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2017届江苏省高考英语一轮复习:选修8 Unit 4课时提升作业(牛津译林版)

发布时间:2017-03-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  选修8 Unit 4

  1. (2017·宝鸡模拟)The rich shouldn’t their wealth. Instead, they should contribute more money to the poor.

  A. show off B. take off

  C. put off

  D. give off

  2. (原创)Many people view sailing romantic and relaxing.

  A. asB. forC. toD. of

  3. (2017·大理模拟)Don’t be afraid of difficulties. They can help you 

  experience, and experience can, in return, broaden your horizons.

  A. accompany B. accumulate

  C. access

  D. acknowledge

  4. (2017·衡水模拟)When to danger and conflict, men tend to increase blood pressure,  nervous and anxious.

  A. exposed; felt B. exposed; feeling

  C. exposing; feeling

  D. exposing; felt

  5. Perhaps the customer has his monthly statement and not paid the bill.

  A. passed B. betrayed

  C. overlooked

  D. escaped

  6. —My teacher says she’s canceling the class play. I just can’t understand.

  — . You were looking forward to it.

  A. It doesn’t matter

  B. It’s very unwise of her

  C. Don’t worry about it

  D. You must be disappointed

  7. (2017·琼海模拟)—The film is, I have to say, not a bit interesting.

  —Why? It’s than the films I have ever seen.

  A. far more interesting B. much less interesting

  C. no more interesting

  D. any less interesting

  8. (2017·吉林模拟)The Oscar winner Life of Pi is good and the pictures are excellent.

  A. in addition B. in general

  C. in common

  D. in particular

  9. —Shall we go to the cinema this weekend?

  — We haven’t seen a film for almost a month.

  A. You are nice.

  B. Thank you!

  C. Sounds great!

  D. Never mind.

  10. I’ll give to your suggestion that we a party in honor of the experienced professor.

  A. much thought; hold

  B. many thoughts; should hold

  C. much thought; will hold

  D. some thought; can hold

  11. (2017·昭通模拟)We are glad to you on the progress you have made.

  A. congratulate

  B. celebrate

  C. greet

  D. appreciate

  12. (2017·青岛二中模拟)We here on time but we were caught in a traffic jam.

  A. must have arrived B. could have arrived

  C. need have arrived

  D. should arrive

  13. (2017·武汉模拟)To sum up,  war is unavoidable, human beings cannot enjoy everlasting peace.

  A. as far as B. as soon as

  C. as long as

  D. as well as

  14. (2017·昆明模拟)In no country Britain can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day.

  A. more than B. other than

  C. rather than

  D. less than

  15. The philosopher Scott Buchanan once observed in a conversation that science 


  A. equals

  B. approaches

  C. approximates

  D. resembles

  Ⅱ. 阅读理解



  The hit movie Notting Hill(《诺丁山》)begins with a famous scene. Hugh Grant bumps into Julia Roberts and spills(洒)orange juice all over her. After the collision(碰撞), Grant repeatedly says, “I am so sorry. I am so sorry. ”

  His behavior in this scene is very British. If Roberts’ character was from Britain then she would probably apologize repeatedly as well—even if the collision was not her fault. But this doesn’t happen in the film, as Roberts is from the US.

  A report in The Telegraph last week said that three quarters of British people apologize when they bump into someone in the street—regardless of whether they are responsible or not. In fact, we Britons use “sorry” in many situations. For example, if we mishear someone, we say “Sorry? ”The person we are talking to will also apologize by replying, “No, I am sorry! ”This can go on for up to five minutes as we compete over who is the most sorry.

  Life is never as simple as “duibuqi” and “meiguanxi”.

  How we use “sorry” has changed. Traditionally, “sorry” was used to express deep regret, but a survey in 2007 showed that we use it to mean anything from “what” to “whatever”.

