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2017届高考英语一轮复习语法专题提分考点课件:10.2.1 从属连词

发布时间:2017-03-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  语法提分微点案 考点10 并列连词和从属连词 第2讲 从属连词 一、定语从句  微视角 大领悟

  微学堂 涨分数

  微考场 新演练

  微视角 大领悟  

  练知考情 会方法技巧 1.(2015·新课标卷Ⅰ)I'd skipped nearby Guilin, a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River _________________ are pictured by artists in so many Chinese paintings. 解析:先行词the Li River是物,且在定语从句中作主语,所以用that或which引导。 2.(2017·新课标卷Ⅰ)Maybe you are facing an impossible situation. Maybe you have a habit _______________ is driving your family crazy. 解析:本句先行词是a habit,定语从句中使用关系代词that/which指代先行词,在句中作主语。 that/which


  如果是定语从句,就根据定语从句的先行词和代表先行词的关系词在从句中作什么句子成分来确定关系词。若在从句中作主语或宾语,用关系代词;若作状语就用关系副词。 Having tea in the late afternoon provides a bridge between lunch and dinner, that might not be served until 8 o'clock at night. 答案与解析:that→which 这是一个非限制性定语从句,先行词是dinner,应用which引导。 定语从句中关系词的错用或漏用 1.that与which的错用。在不定代词、最高级、序数词等后用that;在非限制性定语从句和介词后用which。 2.关系代词与关系副词的错用。关系代词在从句中作主语、宾语、表语和定语;关系副词在从句中作状语。 3.关系词的漏用。容易受汉语影响漏掉用作主语的关系代词who/that/which等。

  微学堂 涨分数 

  语法精讲 明重点难点 

  1.6种只用that引导定语从句的情况: (1)先行词是all, everything, anything, nothing, something, little, much, none, few, the one等不定代词时。 (2)先行词被all, any, few, every, no, little, much, some等词修饰时。 (3)先行词被序数词、形容词最高级修饰或先行词本身是序数词时。 (4)先行词被the only, the very (正是、恰是), the last修饰时。 (5)先行词含有人和物两者时。 (6)先行词在主句中作表语,关系词在从句中作表语时。 2.4种只用which引导定语从句的情况: (1)引导非限制性定语从句时。 (2)关系代词充当介词的宾语,且介词位于关系代词之前时。 (3)先行词本身是that时。 (4)引导的定语从句修饰前面的整个主句,代替主句所表示的整体概念或部分概念时。 3.5种多用as引导定语从句的情况: (1)非限制性定语从句放在主句之前、主句之后或者插在主句中间皆可。 (2)非限制性定语从句的谓语为be announced, be expected, be known, be mentioned, be reported, be said等被动式谓语。 (3)表示整个主句内容,有时含有“按照;正如;根据”等意思。 (4)在下列固定结构中,关系代词代表整个主句所述的内容: ①as we all know我们都知道 ②as we all can see正如我们大家所能看到的那样 ③as is often the case情况常常如此 ④as is well known众所周知 (5)当先行词被such, the same, so+adj.+a/an, such a/an+adj.修饰时。 1.who和whom的用法。 (1)先行词为one, ones, anyone, those指代人时。 Those who are interested in the film can contact me. 对该电影感兴趣的可与我联系。 (2)当关系代词前面有介词时,只能用whom, whom在定语从句中作介词的宾语时,介词可放在后面,也可提前构成介词+whom(先行词指人)结构。 The settlement is home to nearly 1000 people, many of whom left their village homes for a better life in the city. 这里居住着将近1000人,他们中的许多人都离开家乡去城市追求更好的生活。 2.whose的用法。 whose指人或物,作定语,表示“……的”,可转换为“of+关系代词”。关系代词whose一般指人,表示“该人的”,也可指物,表示“该物的”,在以物为先行词时,可用of which代替在从句中作定语。 提示 关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,从句谓语动词的人称和数要和先行词保持一致。 ①Tom is one of the engineers who are sent abroad. 汤姆是被派往国外的工程师之一。 ②Tom is the only one of the engineers who has come up with the solution. 汤姆就是唯一提出解决方案的那位工程师。 关系副词when, where, why的先行词是表示时间、地点或理由(先行词常见的是reason)的名词,在从句中作状语。 The girl arranged to have piano lessons at the training centre with her sister where she would stay for an hour. 小女孩准备在培训中心与她的妹妹一起上钢琴课,在那里她可以待一小时。 The reason why I don't trust him is that he often tells lies. 我不信任他的原因是他常常撒谎。 提示 当先行词为一些表示抽象地点的名词,如:point, situation, case, stage等,如果引导词在从句中作状语,常用关系副词where引导定语从句;如果作主语或宾语则用关系代词that/which。

  微考场 新演练 

  好题巧练 拿高考满分 

  Ⅰ.单句训练 1.(2015·北京卷)Opposite is St. Paul's Church, ________ you can hear some lovely music. 解析:句意:对面是圣保罗教堂,在那里,你们能听到一些动听的音乐。先行词为St. Paul's Church,将先行词代入定语从句后为:You can hear some lovely music in St. Paul's Church.由此可知关系词在从句中作地点状语,故用where。 2.(2015·江苏卷)The number of smokers, ________ is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in just one year. 解析:句意:正如报道的那样,吸烟的人数仅在一年内就已经减少了百分之十七。本题考查非限制性定语从句。先行词为整个主句的内容,关系词在定语从句中作主语,故填as。as is reported“正如报道的那样”。 as 


