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2017届高考英语一轮基础知识复习:Unit 1 Festivals around the world(新人教版必修3)

发布时间:2017-03-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 1 Festivals around the world




  During the cold winter days, there are some interesting festivals in the world. Look at the following ones.

  Harbin Ice and Snow Festival

  Place: China

  Time: January 5 to February 5

  People build incredible things out of ice and snow, decorating them with lights.

  The Carnival of Venice

  Place: Italy

  Time: between February and March

  One of the most beautiful festivals in the world, people wear masks and elaborate costumes to hide differences among classes, and there are contests for the best costumes.

  Holi Festival

  Place: India

  Time: late February/March, on the last full moon day

  Hindus and Sikhs, in India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka celebrate the main day of this incredibly fun 16­day festival by throwing colored powder and water at each other.

  Sundance Film Festival

  Place: Utah, the US

  Time: end of February

  The largest independent film festival in the US. Watch both feature films and shorts. You need to buy a ticket.


  1.Which of the following festivals can't be celebrated at the end of February?

  A.Sundance Film Festival.

  B.Harbin Ice and Snow Festival.

  C.Holi Festival.

  D.The Carnival of Venice.

  答案:B 细节理解题。由文章Harbin Ice and Snow Festival部分可知哈尔滨冰雪节的庆祝时间是“January 5 to February 5”,不能在二月底庆祝。

  2.If you want to watch wonderful films, you may go to ________.





  答案:C 细节理解题。由Sundance Film Festival部分的“The largest independent film festival in the US. Watch both feature films and shorts. You need to buy a ticket.”可知答案为C。

  3.If you go to Europe, which festival can you celebrate?

  A.Sundance Film Festival.

  B.Holi Festival.

  C.The Carnival of Venice.

  D.Harbin Ice and Snow Festival.

  答案:C 细节理解题。The Carnival of Venice是意大利的节日,故去欧洲可以参加威尼斯狂欢节。



  Food festivals around the world

  Stilton Cheese Rolling

  May Day is a traditional day for celebrations,but the 2,000 English villagers of Stilton must be the only people in the world who include cheese rolling in their annual plans.Teams of four,dressed in a variety of strange and funny clothes,roll a complete cheese along a 50­metre course.On the way,they must not kick or throw their cheese,or go into their competitors' lane(赛道).Competition is fierce and the chief prize is a complete Stilton cheese weighing about four kilos (disappointingly,but understandably the cheeses used in the race are wooden ones).All the competitors are served with beer or port wine,the traditional accompaniment for Stilton cheese.

  Fiery Foods Festival—The Hottest Festival on Earth

  Every year more than 10,000 people head for the city of Albuquerque,New Mexico.They come from as far away as Australia,the Caribbean and China,but they all share a common addiction—food that is not just spicy(辛辣),but hot enough to make your mouth burn,your head spin and your eyes water.Their destination is the Fiery Food and BBQ Festival which is held over a period of three days every March.You might like to try a chocolate­covered habanero pepper—officially the hottest pepper in the world—or any one of the thousands of products that are on show.But one thing's for sure—if you don't like the feeling of a burning tongue,this festival isn't for you!

  La Tomatina—The World's Biggest Food Fight

  On the last Wednesday of every August,the Spanish town of Bunol hosts La Tomatina—the world's largest food fight.A week­long celebration leads up to an exciting tomato battle as the highlight of the week's events.The early morning sees the arrival of large trucks with tomatoes—official fight­starters get things going by casting tomatoes at the crowd.

  The battle lasts little more than half an hour,in which time around 50,000 kilograms of tomatoes have been thrown at anyone or anything that moves,runs,or fights back.Then everyone heads down to the river to make friends again—and for a much­needed wash!


  4.In the Stilton cheese rolling competition,competitors on each team must ______. 

  A.wear various formal clothes

  B.roll a wooden cheese in their own lane

  C.kick or throw their cheese

  D.use a real cheese weighing about four kilos

  答案:B 根据第一段第二句Teams of four,dressed in a variety of strange and funny clothes,roll a complete cheese along a 50­metre course.可以知道,四个队伍,穿着滑稽搞笑的服装,在50米的路程中卷一个完整的奶酪。以及后面倒数第二句括号里面的内容,but understandably the cheeses used in the race are wooden ones.这个奶酪是木头的。故选B。

  5.Where is the Fiery Food and BBQ Festival held?

  A.In New Mexico.

  B.In the Caribbean.

  C.In Australia.

  D.In China.