  Why are Britons so sorry? Mark Tyrell, a psychology writer in the UK, thinks that our apologetic tendencies are rooted in the British class system. We say sorry because historically the new middle class in Britain had to apologize for not being the working class, but also for not really being upper class. Another theory is that we apologize to avoid confrontation(对抗). For example, if you bump into someone, he or she might get angry. To avoid this we instantly say “Sorry! ”

  True manners are about being considerate, and the modern day obsession(执着)with apologizing shows that we are perhaps not as thoughtful as we once were. The word has lost some of its meaning. Do you see my point? Sorry, it might just be a British thing. . .

  1. The author mentions a scene in the hit movie Notting Hil lat the beginning to .

  A. introduce different ways of saying sorry

  B. give an example of British manners

  C. show what kinds of men are considered gentlemen in the UK

  D. draw our attention to how and when British people say sorry

  2. Which of the following statements might Mark Tyrell agree with?

  A. Americans care less about manners than British people do.

  B. The fact British people apologize so much is linked to the class system.

  C. British people care too much about which social class they are from.

  D. People shouldn’t apologize if they are not responsible.

  3. We can conclude from the article that the author thinks .

  A. it’s unnecessary for British people to be so polite

  B. the obsession with apologizing shows Britons are truly sincere

  C. Britons should stick to the traditional use of the word “sorry”

  D. the change of how British people use “sorry” is because of language development

  4. What is the main point of the article?

  A. To explore the best way of saying sorry.

  B. To introduce Britons’ overuse of sorry and why.

  C. To suggest many British people lack traditional manners.

  D. To show how saying sorry has changed over time.


  Growing up on-screen for a decade as Harry Potter, Daniel Radcliffe has had to deal with typecasting his whole career. However, in a new release called The Woman in Black, the successful child actor finally escapes J. K. Rowling’s hero by taking on the lead role in a classic ghost story.

  The movie, which hit Chinese cinemas on Sept 20, 2017, tells the tale of a widowed(丧妻的)lawyer named Arthur Kipps(Radcliffe)who is sent to a remote village in the north of England for a late client’s(客户的)affairs. There, he discovers the town’s tragic past—children die after they see a mysterious woman dressed in black. To clear things up, he decided to stay alone in an old house, which is completely cut off from the mainland at high tide.

  His fears grow when he sees a woman in black looking at him from the window and hears the sound of a pony(小马驹)and trap(双轮轻便马车)in difficulty, followed by the screams of a young child. Kipps decides he must find a way to break the cycle of horror after his son is threatened by the mysterious woman.

  The story pulls out every old, dark house cliché(老套路)going: demonic(恶魔的)dolls, rocking chairs, and the ghostly black-cloaked(穿黑披风的)woman herself. However, it has become one of that year’s biggest box office winners in the UK when it was released there.

  British movie critic Jamie Russell thinks what makes it so different is how character-driven it is and how Radcliffe makes it count.

  “The Woman in Black works because of Radcliffe, not in spite of him, ”he said. “Radcliffe’s face convinces you that Kipps knows what it is to have loved and lost forever. ”

  There is not much conversation. Director James Watkins’s gambled(下赌注)on Radcliffe’s acting. He was not disappointed. “It’s an absolute joy doing the slow push in on Dan, reading his thoughts and letting the camera drift(移动)closer and closer into his eyes, ”he told British magazine Total Film.

  For the former Potter star who has longed for a career away from Hogwarts, this ghost movie is a step in the right direction.

  “It’s mainly about working hard and proving to people you’re serious about it, and stretching(倾注全力)yourself and learning. ”Radcliffe told British online newspaper The Huffington Post.

  And he understands fame is fleeting. “The line that has made the most lasting impression on me was by the US writer William Goldman. He said something like, ‘Stars come and go, only actors last’, ”he told the news website.

