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2016届高考英语二轮复习针对训练:专题2 完形填空(通用版)

发布时间:2017-04-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  A(2015·山东潍坊高三一模)“Mum!” Laure complained.__1__.__2__ you!”__3__ typed out the thoughts of a speaker or research completed for an article.It seemed that my work as a writer and speaker __4__ my fingers to the keyboard and my mind to valuable ideas.What Laure did not __5__ was that during her day away,I’d also be doing a lot of housework.It was only around three in the afternoon that I’d __6__ seat myself at my desk for a few __7__ moments of deep thought.Then she’d come from school.

  I was __8__ of myself on being available to my children.After all,I am a speaker on child behavior and parenting.But Laure’s observation __9__ my heart.In her eyes,I must have been a mom who was __10__ but unapproachable.I wouldn’t make such an image (形象) before her.My relationship with my children is more __11__She wandered to my doorway.I had decided to have her __12__ me when I was too devoted to work.I wanted her to have the __13__ to let me know when she thought I was cold.

  After I explained my __14__ and the fact that I chose home office to be accessible to her and her sister,I offered Laure the following __15__.__16__,I want you to __17__ me,” I said.“Just come up and give me a little hug.That’ll be our signal that you __18__ me.”

  Years later we still have that __19__ sign.I’ve become much more sensitive to my daughters’ comings and goings.__20__ she always gives me a little hug to remind me of the real reason why I work at home.

  【解题导语】 本文主要讲述了作者在发现自己和孩子们之间的相处出了问题之后如何平衡工作和家庭之间的关系的故事。

  B.refused 解选C。根据语境“No可推知作者并不承认女儿的说法作者在为自己的行为进行辩解辩解辩白”故C项正确。2.A.for

  B.over 解析:选A。根据下文中的“the fact that I chose home office to be accessible to her and her sisterA项正确。 D.ears解析:选B。与“typed out”和下文中的“my fingers”呼应可知是用手把想法转换成文字打出来即B项正确。解选A。看起来作为作家和演说家的作者就是要把自己的手指和键盘连接起来把自己的思想和有价值的观点连接起来。connect...to...“把……和……连接起来”符合语境即A正确。解析:选B。Laure没有意识到的是在她白天不在家的时候作者也做了许多家务活。admit意为“承认”;realize意为“意识到”;believe意为“相信”;recognize意为“认出认可”。ally



  解析:选D。根据上文中的“I’d also be doing a lot of housework”可知作者一天在家里也会忙着做许多家务因此在下午3点左右的时候才终于得空来工作即D项正确。luckily意为“幸运地”;gradually意为“逐渐地”;instantly意为“立刻马上”;finally意为“最终”。s




  B.available解析:选B。在Laure的眼里作者肯定是一个能找得到但是难以接近的妈妈。上文“myself on being 也是提B项正确。解析:选A。作者认为与孩子们的关系比任何其他的工作都重要。故A项正确。解析:选D。作者决定让Laure在作者太专注于工作时提醒作者。she always gives me a little hug to remind me of the real reason why I work at home”也是线索故D项正确。解析:选C。由作者想让孩子提醒自己可知她想赋予孩子这样的权利去让自己知道自己忽略她们了即C项正确。have the power to do sth.意为“有权利做某事”。patience意为“耐心”;time意为“时间”;power意为“权利”;honor意为“荣誉”。pattern

  B.dream 解析:选C。根据上文“I had decided”可推知作者已经下定决心做一些改变这属于计划的内容故C项正确。pattern意为“模式图案”;dream意为“梦想”;schedule意为“工choice意为“选择”。解析:选A。根据对下文的理解可知作者是在给孩子做出承诺故A项正确。解析:选B。作者说:“无论什么时候你感觉我忽略了你或者你I’m ignoring you”形成呼应孩子需要作者的关注即B项正确。 B.shake 解析:选A。与“Just come up and give me a little hug”呼应故A项正确。解析:选C。根据“or you need my __16__”的提示可知孩子的拥抱提醒作者孩子们需要她故C项正确。解析:选D。多年以后我们仍然沿用这种心照不宣的信号。unspoken“心照不宣的”故D项正确。解析:选A。而且她总是给作者一个小小的拥抱来提醒她在家工作的真正原因。根据上下文可知此处表示逻辑上的顺承关系即A项正确。B


  believe different people have experienced different adolescence.I must admit I was still an angry __21__ in my first year of college.My __22__ was that my parents didn’t please me at all.__23__,so I chose to go to a(n) __24__ college and take a bus to classes every day.One day I had a(n)__25__ fight with my father.We both exploded into shouts.I __26__ out of the house and missed my bus to school.

  I rushed all the way to school.As I __27__ across the campus toward my class,I suddenly realized I didn’t have the __28__ that was due: a thought card.My professor asked us to __29__ an index card with our names and the dates every Tuesday.__30__ what was on the rest of the card,we could write a thought,a question or something else.

