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2017届高考英语(全国卷地区)一轮总复习课件:必修1 Unit 5《Nelson Mandela—a modern hero》

发布时间:2017-03-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  ◇ 短语储存 ◇ 1 out of work 

  失业;没有工作 out of order 混乱,坏了 out of control

  失去控制 out of date

  过时 out of breath

  上气不接下气 out of danger

  脱离危险 out of question

  没问题 out of the question

  不可能 out of place

  位置不当,不得体 Out of sight,out of mind.

  眼不见,心不烦。 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 【活学活用】

  (1)Whenever my boss sees me out of work, he finds something for me to do.


  (2)Mary's cellphone has been out of work for several days, which brought her a lot of inconvenience.

  玛丽的手机坏了好几天了,这给她带来了很多不便。 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录

  (3)用out of相关短语填空。 ①After two weeks' care, her mother was ____________. ②I tried to telephone you last night, but the line was _________________and I couldn't get through. ③The little girl ran so quickly that she was soon _____________. ④I am afraid the fire will get _____________, if the firemen do not arrive within ten minutes. Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero out of breath out of danger out of order/work 考 点 互 动 探 究 out of control 返回目录 2  in trouble  处于不幸中;处于困难或苦恼中(表状态) get into trouble陷入困境(表动作) ask/look for trouble

  找麻烦 take the trouble to do sth

  费时间、精力做某事 make trouble

  捣乱,惹事 have trouble (in) doing sth

  做某事有困难 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 【活学活用】 (1)[2015•湖南卷•单项填空] It was when we were returning home that I realized what a good feeling it was to have helped someone in trouble.

  我在我们回家的途中意识到,向处于困境中的人施以援手的感觉真好。 (2)They are taking a lot of trouble ______________(find) the right person for the right job.

  他们正竭力寻找适合做这项工作的人。 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero to find 考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 (3)I have some trouble ______________(read) the letter. Because his handwriting is very bad.

  我读这封信有些困难,因为他的字很差。 (4)Laura is always lucky, for whenever ________________, somebody is ready to lend her a hand.

  劳拉始终是幸运的,因为每当她处在困境中,总有人愿意伸出援手。 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero (in) reading  考 点 互 动 探 究 (she is) in trouble 返回目录 3 turn to  

  把(注意力等)转到;求助于;致力于;(to begin to work)开始工作

  turn down调小(音量等);拒绝 turn in

  上交 turn ________

  结果是……;证明是…… turn…into…

  把……变成…… turn over

  翻转;翻过来 turn away

  拒绝;不准(某人)进入 [温馨提示]

  在短语turn to中,to 为介词,其后可以跟名词、代词或动名词。 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero out 考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 【活学活用】

  (1)[2015•陕西卷•完形] When I turned to leave, he said,“Hey,would you help me clean my comb?”

  当我转身离开时,他问:“嗨,你能否帮我清洗一下梳子?”(转身) (2)You should not always turn to the dictionary when you meet new words in reading.

  阅读中遇到生词时,不要老是查词典。(求助于) (3)As we chatted over the phone, the talk turned to the fire that occurred last night.

  当我们在电话里聊天时,话题转向了昨晚发生的火灾。(转向) Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录

  (4)用turn短语的适当形式填空。 ①She didn't ________ at the party as she had promised to. ②It __________ that the job was much harder than we had thought. ③She's having a lot of trouble with the new computer, but she doesn't know whom to ________. ④He did not fall asleep, ____________ in bed from time to time. Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero turn up turned over turn to 考 点 互 动 探 究 turning over 返回目录 ◇ 句型透视 ◇ 1  …only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.


  Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 考 点 互 动 探 究 【句式点拨】 当only放在句首修饰状语(通常是副词、介词短语或从句)时,句子需要部分倒装。但如果only放在句首修饰的是句子的主语,句子则不需要倒装。如:Only I know him here.在这里,只有我认识他。 返回目录

  【活学活用】 (1)[2015•天津卷•单项填空] Only when Lily walked into the office did she realize that she had left the contract at home.


