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2016-2017届高考英语一轮配套复习课件:Module 4 Period One(外研版必修1)

发布时间:2017-04-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  [归纳拓展] approach v.接近,靠近;n.接近,靠近;方法,方式(与介词to连用) approach sth./some place靠近某物/接近某地 an approach to...做某事的方法/途径;通向……的路径 at the approach of在……将要来到的时候 注意:approach作名词时,后面常跟介词to表示“……的方法”,而way,method,means表示“方法”时后常跟介词of。 (1)单句语法填空 ①Winter vacation

  (approach),and I can’t wait to go back home. ②All the approaches

  the palace were guarded by troops. ③Some animals act strangely

  the approach of an earthquake. (2)单句改错 At the meeting they discussed three different approaches of the study of mathematics. [即时跟踪] 答案 is approaching to at to put up

  重点短语 [语境感悟] (1)(教材P32)They’ve put up a lot of high­rise buildings recently. 最近他们建起了许多摩天大厦。 (2)There should be a ban on putting up illegal advertisements on the walls of public buildings. 应该有一个禁令禁止在公共建筑物的墙壁上张贴非法广告。 (3)Far water doesn’t put out near fire. 远水救不了近火。 [归纳拓展] put up建造,搭建;举起;挂起,张贴;留宿,安排住宿;显示,表现;提出(意见等);提高,增加 put away储存;放好 put down放下;写下;镇压 put on穿上,戴上;上演 put off推迟,拖延 put out扑灭(火); 生产,出版) (1)写出下列句子中put up的汉语意思 ①They put up a tent in the camp field.

  1 ②We can easily put you up for the night.

  1 ③If you have any questions,put up your hands.

  1 ④I see they’ve put up the price of fuel again.

  1 ⑤He put up the picture on the wall.

  1 答案 [即时跟踪] 搭建 留宿,安排住宿 举起 提高 张贴 (2)用适当的副词填空 ①My mother opened the drawer to put

  the knives and spoons. ②Never put

  till tomorrow what you can do today. ③Put

  what I said just now. 答案 away off down [语境感悟] (1)(教材P32)It’s been six years since we last saw each other,you know. 你知道,自从我们上次见面到现在已经六年了。 (2)Tom told me it was 5 years since he had moved to Canada. 汤姆告诉我自从他移居加拿大以来已有五年了。

  经典句式 1 It has been+一段时间+since... (3)It was two weeks before he recovered. 他过了两周才恢复过来。 (4)It was six o’clock when we got home last night. 昨天晚上我们到家时已经6点了。 (5)It was at six o’clock that we got home last night. 昨天晚上我们是在6点钟到家的。 [归纳拓展] (1)“It has been/is+一段时间+since+一般过去时”表示“自从……以来已有多长时间了”。本句式常用于两种时态:

  (2)在本句式中,since从句中的谓语动词为短暂性动词,意为“某人做某事已经有多久了”;若从句中的谓语动词用延续性动词,则意为“某人不做某事已经有多久了”。 (3)It was/will be+time+before...过了/要过多长时间才…… It is/was+时间点+when...做某事是在某具体的时间 强调句型:It is/was+时间状语+that...是在什么时间做的某事 (1)他当医生三年了。 It is/has been three years

  . (2)他戒烟已经三年了。 It is three years

  . (3)过不了多久我们就会再见面的。 It won’t be long

  . (4)昨天晚上我十一点回的家。 It was eleven

  last night. [即时跟踪] 答案 since he became a doctor since he smoked before we meet again when I came home [语境感悟] (1)(教材P32)And this is the first time I’ve visited your hometown. 这是我第一次参观你的家乡。 (2)It is the second time I have been to London. 这是我第二次去伦敦。 (3)It was the first time that I had seen such a wonderful thing. 这是我第一次看见这么好的东西。 2 This is the first time(that)... [归纳拓展] (1)This is the first time that...这是某人第一次……。 (2)本句型中,this可以换为it或that;first可以换为second/third/...last等。表示“这是某人第二/第三/……/最后一次做某事”。在口语中that可省略。 (3)当主句使用is时,that从句中的谓语动词使用现在完成时;当主句使用was时,that从句中的谓语动词使用过去完成时。 用所给动词的正确形式填空 (1)I am so lucky because it is the third time that I