  Now,outside the door,ten minutes later,I took an index card.__31__ to write something on it,I could only think about the __32__ I’d just had with my dad.I wrote “I am the son of an idiot!”__33__ into the room,and handed it to our professor.

  Next day,our professor __34__ the thought cards and I __35__ he wrote,“What does ‘the son of an idiot’do with the rest of his life?”The professor’s innocent­seeming question __36__ me to the issue:whose problem is it?__37__had created a life __38__ I was not a central figure!

  The __39__ of growth wasn’t easy or fast.__40__ later,from a struggling student,I became a successful student and then a successful teacher.

  【解题导语】 青春期的作者有一次与父亲发生冲突但在教授的“thought card”的启发下作者慢慢地走出了青春期叛逆的心境最终走向了成功。B.adult解析:选C。“我”必须承认大学一年adolescent“青少年”文中的第一句话已经给出了提示。解析:选B。根据空格前的“I was still an angry __21__可知我”生气是因为“我”的父母让“我”不高兴。解析:选A。由下文可知我”经常乘公交车上学因此此处表示“我们家的经济不宽裕”故选A项。A.ordinary

  B.private解析:选C。我们家的经济条件不宽裕因此“我”选择去上“当地的”一所大学每天乘公交车去上学。ordinary意为“普通的”;private意为“私人的”;local意为“当地的state意为“政府的州的”。解析:选A。由后文中的“We both exploded into shouts”可知我与父亲发生了一次严重的(serious)争吵”。故选A项。解析:选A。由语境可知我”和父亲发生冲突之后气冲冲地走”出了屋子。storm意为“气冲冲地走”;wander意为“游荡漫游闲逛”;slip意为“滑倒”;step意为“迈步”。A.leaped

  B.waked解析:选C。由空格前的“I rushed all the way to school”可知我”跑(ran)向教室。leap意为“跳跃”;walk意为“步行”;head意为解析:选B。教授布置的任务就是我们要在每周二带来自己的“thought card”写上自己的姓名、日期、想法、问题或者其他事情。assignment“任务”符合语境故选B项。解析:选D。参见上题解析。take up意为“开始从事继续占据”;put down意为“镇压放下”;hand out 意为“分发”;bring along意为“带上带来”。解析:选C。卡片上要写姓名日期至于余下的部分可以写想法、问题或其他事情。as for意为“至于”;thanks to 意为“幸亏由于”;regardless of意为“不管不顾”;due to 意为“由于归功于”。

  D.Active解析:选B。作者刚与父亲发生冲突又忘记带教授布置的作业因此应是“绝望地”在上面写了一些东西。故选B。解析:选D。由上文中的“One day I had a(n) __25__可知此处应选D项。.poured

  B.entered解析:选C。根据语境可知此处应该是“冲进”教室故选C项。dash意为“猛冲急奔”。解析:选A。第二天教授归还了我们的卡片。give back 意为“归还”;check out 意为“结账离开”;put away 意为“将……收起”;pass on意为“转交递给”。解析:选C。教授归还了卡片我”发现(discovered)教授写的话。故选C项。解析:选A。教授看似平淡的问题“唤醒”(awoke)了“我”。解析:选A。根据空格后的“my thinking began to shift”可知作者的想法“慢慢地”改解析:选B。此处应该是“in which”引导的定语从句在从句中作状语先行词为“life”。解析:选A。成长的“过程”既不容易也不快。解析:选D。由上文可知成长过程时间长而作者后来又成为一位成功的老师故此处选D项。C

  (2016·吉林长春月考)I guess you can say I’m not healthy.I throw up almost everything I __41____42__of doing it.I’m 17 years old,and I have been suffering from this __43__for about 6 months.That doesn’t seem like a __44__time,but those 6 months feel like 6 years.

  I was never __45__or even close to it.I’ve always been short and in shape,but it __46__me every time to see a really pretty girl because I __47__think,“Why can’t I __48__like that?” Also__49__,and drinking,and I’ve fallen into all of those.I’m tired of the __50__that I have been living.My parents are __51__in me and practically think I’m a failure.I’m always worried if my trousers are going to __52__me the next day.And on top of that,I’m __53__friends because they think I’ve changed.

  Bulimia(暴食症) is a black hole that__54__you have entered,it is extremely hard to get out.And if you do get out,you are so __55__.__56__from this terrible thing,because all I want to do is to live my life and not to have to __57__my weight all the time.

  At the point I’m going,I might end up in the __58__,and that is what frightens me most.All I can do is to try and get the __59__I need.However,I know the best help comes from my heart and the actual need within me to __60__this illness.