  (2)Only after we'd had the car for a few days ________we realize we'd been taken in by the dealer.

  车子到手几天后,我们才明白我们被经销商骗了。 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero did 考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 (3)Only in this way ____________ we live in more comfortable and beautiful surroundings.

  只有用这种方式我们才能生活在更舒服更美丽的环境中。 (4) ________by turning to her father for help did the girl settle the problem at last.

  只有通过向她的父亲求助,女孩才最终解决了这个问题。 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero can 考 点 互 动 探 究 Only 返回目录 ◇ 句型透视 ◇ 2 The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress,until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.


  Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 考 点 互 动 探 究


  (1)see,find等一些动词,可以用地点或时间名词作主语,表示某地或某时“经历、发生、目睹”了某事。该句是一个无生命的名词作主语的句式。 (2)当先行词是stage,situation,case,point,position等词且从句缺少状语时,定语从句常用where或in which来引导,表示抽象的地点。 返回目录 【活学活用】 (1)[2015•重庆卷•阅读E] History has witnessed the endless productions of Shakespearean plays in every major language of the world.

  历史见证了莎士比亚戏剧在世界各种主要语言中的无尽的创造。 (2)Now their peace talks have reached a key stage where one side must give in to the other.

  现在他们的和平会谈到达了一个关键阶段,一方必须向另一方妥协。 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录

  (3)National Day ________________ people singing and dancing happily in the street.

  国庆节人们在大街上高兴地又唱又跳。 (4)In Singapore, government reports, legal papers and most business letters are the main situations __________ English is used.

  在新加坡,政府报告、法律文件和大部分的商业信函都主要使用英语。 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero saw/witnessed 考 点 互 动 探 究 where 返回目录 Ⅰ.单句填空 1.The Voice of China has set up a stage____________ some people can realize their dreams. 2.In the influence of the economy crisis, the retrial trade ____________(witness) a sharp fall in recent years.

  3.It is not until we have improved the qualities in ourselves_________we can expect to find them in others. 4.The soldier narrowly escaped ____________(kill) in the fierce battle. How lucky he was! 5.

  I can't say I'm the best. I have only ______________ (relative) made more efforts than others.

  Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 步 步 跟 踪 验 收 where has witnessed that being killed relatively 返回目录 6.Not only will you

  ____________ (reward) financially, but also with the priceless reward of fulfilment. 7.Each nurse also devotes two evenings a week to __________(study) medical literature in her field.

  8.Your teacher can give you __________(guide) on choosing a career and writing a job application. 9.Many fine old houses in the city are being sentenced ____________destruction by the council's rebuilding plans. 10.Success doesn't only depend on what you do. What you don't do is ____________(equal)


  Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 步 步 跟 踪 验 收 be rewarded studying guidance to equally 返回目录 Ⅱ.单句改错 1. According to the new traffic regulations,the punishment of running a yellow light is equal to run a red one.  

  ________________________________________________ 2. Principal White has been working in the school for about 20 years,devoted all his energy to teaching and researching as well as the running of a healthy school.

  ________________________________________________ 3.Having got involved in a theft,he was sentenced for five

  years in prison.


  run改为running devoted改为devoting for 改为to 步 步 跟 踪 验 收 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 返回目录 4. The worries which he had escaped with so much

  difficulty were crowding back into his mind.

  ____________________________________________  5. Being kept in the prison for over 25 years is a miserable

  memory for Nelson Mandela, but he never regrets it.

  ______________________________________________ 6. She pretended to be calm but as matter of fact she was

  more than nervous at the time she was being questioned.

  ______________________________________________   7. I became worried when I heard that he had attacked by

  an animal on the way home.


  which 前加from as后加a attacked 前加been 去掉the 步 步 跟 踪 验 收 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 返回目录 8.The time he has devoted in the past ten years to help the disabled is now considered to be of great value.   ______________________________________________ 9.Only after they had discussed the matter for several hours they reach a decision.  

