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2010届高三英语一轮复习必备精品同步练习:Module2 unit4

发布时间:2017-04-10  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Module2 unit4 Wildlife Protection


  【高考导航】2007 辽宁卷09四川【真题品析】. Bill suggested _____ a meeting on what to do for the Shanghai Expo during the vacation.

  A. having held

  B. to hold

  C. holding

  D. hold

  【答案】Have you handed in your schoolwork yet?

  —Yes, I have. I guess it ______ now.(2007 辽宁卷has graded

  B. is graded

  C. is being graded

  D. is grading




  3(08浙江卷)7. –What’s that noise?

  –Oh, I forgot to tell you. The new machine ______.

  A. was tested

  B. will be tested

  C. is being tested

  D. has been tested

  【答案】 C 考查现在进行时的被动语态。


  4.(09湖南)8.Would you please keep silent? The weather report and _________I want to listen.

  A. is broadcast

  B. is being broadcast

  C. has been broadcast

  D. had been broadcast

  【答案】B【】句意:请保持安静行吗? 我想听正在广播的天气报告。说话间正在发生的动作,应用进行时同时表示被动含义(09四川)20. —Why don’t we choose that road to save time?

  —The bridge to it __________.

  A. has repaired

  B. is repaired

  C. is being repaired

  D. will be repaired

  【答案】C 【】根据语境可知不走另一条路的原因是因为桥正在被修。所以用现在进行时的被动形式作为该题的答案



  Moduleunit4 第一课时


  【基础过关】vt.&vi.申请,请求。apply to do


  apply to sb向某人提出申请

  apply (to sb) for sth (向某人)申请……

  I have applied to go abroad for further study. 我已经申请出国深造

  【点拨】 辨析

  apply for, apply to, apply…to…

  1)apply for

  申请……She is applying for an entrance visa.


  2)apply to sth


  What he said applies to you.




  You can’t apply this

  to every case. 这个并不能适用于所有的情况……的人

  application n.申请,应征;适用




  He decided to ______for a position in the publishing house after he graduated from the university.

  A. apply

  B. afford

  C. offer

  D. look



  【点拨】apply for申请……;afford提供, 给予, 供应得起;offer提供, 出价



  【基础过关】1.vt. 建议,提()

  suggest + doing

  建议’s doing sth

  建议某人做某事(不说suggest sb to do sth)

  3)suggest sth to sb


  4)suggest (to sb) that-clause


  I suggest doing it in another way. 我建议换一种方式做这件事He suggested our going for a walk.他建议我们去散步。

  They suggested another shop to us. 他们向我们建议了另一家商店

  She suggested that we(should)have lunch at the new restaurant.

  她建议我们在那家新开的餐馆吃午餐’s suggested that we should take measures at once.


  2. vt.暗示,表明

  suggest sth 暗示、表明……suggest + that-clause 暗示、表明……

  Her expression suggested that he had told a lie 她的表情表明撒了慌

  3)suggest sth to sb

  使某人想起…… suggestion, advice, proposal作“建议”讲,从句要用虚拟语气

  My suggestion is that we (should) go to the cinema together. 我建议我们一块儿去看电影

  My advice is that you (should) stay here for another week.我建议你在这儿再待一个星期 affect

  【基础过关】 vt.1)影响,侵袭affect、effect、influence

  affect vt.表示“影响,(病)侵袭”,多指不好的影响。当affect的宾语是人时,它表示引起心智上或感情上的影响,即“感动”effect 表示“影响”时,是名词,常用于have an effect on对……有影响in effect正在实行;实际上take effect开始实行;开始生效使……生效Influence多指对人的思想、观念、心理情绪等内在的东西产生潜移默化的影响,或对人的决定、行为等造成某种程度的影响。

  The book had a great influence on his life.


  He is, in effect, my rival.


  ______by the earthquake,causing difficulties to the post-festival road transport.

  A.were affected B.was affected C.had effected D.has affected

  affect 为动词,意思是“影响;感动”;effect为名词,意思是“影响;效果”。as a result

  【基础过关】 结果,as a result of






  导致,造成It’s his laziness that ________ his failure in the last exam.

  A. resulted from

  B. resulted in

  C. led into

  D. brought in



  【点拨】按照短语意思:result from 因……产生,发生;result in 导致,造成;bring in生出、产生或挣得(利润,收入)die out

  【基础过关】 灭绝

  It’s well-known that the custom has died out.