  【解题导语】 本文是记叙文。作者是一名暴食症患者她描述了自己身患暴食症后的痛苦感受。解析:选D。此处的eat与上文的throw up(呕吐)相对应根据语境可知此处是说作者将吃进的大部分食物又都吐了出来。 B.purpose解析:选C。作者不知道自己的身体在这个吃然后吐的过程(process)中到底怎么了。experiment意为“实验”;purpose意为“目的”;plan意为“计划”。解析:选B。根据suffer from(遭受)及下文内容可知应选illness同时文章结尾处的illness也是提示。解析:选D。根据空后的but those 6 months feel like 6 years可知虽然六个月的时间看似不算长(long)但对作者而言就像六年一样煎熬。解析:选A。根据下一句中的in shape可知作者以前不胖(fat)。解析:选B。作者每次见到漂kills,意为“使极度难受”。shock意为“使震惊”;excite意为“使激动”;encourage意为“鼓舞”。so

  D.even 解析:选A。每当看到漂亮的女孩作者总是(always)想为什么自己不能像她那样。sometimes意为“有时”;also意为“也”;even意为“甚至”。解析:选B。句意:为什么我就不能看上去像她那样好看呢? look like意为“看起来像”;feel like意为“感觉好像摸起来像”;sound like意为“听起来像”;taste like意为“尝起来像”。解析:选A。根据设空处前后的drugs和drinking可知作者所住的小镇里都是吸毒、派对和酗酒。四个选项中只有A项符合语境。解析:选C。live a...life意为“过着……的生活”为固定搭配。解析:选D。根据空后的a failure可知父母对作者很失望(disappointed)高兴的满意的”;honest意为“诚实的”;interested意为“感兴趣的”。ort



  解析:选C。作者心理负担很重一直担心第二天自己的裤子是否还适合(fit)自己。carry意为“搬扛”;support意为“支持”;attack意为“袭击”。解析:选B。因为作者行为和外貌上的变化朋友们都离她而去所以用lose(失去)项为答案。解析:选A。句意:暴食症就犹如一个黑洞一旦(once)你掉进去就难以自拔。设空处表示假设故A项。解析:选D。句意:如果你真能走出暴食症这个黑洞(克服暴食症)那你就很幸运(lucky)了。friendly意为“友好的”;lovely意为“可爱的”;busy意为“忙碌的”。解析:选C。句意:我希望有一天自己能康复(recover)……根据语境作者肯定是想从暴食症中康复故 C项为答案。suffer意为“遭受”;return意为“回到”;separate意为“分开”。 B.worry about解析:选B。作者想过属于自己的正常生活不用每天为自己的体重担心(worry about)。add to意为“增加”;talk about意为“谈论”;depend on意为“依靠”。解析:选A。根据空前的end up可知作者认为也许自己会病重住院(hospital)。解析:选C。根据下一句的the best help可知此处指得到自己所需要的帮助(help)。education意为“教育”;space意为“空间”;money意为“钱”。解析:选D。作者知道最好的帮助源于自己的内心源于自己对戒除(stop)暴食症的强烈需求。夹叙夹议文A

  (2015·山东省二模)One of my fondest Christmas memories was also one of our family’s bleakest(最令人沮丧的).We were just little kidsmas Day my mom__1__us all around her to tell us,__2__,that there would be no presents because all we really wanted was to __3__for our daddy.He was very sick.I don’t remember anything else except four little girls surrounding my mother,crying __4__a miracle(奇迹).__5___loudly on the door.__6__behind him was a merry group of soldiers from the Army base where my father __7__ as a minister.News had__8__that we were in trouble,and his colleagues knew we needed some __9__.With all the excitement__10___in a blanket to keep warm,came down and sat in front of a roaring fire in our room to watch his children be __11__by good Samaritans(乐善好施的人).The presents were unwrapped__12__packages and found a doll each and four board games.

  What is __13__to me is that I don’t even remember what sickness my father was suffering from.I __14___remember an evening of laughter and __15__.There were no expensive toys but __16__moments of friendship and fun given by young men who knew that a family was having a(n) __17__time.They gave their time and their __18__to little children who needed to laugh.The most important things in life aren’t things.And what about the true __19__of holidays?I hope we all are able to remember a thing about the holidays that stirs(搅动)our hearts the smile on a child’s face because we take a moment to hug or__20__a tear.