  5. What is the movie The Woman in Blacka bout?

  A. It’s about a mysterious woman in black.

  B. It’s about how Arthur Kipps deals with a mysterious woman in black.

  C. It’s about Daniel Radcliffe.

  D. It’s about Arthur Kipps.

  6. Which of the following is NOT true about the movie The Woman in Black according to the passage?

  A. The movie has been one of that year’s biggest box office hits in the UK.

  B. The movie is very successful.

  C. Radcliffe’s excellent acting makes the movie unique.

  D. The movie was only released in England.

  7. What does The Woman in Black mean for Radcliffe, the former Harry Potter star?

  A. It’s a breakthrough for him.

  B. He is very famous.

  C. He has found his own disadvantages.

  D. He values fames.

  8. What is the meaning of the underlined word “fleeting” in the last paragraph?

  A. Lasting.

  B. Not short.

  C. Temporary.

  D. Permanent.

  【技法导练】多学一点 棋高一着


  做这类题时常用略读法。快速阅读文章找出各个段落的主题句。把各个段落的主题句联系起来, 着眼于全文结构安排, 了解文章的重心, 就能概括出文章的中心。命题者在出这类题时, 常常利用生活常识编造干扰项, 把文中的细节当主旨, 利用局部信息编造干扰项, 利用超出文章范围的标题或不能涵盖文章中心意义的标题来考查学生对文章的理解程度, 我们在答题时要特别留意。


  正确或错误的原因 选 项






  Ⅰ. 1. 【解析】选A。句意: 有钱人不应该炫耀自己的财富。而是应该多捐些钱给穷人。show off炫耀。

  2. 【解析】选A。考查介词。句意: 许多人觉得出海航行是浪漫悠闲的。view. . . as. . . “把……看作……”是固定搭配, 因此选A。

  3. 【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。后句句意: 它们(困难)可以帮你积累经验, 而经验反过来可以开拓你的视野。accumulate意为“积累”; accompany意为“陪伴”; access意为“接近”; acknowledge意为“认可”。

  4. 【解析】选B。考查非谓语动词。expose和feel的逻辑主语都是句子的主语men。men是expose的接受者, 而feel是men的感觉, 所以第一个空用v. -ed形式表被动, 第二个空用v. -ing形式表主动。


  As we all know, women do not their faces in public in some Middle Eastern countries.

  A. cover B. keep

  C. expose

  D. protect

  【解析】选C。句意: 众所周知, 一些中东国家的妇女不把脸露在外面。expose“暴露”, 符合句意。

  5. 【解析】选C。考查动词词义辨析。overlook意为“忽略”。句意: 也许这位顾客忽略了他的月度报表, 而没付单。

  6. 【解析】选D。句意: ——我的老师说她要取消课堂剧。我就是不明白。——你肯定非常失望。你一直盼着呢。It doesn’t matter. 没关系, 不要紧; It’s very unwise of her. 她很不明智; Don’t worry about it. 别担心; You must be disappointed. 你肯定非常失望。由语境You were looking forward to it. “你一直盼着呢。”而老师却要取消它可知选择D项“你肯定非常失望”。

  7. 【解析】选A。考查形容词的比较级的用法。从空格后的than可以看出, 应该用比较级结构; 第一个人说电影一点都不有趣; 第二个人的意思正好相反“为什么(这么说)? 这比我看过的电影都有趣多了”。far用在比较级前表示程度。解答此题的关键是理解答语中Why以及说话人“not a bit”的意思。

  8. 【解析】选D。考查介词词组。句意: 奥斯卡获奖影片《少年派的奇幻漂流》不错, 电影中的画面尤其出色。in addition“此外; 另外; 还有”; in general“一般而言; 总的来说”; in common“共有; 共同”; in particular“尤其; 特别”, 强调前面的事物在某一方面尤其突出。本题要注意到语境中good与excellent的对比。

  9. 【解析】选C。句意: ——这周末我们去看电影怎么样? ——听起来很不错(Sounds great)! 我们都近一个月没去看电影了。

  10. 【解析】选A。give much thought to sth. 充分考虑某事; 第二个空先行词为suggestion, 从句应用(should)do结构。

  11.【解析】选A。考查动词辨析。congratulate sb. on sth. 祝贺某人某事; celebrate不跟人作宾语; greet表“问候”; appreciate表“欣赏, 感激”。


  —Mike, our team beat the Rockets last weekend.

