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发布时间:2017-03-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  【2016高考训练题】阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。Wonderful places can he visited at a low price. You call visit the following places with hotel rates and services that are down the average.


  Nelson Mandela’s hotel rate is 8 percent down compared to the previous years. You can enjoy safari(狩猎旅行)or just hang out with the free-walking penguins on Boulders Beach, Cape Town. Let’s take the case of Kruger National Park. The entrance fee is 20 USD(14.51 EUR). In the Park, you will discover wild animals of Africa such as buffalo, weaver, elephant shrew, leopard tortoise, ant lion, and rhino beetle. They are gathered in one place just to make visitor’s pleasures. And this is mostly the case in all sites and attractions in South Africa. In Johannesburg holiday makers are free to pay a visit at the Nelson Mandela Museum.

  VENIC (favorite destination and yet low-cost)

  Although Venice is known as one of the most beautiful cities in the world, hotel rates and services are low-cost compared to other destinations. With Venetian atmosphere, you can buy commodities(商品)of world-famous brands easily. One night 3-Stars hotel only costs around 14 Euros or 19. 3 USD ill minimum


  Seafood and a rich history await holidaymakers at affordable prices. Special deals and discounts can be seen in almost all hotels in Atlantic Canada. With 48.24 USD (35 Euros), you can spend one night in Country Hearth Inn Atlantic City. Of course, with more than that, all attractions, services and commodities are available. You can also buy a ticket at 10 OUSD to enter the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic and its wharves(码头).

  1. Where can you see a variety of wild animals?

  A. In the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic.

  B. In Kruger National Park.

  C. In the Piazza San Marco.

  D. At the Nelson Mandela Museum.

  2. A young lady interested in fashion may visit _______.

  A. Venice

  B. South Africa

  C. Johannesburg

  D. the Atlantic Canada

  3. What do these places of interest - have in common?

  A. They can provide unique animals to visitors.

  B. They are all places with a rich history and seafood.

  C. Visitors can enjoy water sports of all kinds.

  D. They are all interesting places with low hotel rates.

  4. What type of writing is this text?

  A. All announcement.

  B. A holiday review.

  C. A travel advertisement.

  D. A science report


  1. B在对南非的介绍中,作者以Kruger National Park为例,说明在非洲许多景区,各种非洲野生动物会被聚集在一起供游客观看。因此正确选项为in Kruger National Parko

  2. A从对威尼斯的介绍中可知With Venetian atmosphere, you can buy commodities (商品)of world-famous brands easily.在这里人们可以买到各种世界知名品牌的商品。

  3. D从文章开头即可以得知这里介绍的景点,宾馆费用都较低廉的。并且各个段落的描述中都提到了低廉的住宿费用,不难看出这是它们的共同点。

  4. C本文介绍了住宿费比较低廉又各具特色的三个旅游景点,因此可以推知这是一则旅游广告


  This Is What a REAL Silver Dollar Looks Like

  If you trust in the yen, the euro, and the dollar…

  stop reading.

  Because this is a story about the silver coin

  EVERYBODY wants.

  You read the headlines. You know that troubled economic times have put global currency on a rollercoaster (过山车)ride. But millions have found a smarter way to build long-term value with high-grade collectable silver. And right now, those people are lining up to secure some of the last 2017 U. S. Mint Silver Eagles, America's Newest Silver Eagle Dollars. Today, you can graduate to the front of that line. Buy now and you can own these brilliant uncirculated Silver Dollars for only $38.95!

  You Can't Afford to Lose

  Why are we releasing (发行) this silver dollar for such a remarkable price? Because we want to introduce you to what hundreds of thousands of smart collectors and satisfied customers have known since 1984—New York Mint is the place to find the world's finest high-grade coins. That's why we're offering you this Brilliant Uncirculated 2017 U. S. Silver Eagle for as little as $37.45 (plus s/h).

  Timing Is Everything

  Our advice? Keep this to yourself. Because the more people who know about this offer, the worse it is for you. Demand for Silver Eagles in 2011 broke records. Experts predict that 2017 Silver Eagles may break them all over again. Due to rapid changes in the price of silver, prices may be higher or lower and are subject to(受……影响)

  change without notice. Supplies are limited. Call immediately to add these Silver Eagles to your holdings before it's too late.

  Offer limited to 40 per household

  2017 American Silver Eagle Coin

  Your cost 1-4 Coins

  $38.95 each + s/h

  5-9 Coins

  $38.45 each + s/h

  10-19 Coins

  $37. 95 each + s/h

  20-40 Coins

  $37.45 each + s/h

  Note: $10 s/h (shipping and handling) for each purchase

  For fastest service, call toll-free 24 hours a day


  Offer Code (代码) ASE177-04

  Please mention this code when you call.