  【解题导语】 本文1.A.requested


  D.recommended解析:选C。根据后文four little girls surrounding my mother可知妈妈将孩子们召集到自己周围。解析:选A。根据下文中He was very sick说明父亲生了很重的病可知母亲是含着泪说的。3.A.apply

  B.pray解析:选B。根据He was very sick可知母亲让我们为父亲祈祷。解析:选C。此处指父亲病得很严重我们哭着祈求一个奇迹。cry for sth.“求得到……哭着要……”为固定搭配符合语境。beat



  解析:选A。根据下文中说有朋友来访可知应该是有人大声地敲门。knock on the door“敲门”。解析:选D。根据下文可知一群士兵跟在这个人的后面表示“跟随”。isted



  解析:选D。此处指父亲在军队基地担任部长一职。work as...“担任……一职”为固定搭配。解析:选B。根据上文可知部队的战士都来看望父亲由此可推知关于我们一家遇到困难的消息传开了故应选B项传播蔓延”。9.A.confidence

  B.cheer解析:选B。根据语境可知基于我们家现在的处境需要有一些愉快的事情来激励我们结B项欢呼、令人愉快的事。”解析:选D。从后文to keep warm可知父亲裹在毯子里。be wrapped in表示“包裹在……”。解析:选D。根据语境可知这些战士是为了让我们高兴才来到我们家。entertain“娱乐消遣”符合语境。解析:选C。从后文中found a doll each and four board games可知孩子们打开了包裹。解析:选A。经历了这些作者却不记得父亲患过何种疾病因此是奇怪的。解析:选B。根据上文的我不记得父亲患过何种疾病可知此处表示我“只”记得……。解析:选A。根据laughter可知此处要填一个相似意义的词故填happiness。解析:选B。根据前文的no expensive gifts but...可知礼物不贵但情谊无价。解析:选D。从前文作者家庭的经历可知是处于困难时期故使用tough。have a tough time“日子不好过、很困难”。onse

  解析:选C。句意:他们把自己的时间和关心(attention)给了这些需要笑声的小孩子们。解析:选B。根据前文The most important things in life aren’t things可知作者想表明生活中重要的并非物质那么节日的真谛到底是什么呢?根据后文对假期收获的描述可知此处表达“精神”所以答案为B项。解析:选A。节日激动人心的并非事物而是因为我们拥抱或者擦去孩子泪珠时他们脸上显现的笑容。wipe away a tear“擦掉泪水擦干泪水”符合语境。B

  (2015·山西师大附中高三期中) The writer Devin with his friend Johnson went to his favorite news­stand.Johnson__21__the salesman selling the newspapers gently__22__.The salesman never even looked up at his customer when he__23__the late­night edition.Accepting the__24____25__that the two men had completed their business.As the two friends walked down the street,Devin asked,“Does he always treat you so__26__?”__27__,he does,” Johnson responded.“And are you always so__28__and friendly to him?”“Yes!” Johnson __29__as they turned a corner.“Why are you so nice when he is so unfriendly to you?” Johnson __30____31__.”__32__?How you are going to act?Is it your circumstances or the difficult people in your life that determine your__33__?When we allow our conflicts to__34____35__,it doesn’t really matter how we treat one another.For example,we’ll say,“This__36__is causing me problems right now so I don’t care about exercising__37__,self­control,and loving kindness.Instead,I want to let him know how__38__I am because of his action.”

  We forget our difficulties will eventually weaken.But the way we handle conflicts will influence our__39__for a long time.Will you only respond to the momentary crisis or will you be more concerned about the__40__of what kind of person you are becoming?Who decides how you will behave when the pressure is on?【解题导语】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文通过Devin和Johnson的对话告诉人们:生活中我们总是会遇到令人不快的人和事重要的是我们如何让自己不受这些人和事的影响。解析:选D。由文章第一句可知和Johnson去了报刊亭根据上下文语境此处是指“Johnson友好地与售报员打招呼但是他却没有享受到很好的服务”。故选D项。praise“称赞表扬”;pay“支付”;invite“邀请”均与语境不符。解析:选A。根据下文中对salesman言行举止的描述可推知此处是指Johnson热情的招呼却换来salesman差的“服务态度”故选A项service。harvest“丰收收成”;instruction“说明指导”;score“分数比分”均与语境不符。23.A.printed

  B.requested 解析:选B。句意:在他买B项此处“request”指“要求售报员给他拿一份晚报”。print“印刷”;complete“完成”;take“拿获得”均不符合语境。解析:选A。根据文中信息可知他们是去报刊亭买晚报此处选A项newspaper句意:接过报纸之后回笑了一下然后祝他周末愉快record“记录”;radio“录音机”;food“食物”均不符合语境。解析:选C。根据上文这个salesman的行为判断:等他们买完了报纸之后这个售报员似乎大松了一口气故选relieved“放松的释放的”。encouraged“鼓励的”;disappointed“失望的”;worried“担心的”均不符合语26.A.separately

