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【金版教程】2017高考英语二轮复习训练:3-1-5 非谓语动词b(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编





  1.[2015·北京丰台区一模]________ (talk)to the house owner, the designer had a clear idea of what to do.

  答案:Having talked 考查非谓语作状语。“talk”与逻辑主语“the designer”之间为主动关系,且时间上“talk”发生在谓语动词之前,故填Having talked。

  2.[2015·陕西83中二模]Living in the dormitory means ________(learn) to take care of yourself and understand each other's differences.

  答案:learning 考查非谓语作宾语。mean doing表示“意味着”;mean to do表示“计划,打算做某事”,根据语意可知此处填learning。

  3.[2015·天津河东区一模]That is the only way we can think of ________ (reduce) the overuse of water in students' bathroom.

  答案:to reduce 考查非谓语作定语。干扰信息“we can think of”作定语,修饰“way”,解题时去掉,便使题目结构更加清晰。即:to reduce修饰the way。

  4.[2015·北京石景山一模]Tom made an excellent speech without ________ (refer) to his notes even for once.

  答案:referring 考查非谓语作宾语。介词without后跟动名词作宾语,refer to“参考,查阅”,refer的动名词拼写要注意。

  5.[2015·安徽合肥质检二]The virus Ebola is reported ________ (take) over 3,000 lives in 5 countries of west Africa by now.

  答案:to have taken 考查非谓语作补语。其逻辑主语是“the virus Ebola”,两者是主动关系,且“take over”这一动作已经发生,故填不定式的完成式,注意掌握“be reported to do”这一结构。

  6.[2015·四川雅安月考]I can't imagine how he finished the relay race,________ his foot wounded so seriously.

  答案:with 考查with复合结构。根据句式结构可知,“with+宾语+宾补”作状语。

  7.[2015·四川资阳市二诊]________ (survive) in the sports world, a sports man needs to train constantly to keep himself in best condition.

  答案:To survive 考查非谓语作状语。根据语义可知,此处作目的状语。句意:为了在体育领域生存下去,运动员必须要不断训练保持最佳状态。

  8.[2015·安徽六校联考]—It ________ (rain) heavily, the outing has to be put off to next Friday.

  —I agree.We can't have a worse day like this!

  答案:raining 考查独立主格结构。前后两部分无连词,而后半部分有谓语,故该空填非谓语,且其逻辑主语是“It”,而不是“the outing”。“It”与“rain”之间为逻辑上的主动关系,故填raining,强调动作在进行。

  9.[2015·陕西西工大附中四模]If he takes on this work, he will have no choice but ________ (meet) an even greater challenge.

  答案:to meet 考查非谓语作宾语。在该题目中,but为介词,但其前如有do时后面跟动词原形,若无do时,则要用不定式结构,故填to meet。

  10.[2015·福州毕业班质检]Li Na,the first ________ (achieve) a ranking of world No.2 in Asia,retired from tennis in September, 2017.

  答案:to achieve 考查非谓语作定语。由序数词修饰的名词或序数词自身被非谓语动词修饰时,通常非谓语动词采用不定式形式,故填to achieve。



  [2015·河北七校联考]When you decide you're going to live alone, you get upset. This is __1__ (nature).

  But there's no need to get __2__ (worry). Below are some ideas __3__ can help you out.

  Saving money is __4__ you need to start several months before you move out. You need to save enough money __5__ (help) you survive for at least a month in the new place.

  The __6__ (easy) of all ways is to spend less!

  Search for a place to live in before __7__ (move)

  out.Make sure that the place you choose is in a good location.Besides, you can afford __8__. If you're going to stay in an expensive city, find a roommate so that you can share the expenses.

  And if you have to live __9__ your own for a long time, you'll have to look for a part­time job. If you're __10__ student, you can work in restaurants, theaters, etc.

  And don't spend a lot of money in a wasteful way! Try and save every penny of what you earn.



  2.worried'考查形容词。get worried“担心,担忧”。



  5.to help'考查动词不定式。“你需要存足够的钱,帮助你在新的地方生存至少一个月。”此处用动词不定式作目的状语。



  8.it'考查代词。此处用it指代前面“the place”。

  9.on'考查介词短语。on one's own“单独,独自”。




  [2015·江西九江一模]William Pooley, the first British person to catch the Ebola (埃博拉) virus, has made a full recovery. Mr. Pooley caught the virus while he was working as a volunteer nurse in Sierra Leone. He was looked after at the Royal Free Hospital in London, where he was given the experimental drug ZMapp. Luckily, he made a speedy recovery and was allowed to head home to Suffolk.