  New York Mint

  14101 Southcross Drive W.,Dept. ASE177-04

  Burnsville, Minnesota 55337

  64. What is stressed in the ad?

  A. The coin is of high quality and worth collecting.

  B. The coin can be circulated as a currency.

  C. Limited supplies guarantee a stable price of the coin.

  D. Demand for the coin is bound to break records.

  65.If you buy six 2017 U. S. Mint Silver Eagles by post, you should pay at least ________.

  A. $230.7

  B. $233.7

  C. $240.7

  D. $243.7

  66.The ad strongly encourages people to purchase the silver coins by ________.

  A. shopping online

  B. making a phone call

  C. lining up in front of the stores

  D. writing to the company



  64.A 细节理解题。可用排除法结合本文目的(广告的目的就是吸引人们购买产品)推断正确答案为A。

  65.C 推理判断题。每块银币38.45元,六块共230.7元,再加上每宗买卖有10元邮寄费,总共240.7元。

  66.B 文中说到“For fastest service, call…”,所以选择B 项。

  [人物型阅读理解]----- (二)

  American actor Johnny Depp can best be described as unconventional.From his early life,his path into acting and even in his choice of movie roles,we can see that Depp has seldom taken the easy road.His willingness to take risks and do the unexpected has made Depp one of the few Hollywood actors able to achieve huge commercial success while maintaining his artistic reputation.

  Born in 1963,Depp was somewhat troublesome as a youth,occasionally turning to petty crime and drugs.When his parents divorced in 1978,Depp dropped out of school against his mother's wishes and started a music band called the Kids.Although the band achieved some success,they were seldom able to make_ends_meet,with Depp often unable to pay his rent,sleeping rough on friends' sofas and even in his car.

  In 1983,the everoptimistic Depp and his new wife,Lori Anderson,moved to Hollywood California to further Depp's musical career.But life there continued to be a struggle and Depp was forced to take a job selling pens door to door to support his new family.His luck changed when Lori's exboyfriend,the famous actor Nicholas Cage,impressed by Depp's good looks and intelligence,suggested he become an actor and helped him get a small part in a movie.Several other minor movie roles—and a divorce from Lori—followed,before Depp got his big break three years later.He landed the leading role in the television series 21 Jump Street,playing a youthful undercover police officer.The hugely popular show turned Depp into a teenage heartthrob overnight.He appeared on the cover of countless magazines and was much sought after by movie producers,eager to exploit his popularity with teenage girls.

  But Depp left 21 Jump Street after three years, when it was at the height of its popularity,later admitting that he hated the show's unoriginal storylines and his “pretty boy” character.In the decade that followed,Depp rejected repeated offers of “pretty boy” roles in bigbudget Hollywood films.Instead he established himself as a serious,somewhat dark,peculiar performer,consistently selecting roles in smaller,independent films that surprise critics and audiences alike.

  Even in the movie that made Depp an international superstar,The Pirates of the Caribbean (2003),he was barely recognizable as Captain Jack Sparrow,the British,longhaired goldentoothed pirate(海盗).This and subsequent(随后的) hit movies have placed Depp at the very top of the commercial film industry (with a paycheck of $20 million for each such movie) but he still continues to make the smaller,stranger films for which he is so greatly admired.

  1.As a youth,Depp could be described as a ________.

  A. serious criminal

  B. trouble maker

  C. drug addict

  D. successful musician

  2.The underlined expression “make ends meet” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to “________”.

  A. get together after a show

  B. meet their audience

  C. play to the end

  D. earn enough to live

  3. In which order did the following events take place in Depp's life?

  a.met Nicholas Cage

  b.started a band called the Kids

  c.played a British pirate

  d.sold pens door to door

  e.got married to Lori Anderson

  f.starred in a TV show

  A. d,b,e,a,c,f

  B. b,e,d,a,f,c

  C. a,b,f,c,d,e

  D. e,d,a,c,f,b

  4.Why did Depp leave the TV show 21 Jump Street?

  A. The show was no longer popular.

  B. He wanted to perform in movies.

  C. He thought the show was terrible.

  D. He rejected planned changes to his role.

  5.Depp's choice of movie roles throughout most of his career suggests that ________.