  B.seriously 解析:选D。此处售报员与上文Johnson礼貌的态度形成鲜明对比所以Devin提出疑问:他是否一直对你如此不友好(rudely)。separately“分别地个别地”;seriously“严肃地糟糕地”;quickly“迅速地”均不符合语境。解析:选C。根据Johnson的答语Yes可知他确实一直如此故选C项unfortunately“遗憾地”带有一定的感情色彩。而obviously“明显地”;originally“最初地原始地”;finally“最终地”均不符合语境。解选D。由空后的“and friendly”可知此空所填词与friendly相近再由上下文中Johnson对这个售报员的态度关键词gently可知选D项kind“友善的”。解析:选C。由上下文描述可知此处是指“Johnson一边走一边接着说”故选C项continued。struggle“努力挣扎”;hesitate“犹豫”;watch“观察看”均不符合语境。解析:选D。对于上一句Devin提出的疑问此处是指Johnson“解释”(explained)道:因为我不想让他来决定我的行为举止。解析:选B。此空可以从下一段“Who__32__?How you are going to act?”得到提示选B项 act“行为行动”。解析:选A。根据上一段最后一句“Because I don’t want him to decide how I am going to__31__可知此处选decides此处是对上面句子的反问故而可以相互参照得出答案。解析:选A。此处是指“是你所处的环境或者你生活中难缠的人们来决定你的反应吗?”故选A项responses“回应反应”。而appearance“外表容貌”;growth“成长生长”;progress“进步发展”均不符合语境。解析:选B。此处是指当我们允许这些冲突“控制”我们时我们首先会选择摆脱这种窘境。wound“伤害”;cheat“欺骗”;kill“杀害”均不符合语境故选B项。解析:选C。此处与上句构成因果关系意为:因此我们如何对待别人就会显得无关紧要。故选C项。解析:选B。此处是指生活中带给我们麻烦的某个人故选B项。解析:选D。分self­control和loving kindness构成并列故选D项 patience“耐心”。解析:选C。句意:与之相反的是我真的想让他知道我对他的行为感到多么“愤怒”。由该句Instead一词可知此处表达的是与上文所述内容相反的意思故选angry。riments




  (2016·辽宁省五校联考)A Brick in Life

  A young and successful manager was traveling down a neighborhood street,going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar.He was __41__ kids rushing out from __42__ parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something.

  __43__ his car passed,one child appeared,and a brick smashed into the Jaguar’s side door.He slammed on the __44__ and turned the Jaguar back to the spot from where the brick had been thrown.

  He jumped out of the car,grabbed the kid and __45__

  him up against a parked car,shouting,“What was that all about and who are you?Just what __46__ are you doing?”Then he went on__47__ a lot of money.Why did you do it?”__48__

  else to do!”begged the youngster.__49__my brother,” he said.“He rolled off the sidewalk and fell out of his __50__ and I can’t lift him up.”

  Sobbing,the boy asked the manager,“Would you please help me get him __51__ into his wheelchair?__52__ for me.”

  Moved __53__ words,the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat.He lifted the young man back into the wheelchair and __54__ his handkerchief and wiped the scrapes and cuts,checking to see __55__ everything was going to be okay.

  “Thank you,sir.And God bless you,” the__56__ child said to him.The man then __57__ the little boy push his brother to the sidewalk toward

  __58__ home.

  It was a long __59__ back to his Jaguar—a long,slow walk.He never did repair the side door.He kept the dent(凹痕) __60__ him not to go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention.【解题导语】 本文通过一个小故41.A.watching for

  B.looking for解析:选A。watch for意为“密切注意留意”;look for意为“寻找”;head for意为“朝……前进”;leave for意为“出发去某地”。经理留意着从车子间跑出来的孩子。由此可知A项符合语境。C.in


  D.bike解析:选B。根据下文中的“get him __51__ into his wheelchair”可知他哥哥从轮椅上摔了下来。解析:选C。此处表示“你可以帮我把他抬回轮椅上吗?”符合lifted the young man back into the wheelchair”也是提示。解析:选D。根据上文可知此处表示“他受伤了而且对我来说他太重了”。D项heavy“重的”符合语境。解析:选A。这些话让这位年轻的经理深受感动没法用语言表达超出……之外非……所能及”符合语境。解析:选B。经理把小孩儿的哥哥抱回轮椅上并拿出手帕擦拭小孩儿的哥哥的伤口确定他哥哥没有什么问题。A项意为“爆发”;B项意为“拿出取出”;C项意为“用完D项意为“分发公布”。故选B项。5.A.what

  B.where解析:选C。参见上题解析。see that意为“确保务必(做到)”符合语境。解析:选D。根据空格前的“Thank yousir.And God bless you”可知小孩儿非常感激这个经理。故选D项。解析:选A。然后经理看着小孩儿推着他哥哥回他们的家。watch意为“注视看”;glare意为“怒目而视”;notice意为“注意到”;witness意为“目击”。根据语境可知选A项。 D.its解析:选B。参见上题解析。解析:选C。经理返回Jaguar的路变得很漫长。破折号后面的“a long也是提示故选C项。d


  (2016·安徽六校高三联考)You had better learn to be grateful.If you are grateful__1__yourself up to receive all kinds of blessings and good things in life.You can receive almost everything you want__2__.If you want recovery soon__3__.If it is more money that you wantr __4__of money you already have.