  Ebola is a very rare, but deadly disease. It is one of the most infectious diseases known to man. It was first discovered in 1976 by Professor Peter Piot, following outbreaks in Sudan in North Africa and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a country located in the centre of Africa. The disease can infect humans by contact with other infected humans or animals.

  The largest ever outbreak of this rare disease has struck Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, which are all countries in West Africa. It's important to be aware of the fact that the outbreak of Ebola in Africa is in the news because such outbreaks are extremely rare. At present, doctors are working hard across Western


  to educate people there, teaching them about the disease and doing everything they can to stop it from spreading any further.

  There isn't clear treatment available for Ebola. However, there are several experimental medicines being developed. One that has been making headlines is called ZMapp. The use of an experimental drug to treat Ebola has caused some disagreements among scientists, as the drug is still in the testing stages. However, those given ZMapp have shown signs of improvement.


  1.What's the first paragraph mainly about?

  A.William Pooley was the first person to catch the Ebola virus in the UK and has recovered.

  B.William Pooley was infected with the Ebola virus when working in London.

  C.William Pooley was treated in the USA after his infection.

  D.William Pooley was forbidden to go home after his recovery.

  答案:A'考查段落大意。根据第一段的第一句“William Pooley, the first British person to catch the Ebola (埃博拉) virus, has made a full recovery”可知,本段主要讲的是Pooley是英国第一位感染埃博拉病毒的人,并且已经痊愈了,故A项正确。

  2.Which of the following about Ebola is TRUE?

  A.It is very unusual, but can be cured easily.

  B.People cannot be infected with Ebola by contact with infected animals.

  C.Professor Peter Piot discovered Ebola after outbreaks in Africa.

  D.It is the most deadly disease that humans have ever known.

  答案:C'考查正误判断。根据第二段的第一句“Ebola is a very rare, but deadly disease”可知,A项错误;根据第二段的最后一句“The disease can infect humans by contact with other infected humans or animals”可知,B项错误;根据第二段的第二句“It is one of the most infectious diseases known to man”可知,D项错误;根据第二段的第三句“It was first discovered in 1976 by Professor Peter Piot, following outbreaks in...a country located in the centre of Africa”可知,C项正确。

  3.What's the purpose of doctors' working hard in Western Africa?

  A.To cure more patients infected with the Ebola virus.

  B.To arouse the awareness of the people there.

  C.To set a good example to other doctors.

  D.To prevent more people being infected with the Ebola virus.

  答案:D'考查细节理解。根据文章第三段的最后一句“At present, doctors are working hard across Western Africa to educate people there, teaching them about the disease and doing everything they can to stop it from spreading any further”可知,医生在西非努力工作教授人们关于埃博拉病毒的知识,尽一切可能地防止其进一步蔓延。B项干扰性较强,提高人们的意识只是一方面,最终的目的是防止其蔓延。

  4.Why is the use of ZMapp controversial among scientists?

  A.Because it is so expensive that few can afford it.

  B.Because it hasn't had any effect on the people given ZMapp so far.

  C.Because it is still in the period of testing.

  D.Because many doctors used it without approval.

  答案:C'考查细节理解。根据最后一段的倒数第二句“The use of an experimental drug to treat Ebola has caused some disagreements among scientists, as the drug is still in the testing stages”可知,选C项。

  1.recovery n. 恢复;痊愈2.deadly adj. 致命的

  3.contact n./vt. 接触;联系

  4.infect vi./vt. 感染;传染

  5.spread vt. 传播;扩散

  6.treatment n. 治疗;对待

  1.look after 照顾

  2.in the center of 在……中心

  原文:It's important to be aware of the fact that the

  outbreak of Ebola in Africa is in the news because such outbreaks are extremely rare. (同位语从句)


  仿写:The majority of the students hold the view that_it_is_convenient_to_go_to_school_by_electric_bike.




  In a computer age, a broadband Internet connection is very popular now. Whether cable or mobile broadband, today's connections are many times faster than those in the early days. Videos play smoothly, complex websites load quickly, and files download much faster than ten years ago. And the files are much bigger too.

  There's a hidden problem: you have to live near enough to a major city to get broadband Internet. If you don't, it's slow dial­up access for you. And for those living really far away, there may be no Internet access at all.

  Technology experts often talk about the “last mile” problem, which refers to the difficulty of bringing Internet access to remote locations. In cities and suburbs (郊区), it's relatively easy to provide access for everyone. It is much more difficult to deliver access to those living far from cities, especially in developing countries. Internet service providers, for their part, have been reluctant to provide access to sparsely (稀疏地) populated areas. The handful of Internet users they would

  reach wouldn't

  cover the expense.