  Many animals have died out in the past.在过去几年间,许多动物都灭绝了。

  辨析die out, die away, die down, die off

  die from 表示死于(枪)伤,虚弱,过渡劳累,饮食过渡等。

  He died from the wound last year.


  die of


  He died of the hunger.


  die out “灭绝,消失”。多指物种的灭绝或风俗、习惯的消失,强调动作的结束。This kind of plant has already died out.

  这种植物已经绝种die away慢慢消失。(多指声音、光线、风等)逐渐减弱,逐渐模糊,逐渐消失。强调过程

  The wind had died away by dusk. 黄昏时分风停了die down (多指火、兴奋、光线、暴风雨等)逐渐变弱、平息,逐渐暗淡,逐渐降低。表示过程,常可与die away 替换

  The flames finally died down.(也可用die away)


  die off (多指家族、草木)相继死去,先后死亡

  The leaves of this plant are dying off. 这植物的叶子正在凋落。protect…from…

  【基础过关】保护---免受----,后接较小的事情或危害,例如:frost, harm, catching coldYou must learn to protect yourself from the danger.



  【点拨】辨析defend, protect, guard,preserve。

  defend 保卫;防护;防守(含有采取措施抵制进攻的意思)protect 常含有提供安全的方式来驱开不适、伤害或进攻的意思;guard 含有看守的意思;preserve 指采取措施维护、保护、保存…。She had to defend herself against the guard dog.她不得不防备看门狗咬她A policeman was guarding the entrance to the embassy.一位警察正看守大使馆出口处。

  It is one of the duties of the police to preserve public order.警察的职责之一是维持公共秩序

  A. prevent

  B. protect

  C. defend

  D. protection




  prevent sb from doing sth防止某人干某事,意思类似于stop/keep sb from doing sth;protect sb from sth保护某人免遭伤害;defend保卫;防护;防守(含有采取措施抵制进攻的意思)。答案为B。

  ’t leave the workshop with the machines still running


  【拓展延伸】 with 的复合结构作补语的除了是现在分词以外,还可以是形容词、副词、过去分词、介词短语、动词不定式等。


  The children fell asleep with the window open.


  3) with+宾语+过去分词

  With our work finished, we can have a rest.



  The teacher walked into the classroom with a book in his hand.



  With many things to deal with, I have to stop listening to th e light music.



  With winter___on, it’s time to buy warm clothes.

  A. came

  B. comes

  C. come

  D. coming




  ---even though/if-----


  Even though/if I fail, I’ll keep trying.


  【点拨】1)even though/if引导让步状语从句,常用一般现在时表将来。

  2)在主从句主语一致而且从句中有be动词形式时,可以省略从句主语和be动词,使用“even though/if+分词形式”

  ---Will you go to his birthday party tomorrow night?

  ----No, even though/if(I’m)invited.



  She won’t leave the TV set,____her husband is waiting for his supper.

  A. as though

  B. even though

  C. whether

  D. whenever

  【答案】B 考查even though的用法。



  1. He decided to ______for the new position after he took everything into consideration.




  C. offer

  D. find

  2. He came to my class every week, but his attitude ______ that he was not really interested in it.

  A. described

  B. expressed

  C. suggested

  D. explained

  3. I was ____ to see the lack of fairness of the football match.

  A. surprising B. shock

  C. affected

   D. moved

  4. Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others, _____ ,of course, made the others envy him.

  A. who

  B. that

  C. what

  D. which

  5. With no one to talk to, he had to ______.

  A. get used to be lonely

  B. be used to be lonely

  C. get used to loneliness

  D. used to loneliness

  6. The natural protection zones protect animals _____.

  A. from killed

  B . from being killed

  C. from killing

  D. being killed


  Mr. Green will come to the party on Sunday,

  he promised to every one of us.





  . She was


  say a word.

  A. too; that she couldn’t

  B. too; not to say

  C. so; that she couldn’t

  D. so; and she couldn’t

  9. That fire ______ under control, but not before expensive damage had been caused.

  A. was finally got

  B. finally got

  C. finally being got

  D. finally getting

  参考答案Module2unit4 第二课时


  用法 表示说话瞬间正在进行的被动动作。


  表示一种习惯的被动行为,常与always, constantly等词连用,一般带有赞扬,羡慕,埋怨,讨厌等感情色彩。


  She is always being praised by the teacher.


  The patient must be being examined.






  A party is being held tonight.





  Marry, you are wanted on the phone.



  The bridge is under construction(is being constructed).


  The telephone is in use.