  You see,showing gratitude(感恩) is the key to every __5__thing in life.It is the key to successful relationships__6___healthier and happier lives.And this is where the importance of being grateful lies.__7__,it makes life better.

  One of my favorite __8___is “If you learn to appreciate more of what you already have,you will find yourself having more to appreciate.” Think about that!

  Something as __9___as a “Thank you for being in my life” or “I __10___having you here with me”,can go a long way.It will make the other person feel good,and __11__ it also will make you feel better!

  So maybe your wife is not very __12__around the house,but she’s great at cooking your favorite __13__.Or__14___milk all over your new shirt right before you walked out the door for work,but usually he makes you laugh so much and makes you __15__the luckiest parent in the world.

  I strongly__16__you to make a promise to yourself for the next week.Decide to __17__every morning and think of at least 5 things that you are__18__for.Then say them out loud.You will notice a smile on your face without even__19___.In 30 days you will feel completely renewed.This is the__20__of being grateful!

  【解题导语】 本文是议论文旨在告诉人们学会感恩1.A.openB.make解析:选A。句意:如果你感恩你自然就会接受生活中的各种福气和好事。open oneself up to do sth.意为“使自己暴露于某事下”为固定搭配。解析:选C。truly意为“真正地的确地”;easily意为“容易地”;correctly意为“正确地”;clearly意为“清楚地”。解析:选B。句意:如果你想很快恢复就从感恩自己还活着开始吧。lovely意为“可爱的”;alive意为“活着的”;lively意为“活泼的”;living意为“活着的”通常不作表语。根据语境B项。mber



  解析:选A。money为不可数名词所以用(数量)来表达“钱的数量”。解析:选C。句意:你知道感恩是通向生活中每一件积极正面(positive)之事的关键。terrible意为“可怕的”;negative意为“消极的负面的”;confusing意为“令人迷惑的”。解析:选C。enjoy healthier and happier lives意为“享受更健康和更幸福的生活”。lead a...life意为“过……的生活”文章主旨是说学会感恩能让你更好地享受生活但不会使你直接过上更好的生活; take意为“带走”;look意为“看”作不及物动词。A.Therefore

  B.Besides解析:选D。根据上文可知这句话是对本段的总结所以选D项意为“总之简而言之”。therefore意为“因此所以”;besides意为“而且除……之外”; anyway意为“无论如何”。解析:选A。句意:我最喜欢的格言之一是……。motto意为“格言”;rule意为“制度”;habit意为“习惯”;word意为“话语;词汇”此处是单数不合适。根据语境可知选A项。解析:选C。根据下文的long可知此处用short(简短的)。pleasant意为“愉悦的宜人的”;wonderful意为“精彩的”;moving意为“动人的”。A.want

  B.look forward to解析:选C。根据设空处后的having可知A、D两项不正确。根据文章主旨及上文的thank you可知此处同样表达“感激”之意意为“感激”所以选C项。look forward to意为“期待希望”。addition

  解析:选A。句意:它会让对方感觉舒服肯定(for sure)也会让你感觉更好。in general意为“通常来看”;instead of意为“而不是”;in addition意为“除此之外”。解析:D。根据but及great可知A、C两项不正确;根据around the house可知D项正确。organized意为“井井有条的”;lazy意为“懒惰的”;beautiful意为“漂亮的”;careless意为“粗心的”。解析:选B。根据上文的打扫房间及cook可知此处为dishes(饭菜)。vegetable意为“蔬菜”;beef意为“牛肉drink意为“饮料”。stopped



  解析:选C。根据空后的milk可知此处用spilled(洒出)。paint意为“刷漆;画”;stop意为“停止”;throw意为“扔”。解析:选B。become of意为“……降临于发生……情况”;feel like意为“感觉像”;act as意为“充当”;look like意为“看起来像”。解析:选B。句意:我强烈建议(advise)你下周给自己许下承诺。advise sb.to do sth.意为“建议某人做某事”;demand和suggest后不接不定式作宾补。persuade sb.to do sth.意为“说服某人做某事”不符合语境。解析:选D。句意:决定每天早晨醒来至少考虑五件你要感恩的事情。根据空后的every morning判断应是wake up(醒来)。dress up意为“打扮”; make up意为“化妆”;get up意为“起床”。et

  解析:选A。全文讲述人应该学会感恩所以此处与上文呼应意为感激的符合语境。concerned意为“关心的;担心的”;anxious意为“焦急的”;upset意为“心烦的”。解析:选Cwithout even trying意为“甚至都没有费力”。解析:选B。句意:这就是感恩的力量(power)。disadvantage意为“劣势缺点”;award意为“奖奖项”;consequence意为“后果”。B

  (2016·山西四校第一次联考)Dramatic performing is an excellent method of building confidence in children and adults alike.Learning drama allows students to __21____22__and worries behind.Drama also works by supporting the growth of imagination and other skills.

