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2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:必修4 unit5 Theme parks(新人教版)

发布时间:2017-03-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  10.袁隆平作为一名科学家以他的超级杂交水稻而闻名。 Yuan Longping ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ super hybrid rice. 答案:1.get close to(=approach) 2.been modelled after 3.a variety of(=varieties of) 4.does he speak English 5.more than 6.It was no wonder that 7.Wherever she goes 8.came to life 9.since the exam is important 10.is famous as a scientist for his 6.If he hadn't got close the fire, he wouldn't have been killed.__________________ 7.What a fun it is to enjoy a rich dinner with your family members!__________________ 8.In Beijing Olympics, Michael Phelps swam into Olympic history, became the first athlete to win the most gold medals ever.__________________ 9.Han Hong is famous as a pop singer as her unique voice.__________________ 10.Which climber gets to the top first will get a £5,000 prize.__________________

  答案:1.is后加a 2.去掉been 3.Based→Basing 4.make后加a 5.varies后加from 6.close后加to 7.去掉fun前a 8.became→becoming 9.第二个as→for 10.Which→Whichever

  答案: Last weekend, my friend and I took a tour to a village in our neighboring county. While getting close to the village, we found it was modelled after an ancient castle and the village was famous for raising birds. At first, whether we expected or made some voice to get their attention, the birds didn't come out. They came to life when we got close to them at last. We felt greatly amused at the birds' performance. 答案:①admission ②having stolen/stealing 5.preserve vt.保护,维护,保存(使免受破坏);保留 n.保护区 归纳拓展 (1)preserve sb./sth. from...保护某人/某物免受…… preserve sth. for...为……而保存/保留某物 (2)keep sth. in preserve=put sth. on preserve保存/保留某物 nature preserve 自然保护区 well­preserved 保存良好的

  ③In this nature ________, all the rare plants are __________. 在这个自然保护区中,所有的稀有植物都保存良好。 ④He suggested the old temple should be ________ ________ ________. 他建议这座古庙应保留下来。 答案:①preserve our natural resources ②preserve;from ③preserve; well­preserved ④kept in preserve 1.get close to接近;靠近 归纳拓展 get close to(=be close to)接近;靠近 keep close to紧跟 keep a close eye/watch on严密监视;密切注视 stand/sit/live close to靠近……站着/坐着/住着 come close to doing sth.差一点儿就做某事 答案:①get close to the burning building ②stood close to his mother

  2.be modelled after根据……模仿;仿造 归纳拓展 follow the model学习榜样 make a model for...(=set an example to...)为……树立榜样 a model worker模范工人 答案:①is modelled after boat sails ②made a good model for us=set a good example to us 3.come to life活跃 归纳拓展 (1)come to (oneself) 苏醒过来 come to light 被发现;被知晓 come back to life 苏醒过来;复活 when it comes to... 当谈及…… (2)bring sth. (back) to life 使……生动;使……恢复生机 live/lead a...life 过着……的生活 make a life 生活;享受生活 答案:①When it came to ②came to life ③came to light 1.It will bring you into a magical world and make your dreams come true, whether you are travelling through space, visiting a pirate ship or meeting your favourite fairy tale or Disney cartoon character. 无论你是在太空遨游,参观海盗船,还是邂逅你最喜欢的童话故事或者迪斯尼里面的卡通人物,迪斯尼会把你带到魔幻的世界,使你的梦想变为现实。 本句中的whether ... or ...意为“无论……还是……,不管……还是……”,引导让步状语从句。

  归纳拓展 whether ... or ...除了引导让步状语从句外,也可引导名词性从句。 ③_____________ has not been decided.(主语从句) 他是否出国这件事还未定下来。 ④No one knows ___________________________.(宾语从句) 没有人知道该地区是否会发生大地震。 答案:①Whether he rides a bike or takes a bus ②whether they come from the land, the sea or the air ③Whether he will go abroad or not ④whether a big earthquake will happen or not in this area 2.With all these attractions, no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland. 有这么多引人入胜的东西,难怪哪里有迪士尼乐园,哪里的旅游业就会发展。 归纳拓展 There is no doubt that ... 毫无疑问…… There is no possibility that ... 不可能…… There is some chance that ... 很可能…… There is much hope that ... 很有希望……

