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2017届高考英语一轮复习语法专项突破课件:第7讲 情态动词和虚拟语气(牛津译林版)

发布时间:2017-03-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  类别 用法 例句 if引导的条件从句 与过去事实相反 从句谓语动词:had+过去分词 主句谓语动词:should/would/could/might+have+过去分词 (2017·高考北京卷)If we had booked a table earlier,we couldn’t be standing here in a queue. 如果我们早订张桌子的话,我们就不会站在这儿排队了。 与将 来事 实相 反 从句谓语动词:过去式/were+不定式/should+动词原形主句谓语动词:should/would/could/might+动词原形 Grace doesn’t want to move to New York because she thinks if she were to live there, she wouldn’t be able to see her parents very often. Grace不想搬到纽约,因为她想如果要是住那里,她将不可能经常地见到她的父母。 类别 用法 例句 if引导的条件从句的倒装 混合条件句的 虚拟语气 如果在表示虚拟语气的条件句中含有were,had或should,可将if省略,然后将were,had或should移至主语之前。 Had we made a great effort we might have succeeded.(=If we had made a great effort...)要是我们付出巨大的努力,也许我们已经成功了。 有时条件句的动作与主句动作发生的时间不一致,这时动词的形式应根据它们表示的时间加以调整。 (2017·高考天津卷)If he had spent more time practising speaking English before,he would be able to speak it much better now. 如果以前他花更多时间练习说英语的话,现在他英语就会说得好多了。 1.(2017·高考北京卷)We __________ back in the hotel now if you didn’t lose the map. A.are B.were C.will be

  D.would be


  2.(2017·高考湖南卷)If Mr. Dewey ________ present,he would have offered any possible assistance to the people there. A.were

  B.had been C.should be



  3.(2017·高考福建卷)________no modern telecommunications,we would have to wait for weeks to get news from around the world. A.Were there

  B.Had there been C.If there are

  D.If there have been


  二、虚拟语气在名词性从句中的应用 类别 用法 例句 宾语从句 宾语从句 demand,suggest,order,insist后接的从句中动词为“(should+)动词原形”。 Teachers recommend parents not allow their children under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety. wish后的从句中的谓语可用一般过去时、过去完成时和should/would+动词原形,它们分别表示与现在、过去和将来情况相反。 —How much of the foreign expert’s speech have you understood? —Next to nothing.I wish I had worked harder at English. 类别 用法 例句 主语从句 表语 从句 和同 位语 从句 在“It is necessary/important/strange/suggested/demanded/ordered/requested+that从句”中,从句中的谓语动词用should+动词原形。 ①It is strange that such a person should be our friend.

  ②It is suggested that the meeting (should) be put off till next week. 在suggestion,proposal,order,plan,idea,request,advice等名词后的表语从句和同位语从句中要用虚拟语气,其构成是“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。 ①My idea is that we (should) think it over before accepting it.

  ②We all agreed to his suggestion that we (should) go to Dalian for a visit. 1.(2017·高考浙江卷)Eye doctors recommend that a child’s first eye exam ________ at the age of six months old. A.was

  B.be C.were

  D.Is 解析:句意:眼科医生建议孩子第一次视力检查应该在六个月大的时候进行。recommend建议,后接宾语从句时,从句用虚拟语气,谓语动词用should do形式,should可以省略,所以正确答案为B项。 B 2.(2017·高考陕西卷)My mom suggests that we________eat out for a change this weekend. A.should

  B.might C.could

  D.would A 三、其他句型中的虚拟语气 类别 用法 例句 It’s time that... would rather It is (high) time(that)...句型中谓语动词用一般过去时或should+动词原形。 Jack is a great talker. It’s high time that he did/should do something instead of just talking. would rather所接的从句中的谓语动词用一般过去时(对现在虚拟)或者过去完成时(对过去虚拟)。 I would rather you stayed at home now. 类别 用法 例句 if only as if if only后面的谓语动词常用一般过去时(对现在虚拟)、过去完成时(对过去虚拟)与过去将来时(对将来虚拟),表示强烈的愿望。 If only our dream had come true! as if引导的状语从句中动词可以用过去时或过去完成时表示虚拟。 Don’t handle the vase as if it were made of steel. (2017·高考陕西卷)We would rather our daughter ________ at home with us,but it is her choice,and she is not a child any longer. A.would stay

  B.has stayed C.stayed

  D.stay C 解析:考查虚拟语气。句意:我们宁愿我们的女儿和我们一起待在家里,但是那是她的选择,她已经不再是一个小孩子了。would rather后接that从句时,要用虚拟语气,如果与 现在或将来事实相反,从句用一般过去时态;如果与过去事实相反,从句用过去完成时。根据后面的it is her choice可以判断这件事情还没发生,因而从句用一般过去时,所以选择C项。 D 2.(2017·高考浙江卷)They were abroad during the months when we were carrying out the investigation,or they ________ to our help. A.would have come

  B.could come C.have come

  D.had come A

  3.(2017·高考安徽卷)I________ to my cousin’s birthday party last night,but I was not available. A.went

  B.had gone C.would go

  D.would have gone D

  第七讲 情态动词和虚拟语气 一、情态动词的基本用法 情态动词 用法 例句 must (1)表示禁止(用于否定句)。 You mustn’t park here!It’s an emergency exit. (2)表必要性,意为“必须”。 —Shall I inform him of the change of the schedule right now? —I am afraid you must,in case he comes late for the meeting. 情态动词 用法 例句 must can和could If you must go,at least wait until the storm is over. (3)表示偏执,固执,意为“非得,偏要”。 (1)表示“能力”。 —No one can be compared with Yao Ming in playing basketball.