  (visit) the beautiful coastal city Qingdao. (2)It was the fifth time that he

  (be) late for school,which made the teacher angry. [即时跟踪] 答案 have visited had been [语境感悟] (1)(教材P32)What’s the climate like? 气候怎么样? (2)—What’s your English teacher like? —He is very easy­going and humorous. ——你们的英语老师怎么样? ——他很随和而且幽默。 (3)What does your new friend look like? 你的新朋友长什么样? 3 What is...like? [归纳拓展] (1)What is...like?这个句型意为“……怎么样?”。用于让某人描述某人或某物,或者发表意见。如果用来询问What be sb.like? 主要侧重于对某人人品及性格的询问。 (2)What does/do/did sb.look like?用来询问某人的长相。 What does/do/did sb.like?用来询问某人的爱好。 What be sb.?/What do/does sb.do?用来询问某人的职业。 翻译句子


  1 (2)你哥哥长什么样?


  1 (4)你父亲做什么工作?

  [即时跟踪] 答案 返回 What is he like? What does your brother look like? What does our teacher like? What’s your father?/What does your father do? Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.No

  (park) in front of the door. 2.Around two o’clock every night,Sue will start talking in her dream.It somewhat

  (bother) us. 3.There’s a bridge over there.It is made

  steel. 4.Let’s take a new approach

  the problem. 5.This is one of the

  boring books I’ve ever read. 答案


  检测巩固 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ parking bothers of to most Ⅱ.选词填空 答案 for a while,be made of,on the coast,put off,put up 1.A new supermarket will be

  in this city in 2017. 2.In the village,most of the houses

  wood. 3.The game was

  because of rain. 4.He sat

  ,thinking about what Janice had said to him. 5.Qingdao is one of the most beautiful cities

  . Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ put up are made of put off for a while on the coast Ⅲ.完成句子 1.He

  (很幸运有) a good wife. 2.That

  (听起来好像) he’s coming in. 3.

  (不要再烦扰) your father! 4.They will either die from the cold or

  (饿死). 5.This was the first time that I

  (来广州) for the Asian Games. 答案 Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅰ is fortunate to have sounds as if Stop bothering starve to death had come to Guangzhou Ⅳ.课文语法填空 Xiao Li’s hometown,1. (lie) in the northwest of Xiamen,is one of the 2.

  (attract),interesting and lively places.The people there are 3.

  (friend).It is hot and wet in the summer,4.

  can be quite cold in the winter.Every year thousands of 5.

  (tour) come to visit its beautiful scenery.In the business district lots of high­rise buildings 6.

  (put) up,and the rent is very high.There are some great shopping malls,too.The western district is 7.

  most 答案 Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅰ lying most attractive friendly but tourists have been put the interesting part ofthe city,8.

  there are many pretty parks.There is a nice little restaurant near the parks and you can park there to have a rest or a big meal when you are 9.

  (starve) or tired.Gulangyu Island is a gorgeous one 10.

  some really interesting architecture. 答案 Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅰ 返回 where starving with Module 4 —— A

  Social Survey—My Neighbourhood

  话题语篇导读 Tips on Choosing a Neighbourhood A Russian saying explains,“Don’t buy the house;buy the neighbourhood.” Often times,homebuyers are so focused on finding their dream home that they forget about the neighbourhood.Below are some tips to help you choose the perfect neighbourhood. Proximity Homeowners usually have a desire to be close to shops,restaurants and other family members.How far away is the nearest grocery store,mall,school or shopping plaza?1

  Proximity to your workplace is also a consideration when you are choosing a neighbourhood.One way to determine the length of your commute is to drive to the potential neighbourhood after work one day.2

  Schools Whether or not you have children,examining the local school district is a must.Neighbourhoods located within good school districts often have higher values and lower crime rates.It will also be a major selling point if you choose to move in the future. Crime rate


  You can find crime rates in all towns and cities across the country.In addition to reading crime statistics,you could also ask residents of the crime statistics,you could also ask residents of the neighbourhood about recent crimes in the area. Parks Having parks available in your neighbourhood is good for everyone.


  Parks also attract those who like to jog,hike and even swim outdoors.Research your neighbourhood’s parks.You can find information on the Internet,or by calling the local government.