  ②He hasn't slept at all for three days. ________ ________ ________ ________ that he is tired out. 他三天没睡觉了,难怪他疲惫不堪。 答案:①no wonder ②It is no wonder(=No wonder) 基础知识巩固 答案:whatever 考查名词性从句的引导词。分析句子结构可知,空格处引导的从句作动词believe的宾语,且又在从句中作主语。句意为:有的人相信不管以前发生了什么或者正在发生些什么事情在将来都会重复发生。 答案:speaking 考查非谓语动词作宾语。句意:当涉及到当众演讲时,没有人比得过他。When it comes to sth./ doing sth.当涉及到做某事时,to 为介词,后跟名词、代词、动名词作宾语。“做演讲”speak为不及物动词,无被动语态。 答案:preserved 句意:——这个小镇如此漂亮,我喜欢。——我也是。小镇的特色被很好地保持了。 答案:whatever 句意:——这个周末出去野营来改变一下如何?——行,你喜欢干什么都行。whatever“无论……事物;任何……的事物”,无固定范围。 答案:Whichever 考查名词性从句。句意:无论你们中哪一个打破了窗户都必须赔偿。只有whichever后面可以接代词one。 答案:beyond 考查固定搭配。beyond意为“超出”,beyond one's knowledge为固定搭配,意为“超出某人的知识范围(解答不了)”。 答案:in 考查介词短语。句意:在制订计划前我们最好事先考虑所有的可能性。in advance“预先;提前”,与句意相符。 答案:Not 句意:我们不仅忘记关厨房的灯,而且也忘了锁前门。not only位于句首时,其后的成分要部分倒装。 答案:as; for 考查介词搭配。句意:他作为小说家和诗人而闻名,但更以其小说而闻名。be famous as...“作为……而闻名”;be famous for...“以……而闻名”。 答案:getting 答案:it 句意:笑是最好的药,至少当涉及保护心脏的时候(是这样)。when it comes to...“当涉及……”,为固定句型。 答案:a 考查冠词。颐和园作为“一个”景点,是泛指。

  4.他不仅说英语,而且能用英语写文章。 Not only ________ ________ ________ ________, but also he can write articles in it. 5.In my opinion, this book is ________ ________(不只是) a grammar reference book. It is a grammar dictionary. 6.他那么用功,难怪他成功了。 He had worked so hard. ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ he succeeded. 7.无论她到哪里,总是有很多影迷等着见她。 ________ ________ ________, there are many fans waiting to see her. 8.当这个侦探苏醒过来时,他发现自己躺在床上。 When the detective ________ ________ ________, he found himself lying in bed. 9.好好复习功课吧,因为这次考试很重要。 Work hard at your lessons, ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. Unit 5 Theme parks 必修四 第一部分 基础知识聚焦 考点探究演练 2 基础知识巩固 3 课时规范训练 4 基础知识晨记 1 基础知识晨记 Ⅰ.单词速记 A.快速识记 1.________ n.纪念品 2.________ n.主题;题目 3.________ n.商标;牌子 4.________ n.生物;动物 5.________ n.行动;事迹 6.________ n.发动机;引擎 7.________ adj.独一无二的;仅有的 8.________ n.摇摆;秋千 vi.摇摆;摆动 9.________ n.移民;殖民者→________ v.定居;解决 souvenir










  10.________ adj.中心的;中央的→________ n.中心;中央 11.________ n.少数;少数民族→(反义词) ________ n.多数 12.________ vt.保存;保留 n.保护区→____________ n.保存;保留 13.________ n.翻译;译员→________ v.翻译→__________ n.翻译 14.________ n.幻想;怪念头→________ adj.奇异的;空想的;极好的 central











  15.________ n.允许进入;承认;入场费→________ vt.承认;允许进入 16.________ adj.不同的;各种各样的→________ n.多样;种类;多样化 17.________ n.旅游;旅游业→________ n.旅行;旅游→_________________ n.游客 18.________ vt.& vi.前进;促进;提前 n.进步;前进→________ adj.高级的;先进的 admission









  19.________ n.长度→________ n.宽度→________ n.高度→________ n.深度 20.________ n.吸引;有吸引力的事物→________ vt.吸引→________ adj.吸引人的;有魅力的;引人注目的 length







  B.归类巧记 1.动物类高频词汇集锦 ①creature n.生物;动物 ②kangaroo n.

  袋鼠 ③squirrel n.

  松鼠 ④panda n.

  熊猫 ⑤monster n.

  怪物 ⑥shark n.

  鲨鱼 ⑦dolphin n.

  海豚 ⑧frog n.


  2.“各种各样的”小结 ①various

  ②all kinds of ③all sorts of

  ④a variety of ⑤varieties of 3.后缀­ism构成的高频名词一览 ①tourism

  旅游业 ②criticism

  批评 ③realism

  现实主义 ④socialism

  社会主义 ⑤pessimism

  悲观主义 ⑥optimism

  乐观主义 ⑦heroism

  英雄行为 ⑧impressionism


  4.后缀­th高频名词荟萃 ①length

  长度 ②strength

  力量 ③warmth

  温暖 ④width

  宽度 ⑤depth

  深度 ⑥broadth

  广度 Ⅱ.高频短语 1.种种;各种各样的_______________________ 2.以……为基础______________________ 3.赚取利润______________________ 4.给某人提供某物______________________ 5.打理农场______________________ 6.难怪;不足为奇______________________ 7.仿造;根据……模仿______________________ 8.提前______________________ 9.接近______________________ 10.消遣;自我娱乐______________________ a variety of

  base...on(=be based on)

  make a profit

  provide sb.with sth.

  run a farm

  no wonder

  be modelled after

  in advance(=ahead of time)

  get close to

  amuse oneself

  11.以……而闻名/著名______________________ 12.实现______________________ 13.无论……还是……______________________ 14.玩得开心______________________ 15.(进行)旅行______________________ 16.活跃起来______________________ 17.面对面______________________ 18.对……熟悉/了解______________________ 19.参与;介入_________________________ 20.提醒某人某事______________________ be famous for

  come true


  have fun

  take a trip

  come to life

  face to face

  be familiar with

  involve in(=get involved in)

  remind sb. of sth.