  —Oh,you are really his big fan. 情态动词 用法 例句 can和could (2)表示惊讶,常用在否定句和疑问句中。 How could you do such a silly thing? (3)表示礼貌地请求别人做某事,意为“能,可以”。 —This dish is really delicious.Could you please say it in Chinese? —Sure,we call it“doufu”. (4)cannot...too/enough表示“无论……也不过分”;“越……越好”。 You can’t be too careful while driving. 情态动词 用法 例句 shall (1)用于第一、第三人称疑问句中,表示说话人征求对方的意见和向对方请示。 Shall I go out for a walk after supper? (2)用于第二、第三人称陈述句中,表示说话人给对方的命令、警告、允诺或威胁。 —Will you read me a story,Mummy? —OK.You shall have one if you go to bed as soon as possible. 情态动词 用法 例句 may和 might (1)may和might表示“许可”、“可能性”、“祝愿”等意义。 —May I take this book out of the reading room? —No,you mustn’t.You must read it in here. (2)“may as well+动词原形”意为“最好,倒不如”。 If you think the price of beef is too high,you may as well buy some pork.It depends on you. 情态动词 用法 例句 will 和would (1)表示意志、意愿和决心。 ①—Why didn’t you come to Simon’s party last night? —I wanted to,but my mom simply would not let me out so late at night. ②I have told him again and again to stop smoking,but he will not listen. 情态动词 用法 例句 will 和would

  (2)will可以表示一种习惯的动作,有“总是”或“总要”之意。 Every morning he will have a walk along this river. (3)would可以表示过去的习惯动作,比used to正式,但没有“现已无此习惯”的含义。 When we worked in the same firm several years ago,we would often go to the cinema together. A

  2.(2017·高考江苏卷)It was sad to me that they,so poor themselves,________ bring me food. A.might

  B.would C.should



  3.(2017·高考重庆卷)I’ve ordered some pizza,so we ________ worry about cooking when we get home tired. A.can’t 

  B.dare not C.needn’t

  D.may not


  二、情态动词表推测 情态动词 用法 例句 must must表示推测时只能用于肯定句中,意为“一定,必定”,表示十分肯定的语气(在疑问句中或否定句中要用can/could)。 —It’s the office!So you must know eating is not allowed here.

  —Oh,sorry. 情态动词 用法 例句 can (1)can用于肯定句中表示客观的可能性,意为“有时会”; (2)用于疑问句中可以表示推测,意为“可能”,有时表示一种惊讶的语气; (3)用于否定句中也可以表示推测,can’t意为“不可能”,语气很强烈。 ①It is usually warm in my hometown in March,but it can be rather cold sometimes. ②Mr.Bush is on time for everything.How can it be that he was late for the meeting? ③(2017·高考安徽卷)It couldn’t be the vocabulary that caused you the problem in the exercise because you know a lot of words. 情态动词 用法 例句 may/might should (1)may/might用于肯定句中可以用来表示不十分肯定的推测,意为“有可能”; (2)用于否定句中也可以表示推测,may not意为“可能不”,表示一种不太确定的语气。 (2017·高考北京卷)—You needn’t take an umbrella.It isn’t going to rain.

  —Well,I don’t know.It might do. should用来表示推测时意为“应该”,即含有“按道理来说应当如此”的意思。 There shouldn’t be any difficulty about passing the road test since you have practiced a lot in the driving school. 1.(2017·高考江西卷)Life is unpredictable; even the poorest ________ become the richest. A.shall

  B.must C.need

  D.might 解析:考查情态动词。句意:生活是不可预料的,甚至最贫穷的可能变成最富有的。根据unpredictable(不可预料的)可知,本题应该选might(可能)。 D

  2.(2017·高考天津卷)No one ________be more generous; he has a heart of gold. A.could





  三、情态动词+have done 情态动词+have done 用法 例句 must have done may/might have done 表示对过去已经发生的行为进行推测,意为“一定做了某事”。 Harry is feeling uncomfortable.He

  must have drunk too much at the party last night. 表示对过去已发生行为的推测,意为“也许/或许已经(没有)……”。一般用于肯定句或否定句中。 Sorry,I’m late.I might have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again. 情态动词+have done 用法 例句 can...have done/cannot have done could have done 表示对过去发生的行为的怀疑和不肯定,通常用在否定句和疑问句中。(can换成could时语气较委婉) ①I can’t find him anywhere.Where can he have gone? ②The boy can’t have finished reading the book so soon because it is difficult even to an adult. 本来能够而没有做 (2017·高考福建卷)He could have gone on regretting it, as too many of us do. 情态动词+have done 用法 例句 might have done should/ought to have done 表示本来可能……,但实际上没有发生的事情。 You should not swim in that sea.You might have been eaten by a shark. (1)用于肯定句时,表示本该做某事而实际上未做;(2)用于否定句时,则表示不该做的事反而做了。 ①You shouldn’t have done it so carelessly.

  ②You ought to have returned the book earlier. ③You ought not to have refused his offer. 情态动词+have done 用法 例句 needn’t have done 表示做了本来不必去做的事,“没必要做而做了”。 温馨提示 didn’t need to do表示“没必要做而实际上也没有做某事”。 ①You needn’t have brought the book because Tom has one here.

  ②I didn’t need to buy the dictionary.I had a copy at home. (2017·高考陕西卷) My book,The House of Hades,is missing. Who ________ have taken it? A.need

  B.must C.should

  D.could D 一、if条件从句中的虚拟语气 类别 用法 例句 if引导的条件从句 与现在事实相反 从句谓语动词:过去式(be用were) 主句谓语动词:should/would/could/might+动词原形 Sorry, I am too busy now. If I had time, I would certainly go for an outing with you. 很抱歉,我现在非常忙。若我有时间,我将一定与你外出郊游。


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