  Neighbourhood appearance Potential homeowners can determine a lot from driving around the neighbourhood at different time.After a few visits,a neighbourhood’s true characteristics could be revealed.


  Are they well kept? There may also be a certain type of architectural style that you enjoy.While most neighbourhoods are built in relatively similar styles,you may be interested in the only old­fashioned cottage in the area. Notes

  1.focus on集中 2.proximity n.临近;邻近 3.desire n.愿望,希望 4.commute n.上下班路程 5.potential adj.潜在的,有可能的 6.must n.必须做的事 7.major adj.主要的;重要的 8.statistics n.统计数字;统计 9.available adj.可用的;有空的 10.architectural adj.建筑上的;建筑学的 Task

  根据短文内容,从A~G中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 A.If you have children,a park will give them a chance to play. B.How far are you willing to drive to get to these places? C.Take note of the yards and grass during the summer months. D.You will get a first­hand experience of how rush hour traffic affects the commute. E.Remember that a great house is nice,but a charming and safe neighbourhood is

  priceless. F.Neighbourhoods with high crime rates can put you and your family into a dangerous

  situation. G.Whether you are looking for an investment house or retirement home,think with

  the future in mind. 答案 1.B 2.D 3.F 4.A 5.C 答案 Period One Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary 课前预习

  基础落实 课堂讲义

  核心突破 当堂达标

  检测巩固 Ⅰ.单词检测 1.


  调查 2.

  n. 四邻;街坊 3.


  地方的;局部的 4.

  n. 城郊;郊区 5.

  n. 家乡 6.

  adj. 有吸引力的;吸引人的 答案



  基础落实 survey neighbourhood local suburb hometown attractive 答案 7.

  adj. 幸运的;吉祥的

  n. 财富;运气

  adv. 幸运地 8.

  vi. 听起来 9.

  vt. 打扰;烦扰;麻烦 10.

  n. 令人讨厌的人或事 11.


  租金 12.

  n. 地域;区域;行政区 13.

  vt. 接近 fortunate fortune fortunately sound bother nuisance rent district approach 答案 14.

  adj. 美丽的;宜人的 15.

  n. 建筑 16.

  vi. 饿死 17.




  停车,泊车 gorgeous architecture starve park parking 答案 Ⅱ.短语检测 1.

  与……相似 2.

  由……组成/制成 3.

  修建 4.

  四处走动 5.

  一会儿 6.

  在岸上 be similar to be made of put up walk around for a while on the coast Ⅰ.阅读课文,匹配各段落大意 Part 1(Paras.1-7)() A.They are discussing the climate of Xiamen. Part 2(Paras.8-11)()

  B.The harbour,parks and the island. Part 3(Paras.12-16)()

  C.They are discussing the buildings and shopping malls. Part 4(Paras.17-22)()

  D.John Martin is visiting Xiao Li’s hometown,Xiamen. 答案

  课文预读 D A C B 答案 Ⅱ.课文阅读理解 1.Which is the most wonderful part of the city? A.The western district. B.The eastern district. C.Gulangyu Island. D.The northern district. 答案 A 1 2 3 4 答案 2.How did John and Xiao Li go to visit Xiao Li’s hometown? A.By bus.

  B.In a car. C.On foot.

  D.On a train. 答案 B 1 2 3 4 答案 1 2 3 4 3.The climate is

  . A.cool in the summer and warm in the winter B.hot and dry in the summer,but cold in the winter C.not very hot and wet in the summer,but quite cold in the winter D.very hot and wet in the summer,but quite cold in the winter D 答案 4.Which statement is TRUE according to the text? A.Xiao Li and John haven’t seen each other for 6 years. B.There are so many tourists in the autumn. C.Xiao Li’s hometown is an old city that has no apartment blocks. D.John doesn’t like eating fish. 答案 A 1 2 3 4 答案 Ⅲ.课文阅读填空 General information about Xiamen Location On the 1.

  of China. Climate Summer—pretty 2.

  . Winter—quite 3.

  . Tourism Many 4.

  come here in summer. Business district Huge 5.


  buildings;great shopping malls. hot and wet southeast coast cold tourists apartment

  high­rise 答案 Western district The most interesting part of the city,some pretty 7.

  . Scenery

  (Gulangyu) A 8.

  with some really interesting 9.