  3.(2015·陕西卷)As the smallest child of his family, Alex is always longing for the time ________ he should be able to be independent. 解析:句意:作为家里最小的孩子,Alex总是期盼着他能够独立的时候。先行词为time,将先行词代入定语从句后为:He should be able to be independent at the time.由此可见关系词在定语从句中作时间状语,故答案为when。 4.(2015·四川卷)The books on the desk, ________ covers are shiny, are prizes for us. 解析:句意:桌上那些封面闪闪发亮的书是我们的奖品。先行词为the books,与从句中的covers为所属关系,故答案为whose。 whose 


  5.(2015·浙江卷)Creating an atmosphere ________ employees feel part of a team is a big challenge. 解析:句意:创造出让员工感觉到自己就是团队一员的一种氛围是极大的挑战。先行词为atmosphere,将先行词代入定语从句后为:In the atmosphere employees feel part of a team.关系词在定语从句中充当地点状语,故用where。 6.The exact year ______________ Angela and her family spent together in China was 2008. 解析:句意:安杰拉和她的家人一起在中国度过的确切年份是2008年。在本句中,先行词是the exact year,关系词在定语从句中作spent的宾语,故填which/that。 where 


  7.Please send us all the information ________ you have about the candidate for the position. 解析:句意:请把你拥有的关于竞聘这个职位的那个候选人的所有信息发给我们。在本句中,先行词the information被all修饰,所以只能填关系代词that,而不填which。 8.Is this the reason _______________ he explained at the meeting for his carelessness in his work? 解析:考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知此处含有一个定语从句,从句中explained缺少宾语,故用that/which。 that/which 


  Ⅱ.单句改错 1.This is the factory where I visited last week. 答案与解析:where→that/which或去掉where 句意:这是我上周参观过的工厂。分析本句结构可以看出,句中含有一个定语从句。关系词在从句中作宾语,且指物,应用关系代词that或which引导定语从句,关系代词也可省略。因此把where改为that/which,或者去掉where。

  2.We will start at the point which we left off last time. 答案与解析:which→where 句意:我们将从上次停下来的地方开始。分析句子的结构可知,句中包含一个定语从句,先行词point表示抽象的地点,故把which改为where。 3.Tom's mother kept telling him that he should work hard, that didn't work. 答案与解析:第二个that→which 句意:Tom的母亲不断地告诉他应该认真学习,这没有起任何作用。此处是which引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面整个句子,不能用that。 4.I can recognize the book. That is the same English book as he borrows from the school library. 答案与解析:as→that 句意:我能认出那本书,那就是他从学校图书馆借来的那本英语书(指同一本书)。此处应用关系代词that引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词“English book”。 5.I was impressed by the way which she did it. 答案与解析:去掉which;或which→that;或在which前加in 句意:她做这件事的方式给我留下了深刻的印象。此处“the way”后面为定语从句,关系词在从句中作状语,相当于“用这种方式/方法”,这时通常用that或in which来引导,也可以省略引导词。 6.The problem about that I consulted you has now been solved. 答案与解析:that→which 句意:我向你请教的那个问题现在已经解决了。此处是“介词+which”构成的定语从句。介词后只能用which(指物)和whom(指人),不能用that和who,但当介词放在后面时,在限制性定语从句中,可用that代替which。 7.There is no such man here that you mentioned just now. 答案与解析:that→as 句意:这里没有你刚才提及的那种人。先行词是such修饰的某一名词时,定语从句应用关系代词as来引导,因此把that改为as。 8.Tom is such a good boy as we all love him. 答案与解析:as→that或去掉him 句意:Tom是一个如此出色的孩子,我们都喜欢他。such ...that引导结果状语从句,意为“如此……以至于……”。 Ⅲ.语法填空 Barack Obama has really gone wild. The US president has taken part in the survival television show Running Wild with Bear Grylls, ____________will air on NBC later this year. In the show, Obama goes on an adventure with host Bear Grylls, ____________ (learn) how to survive in the Alaskan wilderness. Edward Michael “Bear” Grylls, 41, has become known around the world as one of the ______________ (famous) outdoor adventures. The Briton has appeared on a number of wilderness survival shows __________ he has climbed, sailed, and eaten bugs(虫子) or cow tongue(舌头). where 



  most famous 

  Obama doesn't have ___________ (eat) bugs or cow tongue on his adventure with Grylls. But he does have to eat leftovers(残余食物)-a bloody salmon(三文鱼). It was partly enjoyed by a bear ___________ left some meat behind. Although he is far from the White House kitchen, Obama seems ________ (enjoy) the outdoors. “As president, I am in ________ is called ‘the bubble(保护膜)’, and the Secret Service makes sure that I'm always out of danger ...but I sometimes want to get out,” he said in a video. However, Obama's _____________ (appear) on the show isn't just for fun. He __________ (take) part to raise awareness of the effects global warming has had on the US' largest state, Alaska. to enjoy 

  to eat 





  解析: 1. which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词show。 2.现在分词作伴随状语。 3.根据设空前的one of the可知该空用最高级。 4. where引导定语从句修饰先行词shows。 5. have to do sth.“不得不做某事”。 6.先行词是a bear,指物,从句中缺少主语,故用关系代词that/which引导定语从句。 7. seem to do sth.“看上去做某事”。 8. what引导宾语从句且在从句中作主语。 9.设空前是名词所有格,故该空用名词。 10.该处谓语表过去发生的动作应用一般过去时。


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