  1. With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth _____ each year.

  A. is washing away

  B. is being washed away

  C. are washing away

  D. are being washed away

  【答案】D 考查现在进行时的被动语态。

  【点拨】本句意为:更多的森林正在被毁掉,因此每年有大量的好土正在被冲走。wash away与earth之间的是被动关系,应用现在进行时态的被动语态,huge quantities of good earth为复数概念,所以B不对2. A new cinema ______ here. They hope to finish it next month.

  A. will be built

  B. is built

  C. has been built

  D. is being built


  【点拨】根据 “They hope to finish it next month” 判断,新电影院尚未竣工,应该正在建设之中,故使用现在进行时的被动语态 ---By the way, have you moved into the new house?

  ---Not yet. The walls ______.

  A. were painted

  B. are painted

  C. are being painted

  D. are painting

  2.----Is Wang Wei in the manager’s office now?

  ----Yes, he ____by the manager.

  A. is questioned

  B. is being questioned

  C. has been questioned D. was questioned

  3. ----Have you worked in the new factory?

  ----Not yet, the project____.

  A. is being built

  B. is building

  C. is built

  D. is being building

  4. I’m sorry,sir. Your shirt isn’t ready yet. It____in the tailor’s shop.

  A. is mended

  B. is being mended

  C. has been mended

  D. hasn’t mended

  5. Tigers____and killed at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in near future.

  A. hunted

  B. are hunted

  C. are being hunted

  D. had been hunted

  6. A new research ___here. They hope to finish it next month.

  A. will be studied

  B. is studied

  C. has been studied

  D. is being studied

  7. New functions____to the phones at present by scientists.

  A. is being added

  B. are added

  C. are being added

  D. is added

  8. ---Where can I get your new novel?

  -----I’m sorry, but it____and will soon come out.

  A. has printed

  B. has been printing

  C. is printed

  D. is being printed

  9.The party ____since the new year .

  A. has been planned B. had been planned

  C. was planed

  D. is planned

  10. ---Excuse me,what time is it now?

  ---Sorry, my watch____. It___at the shop.

  A. isn’t work; is being repaired

  B. doesn’t work; is being repaired

  C. isn’t working; is repaired

  D. doesn’t work; is repaired

  参考答案1-10 CBABC


  Module2unit4单元测试第一节(共5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


  ’s problem?

  A.She has difficulties with her studies.

  B.She feels that the project is too difficult.

  C.She is not good at working with other students.

  2. How much does a T-shirt cost now?

  A. $21.

  B. $27.

  C. $30.

  3. Where does the man probably work?

  A. In a supermarket.

  B. In a bookstore.

  C. In a library.

  4.Why is the man sleepy?

  A. He got up too early this morning.

  B. He stayed up late to watch TV last night.

  C. He worked on his projects late last night.

  5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

  A. Renting a car.

  B. Going on a trip.

  C. Booking tickets.


  听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小 题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


  6.When did the man get his brother’s letter?

  A.Last Monday.

  B.Last Wednesday.

  C.Last Friday.

  7.What did the man send to his brother inside the letter?

  A.A photo.

  B.Some money.

  C.A postcard.

  8.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

  A.Husband and wife.




  9.Who is the woman?

  A.A manager.

  B.A secretary.

  C.A visitor to the company

  10.Which phone numb6r should the man dial to get Mr.Smith?




  听下面一段材料,回答11至1 3题。

  11.What kind of table does the man want to have?

  A.A table far away from noise.

  B.A table near the window.

  C.A table for three.

  12.What kind of soup is recommended to the man?

  A.Tender meat soup.

  B.Fresh fish soup.

  C.Just some vegetable soup.

  13.What pie does the man ask for?

  A..A pie with vegetable in the middle.

  B.A pie with chicken in it.

  C.A pie with ice cream on top.


  14.Why wa sMr.Deen angry?

  A.Mr.powell came.

  B.He missed meeting Mr.Powell.

  C.Mr.Powell was late.

  15.What did the man think he had done before he left?

  A.He had put the card in his wallet.

  B.He had lost the card.

  C.He had given the card to the woman.

  16.Where did Mr.Deen come from?

  A.A station.

  B.A hospitaI.

  C.A restaurant.


  17.What is the speaker doing?

  A.Reporting a football game.

  B.Telling the story of a football fan.

  C.Giving a special report about a football player.

  18.How did the team feel about the next day's game?




  19.What did Carlos say about the cup?

  A.His team would try their best but there was little chance of winning.

  B.His team would win the cup even if they lost the game.

  C.He was not sure of winning me game.