  Entertainment has become rather passive with __23__,television and computer games becoming more popular.These screen­based methods have had a __24__effect on communication.They prevent children communicating with others.__25__,drama puts the children enthusiastic about communication back into entertainment.Children have the opportunity to __26__with others in a more meaningful way__27__drama encourages speech development,awareness of body language and allows children to become more__28__aware.

  Play and drama are closely linked.When children play a game,they are using their__29__and moving away from reality to__30__their own story.Drama is a vehicle __31__which children can express themselves more freely to make education fun.

  Children gain __32__by understanding that there is no final answer in drama and that their opinion and contribution are valued.They are able to__33__to many issues and situations such as poverty,recycling and global warming.Drama and __34__have a strong link as drama can __35__children to take an active interest in other subjects such as geography,history and English and so they can __36__a more rounded education.

  As a drama teacher,I have witnessed a child at his first class holding onto his parent’s arm—__37__to let go.Then to see the same child running into my class with a smile is an __38___sight.Drama installs confidence in children by allowing them to improvise(即兴创作) and excitement.Everyone is given the opportunity to shine __39____40___dance,music,and directing,etc..These classes are especially designed to be of great fun.

  【解题导语】 本文为说明文讲述了戏剧课在教育中的重要作用。作者认为无论是成年人还是儿童通过表演都能够建立自信激发创造力和培养交际能力。戏剧表演课需要孩子们和他人沟通戏剧课中的即兴创作能激发孩子的想象力和创造力。解析:选A。句意:学习戏剧能够开发(explore)学生的创造力……。explore意为“探索;开发”; express意为“表达”;expose意为“使暴露”;experience意为“经历”。解析:选D。根据and worries可推出前面也是表 B、C两项。sadness意为“伤心”;excitement意为“激动兴奋”;happiness意为“开心”;shyness意为“羞怯”。学习戏剧可以增加自信因此能够摆脱羞怯。故选D项。解析:选B。根据后面的television以及these screen­based methods可知选B项。movie意为“电影”;drama意radio意为“收音机”;media意为“媒体”。 B.positive解析:选C。根据上文的passive以及下文They prevent children communicating with others(它们阻碍了孩子们与他人交流).可知此处为消极(negative)作用。subjective意为“主观的”;positive意为“sensitive意为“敏感的”。r



  解析:选B。下文讲述了戏剧积极的影响与上文娱乐的消极影响形成对比故用however(然而)表转折。meanwhile意为“与此同时”;however意为“然而”;besides意为“除此以外”;therefore意为“因此”。解析:选D。根据上句中的...drama puts the children enthusiastic about communication...可知戏剧表演可以让孩子们更多地交流联络(connect)。compete意为“竞争”;compare意为“比较”;discuss意为“讨论”。解析:选C。根据句意可知前后两句为因果关系所以选as(因为)。before意为“在……之前”;though意为“尽管”;if意为“如果”。解析:选A。根据上文可知戏剧表演会使孩子们更多地进行交流增进他们的社交意识。socially意为“善于交际地社交方面地”符合语境。mentally意为“精神上physically意为“身体上”;emotionally意为“情感上”。tion

  B.determination解析:选A。孩子们在玩游戏时将故事和现实结合起来所以他们在游戏中会运用自己的想象力(imagination)。determination意为“决心”;consideration意为“考虑”;communication意为“交流”。 D.reading解析:选B。根据空前的away from reality和空后their own story可判断出孩子们会创造(create)自己的故事。believe意为“相信”;tell意为“讲”;read意为“读”。解析:选B。根据句意及结构可知此处是说通过(through)戏剧这种载体孩子们可以自由地表达自己。for意为“为了”;through意为“通过”;beyond意为“超过”;across意为“穿过”。解析:选A。句意:孩子们是通过理解戏剧没有最终的答案从而知道他们的意见和贡献都是有价值的confidence意为“自信”符合语境。success意为“成功”;hope意为“希望”;admiration意为“羡慕钦佩”。解析:选D。此处是说他们会对很多事情和情形作出反应。respond to意为“对……作出反应/回应”;reply to意为“回复”;stick to意为“坚持”;turn to意为“转向;求助于”。解析:选C。entertainment意为“娱乐”;language意为“语言”;play意为“玩”。根据下文的...other subjects such as geography可知此处讲述教育(education)与戏剧之间的关系。解析:选D。此处是说戏剧能够鼓励孩子们对其他学科产生积极的兴趣。encourage sb.to do sth.意为“鼓励某人做某事”为固定搭配。train意为“训练”;persuade意为“说服”;require意为“要求”。解析:选B。孩子们对他们在学校里学的地理、历史和英语感兴趣了他们就能拥有(have)全面的教育。give意为“给”;continue意为“继续”;provide意为“提供”。解析:选C。根据 holding onto his parent’s arm(抓住他家长的胳膊)可知此处为不愿(unwilling)他们离去pleased意为“高兴的”;tired意为“累的”;sorry意为“抱歉的”。y


  (2016·甘肃兰州市高三实战考试)Many students often say that they don’t have “enough time” to do all their schoolwork.__41__ is often brief,“You have as much time as the president.” I usually carry on a bit about __42__ twenty­four hours in the day for everyone,and suggest that“not enough time”

  is not an __43__ explanation of __44__something done.