  — !

  A. Congratulations

  B. Cheer up

  C. Best wishes

  D. Good luck

  【解析】选A。考查交际用语。从对方的谈话中可知在上周末进行的比赛中获胜了, 故用congratulations向对方表示祝贺。

  12. 【解析】选B。考查情态动词。句意: 我们本可以按时到达这儿的, 但是我们遇到了交通堵塞。could have done sth. 意为“本可以做某事却未做”, 符合句意。must have done sth. 意为“一定做了某事”, 表示对过去的肯定推测; should do sth. 应该做某事。

  13. 【解析】选C。考查短语辨析。句意: 总的来说, 只要战争不可避免, 人类就不能享受永久的和平。as long as意为“只要”; as far as意为“就……而言”; as soon as意为“立刻”; as well as意为“和……”。


  —Do you feel like going to their wedding?

  —Sure, as long as we .

  A. have invited B. were invited

  C. will be invited

  D. are invited

  【解析】选D。考查时态和语态。as long as表示“只要”, 引导条件状语从句, 用一般现在时表示将来。

  14. 【解析】选B。考查短语辨析。句意: 除了英国, 没有别的国家能在一天之内体验四季。more than“多于”; other than“除了”; rather than“而不是”; less than“少于”。根据句意, 选B。

  15.【解析】选D。考查动词辨析。句意: 哲学家Scott Buchanan曾经在一次谈话中说科学与戏剧相似。resemble与……相似, 符合句意。equal等于; approach(空间或时间上)接近; approximate近似, 接近, 后接to。

  Ⅱ. 【文章大意】这是一篇议论文。本文主要分析了英国人过度使用“对不起”一词的现象及其原因。

  1. 【解析】选D。写作目的题。文章开头介绍了电影《诺丁山》里的一个场景, 由格兰特扮演的英国男青年因为撞上了茱莉娅·罗伯茨扮演的女青年而不停地道歉。作者由此引出话题, 即英国人喜欢反复说对不起。

  2. 【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第六段第二句话可知, Mark Tyrell认为英国人反复道歉的行为特点和他们的阶级分化体系有很大的关系。

  3. 【解析】选C。推理判断题。由最后一段第一、二句话可知作者认为现在人们比过去更频繁地道歉, 但这一做法却也体现了他们不如过去体贴和考虑周到, 故选C。

  4. 【解析】选B。主旨大意题。本文主要分析了英国人过度使用“对不起”一词的现象及其原因。


  5. 【解析】选B。主旨大意题。文章第二段介绍了电影的主要内容。

  6. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。从第四段的it has become one of that year’s biggest box office winners in the UK when it was released there. 可知A项是正确的; 赢得了许多的票房, 应该是成功的, 故B项也是正确的; 从第五段British movie critic Jamie Russell thinks what makes it so different is how character-driven it is and how Radcliffe makes it count. 英国影视评论家Jamie Russell对Radcliffe的演技给予赞赏, 是Radcliffe的演技使得电影独特, 所以C项也正确。从第二段的The movie, which hit Chinese cinemas on Sept 20, 2017可知D项不正确。

  7. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。从倒数第三段看出, 这部电影对他来说是一个突破。

  8. 【解析】选C。词义猜测题。从最后一段“. . . ‘Stars come and go, only actors last’, ”he told the news website. 他告诉资讯网的内容看出: 荣誉是不会持续很久的。lasting持久的; temporary暂时的; permanent永久的。


  正确或错误的原因 选 项

  局部信息 A

  较全面概括电影大意 B

  信息错误 C

  信息错误 D


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