  答案:A 根据第二段第一句Every year more than 10,000 people head for the city of Albuquerque, New Mexico.可以知道这是在新墨西哥发生的事情,从段落中第三句Their destination is the Fiery Food and BBQ Festival可以知道人们到新墨西哥是为了参加Fiery Food and BBQ Festival。故选A。

  6.The celebration of La Tomatina lasts ________.

  A.three days

  B.seven days

  C.less than three days

  D.more than seven days

  答案:B 根据文章第三段第二句A week­long celebration leads up to an exciting tomato battle as the highlight of the week's events.可以知道,西红柿大战这个西班牙节日的持续时间是一周,故选B。

  7.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A.The chief prize for the Stilton cheese rolling competition is beer or port wine.

  B.More than 10,000 Chinese take part in the Fiery Food and BBQ Festival.

  C.Thousands of spicy foods are on show in the Fiery Food and BBQ Festival.

  D.An exciting tomato battle takes place at the beginning of La Tomatina.

  答案:C 根据文章第二段倒数第二个破折号后面的文字or any one of the thousands of products that are on show.可以知道你可以任意品尝展出的上千种的食物。故选C。




  Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Turkish Republic, devoted April 23 to the children of the World, to stress that __1__ were the future of nation. Since 1920, Turkey has been

  __2__(celebrate) April 23 as National Sovereignty and Children's Day.

  Children's Day provides __3__

  unique opportunity to contribute to international

  peace and solidarity(团结). In Dubai over the last four years, __4__

  the help of the Consulate General of the Turkish Republic in Dubai, we have organized four __5__(success) charity celebrations to mark April 23 Children's Day. Many international schools and performance groups of different countries in Dubai took part. We reached an audience of nearly 4,000 people and the

  __6__(participate) of more than 50 different children performance groups, __7__(include) more than 800 children.

  This year, I am __8__(honor) to announce our fifth celebration happening today. The success of this event lies with the dedicated volunteer work of all organization __9__(partner) as well as the generous donations of the sponsors. In order to support Dubai Autism Center's annual autism(自我中心主义) awareness campaign __10__ is organized for the whole month of April, it has been decided to donate the income of the event to the Dubai Autism Center (DAC).

  1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

  6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______



  答案:they 根据前文的children判断,故填they。


  答案: celebrating  根据主语Turkey是celebrate的动作执行者,空后有宾语,判断应用celebrating。


  答案:a  根据unique是以辅音音素/j/开头,表示泛指或某一个,应用a,故填a。


  答案:with 根据with the help of“在……的帮助之下”,故判断填with。


  答案:successful 根据空后的名词判断使用形容词形式,故填successful。


  答案: participation 空前有the,空后有of短语,应用名词形式。故填 participation。


  答案: including 根据空后有宾语,故填 including。


  答案: honored/honoured 根据honor是及物动词,空后无宾语,应用过去分词作表语,可知填 honored/honoured。


  答案: partners  根据前文的all判断用复数形式,故填partners。


  答案:which/that 根据空后是定语从句,且从句中缺少主语判断填which/that。







  2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。


  2015 Spring Festival is coming now. I plan buy something for my parents. What I want to give them back is a VIP card for a health club but they need enough exercise. My father works hardly as a teacher, spent most of his time at school. My mother loves reading and often buried herself in her books. Therefore, all of them should exercise more from now on.

  I want to give them this card to express my thank and love. I hope that they will be able to get relaxing in the health club and make more friends there. At the same time, I hope that they can take care with their health.


  2015 Spring Festival is coming now. I


  buy something for my parents. What I want to give them back is a VIP card for a health club

  they need enough exercise. My father works

  as a teacher,

  most of his time at school. My mother loves reading and often

  herself in her books. Therefore,

  of them should exercise more from now on.

  I want to give them this card to express my

  and love. I hope that they will be able to get

  in the health club and make more friends there. At the same time, I hope that they can take care

  their health.


  解析:plan后加to plan应用不定式作宾语,故buy前加to。


  解析:删除back give back归还。此处应是“给”,而不是归还,故去掉back。


  解析:but→since/because but后的句子是前面分句的原因,故but → since/because。


  解析:hardly→hard hardly几乎不,简直不;hard辛苦地。work hard辛勤工作。


  解析:spent→spending 该句的谓语动词是works,此处应用spend的现在分词作伴随状语。故spent改为spending。


  解析:buried→buries buried与前面的loves是并列的谓语动词,在人称和时态上应保持一致,故buried改为buries。


  解析:all→both 此处提到的是父母两个人应用both,故all→both。


  解析:thank→thanks express one's thanks表达某人的感激之情,此处的thank常用复数。


  解析:relaxing→relaxed 根据本句的主语是they,应用relaxed感到放松的。


  解析:with→of 根据固定短语take care of照顾。


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