  A. he valued interesting work over money

  B. he believed he couldn't play “pretty boy” roles well

  C. he was very popular with Hollywood movie producers

  D. he was more interested in shocking audiences than entertaining


  【要点综述】 本文主要介绍了从20世纪80年代到21世纪维持声名的美国的一位豪放不羁且拥有迷人性格的演员约翰尼·德普。

  1.B  细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“Born in 1963, Depp was somewhat troublesome as a youth,occasionally turning to petty crime and drugs.”可知,戴普是一个麻烦制造者,故选B项。A、C两项均不符合题意。


  词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句“…with Depp often unable to pay his rent,sleeping rough on friends' sofas and even in his car.”可知,戴普付不起房租,睡在朋友的沙发上,甚至是他的车子里,故可推出 make ends meet 应该意为“不能赚够维持生计的钱”。

  3.B  细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“When his parents divorced in 1978, Depp dropped out of school against his mother's wishes and started a music band called the Kids.”可知b项发生在1978年;根据第三段第一句“In 1983, the everoptimistic Depp and his new wife, Lori Anderson, moved to Hollywood California to further Depp's musical career.”可知e项发生在1983年;根据第三段第二句“But life there continued to be a struggle and Depp was forced to take a job selling pens door to door to support his new family.”可知d项发生在婚后,到此答案基本上确定了,应该选B项。

  4.C  细节理解题。根据第四段第一句“…later admitting that he hated the show's unoriginal storylines…”可知,他认为这部戏剧没有创造性,也就是很糟糕,故选C项。

  5.A  推理判断题。根据本文最后一句“This and subsequent(随后的)hit movies have placed Depp at the very top of the commercial film industry (with a paycheck of $20 million for each such movie)

  but he still continues to make the smaller, stranger films for which he is so greatly admired.”可知,他珍视有趣的工作胜过对金钱的追求,故选A项。

  【2017】阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 Planning a visit to the UK? Here we help with ways to cut your costs.

  AVOID BIG EVENTS Big sporting events, concerts and exhibitions can increase the cost of accommodation and make it harder to find a room. A standard double room at the Thistle Brighton on the final Friday of the Brighton Comedy Festival (19 Oct.) cost £169.15 at Booking.com. A week later, the same room cost £118.15.

  If you can be flexible and want to know dates to avoid—or you're looking for a big event to pass your time—check out sites such as Whatsonwhen.com, which allow you to search for events in the UK by city, date and category.

  STAY AWAY FROM THE STATION If traveling to your destination by train, you may want to find a good base close to the station, but you could end up paying more for the sake of convenience at the start of your holiday.

  Don't be too choosy about the part of town you stay in. Booking two months in advance, the cheapest room at Travelodge's Central Euston hotel in London for Saturday 22 September was £95.95. A room just a tube journey away at its Covent Garden hotel was £75.75. And at Farringdon, a double room cost just £62.95.

  LOOK AFTER YOURSELF Really central hotels in cities such as London, Edinburgh and Cardiff can cost a fortune, especially at weekends and during big events. As an alternative consider checking into a self-catering flat with its own kitchen. Often these flats are hidden away on the top floors of city centre buildings. A great example is the historic O'Neill Flat on Edinburgh's Royal Mile, available for £420 for five days in late September, with room for four adults.

  GET ON A BIKE London's “Boris bikes” have attracted the most attention, but other cities also have similar programmes that let you rent a bicycle and explore at your own pace, saving you on public transport or car parking costs.

  Among the smaller cities with their own programmes are Newcastle (casual members pay around £1.50 for two hours) and Cardiff (free for up to 30 minutes, or £5 per day).

  56. The Brighton Comedy Festival is mentioned mainly to show big events may ________.

  A. help travelers pass time

  B. attract lots of travelers to the UK

  C. allow travelers to make flexible plans

  D. cause travelers to pay more for accommodation

  57.“Farringdon” in Paragraph 5 is most probably ________.

  A. a hotel away from the train station

  B. the tube line to Covent Garden

  C. an ideal holiday destination

  D. the name of a travel agency

  58.The passage shows that the O'Neill Flat ________.

  A. lies on the ground floor

  B. is located in central London

  C. provides cooking facilities for tourists

  D. costs over £100 on average per day in late September

  59.Cardiff's program allows a free bike for a maximum period of ________.

  A. half an hour

  B. one hour

  C. one hour and a half

  D. two hours

  60.The main purpose of the passage is ________.

  A. to tell visitors how to book in advance

  B. to supply visitors with hotel information

  C. to show visitors the importance of self-help

  D. to offer visitors some money-saving tips

  【要点综述】 文章主要介绍了到英国参观时一些省钱的技巧。

  56. D 推理判断题。文章提到同样的一间房在这个节日和不在这个节日时的价格不同,因此这里是说明在盛大节日时旅行者付出的房费要高一些。

  57. A 推理判断题。 此段的标题就是讲住宿要远离车站,而作者列举Farringdon的双人间价格非常便宜,因此可以推断Farringdon是一个离车站比较远的宾馆。

  58. C 细节理解题。 根据此段的“…checking into a self-catering flat with its own kitchen.” 可知,它是一个为游客提供做饭设备的宾馆。

  59. A 细节理解题。 根据文章最后一句中的“…Cardiff free for up to 30 minutes…”可知,Cardiff能提供最多30分钟的自行车免费租用时间。

  60. D 写作意图题。 文章主要是说在英国旅游省钱的一些好方法,因此D是最佳选项。


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