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2017届江苏省高考英语一轮复习:必修3 Unit 3梯级演练·强技提能(牛津译林版)

发布时间:2017-03-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Ⅰ. 单项填空

  1. (2017·辽宁高考)Briggs will as general manager when Mitchell retires.

  A. get away B. take over

  C. set off

  D. run out

  2. (2011·上海高考)It’s no use without taking action.

  A. complain B. complaining

  C. being complained

  D. to be complained

  3. (2017·西安模拟)The plan for reconstruction of old city was in just because the residents were unwilling to move from their settlements.

  A. ruins B. ruin

  C. to ruining

  D. being ruined

  4. (2017·南宁模拟)Dreams in our heart will come true one day we insist and keep making great efforts.

  A. as if B. unless

  C. even if

  D. on condition that

  5. (2017·兰州模拟)The purpose of the campaign is to raise the public’s of the dangers of passive smoking.

  A. existence B. connection

  C. awareness

  D. consciousness

  Ⅱ. 单词拼写

  1. Violence(突然发生, 爆发)after the football match.

  2. The big fire(毁坏, 摧毁)the whole house.

  3. If we want everyone to be healthy, (富有的)and happy, strict birth control is quite essential.

  4. A(商业的, 商务的)college teaches us things that would be useful in business.

  5. (渐渐地), he came to realize what the teacher said.

  6. There are many(火山)in this area.

  7. According to the(文件), all the people left the city200years ago.

  8. They were clearing up when the second bomb(爆炸).

  9. When he was young, he was(教育)at Harvard University.

  10. The kind of fish is(有毒的)if it is not cooked well.

  . 完成句子

  1. She(不知道的)having done wrong.

  2. The ceremony was held(为了纪念)those killed in the war.

  3. He(本来能完成)his work, but he went to see a movie with his girlfriend.

  4. The man(据说学习过)abroad for two years.

  5. The parents were satisfied with(他们的儿子被录取)a key university.

  . 话题写作

  根据提示, 利用本单元所学知识, 完成下面的小作文。

  1. 古代文明的人们在世界上兴建了很多建筑物。(civilization, found)

  2. 不幸的是, 有些逐渐成为废墟, 有些仍然存在。(unfortunately, gradually, ruin, remain)

  3. 为了纪念这些逝去的文明, 根据文献记载, 有些已经被重建或修复。(in memory of, document)

  4. 由于像沙尘暴这样的自然灾害, 这些遗留下的建筑遭受到很大的破坏。(disaster, sandstorm, remaining, destroy)

  5. 很多研究者和学者在寻找方法保护这些文化遗物。(researcher, solution, cultural, remains)

  6. 无疑, 越来越多的人意识到这些文化遗产的伟大意义并加入到保护它们的行列中。(no doubt, be aware that, be of +抽象名词, protect)


  Ⅰ. 1. 【解析】选B。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 米切尔退休后布里格斯将接替他任总经理。A项表示离开, 脱身, 逃掉; B项表示接替, 接管; C项表示动身, 出发; D项表示用光, 用尽。

  2. 【解析】选B。考查非谓语动词。句意: 光抱怨而不采取任何行动是没用的。根据固定句型It’s no use doing sth. “做某事没有用”可知选B。

  3. 【解析】选A。句意: 只因为居民们不愿意搬离他们的居住地, 旧城改造的计划成了泡影。be in ruins“成为废墟, 破灭”, 一定要用复数形式。

  4.【解析】选D。句意: 只要我们坚持并不断地努力, 我们内心的梦想终有一天会实现的。on condition that只要, 条件是, 符合句意。as if好像, 仿佛; unless除非, 如果不; even if即使, 虽然。

  5. 【解析】选C。句意: 这次活动的目的是提高公众对被动吸烟危害的认识。raise one’s awareness of sth. 提高某人对某事的认识。existence存在; connection联系, 关系; consciousness知觉, 觉悟, 感觉。

  Ⅱ. 1. erupted

  2. destroyed/ruined

  3. wealthy

  4. commercial

  5. Gradually

  6. volcanoes

  7. document

  8. exploded

  9. educated

  10. poisonous

  Ⅲ. 1. is not aware of

  2. in memory of

  3. could have finished

  4. was said to have studied

  5. their son being admitted to

  Ⅳ. 【参考范文】

  People from ancient civilization founded many famous buildings. Unfortunately, some of them gradually fall in ruins, while some remain today. In memory of these lost civilizations, some of them have been rebuilt or repaired according to the documents. Because of natural disasters like sandstorms, the remaining buildings are greatly destroyed. Many researchers and scholars are looking for solutions to protecting these cultural remains. There is no doubt that more and more people are aware that the cultural relics are of great significance and join in protecting them.


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