  ______________________________________________ 10.The first time when I met him,he was working as a secretary in a big company.


  help改为helping hours 后加did 去掉when 步 步 跟 踪 验 收 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 返回目录 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 佳 作 晨 读 赏 析

  基 础 自 主 梳 理 考 点 互 动 探 究 步 步 跟 踪 验 收 返回目录 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero

  [2017•广东卷] 你接受了一项写作任务,要为当地英语晚报写一篇报道。


  人物:英国人理查德·阿维斯(Richard Avis)




  相关信息: 佳 作 晨 读 赏 析 返回目录 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero






  *同年同月同日出生的人:time twin 佳 作 晨 读 赏 析 返回目录 ——

  精 彩 美 文


  Richard Avis, a British born on December 1st, 1974, has commenced searching for the time twins worldwide since 2011. His purpose, with thought­provoking effect, is to have a better understanding of the true meaning of successful life in diverse cultures. Thanks to the local media, he had succeeded in finding 32 time twins from 13 different countries, with 17 males and 15 females. Those time twins are occupied with such various jobs such as government officials, athletes, drivers, teachers and artists. As for Richard's plan, he intends to connect with 40 time twins before his 40­year­old birthday, so that he can accomplish a book based on this experience.

  Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 佳 作 晨 读 赏 析 返回目录 ——

  名 师 点 睛

  —— 1.文章体裁:记叙文——人物传记。 2.行文逻辑:基本信息→主要事迹。 3.词汇短语:运用了较高级的词汇和短语。如: search for(寻找),worldwide(全世界),thought­provoking (引起思考的,发人深省的),have a better understanding of(对……有更好的理解),diverse,thanks to(多亏了),succeed in,be occupied with,as for(至于),intend(打算),accomplish(完成)等。 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 佳 作 晨 读 赏 析 返回目录

  4.句式句法:运用了多样化的句式结构。如:①非谓语动词: to have a better understanding of(不定式作表语),based on this experience(过去分词作定语);②结果状语从句:so that he can accomplish a book based on this experience。 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 佳 作 晨 读 赏 析 返回目录 Ⅰ.单词荟萃 1.________adj.积极的;活跃的→________adv.积极地;活跃地→________n.活动 2.________vt.(与to连用)献身;专心于→________adj.忠实的;深爱的→__________n.奉献;忠诚 3.__________adj.慷慨的;大方的→generosity n.慷慨;大方 4.________adj.和平的;平静的;安宁的→________n.和平 5.________adj.怀有希望的;有希望的→___________ (反义词) adj.绝望的→________n.& v.希望;盼望 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 基 础 自 主 梳 理 active actively activity devote devoted devotion generous hopeless peaceful hopeful peace hope 返回目录 6.________n.暴力;暴行→________adj.暴力的 7.________adj.相等的;平等的→________adv.相等地;平等地→equality n.平等;相等 8.________vt.教育;训练→________adj.受过教育的;有教养的→__________n.教育 9.________n.亲戚;亲属→________n.血缘关系;亲属→relationship n.关系 10.________vi. 请求;乞求→________n.乞丐

  Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero violence violent equally 基 础 自 主 梳 理 equal educate education educated relative relation beg beggar 返回目录 Ⅱ.短语检测 1.失去信心,气馁 








  ___________________ 5.求助于;致力于







  ___________________ Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero lose heart blow up in trouble set up turn to come to power as a matter of fact/in fact out of work 基 础 自 主 梳 理 返回目录 Ⅲ.佳句再现 1.It was in 1952 and Mandela was the black lawyer

  ________________ I went for advice.

  那是1952年,曼德拉是我去寻求帮助的黑人律师。 2.However, this was a time _________ one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg.

  然而那个时候一个人要想住在约翰内斯堡就必须要有身份证。 3.…only then________ we decide to answer violence with violence.