  But every year, technological advancements allow of more and more Internet users. Most broadband connections today run over existing cable TV and telephone lines although these technologies aren't available everywhere.

  Some companies have delivered the Internet over standard power lines. Advancements in cheaper and more efficient fiber­optic cables (光缆)

  promise to bring extremely fast Internet connections to more users. Still, the “last mile” problem remains hard to deal with. There will always be somewhere that doesn't have an affordable broadband connection. But someday that might not matter. If the rapid progress in cell phone technology has any indication, it may not be too long before an Internet connection simply follows you wherever you go.


  5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A.Internet connections have been popular everywhere.

  B.Internet service providers are willing to care about rural customers.

  C.The problem of Internet access hasn't been completely dealt with.

  D.Computers can't become popular in developing countries.

  答案:C'考查正误判断。根据第二段“There's a hidden problem: you have to live near enough to a major city to get broadband Internet. If you don't, it's slow dial­up access for you.

  And for those living really far away, there may be no Internet access at all”可知,离大城市较远的地区有可能根本无法使用互联网,即互联网的接入问题还没有完全得到解决,故选C项。

  6.Paragraph 4 mainly tells us that technological advancements ________.

  A.make TV and telephone available everywhere

  B.bring great change to people's everyday life

  C.bring faster Internet connections to users

  D.make it possible for more people to use the Internet


  every year,technological advancements

  allow of more and more Internet users”可知,科技的进步使得越来越多的人可以使用互联网,故选D项。

  7.What may eventually settle the “last mile” problem?

  A.The broadband connection's getting faster.

  B.The rapid progress in cell phone technology.

  C.More and more Internet connections.

  D.More and more Internet users.

  答案:B'考查细节理解。根据最后一段的最后一句“If the rapid progress in cell phone technology has any indication,it may not be too long before an Internet connection simply follows you wherever you go”可知,如果手机科技的飞速进步有任何的迹象,那就不用太久,互联网的接入就将跟着你到任何地方,故选B项。

  8.The best title for this passage may be “________”.

  A.Internet Connection Problems

  B.Internet Connections Need Improving

  C.Progress in Internet Connections

  D.Internet Connections Today


  1.connection n. 连接;关系

  2.complex adj. 复杂的;合成的

  3.access n. 进入;接近;通路

  4.remote adj. 遥远的;偏僻的

  5.deliver vt. 发展;递送;接生

  1.refer to 参考;涉及;指的是

  2.be reluctant to 勉强做;不愿意做

  3.deal with 处理;涉及

  原文:Whether cable or mobile broadband, today's connections are many times faster than those in the early days. (倍数表达法)


  仿写:In 2017, the number of the students, who_had_mobile_phones was ten_times_larger_than that of 2010.




  [2015·山东日照校际联考]Everyone can benefit a lot from reading books. The following is about the various benefits of reading books.

  __1__ Whenever you read something, you learn information that you otherwise wouldn't have known. It can be a fact about history or a theory you didn't know existed. If you want to learn new words, reading books is a great way to enlarge your vocabulary.

  __2__ Similar to solving puzzles, reading books allows your mind to practice its processing skills. Going without books for too long will turn your mind into a whirl (混乱).

  One of the primary benefits of reading books is its ability to develop your critical thinking skills. __3__ Wherever you are faced with a similar problem in real life, your mind is able to put its mystery­solving skills to a test.

  One of the great benefits of reading books is that the information in it can be accessed over and over again. For example, reading a cookbook allows you the luxury of reviewing the procedures whenever you need to. __4__ Don't even think about writing the information down because you may lose the paper you wrote down on sooner or later.

  These are just some of the wonderful benefits of reading books. __5__ If you can't even go outside, you can download free e­books online and read them on your computer. That way, you can see how advantageous reading can be for yourself.

  A.Reading books can put you in a confident mood.

  B.You can improve your memory by reading.

  C.Reading books provides you with new knowledge.

  D.Following a recipe from a cooking show will be difficult.

  E.Reading mystery novels, for example, sharpens your mind.

  F.Reading keeps your mind in good condition.

  G.Why don't you drop into the bookstore or library and pick a book up?


  1.C 根据首句最后一句可知该空讲的是读书的几点好处之一,空后“you learn information that you otherwise wouldn't have known”可知答案是C。

  2.F 根据“reading books allows your mind to practice its processing skills”可知答案是F。

  3.E 根据下文中“your mind is able to put its mystery­solving skills to a test”可知答案是E。

  4.D 由上文“reading a cookbook allows you the luxury of reviewing the procedures whenever you need to”可知答案是D。

  5.G 根据“If you can't even go outside, you can download free e­books online and read them on your computer”,可知此处讲述的是读书的途径。故答案是G。


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