  Ⅲ.佳句填空 1.It will bring you into ________magical world and make your dreams come true, ________ travelling through space, visiting a pirate ship or meeting your favorite fairy or Disney cartoon character. 它可以把你带进一个魔幻般的世界,使你梦想成真,不管是太空旅行,参观海盗船,还是见到你最喜爱的童话人物或迪士尼卡通人物。 2.________ all these attractions, ________ ________tourism is increasing ________ there is Disneyland. 有这些吸引人的东西,难怪凡是有迪士尼乐园的地方旅游业就发展。 3.The amazing, up­to­date information ________ ________ many opportunities for hands­on learning makes the world ________ ________ ________ in a completely new way for visitors. 这些让人惊讶的最新的信息加上大量动手实践的机会,让世界以一种全新的方式展现在游人面前。 4.Futuroscope is ________ ________for individuals ________ ________ is the perfect mix of fun and learning for class outings. 观测未来主题公园不仅适合个人,也适合学生出游,因为它是娱乐与学习的完美结合。 5.Whichever and ________you like, there is a theme park ________ you! 无论你喜欢哪一个,不管你喜欢什么,都会有一个适合你的主题公园! 答案:1.a; whether 2.With; no wonder; wherever 3.together with; come to life 4.not only; but also 5.whatever; for Ⅳ.语法过关 构词法 1.The burning plastic gave off ________ (poison) gas, which is harmful to our health. 答案:poisonous 考查词性转换。应该用形容词修饰名词。 2.When I first got this horse, she was not going to accept any ________(instruct) from me. 答案:instructions instruction“指示,命令”,侧重于表示每一步的具体指示。

  3.The little girl is walking along the beach, happy and joyful,________(occasion) bending down to pick up a beautiful seashell. 答案:occasionally 句意:那个小女孩高兴地沿着沙滩漫步,偶尔弯下腰捡一个美丽的贝壳。根据句意可知,此处应用occasionally,表示“偶尔,间或”。

  4.(2017·南京模拟)Alex has been in China for quite a few years. ________(consequence), he speaks fluent Chinese. 答案:Consequently 句意:Alex已经在中国待了好多年了,因此,他说一口流利的汉语。consequently“因此,所以”,符合句意。 5.In ________ (conclude), I would like to say how much I have enjoyed myself today. 答案:conclusion 考查词性转换。in conclusion总之。 Ⅴ.语篇填空 The theme park you are ①________(probable) most familiar with is Disneyland. ②________ can be found in several parts of the world. It will bring you into ③________ magical world and make ④________ dreams come true, whether ⑤________ (travel) through space, visiting a pirate ship or meeting your favourite fairy tale or Disney cartoon character. As you wander around the fantasy ⑥________ (amuse) park, you may see Snow White or Mickey Mouse in a parade or on the street.

  Of course Disneyland also has many exciting tides, ⑦________ giant swinging ships to terrifying free­fall drops. ⑧________ all these attractions, no wonder tourism is increasing ⑨________ there is a Disneyland. ⑩________ you want to have fun and more than fun, come to Disneyland!

  答案:①probably ②It ③a ④your ⑤traveling ⑥amusement ⑦from ⑧With ⑨wherever ⑩If 考点探究演练 1.amusement n. 消遣;娱乐;乐趣 归纳拓展 amuse sb./oneself逗乐某人;自娱 to one's amusement 令人感到发笑的是

  ④His various fantasies turned out to be quite ________(amuse). 答案:①amusement ②Much to our amusement/To my great amusement ③amused herself ④amusing

  2.attraction n. 有吸引力的事物;吸引;吸引力 归纳拓展 tourist attraction旅游景点 attract sb. to sth.吸引某人到…… attract sb.'s interest/attention 引起某人的兴趣/吸引某人的注意力 be attracted to ... 喜爱……;为……吸引 答案:①Attracted ②attractions ③were attracted

  3.advance n. & vi. & vt. 前进;促进;提前 归纳拓展 in advance提前;预先 advance on向……前进 advance a plan/an idea/a proposal提出计划/看法/建议 advanced adj. 高级的;先进的

  ③In the near future, more ________(advance) in the robot technology will be made by scientists. 在不久的将来,科学家会在机器人技术方面取得更多进展。 ④I'd appreciate it if you could let me know ________ advance whether or not you will come. 如果你能让我提前知道你是否能来,我会很感激的。 答案:①to advance ②advanced ③advances ④in 4.admission n. 允许进入;入场费;承认 归纳拓展 admission free免费入场 an admission ticket入场券 apply for admission to ... 申请进入…… gain/obtain admission into/to ... 获准加入…… make an admission承认 admit sb./sth. into/to ...允许某人/某物进入…… admit doing sth.承认做某事


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