  __45__ in graduate school,I tried to prove to one of my professors __46__ saying that I was working hard.His answer to me was,“That’s irrelevant (无关紧要的).__47__ is important is the __48__ of your work.” Since then I have had time to think carefully about the trick (诀窍) of“__49__”to some __50__—all relevant to the problem of how much time we have.

  If you analyze the matter,you can identify two parts of the problem: There is,__51__,the matter of “time”,which we can think of __52__.Then there is the problem of “work”during that time.But__53__

  the quality of the product that’s important.

  That led me to a new idea: the quality of the work.That __54__ is perhaps best explained by a sign I once saw on the wall in someone’s office: “Don’t work harder.__55__.”There is a lot of sense in that idea.ns thinking of ways to get more out of

  __56__ time than we might otherwise get.That should lead us to an analysis of our work habits.Since “work” for students usually means “homework”,the expression “work habits” should be read as“


  habits”.__58__ those skills that you use in study,__59__ reading and writing.If you learn to read better and write better,there are big benefits that __60__ in all your studies.

  【解题导语】 本文是一篇议论文。每个人每天拥有的时间都是相同的那么想把事情做好就要有一定的技巧。作者认为:不要苦干而要巧干。 B.idea解析:C。根据上文的内容可知此处是对上文很多同学说没有足够的时间做功课这一问题的答复(reply)。here are

  C.there be

  D.there to be

  解析:选A。介词后面应该用动名词因此此处用there being的形式。解析:选B。每个人都是一天拥有24小时因此“没有足够的时间”是一个不可接受的解释。strange“奇怪的”;acceptable“可接受的”;surprising“令人惊奇的”;demanding“苛求的要求过高的”。解析:选B。此处介词后面应该用动名词对动名词的否定其前应not;此处是考查“get sth.done”的结构因此选not getting。C.Ever

  D.Once解析:选D。此处叙述的是过去发生的事情因此选once“曾经”。since then“自从那之后”常与完成时的句子连用;just now“刚才”;ever“在任何时候”常用于疑问句、否定句、比较结构或带if的句子中。解析:选A。by表示“通过以”。解析:选B。重要的是你工作的质量。“__47__ is important”是一个主语从句主语从句中缺少主语因此此处用what引导从句。 解析:选D。参见上题解析此处应填quality“质量”。quantity“数量”;amount“数额数量”;number“数字”。53空后的“quality”也是提示。解析:选A。根据上文教授的回答可知此处是说“我”在思考勤hard worker“勤奋工作的人”符合语境。conclusions

  D.concentrations解析:选C。根据破折号后的内容可知我”在思考后得出了一些结论。construction“建造物”;contribution“贡献”;conclusion“结论”;concentration“集中聚集”。解析:选A。根据上文提到的与时间相关可知此处是说当然是时间的问题。of course“当然”;in fact“事实上”;as a result“结果”;as a whole“总的来说”。解析:选D。我们认为时间是固定的(fixed)。此处是think of...as...“认为……是……”。 B.but解析:选B。正像教授建议的那样一个人工作多么努力并不重要重要的是产品的质量。此处考查的是短语“not...but...”的结构意为“不是……而是……”。解析:选A。根据上文的“我”的新想法可知应选concept“观念想法”。sense“意义”;explanation“解释”;solution“解决方法”。解析:选A。根据上文可知我”说的是不要苦干而要巧干。work smarter“更加聪明地工作”符合语境。解析:选D。那就意味着想办法从同样多的时间里得到更多。解析:选B。既然对于学生来说“工作”通常意味着“家庭作业”那“工作习惯”就应该被理解为“58.A.seek improving

  B.seek to improveprove

  解析:选B。作为一个聪明的学生你应该努力寻求方法来提高这些在学习上使用的技能。固定结构:seek to do sth.符合语境。解析:选A。根据常识可知在学习上的技能主要是阅读和写作。chiefly“主要地”;briefly“简要地”;actually“事实上”;occasionally“偶尔”。解析:选D。如果你学会了更好地阅读和写作那么会有极大的好处来回报你学习的各个方面。短语pay off“回报”符合语境;再根据定语从句that指代的先行词benefits可知应选D。


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