  ……只有到这个时候,我们才决定用暴力反抗暴力。 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero to whom when

  基 础 自 主 梳 理 did

  返回目录 4.The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress,until today we have reached a stage __________ we have almost no rights at all.

  过去30年来所出现的大量法律剥夺我们的权利,阻挡我们的进步,一直到今天,我们还处在几乎什么权利都没有的阶段。 5.He taught us during the lunch breaks and the evenings when we _____________________.

  在午餐的休息时间和晚上我们本应该睡觉的时候他教授我们。 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero where

  should have been asleep 基 础 自 主 梳 理 返回目录 Ⅳ.课文回顾

  Do you know the 1.________ (form) president of South Africa,Nelson Mandela? He fought for the black people and was 2.________ prison for thirty years. He helped

  black people

  get the equal rights as

  white people.

  Elias was a student in a school. Because his family couldn't afford 3.________ (pay) the school fees, he had to drop out of school. Then he found a job in a gold mine and he worried

  about 4.__________ he would be out of work. It was during this difficult period of time 5.________ he met Nelson Mandela for the first time, who had opened a law Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero former

  in 基 础 自 主 梳 理 to pay whether/if that 返回目录 firm 6.________(advise) poor black people on their problems.

  At that time, black people had no right 7.________(vote) and their life was decided by the whites. Nelson Mandela said to Elias that they were put in a position 8.________ they had either to accept they were less important,or fight the government. So he decided to use 9.________(violent). Though Elias didn't like violence,he helped Nelson Mandela blow up some government buildings. He knew it was dangerous to do it, 10.________he also knew it was to realize their dream of making black and white people equal. Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero to advise to vote 基 础 自 主 梳 理 where violence but 返回目录 ◇ 单词点睛 ◇ 1 devote  vt. (to give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause)投入于,献身


  (2)devoted adj.


  be devoted to


  (3)devotion n.


  devotion to…

  对……的忠诚/关爱 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 [温馨提示] (1)devote作为及物动词,后面的宾语可以是time, life, money, energy,也可以是oneself,也可以用于系表结构be devoted to。 (2)devote…to…中的to为介词,后跟名词或动名词等。类似的短语还有:look forward to, get down to, be/get used to, lead to, pay attention to等。 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 【活学活用】

  (1)[2015•浙江卷•完形] Some complain of unfriendly co­workers and feel sad for eight­hour workweeks devoted to tasks they hate.有的人抱怨那些不友善的同事,对在八小时的工作时间不得不做自己痛恨的任务感到悲伤。 (2)If you want to be promoted, you must ____________________ your work.

  如果你想升职,你就必须将注意力投入到工作。 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero devote your attention to 考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录

  (3)For ten years Nyad devoted herself to ____________(become) one of the world's best long­distance swimmers.

  十年来,Nyad致力于使自己成为世界上最优秀的长距离游泳者之一。 (4)____________ scientific research wholeheartedly, he spends little time with his family.

  他全心全意地献身于科学研究,很少和家人待在一起。 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero becoming Devoted to 考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 2 vote  vt.& vi. 投票;表决;选举 n. 投票;选票;表决

  (1)vote for投票赞成

  vote against


  vote on


  vote to do sth


  (2)put…to the vote

  付诸……表决,裁决 [温馨提示]

  vote for表示“投票赞同”;vote against 表示“投票反对”。类似的结构还有:be for/against; fight for/ against。

  Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 【活学活用】

  (1)Whether you vote for or against the plan doesn't seem to matter very much.

  你是赞成还是反对这项计划看上去似乎并不重要。 (2)In 1869, the Wyoming

  Territorial Council passed a bill giving the women of the territory the right ________.

  1869年,怀俄明州地区议会通过了一项赋予该州女性选举权的法案。 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero to vote 考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 (3)Since we can't reach any agreement, now we vote _________ the problem.