  20.whv dia Carlos keep the name of starting players a secret?

  A.He wanted every player to be fully prepared for the game

  B:'He wanted to give the fans a surprise.

  C.He hadn’t made the final decision about it.

  第二部分 英语知识运用

  第一节 单项填空 (共15小题, 满分15分)


  21. Many fast-growing countries are less concerned with protecting___against climate change.

  A. one

  B. oneself

  C. them

  D. themselves

  22. I couldn’t do my homework with all that noise____>

  A. going on

  B. goes on

  C. went on

  D. to go on

  23.Your words may give him a___against you,so you should be careful when you talk to him.

  A. handle

  B. gesture

  C. fight

  D. suggestion

  24. -----____would you like your coffee, black or white?

  ---Black, please. I always prefer coffee with nothing in.

  A. Which

  B. What

  C. How

  D. 不填

  25. ---Do you feel like___ there or shall we take a taxi?

  ---I’d like___there.

  to walk; walking B. walking; walking

  C. to walk; to walk D. walking; to walk

  26. ---You used to live in the city,______ you?

  ----Yes,but so far I’ve already got used to____in the countryside.

  A. didn’t live; live

  B. usedn’t; living

  C. did; live

  D. used; living

  27. Sometimes what a teacher says can___the whole life of a student.

  A. effect

  B. touch

  C. affect

  D. move

  28. I didn’t buy the coat. First, it was___expensive; also I didn’t like the color.

  A. too much

  B. much too

  C. very much

  D. much

  29. When you go out now, you should wear sunglasses to____your eyes from the strong sunlight.

  A. present

  B. keep

  C. stop

  D. protect

  30. Such good use has been ___his spare time____his English has improved a lot.

  A. made in; that

  B. made of; as

  C. made of; that

  D. made out; as

  31. Some policemen should be sent to____them___.

  A. present; to cut down

  B. stop; cutting down

  C. keep; cut down

  D. keep; cutting down

  32. _____ I know where I’ll be sent is safe. I shall not worry about it.

  A. Even though

  B. Unless

  C. As long as

  D. While

  33. My friend Martin was very sick with a stranger fever;____, he could neither eat nor sleep.

  A. as result

  B. after all

  C. any way

  D. otherwise

  34. We can’t figure out why quite a number of insects, birds, and animals are_____.

  A. dying out

  B. dying away

  C. dying down

  D. dying off

  35. ----How shall we spend this evening?

  ---My suggestion is that we___to the cinema for relaxation.

  A. went

  B. go

  C.will go

  D.shall go

  第二节 完形填空 (共20小题, 满分30分)


  Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel. Green said, "Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and hope. I was chosen for grass, trees and leaves. Without me, all animals would



  Blue interrupted: "You only think about the


  , but consider the sky and the sea. It is the water


  is the basis of life and drawn up by the clouds from the deep sea. Without my peace, you would all be



  Yellow chuckled(笑道), "You are all so serious. I bring laughter, fun and


  into the world. "

  Orange started next to blow her trumpet, "I am the color of health and strength. I may be

  41 but I am precious, for I serve the needs of human life. When I fill the sky as the sun rises or


  , my beauty is so striking that no one gives another


  to any of you."


  could stand it no longer he shouted out, "I am the ruler of all of you. I am the color of danger and of bravery. I am willing to


  truth. I am also the color of passion and of love.” Then came purple and indigo(深蓝色)…

  The colors went on boasting, each convinced of his or her own


  . Their quarreling became louder and louder. Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightening thunder. Rain started to pour down


  . The colors crouched(蜷缩)down


  , drawing close to one another for comfort.

  In the midst of the clamor(叫嚷), rain began to speak, "You


  colors, fighting among yourselves, each trying to dominate


  . Don't you know that you were each made for a special purpose,


  and different? Join hands with one another and come to me."

  Doing as they were told, the colors


  and joined hands. They formed a colorful


  . From then on, whenever a good rain


  the world, a rainbow appears in the sky. They remember to


  one another.