  . Summary The most attractive,lively,interesting city and the people are 10.

  . parks gorgeous island architecture

  friendly 答案 Ⅳ.难句分析 A friend’s told me about a nice little fish restaurant near here. 句式分析 在本句中应着重理解形容词的先后顺序,即多个形容词修饰名词作定语时的先后顺序。一般记住下面的口诀即可解决问题:限(限定词)、冠(冠词)、形(


  )、国 (


  )。 自主翻译 

  返回 描绘性的形容词 颜色 国籍 材质、材料 一个朋友告诉我这附近有一个很不错的渔家小饭馆。 fortunate [语境感悟]



  重点单词 1 (1)(教材P32)I feel very fortunate living here. 能住在这儿我感到非常幸运。 (2)I am fortunate to have/(in) having so many good teachers. 有这么多的好老师,我真幸运。 (3)Fortunately,they returned safely. =It was fortunate that they returned safely. 真是幸运,他们平安地回来了。 [归纳拓展] (1)fortunate adj.幸运的;吉利的 be fortunate (in) doing...在……方面很幸运 be fortunate to do有幸做…… It is fortunate that...……是幸运的 (2)fortune n.财富;运气 (3)fortunately adv.幸运地 用fortunate的正确形式填空 (1)The old lady is quite

  to enjoy good health. (2)

  ,the poor boy had a kind couple to help him through his schooling. (3)He made a small

  in New York. 答案 [即时跟踪] fortunate Fortunately fortune sound [语境感悟] 2 (1)(教材P32)Sounds OK to me.听起来不错。 (2)At this moment his footsteps sounded on the stairs. 就在这时,传来了他上楼梯的脚步声。 (3)The noise woke us all out of a sound sleep. 这噪声把我们都从熟睡中吵醒了。 (4)Wish all of you back home safe and sound. 祝大家平平安安到家。

  [归纳拓展] sound vi.听起来;发出响声;n.声音,响声;adj.& adv.健全的(地);完好的(地);酣睡的(地) sound作“听起来”讲时,为连系动词,常见结构: sound+adj.听起来……,sound like+n.听起来像…… sound as if+从句 听起来好像…… safe and sound安然无恙) 注意:感官连系动词不用于进行时,也不用于被动语态;其后跟形容词、介词短语或从句作表语。类似的可作连系动词的感官动词还有:feel(摸起来),smell(闻起来),taste(尝起来),look(看起来)等。 答案 (1)这听起来像一个好主意。 It

  a good idea. (2)她的声音听起来像感冒了。 Her voice

  she has a cold. (3)他说的话听起来很有道理。 What he said

  . [即时跟踪] sounds like sounds as if sounds reasonable bother [语境感悟] 3 (1)(教材P32)There are a lot of tourists around.Don’t they bother you? 这里到处都是游客。他们没有烦扰你们吗? (2)Don’t bother to dress up—come as you are. 不必为着装费心——你就穿平常的衣服来吧。 (3)I can’t bother him with my little affairs. 我不能因自己那点小事去打扰他。 (4)Hi,Jason,sorry to bother you.I have a question for you. 你好,贾森,很抱歉打扰你,我有一个问题要问你。 [归纳拓展] bother vt.& n.打扰;烦扰;麻烦 bother to do sth.费心做某事 bother sb.about/with sth.为某事麻烦某人 Don’t bother.别费事了/不必了。 Sorry to bother you,but...很抱歉打扰您一下…… (1)完成句子 ①不要拿这些愚蠢的问题来烦我。

  such stupid questions. ②今天不要特意为我做饭了,我要出去吃。

  get dinner for me today.I’ll eat out. ③打扰一下,您能帮我个忙吗?

  ,but can you help me with this? (2)单句改错 We’re hoping to settle something that bothers to

  us.(2017·辽宁,短文改错) [即时跟踪] 答案 Don’t bother me with Don’t bother to Sorry to bother you approach [语境感悟] 4 (1)(教材P32)Now we’re leaving the business district and approaching the harbour. 现在我们正离开商业区,向港口靠近。 (2)The approach of winter brings cold weather. 冬天快到了,天气要转凉了。 (3)Do you know the best approach to the study of a foreign language? 你知道学外语的最佳方法吗?


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