  既然我们没有办法达成一致,现在我们就这个问题投票表决吧。 (4)The committee was about ________________ to impeach the president when a group of police stormed in.


  Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero on

  to vote 考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 3 escape  n. 逃跑;溢出;漏出 vi.(to avoid capture, danger, or harm)逃脱, 避开 vt.(to get free of)逃避,摆脱;被遗忘,未被注意

  (1)a narrow escape幸免于难;侥幸逃脱;九死一生

  make one's escape


  (2)escape from


  escape doing…


  escape being done


  escape prison


  escape from prison

  越狱 [温馨提示]

  escape后要接动名词作宾语。 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 【活学活用】

  (1)[2017•山东卷•阅读B] That particular day, my brother and I sat through both movies twice, trying to escape the heat.

  就在那一天,我和哥哥耐着性子把两场电影都看了两遍,试图躲避高温。 (2)It might have escaped your notice,but I'm very busy at the moment.


  Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 (3)I congratulated myself on a narrow escape when a big billboard fell from a high building.

  当一块儿大的广告牌从高楼坠下时,我暗自庆幸自己死里逃生。 (4)He escaped ________________(kill) when the magazine exploded because he had not gone to work.


  Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero being killed 考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 4 reward  n.报酬,报答;(money offered or given for some special service)酬金 vt.(to give a reward to or for)酬劳;报答;奖赏

  (1)as a reward for作为(对……的)报酬/奖赏

  in reward (for)=in return (for)


  (2)reward sb for sth


  reward sb with sth

  用某物酬谢某人 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 【巧学助记】

  Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 【易混辨析】 reward与award

  Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 考 点 互 动 探 究 动 词 名 词 reward “给予报酬”,指因对方的工作、服务、帮助而给予的报酬或奖赏,常用搭配:reward sb for sth。 赏金、酬金或一些非金钱的报酬。 award “授予,颁发”,常用搭配: award sb sth = award sth to sb

  “奖品,奖励”,其意义与prize相近,两者都指因为做出杰出贡献而受到奖励。 返回目录 【活学活用】 (1)[2017•北京卷•阅读C] In Roland Fryer's research, some students did better than the others because they were rewarded for reading some books.

  在罗兰·弗赖尔的研究中,一些学生比另一些学生做得更好,因为他们读了一些书而得到了回报。 (2)It is unfair that he gets very little ____________ his hard work.


  (3)She started singing to the baby and was rewarded __________a smile.

  她开始给孩子唱歌,孩子则报以微笑。 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero in reward for 考 点 互 动 探 究 with 返回目录 (4)______________ passing the exams, she got a new bike from her parents.

  因为通过了考试,父母奖励给她一辆新自行车。 (5)用award和reward的适当形式填空。 ①Mo Yan was ___________ the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2017. ②It is widely accepted that young babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to __________. ③The police are offering a $60,000 _________ for information about the killer. Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero awarded As a reward for rewards 考 点 互 动 探 究 reward 返回目录 5  equal v.等于;抵得上 adj.相等的;胜任的 n.同等的人;相等物

  (1)A equals B in…   在……方面A比得上B

  be equal to+n./doing sth


  be without equal/have no equal


  (2)equality n.


  equally adv.

  相等地;平等地 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 【活学活用】 (1)[2015•安徽卷•阅读D] In fact, when it comes to the art of war, ants have no equal.

  事实上,当谈到战争的艺术时,蚂蚁是无敌的。 (2)None of us can equal(=__________)her, either in beauty or as a dancer.

  不管是容貌还是舞艺我们都比不上她。 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero be equal to 考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 (3)The film demands attention, and has no equal(=is _______________)in cinema history.

  那部电影众人瞩目,在电影史上无与伦比。 (4)Little pleasure can be equal __________ that of a cool drink in hot summer.

  在炎热的夏天几乎没有任何乐趣能与饮一杯冷饮的乐趣相比。 Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero without equal 考 点 互 动 探 究 to 返回目录


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