  36.A.go out B.leave off C.die down D.pass away

  37.A.earth B.moon C.star D.sun

  38.A.what B.which C.that D.this

  39.A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything

  40.A.warmth B.sadness C.depression D.anxiety

  41.A.usual B.normal C.common D.scarce

  42.A.drops B.falls C.sets D.slides

  43.A.gift B.honor C.thought D.respect

  44.A.Black B.White C.Purple D.Red

  45.A.bring about B.fight for C.struggle with D.bend over

  46.A.superiority B.reputation C.weakness D.disadvantages

  47.A.steadily B.quietly C.violently D.deliberately

  48.A.with care B.in fear C.by chance D.on purpose

  49.A.foolish B.pretty C.attractive D.disgusting

  50.A.each other B.some other C.the other D.the rest

  51.A.simple B.ordinary C.familiar D.unique

  52.A.combined B.connected C.united D.attached

  53.A.world B.rainbow C.appearance D.circle

  54.A.cleans B.washes C.brightens D.dampens

  55.A.appreciate B.compromise C.help D.influence

  第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题,没小题2分,满分40分)




  Now and again I have had horrible dreams, but not enough of them to make me lose my delight in dreams. To begin with. I like the idea of dreaming, of going to bed and lying still and then, by some queer magic, wandering into another kind of existence. As a child, I could never understand why grown-ups took dreaming so calmly when they could make such a fuss about any holiday, This still puzzles me. I am puzzled by people who say they never dream and appear to have no interest in the subject. It is much more astonishing than it would be if they said they never went out for a walk. Most people do not seem to accept dreaming as part of their lives. They appear to see it as an irritating little habit, like sneezing or yawning I can never understand this. My dream life does not seem as important as my waking life because there is far less of it, but to me it is important.

  56. What is the author’s attitude toward dreaming?

  A. He thinks it puzzling

  B. He likes it

  C. He is interested in it

  D. He doesn’t accept it as part of his life

  57. For the author of the passage, dreaming is________.


  A. another kind of existence

  B. an irritating little habit

  C. a horrible but wonderful experience

  D. a true reflection of reality

  58. The author of the passage suggests that people who say they never go out for a walk are_____


  A. interesting

  B. unbelievable

  C. mysterious(难以理解的)

  D. lazy

  59. The author of the passage enjoys dreaming most______.


  A. only when he was a child

  B. only when he is a grown-up

  C. both as a child and as a grown-up

  D. only in his old age

  60. Why does the author of the passage complain?

  A. Because most people are overexcited about their dreams

  B. Because most people are not interested in talking about their dreams

  C. Because most people have had dreams most of the time

  D. Because most people consider their dreams of to much importance


  In the U.S.,the public has tended to believe that all motorcycles are ridden by wild,irresponsible lawless young men.

  There are several things about motorcycling that the average citizen dislikes.A cyclist's appearance has something to do with this dislike.Motorcyclists frequently look dirty;in fact,they are dirty.0n the road there is little to protect them from mud,crushed insects and bird droppings.For practical reasons they are often dressed in old clothing which looks much less respectable than the clothing of people who

  ride in cars.For the same reason motorcyclists usually wear dark colors.Perhaps this helps to explain why they are sometimes suspected of having evil natures. In old plays of long ago,evil characters usually wore black. In cowboy movies the“bad guys”usually wear black hats while the“good guys”wear lighter colors.Something else about their appearance makes an unfavorable impression.

  In their practical,protective clothing they look very much like the men on military motorcycles in the movies of World War II—cruel enemies who roared into peaceful villages filling people's hearts with fear.

  Probably the machine itself also produces anger and fear. Motorcycles are noisy,though some big trucks are even noisier.But trucks are big and carry heavy loads;they are accepted(if not really welcomed)because they perform a needed service,making America move.Motorcycles,on the other hand,make all unpleasant noise just to give their riders pleasure.That is what is commonly thought.In the woods motorcycles,frighten animals.Roaring along quiet streets,they wake sleeping families and make babies cry.

  Of course the danger of motorcycling,also helps account for many people's low opinion of the sport.Its defenders,however,claim that careful cyclists are in less danger than commonly behaved.

  A cyclist must drive as if everybody around him wanted to kill him.He must pay careful attention to his driving.From that point of view,a man on a motorcycle is safer than,a man in a car.

  61.Which of the following about good characters of old American movies is right?

  A.had no difference from evil characters

  B.usually wore lighter colors

  C.looked gracious

  D.often rode horses

  62.Most Americans believe that_____.

  A.motorcyclists are all blue-collar workers

  B.motorcycling has become one of America’s most popular sports

  C.motorcyclists can't afford to buy cars

  D.only wild,irresponsible,lawless young men enjoy motorcycling

  63.We can conclude that______

  A.all good guys in cowboy movies weal white

  B.there existed different opinions towards motorcycling sport

  C.animals in the woods like motorcycles because motorcyclists usually feed crashed insects to them

  D.motorcycles will make noise as soon as people go to sleep



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