heard the voice uttered softly beside me, “God, I wish I had that guy’s problems.” It was one of the homeless people who hung out by the river surviving on handouts(施舍).

  In that instant I came to realize all the blessings that had been given to me, and all the gifts I’d taken for granted and ignored. As I looked over and stared at my wife trembling in the cold, I realized I had a wife who loved me, a family I loved, a job that kept us going, and hopes and dreams for the future that had never been erased.

  There was a silent question I asked her, and she instantly understood what I wanted to do. She nodded, and I stepped toward the man who had spoken those words. I reached into my pocket, pulled out my last five dollars, and put them into his hand.

  Then I rejoined my wife and the two of us walked down the street, the warmth in our hearts keeping us safe from even the bitterest cold.

  60. What made the writer sad that day?

  A. He wasn’t promoted to a higher position.

  B. He didn’t get paid for a year of hard work.

  C. He was laid off beyond expectation.

  D. He couldn’t bear the cold.

  61. The writer suddenly asked a lot of questions because ________.

  A. he had had enough of his wife

  B. he almost collapsed under the pressure of life

  C. he was angry with the stranger at the bus stop

  D. he was determined to challenge his terrible life

  62. The words of the homeless man made the writer realize ________.

  A. he might become a beggar in the future

  B. he couldn’t give up his present job

  C. he was a lucky person in the world

  D. he still had money to help others

  63. What does the “silent question” in the last but one paragraph mean?

  A. To ask for the stranger’s advice.

  B. To buy some clothes.

  C. To give some money to the homeless man. D. To ask the writer’s boss for a promotion.

  【参考答案】60-63: ABCC

  阅读理解---- (2011·陕西卷,B)

  Most people know that Marie Curie was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize, and the first person to win it twice. However, few people know that she was also the mother of a Nobel Prize winner.

  Born in September, 1897, Irene Curie was the first of the Curies' two daughters. Along with nine other children whose parents were also famous scholars, Irene studied in their own school, and her mother was one of the teachers. She finished her high school education at the College of Sévigné in Paris.

  Irene entered the University of Paris in 1914 to prepare for a degree in mathematics and physics. When World War I began, Irene went to help her mother, who was using X­ray facilities(设备) to help save the lives of wounded soldiers.Irene continued the work by developing X­ray facilities in military hospitals in France and Belgium. Her services were recognised in the form of a Military' Medal by the French government.

  In 1918, Irene became her mother's assistant at the Curie Institute. In December 1924, Frederic Joliot joined the Institute, and Irene taught him the techniques required for his work. They soon fell in love and were married in 1926. Their daughter Helene was born in 1927 and their son Pierre five years later.

  Like her mother, Irene combined family and career. Like her mother, Irene was awarded a Nobel Prize, along with her husband, in 1935. Unfortunately, also like her mother, she developed leukemia because of her work with radioactivity(辐射能). Irene Joliot­Curie died from leukemia on March 17, 1956.

  本文是一篇人物介绍。介绍居里夫人大女儿Irene Curie的一生。

  5.Why was Irene Curie awarded a Military Medal?

  A.Because she received a degree in mathematics.

  B.Because she contributed to saving the wounded.

  C.Because she won the Nobel Prize with Frederic.

  D.Because she worked as a helper to her mother.


  6.Where did Irene Curie meet her husband Frederic Joliot?

  A.At the Curie Institute.

  B.At the University of Paris. C.At a military hospital.

  D.At the College of Sévigné.

  答案:A。推理判断题。文章第四段说:在1918年,Irene在居里夫人研究院成为母亲的助手,1924年12月Frederic Joliot加入了该研究院,Irene教给他该项工作要求的技术,不久他们相爱了并于1926年结婚,由此可推断出C项正确。

  7.When was the second child of Irene Curie and Frederic Joliot born?

  A.In 1932.

  B.In 1927.

  C.In 1897.




  8.In which of the following aspects was Irene Cuire different from her mother?

  A.Irene worked with radioactivity.B.Irene combined family and career.

  C.Irene won the Nobel Prize once.

  D.Irene died from leukemia.



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